/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // based on XMREngine from Mike Rieker (DreamNation), Melanie Thielker and meta7 // but with several changes to be more cross platform. using log4net; using Mono.Addins; using Nini.Config; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring; using OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.Linden; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes; using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared; using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api; using OpenMetaverse; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Timers; using System.Xml; using LSL_Float = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLFloat; using LSL_Integer = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLInteger; using LSL_Key = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLString; using LSL_List = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.list; using LSL_Rotation = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.Quaternion; using LSL_String = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLString; using LSL_Vector = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.Vector3; [assembly: Addin("YEngine", OpenSim.VersionInfo.VersionNumber)] [assembly: AddinDependency("OpenSim.Region.Framework", OpenSim.VersionInfo.VersionNumber)] namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Yengine { [Extension(Path = "/OpenSim/RegionModules", NodeName = "RegionModule", Id = "YEngine")] public partial class Yengine: INonSharedRegionModule, IScriptEngine, IScriptModule { public static readonly DetectParams[] zeroDetectParams = new DetectParams[0]; private static ArrayList noScriptErrors = new ArrayList(); public static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private static readonly string[] scriptReferencedAssemblies = new string[0]; private bool m_LateInit; private bool m_TraceCalls; public bool m_Verbose; public bool m_ScriptDebug; public bool m_ScriptDebugSaveSource; public bool m_ScriptDebugSaveIL; public Scene m_Scene; private IConfigSource m_ConfigSource; private IConfig m_Config; private string m_ScriptBasePath; private bool m_Enabled = false; public bool m_StartProcessing = false; private Dictionary m_ScriptErrors = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary> m_ObjectItemList = new Dictionary>(); private Dictionary m_ObjectInstArray = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary m_XMRInstanceApiCtxFieldInfos = new Dictionary(); public int m_StackSize; private int m_HeapSize; private Thread m_SleepThread = null; private bool m_Exiting = false; private int m_MaintenanceInterval = 10; private System.Timers.Timer m_MaintenanceTimer; public int numThreadScriptWorkers; private object m_FrameUpdateLock = new object(); private event ThreadStart m_FrameUpdateList = null; // Various instance lists: // m_InstancesDict = all known instances // find an instance given its itemID // m_StartQueue = instances that have just had event queued to them // m_YieldQueue = instances that are ready to run right now // m_SleepQueue = instances that have m_SleepUntil valid // sorted by ascending m_SleepUntil private Dictionary m_InstancesDict = new Dictionary(); public Queue m_ThunkQueue = new Queue(); public XMRInstQueue m_StartQueue = new XMRInstQueue(); public XMRInstQueue m_YieldQueue = new XMRInstQueue(); public XMRInstQueue m_SleepQueue = new XMRInstQueue(); private string m_LockedDict = "nobody"; private ThreadPriority m_workersPrio; public Yengine() { } public string Name { get { return "YEngine"; } } public Type ReplaceableInterface { get { return null; } } public string ScriptEnginePath { get { return m_ScriptBasePath; } } public string ScriptClassName { get { return "YEngineScript"; } } public string ScriptBaseClassName { get { return typeof(XMRInstance).FullName; } } public ParameterInfo[] ScriptBaseClassParameters { get { return typeof(XMRInstance).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(WaitHandle) }).GetParameters(); } } public string[] ScriptReferencedAssemblies { get { return scriptReferencedAssemblies; } } public void Initialise(IConfigSource config) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: Initialize entry"); m_ConfigSource = config; ////foreach (IConfig icfg in config.Configs) { //// m_log.Debug("[YEngine]: Initialise: configs[" + icfg.Name + "]"); //// foreach (string key in icfg.GetKeys ()) { //// m_log.Debug("[YEngine]: Initialise: " + key + "=" + icfg.GetExpanded (key)); //// } ////} m_Enabled = false; m_Config = config.Configs["YEngine"]; if(m_Config == null) { m_log.Info("[YEngine]: no config, assuming disabled"); return; } m_Enabled = m_Config.GetBoolean("Enabled", false); m_log.InfoFormat("[YEngine]: config enabled={0}", m_Enabled); if(!m_Enabled) return; numThreadScriptWorkers = m_Config.GetInt("NumThreadScriptWorkers", 2); string priority = m_Config.GetString("Priority", "Normal"); m_TraceCalls = m_Config.GetBoolean("TraceCalls", false); m_Verbose = m_Config.GetBoolean("Verbose", false); m_ScriptDebug = m_Config.GetBoolean("ScriptDebug", false); m_ScriptDebugSaveSource = m_Config.GetBoolean("ScriptDebugSaveSource", false); m_ScriptDebugSaveIL = m_Config.GetBoolean("ScriptDebugSaveIL", false); m_StackSize = m_Config.GetInt("ScriptStackSize", 2048) << 10; m_HeapSize = m_Config.GetInt("ScriptHeapSize", 1024) << 10; // Verify that our ScriptEventCode's match OpenSim's scriptEvent's. bool err = false; for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { string mycode = "undefined"; string oscode = "undefined"; try { mycode = ((ScriptEventCode)i).ToString(); Convert.ToInt32(mycode); mycode = "undefined"; } catch { } try { oscode = ((OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.scriptEvents)(1 << i)).ToString(); Convert.ToInt32(oscode); oscode = "undefined"; } catch { } if(mycode != oscode) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[YEngine]: {0} mycode={1}, oscode={2}", i, mycode, oscode); err = true; } } if(err) { m_Enabled = false; return; } m_workersPrio = ThreadPriority.Normal; switch (priority) { case "Lowest": m_workersPrio = ThreadPriority.Lowest; break; case "BelowNormal": m_workersPrio = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; break; case "Normal": m_workersPrio = ThreadPriority.Normal; break; case "AboveNormal": m_workersPrio = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; break; case "Highest": m_workersPrio = ThreadPriority.Highest; break; default: m_log.ErrorFormat("[YEngine] Invalid thread priority: '{0}'. Assuming Normal", priority); break; } m_MaintenanceInterval = m_Config.GetInt("MaintenanceInterval", 10); if(m_MaintenanceInterval > 0) { m_MaintenanceTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(m_MaintenanceInterval * 60000); m_MaintenanceTimer.Elapsed += DoMaintenance; m_MaintenanceTimer.Start(); } MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("yeng", false, "yeng", "yeng [...