// Here is the main engine app.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
"github.com/jaytaylor/html2text" // converts HTML to pretty-printed text! (20170807)
"sync/atomic" // used for sync'ing values across goroutines at a low level
// Define a communications procotol with the client, so that we can selectively
// send messages to turn options on and off, etc.
// Messages will be JSON.
type WsMessageType struct {
Type zero.String `json:"type"`
SubType zero.String `json:"subtype"`
Text zero.String `json:"text"`
Id zero.String `json:"id"`
// New creates a new WsMessage out of 4 strings
func (wsM *WsMessageType) New(msgType string, msgSubType string, msgText string, msgId string) *WsMessageType {
wsM.Type = zero.StringFrom(msgType)
wsM.SubType = zero.StringFrom(msgSubType)
wsM.Text = zero.StringFrom(msgText)
wsM.Id = zero.StringFrom(msgId)
return wsM
// Constants for genetic algorithm. Names are retained from the PHP version.
// TODO(gwyneth): Have these constants as variables which are read from the configuration file.
const OS_NPC_SIT_NOW = "0"
// Constants used in genetic algorithm.
const RADIUS = 10.0 // this is the size of the grid that is thrown around the avatar
const POPULATION_SIZE = 50 // was 50
const GENERATIONS = 20 // was 20 for 20x20 grid
const CHROMOSOMES = 7 // was 28 for 20x20 grid
const CROSSOVER_RATE = 90.0 // = 90%, we use a random number generator for 0-100
const MUTATION_RATE = 5.0 // = 0.005%, we use a random number generator for 0-1000 - TODO(gwyneth): try later with 0.01
const WALKING_SPEED = 3.19 // avatar walking speed in meters per second)
// Weights for Shi & Cui
const W1 = 1.0 // Sub-function of Path Length
const W2 = 10.0 // Sub-function of Path Security
const W3 = 5.0 // Sub-function of Smoothness
// When transposing from the PHP version, we now cannot avoid having a few structs and types, since Go
// is a strongly-typed language (20170726)
// This was moved out of the GA code body because some external functions need those types (20170727)
// chromosomeType is just a point in a path, really.
type chromosomeType struct {
x, y, z, distance, obstacle, angle, smoothness float64
// popType represents each population as a list of points (= chromosomes) indicating a possible path; it also includes the fitness for this particular path.
type popType struct {
Fitness float64
chromosomes []chromosomeType
// movementJob is used in the worker goroutine which processes the points to move the avatars to, which needs to wait until the avatars have moved.
// Go is so quick in recalculating generations that the avatars never get a chance to reach their destination until we wait for them!
// So the commands to move the avatars need to go into a separate goroutine, to wait on avatars, while the main engine continues (20170730).
type movementJob struct {
agentUUID string // Agent UUID to move
masterControllerPermURL string // masterController to use (note that the engine may pick one of several active ones)
agentPermURL string // unfortunately the masterController cannot get or set Energy...
destPoint chromosomeType // destination to go to; it's a chromosome so that we get distance information as well to calculate
// for how long we need to sleep until the avatar reaches destination
// movementJobChannel is the blocking channel to which we write points for the next bot movement
var movementJobChannel = make(chan movementJob, 1) // for now, we'll try with just 1 point
// Go is tricky. While we send and receive WebSocket messages as it would be expected on a 'normal'
// programming language, we actually have an insane amount of goroutines all in parallel. So what we do is to
// send messages to a 'channel' (Go's version of a semaphore) and receive them from a different one; two sets
// of goroutines will have their fun reading and sending messages to the client and updating the channels,
// so other goroutines only send and receive to the channels and have no concept of 'WebSocket messages'
// This is sort of neat because it solves parallelism (goroutines block on sockets) but it also allows
// us to build in other transfer mechanisms and make them abstract using Go channels (20170703)
var wsSendMessage = make(chan WsMessageType)
var wsReceiveMessage = make(chan WsMessageType)
var webSocketActive atomic.Value // this is an attempt to check if we have an active WebSocket, to avoid too many timeouts (20170728)
// serveWs - this is what is 'called' from the outside, and I need to talk to a socket here.
