123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751 |
- // Functions to deal with the backoffice.
- package main
- import (
- _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
- "bytes"
- "crypto/md5"
- "database/sql"
- "encoding/hex"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/gorilla/securecookie"
- "github.com/heatxsink/go-gravatar"
- "html/template"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net/http"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- )
- // GobotTemplatesType expands on template.Template.
- // need to expand it so I can add a few more methods here
- type GobotTemplatesType struct{
- template.Template
- }
- // GobotTemplates stores all parsed templates for the backoffice.
- var GobotTemplates GobotTemplatesType
- // init parses all templates and puts it inside a (global) var.
- // This is supposed to be called just once! (in func main())
- func (gt *GobotTemplatesType)init(globbedPath string) error {
- temp, err := template.ParseGlob(globbedPath)
- checkErr(err) // move out later, we just need it here to check what's wrong with the templates (20170706)
- gt.Template = *temp;
- return err
- }
- // gobotRenderer assembles the correct templates together and executes them.
- // this is mostly to deal with code duplication
- func (gt *GobotTemplatesType)gobotRenderer(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, tplName string, tplParams templateParameters) error {
- thisUserName := getUserName(r)
- // add cookie to all templates
- tplParams["SetCookie"] = thisUserName
- // add Gravatar to templates (note that all logins are supposed to be emails)
- // calculate hash for the Gravatar hovercard
- hasher := md5.Sum([]byte(thisUserName))
- hash := hex.EncodeToString(hasher[:])
- tplParams["GravatarHash"] = hash // we ought to cache this somewhere
- // deal with sizes, we want to have a specific size for the top menu
- var gravatarSize, gravatarSizeMenu = 32, 32
- // if someone set the sizes, then use them; if not, use defaults
- // note that this required type assertion since tplParams is interface{}
- // see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14289256/cannot-convert-data-type-interface-to-type-string-need-type-assertion
- if tplParams["GravatarSize"] == nil {
- tplParams["GravatarSize"] = gravatarSize
- } else {
- gravatarSize = tplParams["GravatarSize"].(int)
- }
- if tplParams["GravatarSizeMenu"] == nil {
- tplParams["GravatarSizeMenu"] = gravatarSizeMenu
- } else {
- gravatarSizeMenu = tplParams["GravatarSizeMenu"].(int)
- }
- // for Retina displays; we could add a multiplication function for Go templates, but I'm lazy (20170706)
- tplParams["GravatarTwiceSize"] = 2 * gravatarSize
- tplParams["GravatarTwiceSizeMenu"] = 2 * gravatarSizeMenu
- // Now call the nice library function to get us the URL to the image, for the two sizes
- g := gravatar.New("identicon", gravatarSize, "g", true)
- tplParams["Gravatar"] = g.GetImageUrl(thisUserName) // we also ought to cache this somewhere
- g = gravatar.New("identicon", gravatarSizeMenu, "g", true)
- tplParams["GravatarMenu"] = g.GetImageUrl(thisUserName) // we also ought to cache this somewhere
- w.Header().Set("X-Clacks-Overhead", "GNU Terry Pratchett") // do a tribute to one of my best fantasy authors (see http://www.gnuterrypratchett.com/) (20170807)
- return gt.ExecuteTemplate(w, tplName, tplParams)
- }
- // Auxiliary functions for session handling
- // see https://mschoebel.info/2014/03/09/snippet-golang-webapp-login-logout/ (20170603)
- var cookieHandler = securecookie.New( // from gorilla/securecookie
- securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(64),
- securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(32))
- // setSession returns a new session cookie with an encoded username.
- func setSession(userName string, response http.ResponseWriter) {
- value := map[string]string{
- "name": userName,
- }
- if encoded, err := cookieHandler.Encode("session", value); err == nil {
- cookie := &http.Cookie{
- Name: "session",
- Value: encoded,
- Path: "/",
- }
- // Log.Debug("Encoded cookie:", cookie)
- http.SetCookie(response, cookie)
- } else {
- Log.Error("Error encoding cookie:", err)
- }
- }
- // getUserName sees if we have a session cookie with an encoded user name, returning nil if not found.
