BSPhysObject.cs 25 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright (c) Contributors,
  3. * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
  4. *
  5. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  6. * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  7. * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  8. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  9. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD
  10. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
  11. * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  12. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
  13. * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
  14. * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  15. *
  26. */
  27. using System;
  28. using System.Collections.Generic;
  29. using System.Text;
  30. using OMV = OpenMetaverse;
  31. using OpenSim.Framework;
  32. using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
  33. namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin
  34. {
  35. /*
  36. * Class to wrap all objects.
  37. * The rest of BulletSim doesn't need to keep checking for avatars or prims
  38. * unless the difference is significant.
  39. *
  40. * Variables in the physicsl objects are in three forms:
  41. * VariableName: used by the simulator and performs taint operations, etc
  42. * RawVariableName: direct reference to the BulletSim storage for the variable value
  43. * ForceVariableName: direct reference (store and fetch) to the value in the physics engine.
  44. * The last one should only be referenced in taint-time.
  45. */
  46. /*
  47. * As of 20121221, the following are the call sequences (going down) for different script physical functions:
  48. * llApplyImpulse llApplyRotImpulse llSetTorque llSetForce
  49. * SOP.ApplyImpulse SOP.ApplyAngularImpulse SOP.SetAngularImpulse SOP.SetForce
  50. * SOG.ApplyImpulse SOG.ApplyAngularImpulse SOG.SetAngularImpulse
  51. * PA.AddForce PA.AddAngularForce PA.Torque = v PA.Force = v
  52. * BS.ApplyCentralForce BS.ApplyTorque
  53. */
  54. // Flags used to denote which properties updates when making UpdateProperties calls to linksets, etc.
  55. public enum UpdatedProperties : uint
  56. {
  57. Position = 1 << 0,
  58. Orientation = 1 << 1,
  59. Velocity = 1 << 2,
  60. Acceleration = 1 << 3,
  61. RotationalVelocity = 1 << 4,
  62. EntPropUpdates = Position | Orientation | Velocity | Acceleration | RotationalVelocity,
  63. }
  64. public abstract class BSPhysObject : PhysicsActor
  65. {
  66. protected BSPhysObject()
  67. {
  68. }
  69. protected BSPhysObject(BSScene parentScene, uint localID, string name, string typeName)
  70. {
  71. IsInitialized = false;
  72. PhysScene = parentScene;
  73. LocalID = localID;
  74. PhysObjectName = name;
  75. Name = name; // PhysicsActor also has the name of the object. Someday consolidate.
  76. TypeName = typeName;
  77. // The collection of things that push me around
  78. PhysicalActors = new BSActorCollection(PhysScene);
  79. // Initialize variables kept in base.
  80. GravModifier = 1.0f;
  81. Gravity = new OMV.Vector3(0f, 0f, BSParam.Gravity);
  82. HoverActive = false;
  83. // We don't have any physical representation yet.
  84. PhysBody = new BulletBody(localID);
  85. PhysShape = new BSShapeNull();
  86. UserSetCenterOfMassDisplacement = null;
  87. PrimAssetState = PrimAssetCondition.Unknown;
  88. // Default material type. Also sets Friction, Restitution and Density.
  89. SetMaterial((int)MaterialAttributes.Material.Wood);
  90. CollisionCollection = new CollisionEventUpdate();
  91. CollisionsLastReported = CollisionCollection;
  92. CollisionsLastTick = new CollisionEventUpdate();
  93. CollisionsLastTickStep = -1;
  94. SubscribedEventsMs = 0;
  95. // Crazy values that will never be true
  96. CollidingStep = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
  97. CollidingGroundStep = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
  98. CollisionAccumulation = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
  99. ColliderIsMoving = false;
  100. CollisionScore = 0;
  101. // All axis free.
  102. LockedLinearAxis = LockedAxisFree;
  103. LockedAngularAxis = LockedAxisFree;
  104. }
  105. // Tell the object to clean up.
