AssetInventoryServer.ini.example 5.1 KB

  1. [Config]
  2. ; The port number for the asset server to listen on.
  3. listen_port = 8003
  4. ; Points to an XML file which describes assets to load on startup.
  5. ; This is "./assets/AssetSets.xml" by default and can be changed below.
  6. ;assetset_location = ./assets/AssetSets.xml
  7. [Plugins]
  8. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  9. ; Asset Storage Provider
  10. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  11. ; SimpleAssetStorage is a very basic storage system for the purposes of
  12. ; illustrating a storage backend example. The assets are stored in
  13. ; SimpleAssets/ and TempAssets/ (which is deleted when the server shuts down).
  14. ; Metadata is generated for all of the files at startup and when new assets are
  15. ; uploaded.
  16. ;asset_storage_provider = SimpleAssetStorage
  17. ; OpenSimAssetStorage connects to a database that has an assets table created
  18. ; by OpenSim. This backend combined with the OpenSimFrontend will allow the asset
  19. ; server to be used as a drop-in replacement for OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe,
  20. ; while also allowing other frontends to run.
  21. asset_storage_provider = OpenSimAssetStorage
  22. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  23. ; Inventory Storage Provider
  24. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  25. ; SimpleInventoryStorage is a very basic inventory storage system for the
  26. ; purposes of illustrating an inventory backend example. The inventory is stored
  27. ; in SimpleInventory/ by creating a folder for each agent that contains all of
  28. ; the inventory items and folders serialized as XML files.
  29. ;inventory_storage_provider = SimpleInventoryStorage
  30. ; OpenSimInventoryStorage connects to a database that has an inventory table
  31. ; created by OpenSim. This backend combined with the OpenSimInventoryFrontend
  32. ; will allow the server to be used as a drop-in replacement for
  33. ; OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe, while also allowing other frontends to run.
  34. ; *** NOTE: Inventory is not currently implemented.
  35. inventory_storage_provider = OpenSimInventoryStorage
  36. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  37. ; Authentication Provider
  38. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  39. ; NullAuthentication does nothing.
  40. authentication_provider = NullAuthentication
  41. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  42. ; Authorization Provider
  43. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  44. ; Authorize all is a dummy authorization module that allows all requests for
  45. ; metadata, data, and asset creation. Use this extension if your primary
  46. ; storage provider or front-end interface does not support authentication.
  47. authorization_provider = AuthorizeAll
  48. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  49. ; Metrics Provider
  50. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  51. ; NullMetrics contains empty logging functions. Use this metrics provider if
  52. ; you want to disable metrics collection and reporting.
  53. metrics_provider = NullMetrics
  54. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  55. ; Frontends
  56. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  57. ; Specify multiple frontends as a comma-separated list.
  58. ; ReferenceFrontend is a simple frontend that provides three basic REST
  59. ; methods. /assetid/metadata will return the metadata for an asset (currently in
  60. ; LLSD format, that will change soon). /assetid/data will return the raw asset
  61. ; data with proper Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers to make
  62. ; downloading assets in a web browser easy.
  63. ; OpenSimAssetFrontend is a frontend that matches the existing OpenSim XML for
  64. ; transferring grid assets. This will allow the asset server to function as a
  65. ; drop-in replacement for OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe, and can be combined with
  66. ; OpenSimAssetStorage to provide an identical replacement, or any other asset
  67. ; storage backend.
  68. ; OpenSimInventoryFrontend is a frontend that matches the existing OpenSim XML
  69. ; for transferring inventory. This will allow the inventory server to function as
  70. ; a drop-in replacement for OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe, and can be combined
  71. ; with OpenSimInventoryStorage to provide an identical replacement, or any other
  72. ; inventory storage backend.
  73. ; *** NOTE: Inventory is not currently implemented.
  74. ; BrowseFrontend is an HTML interface for browsing through the asset store.
  75. frontends = ReferenceFrontend,OpenSimAssetFrontend,OpenSimInventoryFrontend,BrowseFrontend
  76. [OpenSim]
  77. ; The OpenSim section applies to the OpenSim plugin (OpenSimAssetStorage,
  78. ; OpenSimInventoryStorage, OpenSimAssetFronend, OpenSimInventoryFrontend).
  79. ; The database provider determines which database to use. Any database backend
  80. ; supported by OpenSim is supported.
  81. asset_database_provider = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
  82. ;asset_database_provider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
  83. ;asset_database_provider = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll"
  84. inventory_database_provider = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
  85. ;inventory_database_provider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
  86. ;inventory_database_provider = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll"
  87. ; Database connection string used by the database backend.
  88. ; For SQLite
  89. asset_database_connect = "URI=file:Asset.db,version=3"
  90. inventory_database_connect = "URI=file:Inventory.db,version=3"
  91. ; For MySQL
  92. ;asset_database_connect = "Server=localhost; Database=opensim; User=changeme; Password=changeme;"
  93. ;inventory_database_connect = "Server=localhost; Database=opensim; User=changeme; Password=changeme;"
  94. ; For NHibernate
  95. ;asset_database_connect = "SQLiteDialect;SQLite20Driver;Data Source=file:Asset.db;Version=3"
  96. ;inventory_database_connect = "SQLiteDialect;SQLite20Driver;Data Source=file:Asset.db;Version=3"