func serveWs(ws *websocket.Conn) {
// see also how it is implemented here: http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2016/go-websocket-server-sample/ (20170703)
var err error // to avoid constant redeclarations in tight loop below
if ws == nil {
Log.Panic("Received nil WebSocket — I have no idea why or how this happened!")
log.Printf("Client connected from %s", ws.RemoteAddr())
log.Println("entering serveWs with connection config:", ws.Config())
defer webSocketActive.Store(false)
go func() {
// log.Println("entering send loop")
for {
sendMessage := <-wsSendMessage
if err = websocket.JSON.Send(ws, sendMessage); err != nil {
Log.Error("Can't send; error:", err)
//log.Println("entering receive loop")
var receiveMessage WsMessageType
for {
if err = websocket.JSON.Receive(ws, &receiveMessage); err != nil {
Log.Error("Can't receive; error:", err)
// Log.Debugf("Received back from client: type '%s' subtype '%s' text '%s' id '%s'\n", *receiveMessage.Type.Ptr(), *receiveMessage.SubType.Ptr(), *receiveMessage.Text.Ptr(), *receiveMessage.Id.Ptr())
wsReceiveMessage <- receiveMessage
// convertLocPos converts a SL/OpenSim Location and Position into a single region name and (x,y,z) position coordinates
func convertLocPos(location string, position string) (regionName string, xyz []string) {
regionName = location[:strings.Index(location, "(")-1]
coords := strings.Trim(position, "() \t\n\r")
xyz = strings.Split(coords, ",")
return regionName, xyz
// calcDistance calculates the distance between two points, which are actually arrays of x,y,z string coordinates.
// TODO(gwyneth): Now that we have a strongly-typed language, we should create real objects for this.
func calcDistance(vec1, vec2 []float64) float64 {
deltaX := vec2[0] - vec1[0] // using extra variables because multiplication is probably
deltaY := vec2[1] - vec1[1] // simpler than calling the math.Pow() function (20170725)
deltaZ := vec2[2] - vec1[2]
return math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY + deltaZ * deltaZ)
// engineHandler is still being implemented, it uses the old Go websockets interface to try to keep the page updated.
func backofficeEngine(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// start gathering the cubes and agents for the Engine form
checkSession(w, r)
// Collect a list of existing bots and their PermURLs for the form
db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
// query for in-world objects that are cubes (i.e. not Bot Controllers)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT UUID, Name, ObjectType, ObjectClass, Location, Position FROM Positions WHERE ObjectType <> 'Bot Controller' ORDER BY Name")
defer rows.Close()
var (
cubes, regionName = "", ""
uuid, name, objType, objClass, location, position = "", "", "", "", "", ""
xyz []string
cubes = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n"
// As on backofficeCommands, but a little more complicated
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&uuid, &name, &objType, &objClass, &location, &position)
// parse name of the region and coordinates
regionName, xyz = convertLocPos(location, position)
cubes += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n", uuid, name, objType, objClass, regionName, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2])
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT Name, UUID, Location, Position FROM Agents ORDER BY Name")
var uuidAgent, agentNames = "", ""
agentNames = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n"
// To-Do: Agent options should also have location etc.
// find all Names and OwnerKeys and create select options for each of them
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&name, &uuidAgent, &location, &position)
regionName, xyz = convertLocPos(location, position)
agentNames += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n", uuidAgent, name, uuidAgent, regionName, xyz) // not obvious for the Go linter, but xyz is an array of 3 elements (gwyneth 20210711)
rows.Close() // closing after deferring to close is probably not good, but I'll try it anyway (20170723)
tplParams := templateParameters{ "Title": "Gobot Administrator Panel - engine",
"URLPathPrefix": template.HTML(URLPathPrefix),
"Host": template.HTML(Host),
"DestinationOptions": template.HTML(cubes),
"AgentOptions": template.HTML(agentNames),
"ServerPort": template.HTML(ServerPort),
"Content": template.HTML("
err = GobotTemplates.gobotRenderer(w, r, "engine", tplParams)
// EngineRunning is the equivalent of a semaphore which starts or stops the engine.
// OneStep allows the engine to run once, and then it stops.