  106. public virtual void Destroy()
  107. {
  108. PhysicalActors.Enable(false);
  109. PhysScene.TaintedObject(LocalID, "BSPhysObject.Destroy", delegate()
  110. {
  111. PhysicalActors.Dispose();
  112. });
  113. }
  114. public BSScene PhysScene { get; protected set; }
  115. // public override uint LocalID { get; set; } // Use the LocalID definition in PhysicsActor
  116. public string PhysObjectName { get; protected set; }
  117. public string TypeName { get; protected set; }
  118. // Set to 'true' when the object is completely initialized.
  119. // This mostly prevents property updates and collisions until the object is completely here.
  120. public bool IsInitialized { get; protected set; }
  121. // Return the object mass without calculating it or having side effects
  122. public abstract float RawMass { get; }
  123. // Set the raw mass but also update physical mass properties (inertia, ...)
  124. // 'inWorld' true if the object has already been added to the dynamic world.
  125. public abstract void UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(float mass, bool inWorld);
  126. // The gravity being applied to the object. A function of default grav, GravityModifier and Buoyancy.
  127. public virtual OMV.Vector3 Gravity { get; set; }
  128. // The last value calculated for the prim's inertia
  129. public OMV.Vector3 Inertia { get; set; }
  130. // Reference to the physical body (btCollisionObject) of this object
  131. public BulletBody PhysBody;
  132. // Reference to the physical shape (btCollisionShape) of this object
  133. public BSShape PhysShape;
  134. // The physical representation of the prim might require an asset fetch.
  135. // The asset state is first 'Unknown' then 'Waiting' then either 'Failed' or 'Fetched'.
  136. public enum PrimAssetCondition
  137. {
  138. Unknown, Waiting, FailedAssetFetch, FailedMeshing, Fetched
  139. }
  140. public PrimAssetCondition PrimAssetState { get; set; }
  141. // The objects base shape information. Null if not a prim type shape.
  142. public PrimitiveBaseShape BaseShape { get; protected set; }
  143. // When the physical properties are updated, an EntityProperty holds the update values.
  144. // Keep the current and last EntityProperties to enable computation of differences
  145. // between the current update and the previous values.
  146. public EntityProperties CurrentEntityProperties { get; set; }
  147. public EntityProperties LastEntityProperties { get; set; }
  148. public virtual OMV.Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
  149. // It can be confusing for an actor to know if it should move or update an object
  150. // depeneding on the setting of 'selected', 'physical, ...
  151. // This flag is the true test -- if true, the object is being acted on in the physical world
  152. public abstract bool IsPhysicallyActive { get; }
  153. // Detailed state of the object.
  154. public abstract bool IsSolid { get; }
  155. public abstract bool IsStatic { get; }
  156. public abstract bool IsSelected { get; }
  157. public abstract bool IsVolumeDetect { get; }
  158. // Materialness
  159. public MaterialAttributes.Material Material { get; private set; }
  160. public override void SetMaterial(int material)
  161. {
  162. Material = (MaterialAttributes.Material)material;
  163. // Setting the material sets the material attributes also.
  164. // TODO: decide if this is necessary -- the simulator does this.
  165. MaterialAttributes matAttrib = BSMaterials.GetAttributes(Material, false);
  166. Friction = matAttrib.friction;
  167. Restitution = matAttrib.restitution;
  168. Density = matAttrib.density;
  169. // DetailLog("{0},{1}.SetMaterial,Mat={2},frict={3},rest={4},den={5}", LocalID, TypeName, Material, Friction, Restitution, Density);
  170. }
  171. public override float Density
  172. {
  173. get
  174. {
  175. return base.Density;
  176. }
  177. set
  178. {
  179. DetailLog("{0},BSPhysObject.Density,set,den={1}", LocalID, value);
  180. base.Density = value;
  181. }
  182. }
  183. // Stop all physical motion.
  184. public abstract void ZeroMotion(bool inTaintTime);
  185. public abstract void ZeroAngularMotion(bool inTaintTime);
  186. // Update the physical location and motion of the object. Called with data from Bullet.