- func getUserName(request *http.Request) (userName string) {
- if cookie, err := request.Cookie("session"); err == nil {
- cookieValue := make(map[string]string)
- if err = cookieHandler.Decode("session", cookie.Value, &cookieValue); err == nil {
- userName = cookieValue["name"]
- }
- }
- return userName
- }
- // clearSession will remove a cookie by setting its MaxAge to -1 and clearing its value.
- func clearSession(response http.ResponseWriter) {
- cookie := &http.Cookie{
- Name: "session",
- Value: "",
- Path: "/",
- MaxAge: -1,
- }
- http.SetCookie(response, cookie)
- }
- // checkSession will see if we have a valid cookie; if not, redirects to login.
- func checkSession(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- // valid cookie and no errors?
- if getUserName(r) == "" {
- http.Redirect(w, r, URLPathPrefix + "/admin/login/", http.StatusFound)
- }
- }
- // Function handlers for HTTP requests (main functions for this file)
- // backofficeMain is the main page, has some minor statistics, may do this fancier later on.
- func backofficeMain(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r) // make sure we've got a valid cookie, or else send to login page
- // let's load the main template for now, just to make sure this works
- // Open database just to gather some statistics
- db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN) // presumes sqlite3 for now
- checkErr(err)
- defer db.Close()
- var (
- cnt, obstacles, phantom int
- strAgents, strInventory, strPositions, strObstacles string
- )
- err = db.QueryRow("select count(*) from Agents").Scan(&cnt)
- checkErr(err)
- if (cnt != 0) {
- strAgents = "Agents: " + strconv.Itoa(cnt)
- } else {
- strAgents = "No Agents."
- }
- err = db.QueryRow("select count(*) from Inventory").Scan(&cnt)
- checkErr(err)
- if (cnt != 0) {
- strInventory = "Inventory items: " + strconv.Itoa(cnt)
- } else {
- strInventory = "No Inventory items."
- }
- err = db.QueryRow("select count(*) from Positions").Scan(&cnt)
- checkErr(err)
- if (cnt != 0) {
- strPositions = "Positions: " + strconv.Itoa(cnt)
- } else {
- strPositions = "No Positions."
- }
- err = db.QueryRow("select count(*) from Obstacles").Scan(&obstacles)
- checkErr(err)
- if (obstacles != 0) {
- strObstacles = "Obstacles: " + strconv.Itoa(obstacles)
- } else {
- strObstacles = "No Obstacles."
- }
- err = db.QueryRow("select count(*) from Obstacles where Phantom <> 1 AND Type <> 1").Scan(&phantom)
- checkErr(err)
- if (phantom != 0) {
- strObstacles += " (" + strconv.Itoa(phantom) + " phantom)"
- }
- // Generate markers for the Leaflet-based map (20170605)
- // template: L.marker([127, 127], { title: 'Test' }).bindPopup(
- // L.popup({ maxWidth: 180 })
- // .setContent('Blah')
- // ).addTo(map);
- // First, get Agents (there are not many)
- var (
- Agent AgentType // this is defined on ui.go, ugh
- markersOutput string // default is empty string. (gwyneth 20230407)
- xyz []string
- //position string
- coords string
- )
- rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM Agents")
- checkErr(err)
- defer rows.Close()
- for rows.Next() {
- err = rows.Scan(
- &Agent.UUID,
- &Agent.Name,
- &Agent.OwnerName,
- &Agent.OwnerKey,
- &Agent.Location,
- &Agent.Position,
- &Agent.Rotation,
- &Agent.Velocity,
- &Agent.Energy,
- &Agent.Money,
- &Agent.Happiness,
- &Agent.Class,
- &Agent.SubType,
- &Agent.PermURL,
- &Agent.LastUpdate,
- &Agent.BestPath,
- &Agent.SecondBestPath,
- &Agent.CurrentTarget,
- )
- // do the magic to extract the actual coords
- coords = strings.Trim(*Agent.Position.Ptr(), "() \t\n\r")