// These are an exported global (atomic) variables because we need to access it from the configuration function and from the SIGHUP/SIGCONT (20170811, 20170919).
var EngineRunning, OneStep atomic.Value
// engine does everything but the kitchen sink.
// Notably, it does not only run the GA. It also deals on a separate goroutine with message handling for WebSockets, which also includes
// the ability to start or stop the GA. And it launches another goroutine to deal with buffering commands to the virtual world. It really does
// a lot, and possibly it ought to be simplified somehow. But this is the core, the essence, the kernel, the locus of all the rest!
func engine() {
// we use sync/atomic for making sure we can read a value that is set by a different goroutine
// see https://texlution.com/post/golang-lock-free-values-with-atomic-value/ among others (20170704)
var (
receiveMessage WsMessageType
userDestCube atomic.Value // using sync/atomic to make values consistent among goroutines (20170704)
curAgent atomic.Value
// EngineRunning.Store(true) // we start by running the engine; note that this may very well happen before we even have WebSockets up (20170704)
// now we let this be set via configuration file; the default is true; and a SIGHUP will start/stop the engine (20170811)
userDestCube.Store(NullUUID) // we start to nullify these atomic values, either they will be changed by the user,
curAgent.Store(NullUUID) // or the engine will simply go through all agents (20170725)
OneStep.Store(false) // in theory, the engine starts or stops; one step is a special case if the client is connected (20170919)
webSocketActive.Store(false) // as soon as we know that we have a connection to the client, we set this to true (20170728)
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", "Entering the engine goroutine", "") // browser might not even know we're sending messages to it, so this will just gracefully timeout and be ignored and just appear on the log; changed message to display that we don't know if the engine is going to run or not (20170811)
// Launch the movement worker goroutine. This is needed because Go is so fast calculating populations that it keeps giving the agents
// contradictory movement commands. This uses a blocking channel and calculates how long the avatar needs to reach its destination
// and sleeps for that time. There was something similar done in PHP as well, but PHP took long enough recalculating everything, so
// it was deemed not to be necessary. (20170730)
go movementWorker()
// Now, this is a message handler to receive messages while inside the engine, we
// block on a message and run a goroutine in the background, so we can safely continue
// to run the engine without blocking or errors
// I have no idea yet if this is a good idea or not (20170703)
// At least it works (20170704)
go func() {
var messageType, messageSubType string
for {
receiveMessage = <-wsReceiveMessage
if (receiveMessage.Type.Ptr() != nil) {
messageType = *receiveMessage.Type.Ptr()
} else {
messageType = "empty"
if (receiveMessage.SubType.Ptr() != nil) {
messageSubType = *receiveMessage.SubType.Ptr()
} else {
messageSubType = "empty"
switch messageType {
case "status":
switch messageSubType {
case "ready": // this is what we get when WebSockets are established on the client
// check for engine running or not and set the controls
switch EngineRunning.Load().(bool) {
case true:
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "stopEngine")
case false:
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "stopEngine")
default: // should never happen, but turn all buttons off just in case
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "stopEngine")
case "gone": // The client has gone, we have no more websocket for this one (20170704)
Log.Info("Client just told us that it went away, we continue on our own")
default: // no other special functions for now, just echo what the client has sent...
unknownMessage := ""
if receiveMessage.Text.Ptr() != nil {
unknownMessage = *receiveMessage.Text.Ptr()
Log.Warning("Received from client unknown status message with subtype",
messageSubType, "text:", unknownMessage, " — ignoring...")
case "formSubmit":
var messageText string
if receiveMessage.Text.Ptr() != nil {
messageText = *receiveMessage.Text.Ptr()
} else {
messageText = NullUUID + "|" + NullUUID // a bit stupid, we could skip this and do direct assigns, but this way we do a bit more effort wasting CPU cycles for the sake of code clarity (20170704)
returnValues := strings.Split(messageText, "|")
// Commented out because we know this works and we'll print it out later on anyway (20170730)
// log.Println("Destination: ", userDestCube.Load().(string), "Agent:", curAgent.Load().(string))
// sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", "Received '" + userDestCube.Load().(string) + "|" + curAgent.Load().(string) + "' ", "")
case "engineControl":
switch messageSubType {
case "start":
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "stopEngine")
case "one-step":
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "stopEngine")
Log.Debug("OneStep is now", OneStep.Load().(bool))
case "stop":
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "stopEngine")
default: // anything else will stop the engine!