  187. public abstract void UpdateProperties(EntityProperties entprop);
  188. public virtual OMV.Vector3 RawPosition { get; set; }
  189. public abstract OMV.Vector3 ForcePosition { get; set; }
  190. public virtual OMV.Quaternion RawOrientation { get; set; }
  191. public abstract OMV.Quaternion ForceOrientation { get; set; }
  192. public OMV.Vector3 RawVelocity { get; set; }
  193. public abstract OMV.Vector3 ForceVelocity { get; set; }
  194. public OMV.Vector3 RawForce { get; set; }
  195. public OMV.Vector3 RawTorque { get; set; }
  196. public override void AddAngularForce(OMV.Vector3 force, bool pushforce)
  197. {
  198. AddAngularForce(force, pushforce, false);
  199. }
  200. public abstract void AddAngularForce(OMV.Vector3 force, bool pushforce, bool inTaintTime);
  201. public abstract void AddForce(OMV.Vector3 force, bool pushforce, bool inTaintTime);
  202. public abstract OMV.Vector3 ForceRotationalVelocity { get; set; }
  203. public abstract float ForceBuoyancy { get; set; }
  204. public virtual bool ForceBodyShapeRebuild(bool inTaintTime) { return false; }
  205. public override bool PIDActive { set { MoveToTargetActive = value; } }
  206. public override OMV.Vector3 PIDTarget { set { MoveToTargetTarget = value; } }
  207. public override float PIDTau { set { MoveToTargetTau = value; } }
  208. public bool MoveToTargetActive { get; set; }
  209. public OMV.Vector3 MoveToTargetTarget { get; set; }
  210. public float MoveToTargetTau { get; set; }
  211. // Used for llSetHoverHeight and maybe vehicle height. Hover Height will override MoveTo target's Z
  212. public override bool PIDHoverActive { set { HoverActive = value; } }
  213. public override float PIDHoverHeight { set { HoverHeight = value; } }
  214. public override PIDHoverType PIDHoverType { set { HoverType = value; } }
  215. public override float PIDHoverTau { set { HoverTau = value; } }
  216. public bool HoverActive { get; set; }
  217. public float HoverHeight { get; set; }
  218. public PIDHoverType HoverType { get; set; }
  219. public float HoverTau { get; set; }
  220. // For RotLookAt
  221. public override OMV.Quaternion APIDTarget { set { return; } }
  222. public override bool APIDActive { set { return; } }
  223. public override float APIDStrength { set { return; } }
  224. public override float APIDDamping { set { return; } }
  225. // The current velocity forward
  226. public virtual float ForwardSpeed
  227. {
  228. get
  229. {
  230. OMV.Vector3 characterOrientedVelocity = RawVelocity * OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(OMV.Quaternion.Normalize(RawOrientation));
  231. return characterOrientedVelocity.X;
  232. }
  233. }
  234. // The forward speed we are trying to achieve (TargetVelocity)
  235. public virtual float TargetVelocitySpeed
  236. {
  237. get
  238. {
  239. OMV.Vector3 characterOrientedVelocity = TargetVelocity * OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(OMV.Quaternion.Normalize(RawOrientation));
  240. return characterOrientedVelocity.X;
  241. }
  242. }
  243. // The user can optionally set the center of mass. The user's setting will override any
  244. // computed center-of-mass (like in linksets).
  245. // Note this is a displacement from the root's coordinates. Zero means use the root prim as center-of-mass.
  246. public OMV.Vector3? UserSetCenterOfMassDisplacement { get; set; }
  247. public OMV.Vector3 LockedLinearAxis { get; set; } // zero means locked. one means free.
  248. public OMV.Vector3 LockedAngularAxis { get; set; } // zero means locked. one means free.
  249. public const float FreeAxis = 1f;
  250. public readonly OMV.Vector3 LockedAxisFree = new OMV.Vector3(FreeAxis, FreeAxis, FreeAxis); // All axis are free
  251. // Enable physical actions. Bullet will keep sleeping non-moving physical objects so
  252. // they need waking up when parameters are changed.
  253. // Called in taint-time!!