- xyz = strings.Split(coords, ",")
- markersOutput += fmt.Sprintf("L.marker([%s, %s], { title: 'Agent: %s', riseOnHover: true, icon: agentMarker }).bindPopup(" +
- "L.popup({ maxWidth: 180 })" +
- ".setContent('UUID: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />Agent Name: %s<br />Position: %s')" +
- ").addTo(map);",
- xyz[0], xyz[1], *Agent.Name.Ptr(), URLPathPrefix + "/admin/agents/?UUID=" +
- *Agent.UUID.Ptr(), *Agent.UUID.Ptr(), *Agent.Name.Ptr(),
- *Agent.Position.Ptr())
- }
- checkErr(err)
- // now do positions
- var Position PositionType
- rows, err = db.Query("SELECT * FROM Positions")
- checkErr(err)
- for rows.Next() {
- err = rows.Scan(
- &Position.PermURL,
- &Position.UUID,
- &Position.Name,
- &Position.OwnerName,
- &Position.Location,
- &Position.Position,
- &Position.Rotation,
- &Position.Velocity,
- &Position.LastUpdate,
- &Position.OwnerKey,
- &Position.ObjectType,
- &Position.ObjectClass,
- &Position.RateEnergy,
- &Position.RateMoney,
- &Position.RateHappiness,
- )
- coords = strings.Trim(*Position.Position.Ptr(), "() \t\n\r")
- xyz = strings.Split(coords, ",")
- markersOutput += fmt.Sprintf("L.marker([%s, %s], { title: 'Position: %s', riseOnHover: true, icon: positionMarker }).bindPopup(" +
- "L.popup({ maxWidth: 180 })" +
- ".setContent('UUID: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />Position Name: %s<br />Position: %s')" +
- ").addTo(map);",
- xyz[0], xyz[1], *Position.Name.Ptr(),
- URLPathPrefix + "/admin/positions/?UUID=" + *Position.UUID.Ptr(),
- *Position.UUID.Ptr(), *Position.Name.Ptr(), *Position.Position.Ptr())
- }
- checkErr(err)
- // and at last add all the stupid obstacles...
- var Object ObjectType
- rows, err = db.Query("SELECT * FROM Obstacles WHERE Phantom <> 1 AND Type <> 1")
- checkErr(err)
- for rows.Next() {
- err = rows.Scan(
- &Object.UUID,
- &Object.Name,
- &Object.BotKey,
- &Object.BotName,
- &Object.Type,
- &Object.Position,
- &Object.Rotation,
- &Object.Velocity,
- &Object.LastUpdate,
- &Object.Origin,
- &Object.Phantom,
- &Object.Prims,
- &Object.BBHi,
- &Object.BBLo,
- )
- coords = strings.Trim(*Object.Position.Ptr(), "() \t\n\r")
- xyz = strings.Split(coords, ",")
- markersOutput += fmt.Sprintf("L.marker([%s, %s], { title: 'Object: %s', riseOnHover: true, icon: objectMarker }).bindPopup(" +
- "L.popup({ maxWidth: 180 })" +
- ".setContent('UUID: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />Object Name: %s<br />Position: %s')" +
- ").addTo(map);",
- xyz[0], xyz[1], *Object.Name.Ptr(), URLPathPrefix + "/admin/objects/?UUID=" +
- *Object.UUID.Ptr(), *Object.UUID.Ptr(), *Object.Name.Ptr(),
- *Object.Position.Ptr())
- }
- checkErr(err)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - main",
- "Agents": strAgents,
- "Inventory": strInventory,
- "Positions": strPositions,
- "Obstacles": strObstacles,
- "ObstaclePieChart": true,
- "obstaclesCnt": obstacles,
- "phantomCnt": phantom,
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "MapURL": MapURL,
- "GravatarSize": 64,
- "MapMarkers": template.JS(markersOutput),
- }
- err = GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "main", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeAgents lists active agents.
- func backofficeAgents(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - agents",
- "Content": "Hi there, this is the agents template",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "gobotJS": "agents.js",
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "agents", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeObjects lists objects seen as obstacles.