|help|...] ...", "Run YEngine script engine commands", RunTest); TraceCalls("[YEngine]: Initialize successful"); } public void AddRegion(Scene scene) { if(!m_Enabled) return; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.AddRegion({0})", scene.RegionInfo.RegionName); m_Scene = scene; m_Scene.RegisterModuleInterface(this); m_ScriptBasePath = m_Config.GetString("ScriptBasePath", "ScriptEngines"); m_ScriptBasePath = Path.Combine(m_ScriptBasePath, "Yengine"); m_ScriptBasePath = Path.Combine(m_ScriptBasePath, scene.RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(m_ScriptBasePath); string sceneName = m_Scene.Name; m_log.InfoFormat("[YEngine]: Enabled for region {0}", sceneName); m_log.InfoFormat("[YEngine]: {0}.{1}MB stacksize, {2}.{3}MB heapsize", (m_StackSize >> 20).ToString(), (((m_StackSize % 0x100000) * 1000) >> 20).ToString("D3"), (m_HeapSize >> 20).ToString(), (((m_HeapSize % 0x100000) * 1000) >> 20).ToString("D3")); m_SleepThread = StartMyThread(RunSleepThread, "Yengine sleep" + " (" + sceneName + ")", ThreadPriority.Normal); for (int i = 0; i < numThreadScriptWorkers; i++) StartThreadWorker(i, m_workersPrio, sceneName); m_Scene.EventManager.OnRezScript += OnRezScript; m_Scene.StackModuleInterface(this); } private void OneTimeLateInitialization() { // Build list of defined APIs and their 'this' types and define a field in XMRInstanceSuperType. ApiManager am = new ApiManager(); Dictionary apiCtxTypes = new Dictionary(); foreach(string api in am.GetApis()) { m_log.Debug("[YEngine]: adding api " + api); IScriptApi scriptApi = am.CreateApi(api); Type apiCtxType = scriptApi.GetType(); if(api == "LSL") apiCtxType = typeof(XMRLSL_Api); apiCtxTypes[api] = apiCtxType; } if(ScriptCodeGen.xmrInstSuperType == null) // Only create type once! { // Start creating type XMRInstanceSuperType that contains a field // m_ApiManager_ that points to the per-instance context // struct for that API, ie, the 'this' value passed to all methods // in that API. It is in essence: // public class XMRInstanceSuperType : XMRInstance { // public XMRLSL_Api m_ApiManager_LSL; // 'this' value for all ll...() functions // public MOD_Api m_ApiManager_MOD; // 'this' value for all mod...() functions // public OSSL_Api m_ApiManager_OSSL; // 'this' value for all os...() functions // .... // } AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(); assemblyName.Name = "XMRInstanceSuperAssembly"; AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run); ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("XMRInstanceSuperModule"); TypeBuilder typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType("XMRInstanceSuperType", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class); typeBuilder.SetParent(typeof(XMRInstance)); foreach(string apiname in apiCtxTypes.Keys) { string fieldName = "m_ApiManager_" + apiname; typeBuilder.DefineField(fieldName, apiCtxTypes[apiname], FieldAttributes.Public); } // Finalize definition of XMRInstanceSuperType. // Give the compiler a short name to reference it by, // otherwise it will try to use the AssemblyQualifiedName // and fail miserably. ScriptCodeGen.xmrInstSuperType = typeBuilder.CreateType(); ScriptObjWriter.DefineInternalType("xmrsuper", ScriptCodeGen.xmrInstSuperType); } // Tell the compiler about all the constants and methods for each API. // We also tell the compiler how to get the per-instance context for each API // by reading the corresponding m_ApiManager_ field of XMRInstanceSuperType. foreach(KeyValuePair kvp in apiCtxTypes) { // get API name and the corresponding per-instance context type string api = kvp.Key; Type apiCtxType = kvp.Value; // give script compiler an abbreviated name for the API context type ScriptObjWriter.DefineInternalType("apimanager_" + api, apiCtxType); // this field tells the compiled code where the per-instance API context object is // eg, for the OSSL API, it is in ((XMRInstanceSuperType)inst).m_ApiManager_OSSL string fieldName = "m_ApiManager_" + api; FieldInfo fieldInfo = ScriptCodeGen.xmrInstSuperType.GetField(fieldName); m_XMRInstanceApiCtxFieldInfos[api] = fieldInfo; // now tell the compiler about the constants and methods for the API ScriptConst.AddInterfaceConstants(null, apiCtxType.GetFields()); TokenDeclInline.AddInterfaceMethods(null, apiCtxType.GetMethods(), fieldInfo); } // Add sim-specific APIs to the compiler. IScriptModuleComms comms = m_Scene.RequestModuleInterface(); if(comms != null) { // Add methods to list of built-in functions. Delegate[] methods = comms.GetScriptInvocationList(); foreach(Delegate m in methods) { MethodInfo mi = m.Method; try { CommsCallCodeGen cccg = new CommsCallCodeGen(mi, comms, m_XMRInstanceApiCtxFieldInfos["MOD"]); Verbose("[YEngine]: added comms function " + cccg.fullName); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[YEngine]: failed to add comms function " + mi.Name); m_log.Error("[YEngine]: - " + e.ToString()); } } // Add constants to list of built-in constants. Dictionary consts = comms.GetConstants(); foreach(KeyValuePair kvp in consts) { try { ScriptConst sc = ScriptConst.AddConstant(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); Verbose("[YEngine]: added comms constant " + sc.name); } catch(Exception e) { m_log.Error("[YEngine]: failed to add comms constant " + kvp.Key); m_log.Error("[YEngine]: - " + e.Message); } } } else { Verbose("[YEngine]: comms not enabled"); } } /** * @brief Generate code for the calls to the comms functions. * It is a tRUlY EvIL interface. * To call the function we must call an XMRInstanceSuperType.m_ApiManager_MOD.modInvoker?() * method passing it the name of the function as a string and the script * argument list wrapped up in an object[] array. The modInvoker?