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "stopEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", "Engine " + messageSubType + " ", "")
Log.Warning("Unknown message type", messageType)
// We continue with engine. Things may happen in the background, and theoretically we
// will be able to catch them. (20170703)
// load whole database in memory. Really. It's so much faster that way! (20170722)
var (
Agent AgentType // temporary way to store what comes from database
lastAgentToRunUUID string // temporary storage of the last UUID agent that ran, when we pick one randomly, so we give others a chance (20170807)
// Agents map[string]AgentType // we OUGHT to have a type without those strange zero.String, but it's tough to keep two structs in perfect sync (20170722); this is mapped by Agent UUID (20170725)
Position PositionType
Cubes map[string]PositionType // name to be compatible with PHP version; mapped by UUID (20170725).
Object ObjectType
Obstacles []ObjectType
masterController PositionType // set to the most recent Bot Master Controller to send commands (name is the same as in former PHP code).
// NOTE(gwyneth): The reason why we use maps and not slices (slices may be faster) is just because that way we can
// directly address the element by UUID, instead of doing array searches (20170725)
// prepare data to be saved as a CSV/XML file for later import into Excel and do nice graphics
var export_rows []string // we place it here because of potential scope issues later on...
// Theoretically endless loop follows (20170730)
for {
// Now, the problem with the approach of going through the list of Agents is that new Agents might appear, old
// might be deleted, and then we're stuck! (Remember, the updating of the Agents table is done in parallel to this)
// The idea of running goroutines for each Agent will also suffer from the same problem: what if the Agent dies and we don't know
// about it? Of course we can check with a ping first. What about *new* Agents? How do we launch new goroutines for them if we
// don't know about them beforehand? (20170801)
// Second approach (20170801): initialise lastAgentRunning with NullUUID; pick one agent from the database; if it's the
// same as before, pick a new one; if the user has provided us with an agent, use that one instead. This will at least provide
// all agents with a chance of running, while allowing new Agents to appear and old ones to die (20170801). The cost of this
// solution is that *some* Agents may not have a chance to run (since they're picked randomly), so we might be a little more
// evil and use some magical pseudo-random generators from Go which allow a sequence of non-repeated random numbers to be
// generated, and try to follow that order if possible, which means reloading the Agent table every cycle, but it might still be
// worth it (20170801).
// NOTE(gwyneth): From 20170807 onwards, the for loop runs forever, each cycle one Agent is picked to run
// Note that the Agent table does not get reloaded each cycle, only a list of UUIDs, one of which is picked randomly and just one
// Agent is loaded (20170807).
if EngineRunning.Load().(bool) {
// Open database
// sanity check first, I have no idea why this happens sometimes:
if PDO_Prefix == "" {
PDO_Prefix = viper.GetString("gobot.PDO_Prefix")
if GoBotDSN == "" {
GoBotDSN = viper.GetString("gobot.GoBotDSN")
db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
defer db.Close() // needed?
// load in Agents! We need them to call the movement algorithm for each one
// BUG(gwyneth): what if the number of agents _change_ while we're running the engine? We need a way to reset the engine somehow. We have a hack at the moment: send a SIGCONT, it will try to restart the engine in a new goroutine
// Changes 20170807: we now pick one agent randomly
// First check if the end-user hasn't sent us an Agent UUID to use:
userSetAgentUUID := curAgent.Load().(string)
possibleAgentUUID := NullUUID
// Log.Debug("userSetAgent is", userSetAgent)
if userSetAgentUUID == NullUUID {
// we need to pick one agent at random
// Since apparenty MySQL is not very efficient at picking a row randomly, we load in a temporary number of UUIDs and
// select one randomly in Go; then we just get the row from the database (20170807)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT UUID FROM Agents")
if err != nil { // NOTE(gwyneth): caught that error when the grid is not operational yet! (20170816)
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", fmt.Sprintf("Database error when selecting Agent to run: %v", err)," ")
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
continue // now we simply wait...
defer rows.Close() // needed? The problem here is with a continue on the check below...
var agentUUIDs []string
tempUUID := ""
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&tempUUID)
agentUUIDs = append(agentUUIDs, tempUUID)
// if we have zero agents, we cannot go on!