  254. public void ActivateIfPhysical(bool forceIt)
  255. {
  256. if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
  257. {
  258. if (IsPhysical)
  259. {
  260. // Physical objects might need activating
  261. PhysScene.PE.Activate(PhysBody, forceIt);
  262. }
  263. else
  264. {
  265. // Clear the collision cache since we've changed some properties.
  266. PhysScene.PE.ClearCollisionProxyCache(PhysScene.World, PhysBody);
  267. }
  268. }
  269. }
  270. // 'actors' act on the physical object to change or constrain its motion. These can range from
  271. // hovering to complex vehicle motion.
  272. // May be called at non-taint time as this just adds the actor to the action list and the real
  273. // work is done during the simulation step.
  274. // Note that, if the actor is already in the list and we are disabling same, the actor is just left
  275. // in the list disabled.
  276. public delegate BSActor CreateActor();
  277. public void EnableActor(bool enableActor, string actorName, CreateActor creator)
  278. {
  279. lock (PhysicalActors)
  280. {
  281. BSActor theActor;
  282. if (PhysicalActors.TryGetActor(actorName, out theActor))
  283. {
  284. // The actor already exists so just turn it on or off
  285. DetailLog("{0},BSPhysObject.EnableActor,enablingExistingActor,name={1},enable={2}", LocalID, actorName, enableActor);
  286. theActor.Enabled = enableActor;
  287. }
  288. else
  289. {
  290. // The actor does not exist. If it should, create it.
  291. if (enableActor)
  292. {
  293. DetailLog("{0},BSPhysObject.EnableActor,creatingActor,name={1}", LocalID, actorName);
  294. theActor = creator();
  295. PhysicalActors.Add(actorName, theActor);
  296. theActor.Enabled = true;
  297. }
  298. else
  299. {
  300. DetailLog("{0},BSPhysObject.EnableActor,notCreatingActorSinceNotEnabled,name={1}", LocalID, actorName);
  301. }
  302. }
  303. }
  304. }
  305. #region Collisions
  306. // Requested number of milliseconds between collision events. Zero means disabled.
  307. protected int SubscribedEventsMs { get; set; }
  308. // Given subscription, the time that a collision may be passed up
  309. protected int NextCollisionOkTime { get; set; }
  310. // The simulation step that last had a collision
  311. protected long CollidingStep { get; set; }
  312. // The simulation step that last had a collision with the ground
  313. protected long CollidingGroundStep { get; set; }
  314. // The simulation step that last collided with an object
  315. protected long CollidingObjectStep { get; set; }
  316. // The collision flags we think are set in Bullet
  317. protected CollisionFlags CurrentCollisionFlags { get; set; }
  318. // On a collision, check the collider and remember if the last collider was moving
  319. // Used to modify the standing of avatars (avatars on stationary things stand still)
  320. public bool ColliderIsMoving;
  321. // 'true' if the last collider was a volume detect object
  322. public bool ColliderIsVolumeDetect;
  323. // Used by BSCharacter to manage standing (and not slipping)
  324. public bool IsStationary;
  325. // Count of collisions for this object
  326. protected long CollisionAccumulation { get; set; }
  327. public override bool IsColliding {
  328. get { return (CollidingStep == PhysScene.SimulationStep); }
  329. set {
  330. if (value)
  331. CollidingStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  332. else
  333. CollidingStep = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
  334. }
  335. }
  336. // Complex objects (like linksets) need to know if there is a collision on any part of
  337. // their shape. 'IsColliding' has an existing definition of reporting a collision on
  338. // only this specific prim or component of linksets.
  339. // 'HasSomeCollision' is defined as reporting if there is a collision on any part of
  340. // the complex body that this prim is the root of.
