123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- [gobot]
- Host = "my.server.tld"
- ServerPort = ":3000" # default for go
- FrontEnd = "nginx" # leave empty if you don't have a frontend, will use ServerPort instead
- URLPathPrefix = "/go" # leave empty if you serve from the root URL above; no slash at end
- PathToStaticFiles = "~/go/src/gobot" # where the lib/ and template/ dirs are; change as needed, no slash at end
- # Database filename
- # GoBotDSN = "/path/to/docroot/database/botmover.db?cache=shared&mode=rwc" # for using a SQLite database
- GoBotDSN = "username:password@/database-name"
- PDO_Prefix = "mysql"
- EngineRunning = false
- ShowPopulation = false # sends tons of data for the population on each iteration of the GA
- [log]
- # Showing what logging options are available and the defaults for each
- # FileName = "log/gobot.log"
- # Format = "%{color}%{time:2006/01/02 15:04:05.0} %{shortfile} - %{shortfunc} ▶ %{level:.4s}%{color:reset} %{message}"
- # MaxSize = 500 # MBytes, integer
- # MaxBackups = 3 # integer
- # MaxAge = 28 # days, integer
- # Compress = true # compress rotated logs? boolean
- #
- # Severity logging: accepted values are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG
- #
- SeverityStderr = "DEBUG"
- SeverityFile = "DEBUG"
- SeveritySyslog = "CRITICAL"
- [opensim]
- # get a map tile; if you get 'mixed content' errors, you can use nginx to act as a HTTPS proxy
- # see https://starflowerbracken.wordpress.com/2020/05/03/configuring-secure-https-ports-with-tls-ssl-on-opensim/ for some hints
- MapURL = "http://opensim.server.tld:8002/map-1-gridx-gridy-objects.jpg"
- LSLSignaturePIN = "0000" # this will have to be the same as in your scripts