// TODO(gwyneth): be more graceful handling this, because the engine will stop forever this way
// TODO(gwyneth): Better to randomly pick an agent from the database, and if none is available, skip a cycle (20170730).
if len(agentUUIDs) == 0 {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", "Error: no Agents found. Engine cannot run. Aborted. Add an Agent and try sending a SIGCONT to restart engine again "," ")
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
continue // now we simply wait...
// Log.Debug("We got a bunch of UUIDs:", agentUUIDs)
possibleAgentUUID = agentUUIDs[0] // make sure we have at least a valid UUID!!
// Generate a random index, search for it in agentUUIDs; if it's the same one as last time, try again; test for edge case,
// i.e. that we have just 1 Agent in the database. (20170807)
if len(agentUUIDs) > 1 && lastAgentToRunUUID != NullUUID { // edge case: on initialisation, both are set to NullID, so both are equal
for index := 0; lastAgentToRunUUID == possibleAgentUUID; {
index = rand.Intn(len(agentUUIDs))
possibleAgentUUID = agentUUIDs[index]
//if lastAgentToRunUUID != possibleAgentUUID {
// break
// Log.Debug("Index picked:", index, "possibleAgentUUID", possibleAgentUUID, "Last agent was", lastAgentToRunUUID)
} else {
possibleAgentUUID = userSetAgentUUID
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("Using agent UUID %s set by end-user", possibleAgentUUID), "")
lastAgentToRunUUID = possibleAgentUUID
if possibleAgentUUID == NullUUID {
Log.Critical("My logic is still borked!!") // NOTE(gwyneth): if this situation still happens, I need to revisit this! (20170813)
err = db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM Agents where UUID=?", possibleAgentUUID).Scan(
if err != nil || !Agent.OwnerKey.Valid {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", fmt.Sprintf("Error %v: no Agent found for UUID %s, or invalid OwnerKey for this agent. Engine cannot run. Aborted. Fix the database and try sending a SIGCONT to restart engine again ", err, possibleAgentUUID)," ")
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
continue // wait until situation improves...
// do the magic to extract the actual coords
Agent.Coords_xyz = strings.Split(strings.Trim(*Agent.Position.Ptr(), "() \t\n\r"), ",")
// we should extract the region name from Agent.Location, but I'm lazy!
Log.Info("Starting to manipulate Agent", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), " (", *Agent.UUID.Ptr(), ")")
// We need to refresh all the data about cubes and positions again!
// do stuff while it runs, e.g. open databases, search for agents and so forth
Log.Debug("Reloading database for Cubes (Positions) and Obstacles...")
// Load in the 'special' objects (cubes). Because the Master Controllers can be somewhere in here, to save code.
// and a database query, we simply skip all the Master Controllers until we get the most recent one, which gets saved
// The rest of the objects are cubes, so we will need them in the ObjectType array (20170722).
// BUG(gwyneth): Does not work across regions! We will probably need a map of bot controllers for that and check which one to call depending on the region of the current agent; simple, but I'm lazy (20170722).
Cubes = make(map[string]PositionType) // clear array, let the Go garbage collector deal with the memory (20170723)
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM Positions ORDER BY LastUpdate ASC")
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(
Position.Coords_xyz = strings.Split(strings.Trim(*Position.Position.Ptr(), "() \t\n\r"), ",")
// check if we got a Master Bot Controller!
if (*Position.ObjectType.Ptr() == "Bot Controller") {
masterController = Position // this will get overwritten until we get the last, most recent one
} else {
Cubes[*Position.UUID.Ptr()] = Position // if not a controller, it must be a cube! add it to array!
// we need at least ONE masterController, this will be nil if got none (20170807).
if !masterController.PermURL.Valid {
Log.Error(funcName() + ": Major error with database, we need at least one valid masterController to proceed. Sleeping for 10 seconds for user to correct this...")