- func backofficeObjects(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - objects",
- "Content": "Hi there, this is the objects template",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "gobotJS": "objects.js",
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "objects", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficePositions lists Positions.
- func backofficePositions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - positions",
- "Content": "Hi there, this is the positions template",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "gobotJS": "positions.js",
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "positions", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeInventory lists the content or inventory currently stored on objects.
- func backofficeInventory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - inventory",
- "Content": "Hi there, this is the inventory template",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "gobotJS": "inventory.js",
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "inventory", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeUserManagement deals with adding/removing application users. Just login(email) and password right now, no profiles, no email confirmations, etc. etc. etc.
- // This is basically a stub for more complex user management, to be reused by other developments...
- // I will not develop this further, except perhaps to link usernames to in-world avatars (may be useful)
- func backofficeUserManagement(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - User Management",
- "Content": "Hi there, this is the User Management template",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "gobotJS": "user-management.js",
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "user-management", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeLogin deals with authentication.
- func backofficeLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- // Log.Debug("Entered backoffice login for URL:", r.URL, "using method:", r.Method)
- if r.Method == "GET" {
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - login",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "login", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- } else { // POST is assumed
- r.ParseForm()
- // logic part of logging in
- email := r.Form.Get("email")
- password := r.Form.Get("password")
- // Log.Debug("email:", email)
- // Log.Debug("password:", password)
- if email == "" || password == "" { // should never happen, since the form checks this
- http.Redirect(w, r, URLPathPrefix + "/", http.StatusFound)
- }
- // Check username on database
- db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
- checkErr(err)
- defer db.Close()
- // query
- rows, err := db.Query("SELECT Email, Password FROM Users")
- checkErr(err)
- defer rows.Close()
- var (
- Email string
- Password string
- )
- // enhash the received password; I just use MD5 for now because there is no backoffice to create
- // new users, so it's easy to generate passwords manually using md5sum;
- // however, MD5 is not strong enough for 'real' applications, it's just what we also use to
- // communicate with the in-world scripts (20170604)
- pwdmd5 := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(password))) //this has the hash we need to check
- authorised := false // outside of the for loop because of scope
- for rows.Next() { // we ought just to have one entry, but...
- _ = rows.Scan(&Email, &Password)
- // ignore errors for now, either it checks true or any error means no authentication possible
- if Password == pwdmd5 {
- authorised = true
- break
- }
- }
- if authorised {
- // we need to set a cookie here
- setSession(email, w)
- // redirect to home
- http.Redirect(w, r, URLPathPrefix + "/admin", http.StatusFound)
- } else {
- // possibly we ought to give an error and then redirect, but I don't know how to do that (20170604)
- http.Redirect(w, r, URLPathPrefix + "/", http.StatusFound) // will ask for login again
- }
- return
- }
- }
- // backofficeLogout clears session and returns to login prompt.
- func backofficeLogout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- clearSession(w)
- http.Redirect(w, r, URLPathPrefix + "/", http.StatusFound)
- }
- // backofficeCommands is a form-based interface to give commands to individual bots.
- func backofficeCommands(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- // Collect a list of existing bots and their PermURLs for the form
- db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
- checkErr(err)
- // query
- rows, err := db.Query("SELECT Name, PermURL FROM Agents ORDER BY Name")
- checkErr(err)
- defer rows.Close()
- var name, permURL, AvatarPermURLOptions = "", "", ""
- // find all agent (NPC) Names and PermURLs and create select options for each of them
- for rows.Next() {
- err = rows.Scan(&name, &permURL)
- checkErr(err)
- AvatarPermURLOptions += "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value=\"" + permURL + "\">" + name + "|" + permURL + "</option>\n"
- }
- db.Close()
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - commands",
- "PanelHeading": "Select your command",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "AvatarPermURLOptions": template.HTML(AvatarPermURLOptions), // trick to get valid HTML not to be escaped by the Go template engine
- }
- err = GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "commands", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeCommandsExec gets the user-selected params from the backofficeCommands form and sends them to the user, giving feedback.
- // This may change in the future, e.g. using Ajax to get inline results on the form.
