runprebuild.bat 700 B

  1. @echo OFF
  2. copy bin\System.Drawing.Common.dll.win bin\System.Drawing.Common.dll
  3. dotnet bin\prebuild.dll /target vs2022 /targetframework net8_0 /excludedir = "obj | bin" /file prebuild.xml
  4. @echo Creating compile.bat
  5. rem To compile in release mode
  6. @echo dotnet build --configuration Release OpenSim.sln > compile.bat
  7. rem To compile in debug mode comment line (add rem to start) above and uncomment next (remove rem)
  8. rem @echo dotnet build --configuration Debug OpenSim.sln > compile.bat
  9. :done
  10. if exist "bin\addin-db-002" (
  11. del /F/Q/S bin\addin-db-002 > NUL
  12. rmdir /Q/S bin\addin-db-002
  13. )
  14. if exist "bin\addin-db-004" (
  15. del /F/Q/S bin\addin-db-004 > NUL
  16. rmdir /Q/S bin\addin-db-004
  17. )