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
continue // go to next iteration, this one has borked data (20170801)
// load in everything we found out so far on our region(s) but ignore phantom objects
// end-users ought to set their cubes to phantom as well, or else the agents will think of them as obstacles!
Obstacles = nil
rows, err = db.Query("SELECT * FROM Obstacles WHERE Phantom = 0")
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(
Object.Coords_xyz = strings.Split(strings.Trim(*Object.Position.Ptr(), "() \t\n\r"), ",")
Obstacles = append(Obstacles, Object)
// Do not trust the database with the exact Agent position: ask the master controller directly
// NOTE(gwyneth): Perhaps it's better to try asking the agent first, and if it refuses answering, try the master controller. (20170813)
// I believe we go through the master controller because the agent might be too busy informing the database about sensor data.
Log.Debug("master controller URL:", *masterController.PermURL.Ptr(), "Agent:", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "Agent's OwnerKey:", *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr())
// WHY Agent.Ownerkey?!?! Why not Agent.UUID?!?!?
// The answer is NOT obvious: NPCs created by the master controller are owned by the avatar owning the master controller
// and somehow to contact them we need the ownerkey, which is weird; newer versions of OpenSim are supposed to have fixed
// this by adding a flag for NPCs not to be owned by anyone. Using this might mean to change a lot of code! (20170806)
curPos_raw, err := callURL(*masterController.PermURL.Ptr(), "npc=" + *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr() + "&command=osNpcGetPos")
// NOTE(gwyneth): Apparently the web server will reply to ALL possible requests, even if the Agent doesn't exist any more;
// I still don't know what to do in that situation, so we skip this cycle and try the next one (20170730).
if curPos_raw == "" || curPos_raw == "No response could be obtained" || err != nil {
Log.Error("Error in figuring out the response for agent", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "so we will try to skip this cycle...")
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", "Grid reports that agent '" + *Agent.Name.Ptr() + "' is at position: " + curPos_raw + "...\n", "")
// update database with new position
_, err = db.Exec("UPDATE Agents SET Position =? WHERE OwnerKey =?", strings.Trim(curPos_raw, " ()<>"), *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr())
// sanitize
Agent.Coords_xyz = strings.Split(strings.Trim(curPos_raw, " <>()\t\n\r"), ",")
curPos := make([]float64, 3) // to be more similar to the PHP version
Log.Debug("curPos_raw is", curPos_raw)
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(curPos_raw, "<%f, %f, %f>", &curPos[0], &curPos[1], &curPos[2]) // best way to convert strings to floats! (20170728)
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("Avatar '%s' (%s) raw position was %v; recalculated to: %v ", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), *Agent.Name.Ptr(), curPos_raw, curPos), "")
// Now we select where to go to!
// This will eventually become more complex and *possibly* part of the GA (20170811).
// For now, we just see what attribute is more 'urgent' and choose a cube of the appropriate type.
whatCubeTypeNext := "energy" // by default it will be energy
// convert to floats, we could actually change that in the database but I'm lazy... (20170811)
energyAgent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*Agent.Energy.Ptr(), 64)
moneyAgent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*Agent.Money.Ptr(), 64)
happinessAgent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*Agent.Happiness.Ptr(), 64)
// Simple way to make a choice, but this will get much more complicated in the future (I hope!) (20170811)
if moneyAgent < energyAgent {
whatCubeTypeNext = "money"
if (happinessAgent < moneyAgent) && (happinessAgent < energyAgent) {
whatCubeTypeNext = "happiness"
Log.Debug(*Agent.Name.Ptr(), "has energy:", energyAgent, "money:", moneyAgent, "happiness:", happinessAgent, "so obviously we will pick a", whatCubeTypeNext, "cube to move to.")