() methods * do some sick type conversions (with corresponding mallocs) so we can't * call the methods directly. */ private class CommsCallCodeGen: TokenDeclInline { private static Type[] modInvokerArgTypes = new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(object[]) }; public static FieldInfo xmrInstModApiCtxField; private MethodInfo modInvokerMeth; private string methName; /** * @brief Constructor * @param mi = method to make available to scripts * mi.Name = name that is used by scripts * mi.GetParameters() = parameter list as defined by module * includes the 'UUID host','UUID script' parameters that script does not see * allowed types for script-visible parameters are as follows: * Single -> float * Int32 -> integer * OpenMetaverse.UUID -> key * Object[] -> list * OpenMetaverse.Quaternion -> rotation * String -> string * OpenMetaverse.Vector3 -> vector * mi.ReturnType = return type as defined by module * types are same as allowed for parameters * @param comms = comms module the method came from * @param apictxfi = what field in XMRInstanceSuperType the 'this' value is for this method */ public CommsCallCodeGen(MethodInfo mi, IScriptModuleComms comms, FieldInfo apictxfi) : base(null, false, NameArgSig(mi), RetType(mi)) { methName = mi.Name; string modInvokerName = comms.LookupModInvocation(methName); if(modInvokerName == null) throw new Exception("cannot find comms method " + methName); modInvokerMeth = typeof(MOD_Api).GetMethod(modInvokerName, modInvokerArgTypes); xmrInstModApiCtxField = apictxfi; } // script-visible name(argtype,...) signature string private static string NameArgSig(MethodInfo mi) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(mi.Name); sb.Append('('); ParameterInfo[] mps = mi.GetParameters(); for(int i = 2; i < mps.Length; i++) { ParameterInfo pi = mps[i]; if(i > 2) sb.Append(','); sb.Append(ParamType(pi.ParameterType)); } sb.Append(')'); return sb.ToString(); } // script-visible return type // note that although we support void, the comms stuff does not private static TokenType RetType(MethodInfo mi) { Type rt = mi.ReturnType; if(rt == typeof(float)) return new TokenTypeFloat(null); if(rt == typeof(int)) return new TokenTypeInt(null); if(rt == typeof(object[])) return new TokenTypeList(null); if(rt == typeof(OpenMetaverse.UUID)) return new TokenTypeKey(null); if(rt == typeof(OpenMetaverse.Quaternion)) return new TokenTypeRot(null); if(rt == typeof(string)) return new TokenTypeStr(null); if(rt == typeof(OpenMetaverse.Vector3)) return new TokenTypeVec(null); if(rt == null || rt == typeof(void)) return new TokenTypeVoid(null); throw new Exception("unsupported return type " + rt.Name); } // script-visible parameter type private static string ParamType(Type t) { if(t == typeof(float)) return "float"; if(t == typeof(int)) return "integer"; if(t == typeof(OpenMetaverse.UUID)) return "key"; if(t == typeof(object[])) return "list"; if(t == typeof(OpenMetaverse.Quaternion)) return "rotation"; if(t == typeof(string)) return "string"; if(t == typeof(OpenMetaverse.Vector3)) return "vector"; throw new Exception("unsupported parameter type " + t.Name); } /** * @brief Called by the compiler to generate a call to the comms function. * @param scg = which script is being compiled * @param errorAt = where in the source code the call is being made (for error messages) * @param result = a temp location to put the return value in if any * @param args = array of script-visible arguments being passed to the function */ public override void CodeGen(ScriptCodeGen scg, Token errorAt, CompValuTemp result, CompValu[] args) { // Set up 'this' pointer for modInvoker?() = value from ApiManager.CreateApi("MOD"). scg.PushXMRInst(); scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Castclass, xmrInstModApiCtxField.DeclaringType); scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldfld, xmrInstModApiCtxField); // Set up 'fname' argument to modInvoker?() = name of the function to be called. scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldstr, methName); // Set up 'parms' argument to modInvoker?() = object[] of the script-visible parameters, // in their LSL-wrapped form. Of course, the modInvoker?() method will malloc yet another // object[] and type-convert these parameters one-by-one with another round of unwrapping // and wrapping. // Types allowed in this object[]: // LSL_Float, LSL_Integer, LSL_Key, LSL_List, LSL_Rotation, LSL_String, LSL_Vector int nargs = args.Length; scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, nargs); scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(object)); for(int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Dup); scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); // get location and type of argument CompValu arg = args[i]; TokenType argtype = arg.type; // if already in a form acceptable to modInvoker?(), // just push it to the stack and convert to object // by boxing it if necessary // but if something like a double, int, string, etc // push to stack converting to the LSL-wrapped type // then convert to object by boxing if necessary Type boxit = null; if(argtype is TokenTypeLSLFloat) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_Float); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeLSLInt) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_Integer); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeLSLKey) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_Key); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeList) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_List); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeRot) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_Rotation); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeLSLString) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_String); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeVec) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt); boxit = typeof(LSL_Vector); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeFloat) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt, new TokenTypeLSLFloat(argtype)); boxit = typeof(LSL_Float); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeInt) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt, new TokenTypeLSLInt(argtype)); boxit = typeof(LSL_Integer); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeKey) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt, new TokenTypeLSLKey(argtype)); boxit = typeof(LSL_Key); } else if(argtype is TokenTypeStr) { args[i].PushVal(scg, errorAt, new TokenTypeLSLString(argtype)); boxit = typeof(LSL_String); } else throw new Exception("unsupported arg type " + argtype.GetType().Name); if(boxit.IsValueType) scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Box, boxit); // pop the object into the object[] scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Stelem, typeof(object)); } // Call the modInvoker?