- func backofficeCommandsExec(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- err := r.ParseForm()
- checkErrPanicHTTP(w, http.StatusServiceUnavailable, funcName() + ": Extracting parameters failed: %s\n", err)
- var content = ""
- // test: just gather the values from the form, to make sure it works properly
- for key, values := range r.Form { // range over map
- for _, value := range values { // range over []string
- content += "<b>" + key + "</b> -> " + value + "<br />"
- }
- }
- content += "<p></p><h3>In-world results:</h3>"
- // prepare the call to the agent (OpenSimulator NPC)
- body := "command=" + r.Form.Get("command") + "&" +
- r.Form.Get("param1") + "=" + r.Form.Get("data1") + "&" +
- r.Form.Get("param2") + "=" + r.Form.Get("data2")
- rsBody, err := callURL(r.Form.Get("PermURL"), body)
- if (err != nil) {
- content += "<p class=\"text-danger\">" + rsBody + "</p>"
- } else {
- content += "<p class=\"text-success\">" + rsBody + "</p>"
- }
- Log.Debugf("Sending to in-world object %s ... %s\n", r.Form.Get("PermURL"), body) // debug
- /*
- rs, err := http.Post(r.Form.Get("PermURL"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", bytes.NewBuffer(body))
- // Code to process response (written in Get request snippet) goes here
- defer rs.Body.Close()
- rsBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rs.Body)
- if (err != nil) {
- errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error response from in-world object: %s", err)
- Log.Error(errMsg)
- content += "<p class=\"text-danger\">" + errMsg + "</p>"
- } else {
- Log.Debugf("Reply from in-world object %s\n", rsBody)
- content += "<p class=\"text-success\">" + string(rsBody) + "</p>"
- }
- */
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - Commands Exec Result",
- "Preamble": template.HTML("<p>Results coming from in-world object:</p>"),
- "Content": template.HTML(content),
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "ButtonText": "Another command",
- "ButtonURL": "/admin/commands/",
- }
- err = GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "main", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeControllerCommands is a form-based interface to give commands to the Bot Controller.
- func backofficeControllerCommands(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- // Collect a list of existing bots and their PermURLs for the form
- db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
- checkErr(err)
- // query for in-world objects that are Bot Controllers
- rows, err := db.Query("SELECT Name, Location, Position, PermURL FROM Positions WHERE ObjectType ='Bot Controller' ORDER BY Name")
- checkErr(err)
- defer rows.Close()
- var name, location, position, permURL, MasterBotControllers, regionName, coords = "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
- var xyz []string
- // As on backofficeCommands, but a little more complicated
- for rows.Next() {
- err = rows.Scan(&name, &location, &position, &permURL)
- checkErr(err)
- // parse name of the region and coordinates
- regionName = location[:strings.Index(location, "(")-1]
- coords = strings.Trim(position, "() \t\n\r")
- xyz = strings.Split(coords, ",")
- MasterBotControllers += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value=\"%s\">%s [%s (%s,%s,%s)]</option>\n", permURL, name, regionName, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2])
- }
- rows, err = db.Query("SELECT Name, OwnerKey FROM Agents ORDER BY Name")
- checkErr(err)
- // defer rows.Close()
- var ownerKey, AgentNames = "", "" // we're reusing 'name' from above
- // find all Names and OwnerKeys and create select options for each of them
- for rows.Next() {
- err = rows.Scan(&name, &ownerKey)
- checkErr(err)
- AgentNames += "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value=\"" + ownerKey + "\">" + name + " (" + ownerKey + ")</option>\n"
- }
- db.Close()
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - Bot Controller Commands",
- "PanelHeading": "Select your Bot Controller and give it a command",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "MasterBotControllers": template.HTML(MasterBotControllers),
- "AgentNames": template.HTML(AgentNames),
- }
- err = GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "controller-commands", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeControllerCommandsExec gets the user-selected params from the backofficeControllerCommands form and sends them to the user, giving feedback.
- // This may change in the future, e.g. using Ajax to get inline results on the form.