  341. public virtual bool HasSomeCollision
  342. {
  343. get { return IsColliding; }
  344. set { IsColliding = value; }
  345. }
  346. public override bool CollidingGround {
  347. get { return (CollidingGroundStep == PhysScene.SimulationStep); }
  348. set
  349. {
  350. if (value)
  351. CollidingGroundStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  352. else
  353. CollidingGroundStep = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
  354. }
  355. }
  356. public override bool CollidingObj {
  357. get { return (CollidingObjectStep == PhysScene.SimulationStep); }
  358. set {
  359. if (value)
  360. CollidingObjectStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  361. else
  362. CollidingObjectStep = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
  363. }
  364. }
  365. // The collisions that have been collected for the next collision reporting (throttled by subscription)
  366. protected CollisionEventUpdate CollisionCollection;
  367. // This is the collision collection last reported to the Simulator.
  368. public CollisionEventUpdate CollisionsLastReported;
  369. // Remember the collisions recorded in the last tick for fancy collision checking
  370. // (like a BSCharacter walking up stairs).
  371. public CollisionEventUpdate CollisionsLastTick;
  372. private long CollisionsLastTickStep = -1;
  373. // The simulation step is telling this object about a collision.
  374. // Return 'true' if a collision was processed and should be sent up.
  375. // Return 'false' if this object is not enabled/subscribed/appropriate for or has already seen this collision.
  376. // Called at taint time from within the Step() function
  377. public delegate bool CollideCall(uint collidingWith, BSPhysObject collidee, OMV.Vector3 contactPoint, OMV.Vector3 contactNormal, float pentrationDepth);
  378. public virtual bool Collide(uint collidingWith, BSPhysObject collidee,
  379. OMV.Vector3 contactPoint, OMV.Vector3 contactNormal, float pentrationDepth)
  380. {
  381. bool ret = false;
  382. // The following lines make IsColliding(), CollidingGround() and CollidingObj work
  383. CollidingStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  384. if (collidingWith <= PhysScene.TerrainManager.HighestTerrainID)
  385. {
  386. CollidingGroundStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  387. }
  388. else
  389. {
  390. CollidingObjectStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  391. }
  392. CollisionAccumulation++;
  393. // For movement tests, remember if we are colliding with an object that is moving.
  394. ColliderIsMoving = collidee != null ? (collidee.RawVelocity != OMV.Vector3.Zero) : false;
  395. ColliderIsVolumeDetect = collidee != null ? (collidee.IsVolumeDetect) : false;
  396. // Make a collection of the collisions that happened the last simulation tick.
  397. // This is different than the collection created for sending up to the simulator as it is cleared every tick.
  398. if (CollisionsLastTickStep != PhysScene.SimulationStep)
  399. {
  400. CollisionsLastTick = new CollisionEventUpdate();
  401. CollisionsLastTickStep = PhysScene.SimulationStep;
  402. }
  403. CollisionsLastTick.AddCollider(collidingWith, new ContactPoint(contactPoint, contactNormal, pentrationDepth));
  404. // If someone has subscribed for collision events log the collision so it will be reported up
  405. if (SubscribedEvents()) {
  406. CollisionCollection.AddCollider(collidingWith, new ContactPoint(contactPoint, contactNormal, pentrationDepth));
  407. DetailLog("{0},{1}.Collison.AddCollider,call,with={2},point={3},normal={4},depth={5},colliderMoving={6}",
  408. LocalID, TypeName, collidingWith, contactPoint, contactNormal, pentrationDepth, ColliderIsMoving);
  409. ret = true;
  410. }
  411. return ret;
  412. }
  413. // Send the collected collisions into the simulator.
  414. // Called at taint time from within the Step() function thus no locking problems
  415. // with CollisionCollection and ObjectsWithNoMoreCollisions.
  416. // Return 'true' if there were some actual collisions passed up
  417. public virtual bool SendCollisions()
  418. {
  419. bool ret = true;
  420. // If the 'no collision' call, force it to happen right now so quick collision_end
  421. bool force = (CollisionCollection.Count == 0 && CollisionsLastReported.Count != 0);
  422. // throttle the collisions to the number of milliseconds specified in the subscription
  423. if (force || (PhysScene.SimulationNowTime >= NextCollisionOkTime))
  424. {
  425. NextCollisionOkTime = PhysScene.SimulationNowTime + SubscribedEventsMs;
  426. // We are called if we previously had collisions. If there are no collisions
  427. // this time, send up one last empty event so OpenSim can sense collision end.