() method. // It leaves an LSL-wrapped type on the stack. if(modInvokerMeth.IsVirtual) scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Callvirt, modInvokerMeth); else scg.ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Call, modInvokerMeth); // The 3rd arg to Pop() is the type on the stack, // ie, what modInvoker?() actually returns. // The Pop() method will wrap/unwrap as needed. Type retSysType = modInvokerMeth.ReturnType; if(retSysType == null) retSysType = typeof(void); TokenType retTokType = TokenType.FromSysType(errorAt, retSysType); result.Pop(scg, errorAt, retTokType); } } /** * @brief Called late in shutdown procedure, * after the 'Shutting down..." message. */ public void RemoveRegion(Scene scene) { if(!m_Enabled) return; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.RemoveRegion({0})", scene.RegionInfo.RegionName); if(m_MaintenanceTimer != null) { m_MaintenanceTimer.Stop(); m_MaintenanceTimer.Dispose(); } // Write script states out to .state files so it will be // available when the region is restarted. DoMaintenance(null, null); // Stop executing script threads and wait for final // one to finish (ie, script gets to CheckRun() call). m_Exiting = true; if(m_SleepThread != null) { lock(m_SleepQueue) Monitor.PulseAll(m_SleepQueue); if(!m_SleepThread.Join(250)) m_SleepThread.Abort(); m_SleepThread = null; } StopThreadWorkers(); m_Scene.EventManager.OnFrame -= OnFrame; m_Scene.EventManager.OnRezScript -= OnRezScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnRemoveScript -= OnRemoveScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnScriptReset -= OnScriptReset; m_Scene.EventManager.OnStartScript -= OnStartScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnStopScript -= OnStopScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnGetScriptRunning -= OnGetScriptRunning; m_Scene.EventManager.OnShutdown -= OnShutdown; m_Enabled = false; m_Scene = null; } public void RegionLoaded(Scene scene) { if(!m_Enabled) return; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.RegionLoaded({0})", scene.RegionInfo.RegionName); m_Scene.EventManager.OnFrame += OnFrame; m_Scene.EventManager.OnRemoveScript += OnRemoveScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnScriptReset += OnScriptReset; m_Scene.EventManager.OnStartScript += OnStartScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnStopScript += OnStopScript; m_Scene.EventManager.OnGetScriptRunning += OnGetScriptRunning; m_Scene.EventManager.OnShutdown += OnShutdown; InitEvents(); } public void StartProcessing() { m_log.Debug("[YEngine]: StartProcessing entry"); m_StartProcessing = true; ResumeThreads(); m_log.Debug("[YEngine]: StartProcessing return"); m_Scene.EventManager.TriggerEmptyScriptCompileQueue(0, ""); } public void Close() { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.Close()"); } private void RunTest(string module, string[] args) { if(args.Length < 2) { m_log.Info("[YEngine]: missing command, try 'yeng help'"); return; } m_log.Info("[YEngine]: " + m_Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName); switch(args[1]) { case "cvv": m_log.InfoFormat("[YEngine]: compiled version value = {0}", ScriptCodeGen.COMPILED_VERSION_VALUE); break; case "help": case "?": m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng reset [-help ...]"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng resume - resume script processing"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng suspend - suspend script processing"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng ls [-help ...]"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng cvv - show compiler version value"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng mvv [] - show migration version value"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng tracecalls [yes | no]"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng verbose [yes | no]"); m_log.Info("[YEngine]: yeng pev [-help ...] - post event"); break; case "ls": XmrTestLs(args, 2); break; case "mvv": m_log.InfoFormat("[YEngine]: migration version value = {0}", XMRInstance.migrationVersion); break; case "pev": XmrTestPev(args, 2); break; case "reset": XmrTestReset(args, 2); break; case "resume": m_log.Info("[YEngine]: resuming scripts"); ResumeThreads(); break; case "suspend": m_log.Info("[YEngine]: suspending scripts"); SuspendThreads(); break; case "tracecalls": if(args.Length > 2) m_TraceCalls = (args[2][0] & 1) != 0; m_log.Info("[YEngine]: tracecalls " + (m_TraceCalls ? "yes" : "no")); break; case "verbose": if(args.Length > 2) m_Verbose = (args[2][0] & 1) != 0; m_log.Info("[YEngine]: verbose " + (m_Verbose ? "yes" : "no")); break; default: m_log.Error("[YEngine]: unknown command " + args[1] + ", try 'yeng help'"); break; } } // Not required when not using IScriptInstance // public IScriptWorkItem QueueEventHandler(object parms) { return null; } public Scene World { get { return m_Scene; } } public IScriptModule ScriptModule { get { return this; } } public void SaveAllState() { m_log.Error("[YEngine]: YEngine.SaveAllState() called!!"); } #pragma warning disable 0067 public event ScriptRemoved OnScriptRemoved; public event ObjectRemoved OnObjectRemoved; #pragma warning restore 0067 // Events targeted at a specific script // ... like listen() for an llListen() call // public bool PostScriptEvent(UUID itemID, EventParams parms) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if (instance == null) return false; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.PostScriptEvent({0},{1})", itemID.ToString(), parms.EventName); instance.PostEvent(parms); return true; } public void CancelScriptEvent(UUID itemID, string eventName) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if (instance == null) return; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.CancelScriptEvent({0},{1})", itemID.ToString(), eventName); instance.CancelEvent(eventName); } // Events targeted at all scripts in the given prim. // localID = which prim // parms = event to post // public bool PostObjectEvent(uint localID, EventParams parms) { if(m_Exiting) return false; SceneObjectPart part = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localID); if(part == null) return false; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.PostObjectEvent({0},{1})", localID.ToString(), parms.EventName); // In SecondLife, attach events go to all scripts of all prims // in a linked object. So here we duplicate that functionality, // as all we ever get is a single attach event for the whole // object. if(parms.EventName == "attach") { bool posted = false; foreach(SceneObjectPart primpart in part.ParentGroup.Parts) posted |= PostPrimEvent(primpart, parms); return posted; } // Other events go to just the scripts in that prim. return PostPrimEvent(part, parms); } private bool PostPrimEvent(SceneObjectPart part, EventParams parms) { UUID partUUID = part.UUID; // Get list of script instances running in the object. XMRInstance[] objInstArray; lock(m_InstancesDict) { if(!m_ObjectInstArray.TryGetValue(partUUID, out objInstArray)) return false; if(objInstArray == null) { objInstArray = RebuildObjectInstArray(partUUID); m_ObjectInstArray[partUUID] = objInstArray; } } // Post event to all script instances in the object. if(objInstArray.Length <= 0) return false; foreach(XMRInstance inst in objInstArray) inst.PostEvent(parms); return true; } public DetectParams GetDetectParams(UUID itemID, int number) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance == null) return null; return instance.GetDetectParams(number); } public void SetMinEventDelay(UUID itemID, double delay) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if (instance != null) instance.MinEventDelay = delay; } public int GetStartParameter(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if (instance == null) return 0; return instance.StartParam; } // This is the "set running" method // public void SetScriptState(UUID itemID, bool state, bool self) { SetScriptState(itemID, state); } public void SetScriptState(UUID itemID, bool state) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) instance.Running = state; } // Control display of the "running" checkbox // public bool GetScriptState(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance == null) return false; return instance.Running; } public void SetState(UUID itemID, string newState) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.SetState({0},{1})", itemID.ToString(), newState); } public void ApiResetScript(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) instance.ApiReset(); } public void ResetScript(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) { IUrlModule urlModule = m_Scene.RequestModuleInterface(); if(urlModule != null) urlModule.ScriptRemoved(itemID); instance.Reset(); } } public IConfig Config { get { return m_Config; } } public IConfigSource ConfigSource { get { return m_ConfigSource; } } public string ScriptEngineName { get { return "YEngine"; } } public IScriptApi GetApi(UUID itemID, string name) { FieldInfo fi; if(!m_XMRInstanceApiCtxFieldInfos.TryGetValue(name, out fi)) return null; XMRInstance inst = GetInstance(itemID); if(inst == null) return null; return (IScriptApi)fi.GetValue(inst); } /** * @brief Get script's current state as an XML string * - called by "Take", "Take Copy" and when object deleted (ie, moved to Trash) * This includes the .state file */ public string GetXMLState(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance == null) return String.Empty; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.GetXMLState({0})", itemID.ToString()); if(!instance.m_HasRun) return String.Empty; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); /* * Set up tag. */ XmlElement stateN = doc.CreateElement("", "State", ""); doc.AppendChild(stateN); XmlAttribute engineA = doc.CreateAttribute("", "Engine", ""); engineA.Value = ScriptEngineName; stateN.Attributes.Append(engineA); XmlAttribute uuidA = doc.CreateAttribute("", "UUID", ""); uuidA.Value = itemID.ToString(); stateN.Attributes.Append(uuidA); XmlAttribute assetA = doc.CreateAttribute("", "Asset", ""); string assetID = instance.AssetID.ToString(); assetA.Value = assetID; stateN.Attributes.Append(assetA); // Get ... item that hold's script's state. // This suspends the script if necessary then takes a snapshot. XmlElement scriptStateN = instance.GetExecutionState(doc); stateN.AppendChild(scriptStateN); return doc.OuterXml; } // Set script's current state from an XML string // - called just before a script is instantiated // So we write the .state file so the .state file will be seen when // the script is instantiated. public bool SetXMLState(UUID itemID, string xml) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { doc.LoadXml(xml); } catch { return false; } TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.SetXMLState({0})", itemID.ToString()); // Make sure so we know it is in our // format. XmlElement stateN = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode("State"); if(stateN == null) return false; bool isX = false; string sen = stateN.GetAttribute("Engine"); if (sen == null) return false; if (sen != ScriptEngineName) { if(sen != "XEngine") return false; isX = true; } // ... contains contents of .state file. XmlElement scriptStateN = (XmlElement)stateN.SelectSingleNode("ScriptState"); if(scriptStateN == null) return false; if(!isX) { sen = stateN.GetAttribute("Engine"); if ((sen == null) || (sen != ScriptEngineName)) return false; } XmlAttribute assetA = doc.CreateAttribute("", "Asset", ""); assetA.Value = stateN.GetAttribute("Asset"); scriptStateN.Attributes.Append(assetA); // Write out the .state file with the ... XML text string statePath = XMRInstance.GetStateFileName(m_ScriptBasePath, itemID); using (FileStream ss = File.Create(statePath)) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ss)) sw.Write(scriptStateN.OuterXml); } return true; } public bool PostScriptEvent(UUID itemID, string name, Object[] p) { if(!m_Enabled) return false; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.PostScriptEvent({0},{1})", itemID.ToString(), name); return PostScriptEvent(itemID, new EventParams(name, p, zeroDetectParams)); } public bool PostObjectEvent(UUID itemID, string name, Object[] p) { if(!m_Enabled) return false; TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.PostObjectEvent({0},{1})", itemID.ToString(), name); SceneObjectPart part = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(itemID); if(part == null) return false; return PostObjectEvent(part.LocalId, new EventParams(name, p, zeroDetectParams)); } // about the 3523rd entrypoint for a script to put itself to sleep public void SleepScript(UUID itemID, int delay) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) instance.Sleep(delay); } // Get a script instance loaded, compiling it if necessary // // localID = the object as a whole, may