- func backofficeControllerCommandsExec(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- err := r.ParseForm()
- checkErrPanicHTTP(w, http.StatusServiceUnavailable, funcName() + ": Extracting parameters failed: %s\n", err)
- var content = ""
- // test: just gather the values from the form, to make sure it works properly
- for key, values := range r.Form { // range over map
- for _, value := range values { // range over []string
- content += "<b>" + key + "</b> -> " + value + "<br />"
- }
- }
- content += "<p></p><h3>In-world results:</h3>"
- // prepare the call to the in-world Bot Controller
- // HTTP request as per http://moazzam-khan.com/blog/golang-make-http-requests/
- body := []byte("npc=" + r.Form.Get("NPC") + "&" +
- "command=" + r.Form.Get("command") + "&" +
- r.Form.Get("param1") + "=" + r.Form.Get("data1") + "&" +
- r.Form.Get("param2") + "=" + r.Form.Get("data2"))
- Log.Debugf("Sending to agent %s via Bot Controller %s ... %s\n", r.Form.Get("NPC"),
- r.Form.Get("PermURL"), body)
- rs, err := http.Post(r.Form.Get("PermURL"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", bytes.NewBuffer(body))
- // Code to process response (written in Get request snippet) goes here
- checkErr(err)
- defer rs.Body.Close()
- rsBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rs.Body)
- if (err != nil) {
- errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error response from in-world object: %s", err)
- Log.Error(errMsg)
- content += "<p class=\"text-danger\">" + errMsg + "</p>"
- } else {
- Log.Debugf("Reply from in-world object %s\n", rsBody)
- content += "<p class=\"text-success\">" + string(rsBody) + "</p>"
- }
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - Controller Commands Exec Result",
- "Preamble": template.HTML("<p>Results coming from in-world object:</p>"),
- "Content": template.HTML(content),
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- "ButtonText": "Another controller command",
- "ButtonURL": "/admin/controller-commands/",
- }
- err = GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "main", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeLSLRegisterObject creates a LSL script for registering cubes, using the defaults set by the user.
- // This is better than using 'template' LSL scripts which people may fill in wrongly, this way at least
- // we won't get errors about wrong signature PIN or hostnames etc.
- func backofficeLSLRegisterObject(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot LSL Generator - register object.lsl",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- // "LSLRegisterObject": true,
- "Host": Host,
- "ServerPort": ServerPort,
- "LSLSignaturePIN": LSLSignaturePIN,
- "LSL": "lsl-register-object", // this will change some formatting on the 'main' template (20170706)
- }
- // check if we have a frontend (it's configured on the config.toml file); if no, use the ServerPort
- // the 'frontend' will be nginx, Apache, etc. to cache replies from Go and serve static files from port 80 (20170706)
- if FrontEnd == "" {
- tplParams["ServerPort"] = ServerPort
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "main", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeLSLBotController creates a LSL script for the Master Bot Controller.
- // Note that it will also deal with deleting agents
- func backofficeLSLBotController(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot LSL Generator - bot controller.lsl",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- // "LSLBotController": true,
- "Host": Host,
- "ServerPort": ServerPort,
- "LSLSignaturePIN": LSLSignaturePIN,
- "LSL": "lsl-bot-controller",
- }
- if FrontEnd == "" {
- tplParams["ServerPort"] = ServerPort
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "main", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }
- // backofficeLSLAgentScripts creates 3 scripts to be placed inside a transparent box attached to the agent's avatar.
- // These will be used to register the avatar, allow the agent to receive commands, and deal with sensors and llCastRay() detection.
- func backofficeLSLAgentScripts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- checkSession(w, r)
- tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot LSL Generator - Agent scripts",
- "URLPathPrefix": URLPathPrefix,
- // "LSLAgentScripts": true,
- "Host": Host,
- "ServerPort": ServerPort,
- "LSLSignaturePIN": LSLSignaturePIN,
- "LSL": "lsl-agent-scripts",
- }
- if FrontEnd == "" {
- tplParams["ServerPort"] = ServerPort
- }
- err := GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "main", tplParams)
- checkErr(err)
- // return
- }