  428. if (CollisionCollection.Count == 0)
  429. {
  430. // If I have no collisions this time, remove me from the list of objects with collisions.
  431. ret = false;
  432. }
  433. DetailLog("{0},{1}.SendCollisionUpdate,call,numCollisions={2}", LocalID, TypeName, CollisionCollection.Count);
  434. base.SendCollisionUpdate(CollisionCollection);
  435. // Remember the collisions from this tick for some collision specific processing.
  436. CollisionsLastReported = CollisionCollection;
  437. // The CollisionCollection instance is passed around in the simulator.
  438. // Make sure we don't have a handle to that one and that a new one is used for next time.
  439. // This fixes an interesting 'gotcha'. If we call CollisionCollection.Clear() here,
  440. // a race condition is created for the other users of this instance.
  441. CollisionCollection = new CollisionEventUpdate();
  442. }
  443. return ret;
  444. }
  445. // Subscribe for collision events.
  446. // Parameter is the millisecond rate the caller wishes collision events to occur.
  447. public override void SubscribeEvents(int ms) {
  448. // DetailLog("{0},{1}.SubscribeEvents,subscribing,ms={2}", LocalID, TypeName, ms);
  449. SubscribedEventsMs = ms;
  450. if (ms > 0)
  451. {
  452. // make sure first collision happens
  453. NextCollisionOkTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(SubscribedEventsMs);
  454. PhysScene.TaintedObject(LocalID, TypeName+".SubscribeEvents", delegate()
  455. {
  456. if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
  457. CurrentCollisionFlags = PhysScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS);
  458. });
  459. }
  460. else
  461. {
  462. // Subscribing for zero or less is the same as unsubscribing
  463. UnSubscribeEvents();
  464. }
  465. }
  466. public override void UnSubscribeEvents() {
  467. // DetailLog("{0},{1}.UnSubscribeEvents,unsubscribing", LocalID, TypeName);
  468. SubscribedEventsMs = 0;
  469. PhysScene.TaintedObject(LocalID, TypeName+".UnSubscribeEvents", delegate()
  470. {
  471. // Make sure there is a body there because sometimes destruction happens in an un-ideal order.
  472. if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
  473. CurrentCollisionFlags = PhysScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS);
  474. });
  475. }
  476. // Return 'true' if the simulator wants collision events
  477. public override bool SubscribedEvents() {
  478. return (SubscribedEventsMs > 0);
  479. }
  480. // Because 'CollisionScore' is called many times while sorting, it should not be recomputed
  481. // each time called. So this is built to be light weight for each collision and to do
  482. // all the processing when the user asks for the info.
  483. public void ComputeCollisionScore()
  484. {
  485. // Scale the collision count by the time since the last collision.
  486. // The "+1" prevents dividing by zero.
  487. long timeAgo = PhysScene.SimulationStep - CollidingStep + 1;
  488. CollisionScore = CollisionAccumulation / timeAgo;
  489. }
  490. public override float CollisionScore { get; set; }
  491. #endregion // Collisions
  492. #region Per Simulation Step actions
  493. public BSActorCollection PhysicalActors;
  494. // When an update to the physical properties happens, this event is fired to let
  495. // different actors to modify the update before it is passed around
  496. public delegate void PreUpdatePropertyAction(ref EntityProperties entprop);
  497. public event PreUpdatePropertyAction OnPreUpdateProperty;
  498. protected void TriggerPreUpdatePropertyAction(ref EntityProperties entprop)
  499. {
  500. PreUpdatePropertyAction actions = OnPreUpdateProperty;
  501. if (actions != null)
  502. actions(ref entprop);
  503. }
  504. #endregion // Per Simulation Step actions
  505. // High performance detailed logging routine used by the physical objects.
  506. protected void DetailLog(string msg, params Object[] args)
  507. {
  508. if (PhysScene.PhysicsLogging.Enabled)
  509. PhysScene.DetailLog(msg, args);
  510. }
  511. }
  512. }