contain many scripts // itemID = this instance of the script in this object // script = script source code // startParam = value passed to 'on_rez' event handler // postOnRez = true to post an 'on_rez' event to script on load // defEngine = default script engine // stateSource = post this event to script on load public void OnRezScript(uint localID, UUID itemID, string script, int startParam, bool postOnRez, string defEngine, int stateSource) { if (script.StartsWith("//MRM:")) return; SceneObjectPart part = m_Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localID); TaskInventoryItem item = part.Inventory.GetInventoryItem(itemID); if(!m_LateInit) { m_LateInit = true; OneTimeLateInitialization(); } TraceCalls("[YEngine]: OnRezScript(...,{0},...)", itemID.ToString()); // Assume script uses the default engine string engineName = defEngine; // Very first line might contain // scriptengine : language string langsrt = ""; if (script.StartsWith("//")) { int lineEnd = script.IndexOf('\n'); if(lineEnd > 5) { string firstline = script.Substring(2, lineEnd - 2).Trim(); int colon = firstline.IndexOf(':'); if(colon >= 3) { engineName = firstline.Substring(0, colon).TrimEnd(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(engineName)) engineName = defEngine; } if (colon > 0 && colon < firstline.Length - 2) { langsrt = firstline.Substring(colon + 1).Trim(); langsrt = langsrt.ToLower(); } } } // Make sure the default or requested engine is us. if(engineName != ScriptEngineName) { // Not us, if requested engine exists, silently ignore script and let // requested engine handle it. IScriptModule[] engines = m_Scene.RequestModuleInterfaces(); foreach(IScriptModule eng in engines) { if(eng.ScriptEngineName == engineName) return; } // Requested engine not defined, warn on console. // Then we try to handle it if we're the default engine, else we ignore it. //m_log.Warn("[YEngine]: " + itemID.ToString() + " requests undefined/disabled engine " + engineName); //m_log.Info("[YEngine]: - " + part.GetWorldPosition()); //m_log.Info("[YEngine]: first line: " + firstline); if(defEngine != ScriptEngineName) { //m_log.Info("[YEngine]: leaving it to the default script engine (" + defEngine + ") to process it"); return; } // m_log.Info("[YEngine]: will attempt to processing it anyway as default script engine"); langsrt = ""; } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(langsrt) && langsrt !="lsl") return; // Put on object/instance lists. XMRInstance instance = (XMRInstance)Activator.CreateInstance(ScriptCodeGen.xmrInstSuperType); instance.m_LocalID = localID; instance.m_ItemID = itemID; instance.m_SourceCode = script; instance.m_StartParam = startParam; instance.m_PostOnRez = postOnRez; instance.m_StateSource = (StateSource)stateSource; instance.m_Part = part; instance.m_PartUUID = part.UUID; instance.m_Item = item; instance.m_DescName = part.Name + ":" + item.Name; instance.m_IState = XMRInstState.CONSTRUCT; lock(m_InstancesDict) { m_LockedDict = "RegisterInstance"; // Insert on internal list of all scripts being handled by this engine instance. m_InstancesDict[instance.m_ItemID] = instance; // Insert on internal list of all scripts being handled by this engine instance // that are part of the object. List itemIDList; if(!m_ObjectItemList.TryGetValue(instance.m_PartUUID, out itemIDList)) { itemIDList = new List(); m_ObjectItemList[instance.m_PartUUID] = itemIDList; } if(!itemIDList.Contains(instance.m_ItemID)) { itemIDList.Add(instance.m_ItemID); m_ObjectInstArray[instance.m_PartUUID] = null; } m_LockedDict = "~RegisterInstance"; } // Compile and load it. lock(m_ScriptErrors) m_ScriptErrors.Remove(instance.m_ItemID); LoadThreadWork(instance); } /** * @brief This routine instantiates one script. */ private void LoadThreadWork(XMRInstance instance) { // Compile and load the script in memory. ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); Exception initerr = null; try { instance.Initialize(this, m_ScriptBasePath, m_StackSize, m_HeapSize, errors); } catch(Exception e1) { initerr = e1; } if(initerr != null && !instance.m_ForceRecomp && initerr is CVVMismatchException) { UUID itemID = instance.m_ItemID; Verbose("[YEngine]: {0}/{2} first load failed ({1}), retrying after recompile", itemID.ToString(), initerr.Message, instance.m_Item.AssetID.ToString()); Verbose("[YEngine]:\n{0}", initerr.ToString()); initerr = null; errors = new ArrayList(); instance.m_ForceRecomp = true; try { instance.Initialize(this, m_ScriptBasePath, m_StackSize, m_HeapSize, errors); } catch(Exception e2) { initerr = e2; } } if(initerr != null) { UUID itemID = instance.m_ItemID; Verbose("[YEngine]: Error starting script {0}/{2}: {1}", itemID.ToString(), initerr.Message, instance.m_Item.AssetID.ToString()); if(initerr.Message != "compilation errors") { Verbose("[YEngine]: - " + instance.m_Part.GetWorldPosition() + " " + instance.m_DescName); Verbose("[YEngine]: exception:\n{0}", initerr.ToString()); } OnRemoveScript(0, itemID); // Post errors where GetScriptErrors() can see them. if(errors.Count == 0) errors.Add(initerr.Message); else { foreach(Object err in errors) { if(m_ScriptDebug) m_log.DebugFormat("[YEngine]: {0}", err.ToString()); } } lock(m_ScriptErrors) m_ScriptErrors[instance.m_ItemID] = errors; return; } // Tell GetScriptErrors() that we have finished compiling/loading // successfully (by posting a 0 element array). lock(m_ScriptErrors) { if(instance.m_IState != XMRInstState.CONSTRUCT) throw new Exception("bad state"); m_ScriptErrors[instance.m_ItemID] = noScriptErrors; } // Transition from CONSTRUCT->ONSTARTQ and give to RunScriptThread(). // Put it on the start queue so it will run any queued event handlers, // such as state_entry() or on_rez(). If there aren't any queued, it // will just go to idle state when RunOne() tries to dequeue an event. lock(instance.m_QueueLock) { if(instance.m_IState != XMRInstState.CONSTRUCT) throw new Exception("bad state"); instance.m_IState = XMRInstState.ONSTARTQ; if(!instance.m_Running) instance.EmptyEventQueues(); } QueueToStart(instance); } public void OnRemoveScript(uint localID, UUID itemID) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: OnRemoveScript(...,{0})", itemID.ToString()); // Remove from our list of known scripts. // After this, no more events can queue because we won't be // able to translate the itemID to an XMRInstance pointer. XMRInstance instance = null; lock(m_InstancesDict) { m_LockedDict = "OnRemoveScript:" + itemID.ToString(); // Tell the instance to free off everything it can. if(!m_InstancesDict.TryGetValue(itemID, out instance)) { m_LockedDict = "~OnRemoveScript"; return; } // Tell it to stop executing anything. instance.suspendOnCheckRunHold = true; // Remove it from our list of known script instances // mostly so no more events can queue to it. m_InstancesDict.Remove(itemID); List itemIDList; if(m_ObjectItemList.TryGetValue(instance.m_PartUUID, out itemIDList)) { itemIDList.Remove(itemID); if(itemIDList.Count == 0) { m_ObjectItemList.Remove(instance.m_PartUUID); m_ObjectInstArray.Remove(instance.m_PartUUID); } else m_ObjectInstArray[instance.m_PartUUID] = null; } // Delete the .state file as any needed contents were fetched with GetXMLState() // and stored on the database server. string stateFileName = XMRInstance.GetStateFileName(m_ScriptBasePath, itemID); File.Delete(stateFileName); ScriptRemoved handlerScriptRemoved = OnScriptRemoved; if(handlerScriptRemoved != null) handlerScriptRemoved(itemID); m_LockedDict = "~~OnRemoveScript"; } // Free off its stack and fun things like that. // If it is running, abort it. instance.Dispose(); } public void OnScriptReset(uint localID, UUID itemID) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.OnScriptReset({0},{1})", localID.ToString(), itemID.ToString()); ResetScript(itemID); } public void OnStartScript(uint localID, UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) instance.Running = true; } public void OnStopScript(uint localID, UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) instance.Running = false; } public void OnGetScriptRunning(IClientAPI controllingClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.OnGetScriptRunning({0},{1})", objectID.ToString(), itemID.ToString()); IEventQueue eq = World.RequestModuleInterface(); if(eq == null) { controllingClient.SendScriptRunningReply(objectID, itemID, instance.Running); } else { eq.ScriptRunningEvent(objectID, itemID, instance.Running, controllingClient.AgentId); } } } public bool HasScript(UUID itemID, out bool running) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance == null) { running = true; return false; } running = instance.Running; return true; } /** * @brief Called once per frame update to see if scripts have * any such work to do. */ private void OnFrame() { if(m_FrameUpdateList != null) { ThreadStart frameupdates; lock(m_FrameUpdateLock) { frameupdates = m_FrameUpdateList; m_FrameUpdateList = null; } frameupdates(); } } /** * @brief Add a one-shot delegate to list of things to do * synchronized with frame updates. */ public void AddOnFrameUpdate(ThreadStart thunk) { lock(m_FrameUpdateLock) m_FrameUpdateList += thunk; } /** * @brief Gets called early as part of shutdown, * right after "Persisting changed objects" message. */ public void OnShutdown() { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.OnShutdown()"); } /** * @brief Queue an instance to the StartQueue so it will run. * This queue is used for instances that have just had * an event queued to them when they were previously * idle. It must only be called by the thread that * transitioned the thread to XMRInstState.ONSTARTQ so * we don't get two threads trying to queue the same * instance to the m_StartQueue at the same time. */ public void QueueToStart(XMRInstance inst) { if (inst.m_IState != XMRInstState.ONSTARTQ) throw new Exception("bad state"); lock (m_StartQueue) m_StartQueue.InsertTail(inst); WakeUpOne(); } public void QueueToYield(XMRInstance inst) { if (inst.m_IState != XMRInstState.ONYIELDQ) throw new Exception("bad state"); lock (m_YieldQueue) m_YieldQueue.InsertTail(inst); WakeUpOne(); } public void RemoveFromSleep(XMRInstance inst) { lock (m_SleepQueue) { if (inst.m_IState != XMRInstState.ONSLEEPQ) return; m_SleepQueue.Remove(inst); inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.REMDFROMSLPQ; } } /** * @brief A script may be sleeping, in which case we wake it. */ public void WakeFromSleep(XMRInstance inst) { // Remove from sleep queue unless someone else already woke it. lock(m_SleepQueue) { if(inst.m_IState != XMRInstState.ONSLEEPQ) return; m_SleepQueue.Remove(inst); inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.REMDFROMSLPQ; } // Put on end of list of scripts that are ready to run. lock(m_YieldQueue) { inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.ONYIELDQ; m_YieldQueue.InsertTail(inst); } // Make sure the OS thread is running so it will see the script. WakeUpOne(); } /** * @brief An instance has just finished running for now, * figure out what to do with it next. * @param inst = instance in question, not on any queue at the moment * @param newIState = its new state * @returns with instance inserted onto proper queue (if any) */ public void HandleNewIState(XMRInstance inst, XMRInstState newIState) { // RunOne() should have left the instance in RUNNING state. if(inst.m_IState != XMRInstState.RUNNING) throw new Exception("bad state"); // Now see what RunOne() wants us to do with the instance next. switch(newIState) { // Instance has set m_SleepUntil to when it wants to sleep until. // So insert instance in sleep queue by ascending wake time. // Then wake the timer thread if this is the new first entry // so it will reset its timer. case XMRInstState.ONSLEEPQ: lock(m_SleepQueue) { XMRInstance after; inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.ONSLEEPQ; for(after = m_SleepQueue.PeekHead(); after != null; after = after.m_NextInst) { if(after.m_SleepUntil > inst.m_SleepUntil) break; } m_SleepQueue.InsertBefore(inst, after); if(m_SleepQueue.PeekHead() == inst) Monitor.Pulse(m_SleepQueue); } break; // Instance just took a long time to run and got wacked by the // slicer. So put on end of yield queue to let someone else // run. If there is no one else, it will run again right away. case XMRInstState.ONYIELDQ: lock(m_YieldQueue) { inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.ONYIELDQ; m_YieldQueue.InsertTail(inst); } break; // Instance finished executing an event handler. So if there is // another event queued for it, put it on the start queue so it // will process the new event. Otherwise, mark it idle and the // next event to queue to it will start it up. case XMRInstState.FINISHED: Monitor.Enter(inst.m_QueueLock); if(!inst.m_Suspended && (inst.m_EventQueue.Count > 0)) { inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.ONSTARTQ; Monitor.Exit(inst.m_QueueLock); lock(m_StartQueue) m_StartQueue.InsertTail(inst); } else { inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.IDLE; Monitor.Exit(inst.m_QueueLock); } break; // Its m_SuspendCount > 0. // Don't put it on any queue and it won't run. // Since it's not IDLE, even queuing an event won't start it. case XMRInstState.SUSPENDED: inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.SUSPENDED; break; // It has been disposed of. // Just set the new state and all refs should theoretically drop off // as the instance is no longer in any list. case XMRInstState.DISPOSED: inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.DISPOSED; break; // RunOne returned something bad. default: throw new Exception("bad new state"); } } /** * @brief Thread that moves instances from the Sleep queue to the Yield queue. */ private void RunSleepThread() { double deltaTS; int deltaMS; XMRInstance inst; while(true) { lock(m_SleepQueue) { // Wait here until there is a script on the timer queue that has expired. while(true) { UpdateMyThread(); if(m_Exiting) { MyThreadExiting(); return; } inst = m_SleepQueue.PeekHead(); if(inst == null) { Monitor.Wait(m_SleepQueue, Watchdog.DEFAULT_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_MS / 2); continue; } if(inst.m_IState != XMRInstState.ONSLEEPQ) throw new Exception("bad state"); deltaTS = (inst.m_SleepUntil - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMilliseconds; if(deltaTS <= 0.0) break; deltaMS = Int32.MaxValue; if(deltaTS < Int32.MaxValue) deltaMS = (int)deltaTS; if(deltaMS > Watchdog.DEFAULT_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_MS / 2) deltaMS = Watchdog.DEFAULT_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_MS / 2; Monitor.Wait(m_SleepQueue, deltaMS); } // Remove the expired entry from the timer queue. m_SleepQueue.RemoveHead(); inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.REMDFROMSLPQ; } // Post the script to the yield queue so it will run and wake a script thread to run it. lock(m_YieldQueue) { inst.m_IState = XMRInstState.ONYIELDQ; m_YieldQueue.InsertTail(inst); } WakeUpOne(); } } public void Suspend(UUID itemID, int ms) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) instance.Sleep(ms); } public void Die(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.Die({0})", itemID.ToString()); instance.Die(); } } /** * @brief Get specific script instance for which OnRezScript() * has been called for an YEngine script, and that * OnRemoveScript() has not been called since. * @param itemID = as passed to OnRezScript() identifying a specific script instance * @returns null: not one of our scripts (maybe XEngine etc) * else: points to the script instance */ public XMRInstance GetInstance(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance; lock(m_InstancesDict) { if(!m_InstancesDict.TryGetValue(itemID, out instance)) instance = null; } return instance; } // Called occasionally to write script state to .state file so the // script will restart from its last known state if the region crashes // and gets restarted. private void DoMaintenance(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { XMRInstance[] instanceArray; lock(m_InstancesDict) instanceArray = System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray(m_InstancesDict.Values); foreach(XMRInstance ins in instanceArray) { // Don't save attachments if(ins.m_Part.ParentGroup.IsAttachment) continue; ins.GetExecutionState(new XmlDocument()); } } /** * @brief Retrieve errors generated by a previous call to OnRezScript(). * We are guaranteed this routine will not be called before the * corresponding OnRezScript() has returned. It blocks until the * compile has completed. */ public ArrayList GetScriptErrors(UUID itemID) { ArrayList errors; lock(m_ScriptErrors) { while(!m_ScriptErrors.TryGetValue(itemID, out errors)) { Monitor.Wait(m_ScriptErrors); } m_ScriptErrors.Remove(itemID); } return errors; } /** * @brief Return a list of all script execution times. */ public Dictionary GetObjectScriptsExecutionTimes() { Dictionary topScripts = new Dictionary(); lock(m_InstancesDict) { foreach(XMRInstance instance in m_InstancesDict.Values) { uint rootLocalID = instance.m_Part.ParentGroup.LocalId; float oldTotal; if(!topScripts.TryGetValue(rootLocalID, out oldTotal)) oldTotal = 0; topScripts[rootLocalID] = (float)instance.m_CPUTime + oldTotal; } } return topScripts; } /** * @brief A float the value is a representative execution time in * milliseconds of all scripts in the link set. * @param itemIDs = list of scripts in the link set * @returns milliseconds for all those scripts */ public float GetScriptExecutionTime(List itemIDs) { if((itemIDs == null) || (itemIDs.Count == 0)) return 0; float time = 0; foreach(UUID itemID in itemIDs) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if((instance != null) && instance.Running) time += (float)instance.m_CPUTime; } return time; } /** * @brief Block script from dequeuing events. */ public bool SuspendScript(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.SuspendScript({0})", itemID.ToString()); instance.SuspendIt(); return true; } return false; } /** * @brief Allow script to dequeue events. */ public bool ResumeScript(UUID itemID) { XMRInstance instance = GetInstance(itemID); if(instance != null) { TraceCalls("[YEngine]: YEngine.ResumeScript({0})", itemID.ToString()); instance.ResumeIt(); return true; } else { // probably an XEngine script } return false; } /** * @brief Rebuild m_ObjectInstArray[partUUID] from m_ObjectItemList[partUUID] * @param partUUID = which object in scene to rebuild for */ private XMRInstance[] RebuildObjectInstArray(UUID partUUID) { List itemIDList = m_ObjectItemList[partUUID]; int n = 0; foreach(UUID itemID in itemIDList) { if(m_InstancesDict.ContainsKey(itemID)) n++; } XMRInstance[] a = new XMRInstance[n]; n = 0; foreach(UUID itemID in itemIDList) { if(m_InstancesDict.TryGetValue(itemID, out a[n])) n++; } m_ObjectInstArray[partUUID] = a; return a; } public void TraceCalls(string format, params object[] args) { if(m_TraceCalls) m_log.DebugFormat(format, args); } public void Verbose(string format, params object[] args) { if(m_Verbose) m_log.DebugFormat(format, args); } /** * @brief Manage our threads. */ public static Thread StartMyThread(ThreadStart start, string name, ThreadPriority priority) { m_log.Debug("[YEngine]: starting thread " + name); Thread thread = WorkManager.StartThread(start, name, priority, false, false); return thread; } public static void UpdateMyThread() { Watchdog.UpdateThread(); } public static void MyThreadExiting() { Watchdog.RemoveThread(true); } } }