// calculate distances to nearest obstacles and cubes
// TODO(gwyneth): these might become globals, outside the loop, so we don't need to declare them
var smallestDistanceToObstacle = 1024.0 // will be used later on
var nearestObstacle ObjectType
var smallestDistanceToCube = 1024.0 // will be used later on
var nearestCube PositionType
obstaclePosition := make([]float64, 3)
cubePosition := make([]float64, 3)
var distance float64
// pretty-print some nice tables for nearest obstacles and nearest cubes (20170806).
outputBuffer := "
for k, point := range Obstacles {
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(*point.Position.Ptr(), "%f, %f, %f", &obstaclePosition[0], &obstaclePosition[1], &obstaclePosition[2])
distance = calcDistance(curPos, obstaclePosition)
outputBuffer += fmt.Sprintf("
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", outputBuffer, "")
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("Nearest obstacle to agent %s: '%s' (distance: %.4f m) ", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), *nearestObstacle.Name.Ptr(), smallestDistanceToObstacle), "")
// now pretty-print nearest cubes (20170806).
outputBuffer = "
Cubes (Positions)
for k, point := range Cubes {
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(*point.Position.Ptr(), "%f, %f, %f", &cubePosition[0], &cubePosition[1], &cubePosition[2])
distance = calcDistance(curPos, cubePosition)
point.DistanceToAgent = distance // hope this works, we're saving the distance so that later on we can use this as a weight
outputBuffer += fmt.Sprintf("
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", outputBuffer, "")
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("Nearest %s cube to agent %s: '%s' (distance: %.4f m) ", whatCubeTypeNext, *Agent.Name.Ptr(), *nearestCube.Name.Ptr(), smallestDistanceToCube), "")
/* Idea for the GA:
1. Start with a 20x20 matrix (based loosely on Cosío and Castañeda) around the bot, which contain sensor data (we just sense up to 10 m around the bot). This might need adjustment (i.e. smaller size).
- This represents the space of possible solutions
- Active cube will determine attraction point (see later)
- Chromosomes: randomly generated points (inside the 20x20 matrix) that the robot has to travel. Start perhaps with 50 with a length of 28 (Castañeda use 7 for 10x10 matrix). Points are bounded within the 20x20 matrix
Now evaluate each chromosome with fitness function:
- for each point: see if it's "too near" to an obstacle (potential collision)
- ray casts are more precise, so give it a highest weight (not implemented yet)
- normal sensor data give lower weigth
- we can add modifiers: see number of prims of each obstacle (more prims, more weight, because object might be bigger than predicted); see if the obstacle is an agent (initially: agents might act as deflectors; later: interaction matrix will see if the bot goes nearer to the agent or avoids it)
- for each point: see if it's closest to the cube. Lowest distance reduces weight. In theory, we wish to find the path with the least distance (less energy wasted)
- sort chromosomes according to fitness
- do 20 generations and find next expected point. Move bot to it. Reduce energy calculation on bot. See if it dies!
- repeat for next bot position
20130520 — Results don't converge. It's hard to get the 'bot in less than a 10m radius.
Attempt #2 - use a 10x10 matrix, just 7 points, like Castañeda
Gotshall & Rylander (2002) suggest a population size of about 100-200 for 7 chromosomes
Attempt #3 - Algorithm from Ismail & Sheta was badly implemented!!
Attempt #4 - (to-do) implement Shi & Cui (2010) algorithm for fitness function
Attempt #5 - Shi & Cui (2010) use a strange way to calculate path smoothness. Attempting Qu, Xing & Alexander (2013) which use angles. Modified mutation function, instead of the classical approach (switching two elements in the path), add random ±x, ±y to point
André Neubauer (circular schema theorem, cited by Qu et al.) suggest two-point crossover
Qu et al. suggest sorting path points, after crossover/mutation
/* goal/target/attractor: where the 'bot is going to go next
at some point, this ought to be included in the chromosome as well
for now, we'll hard-code it (walk to the nearest cube)
on stage two, we'll do a simple check:
- see what attributes are lowest
- go to the nearest cube that replenishes the attribute
- since this will be iterated every time the 'bot moves, we hope it won't die from starvation,
as moving elsewhere becomes prioritary
// nearestCube is where we go (20140526 changing it to selected cube by user, named destCube)
var destCube PositionType
// BUG(gwyneth): Somehow, the code below will just be valid once! (20170728) - this needs more testing, I think
// it was a `clear` somewhere at the end of the iteration, but we got to check it. Also, the submit button for
// changing cube/agent does not go away and the visual feedback is weird (20170806).
// Still working on it, it somehow works sometimes, but it's hard to debug because the GA does so many things (20170813).
Log.Info("User-set destination cube for", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), ":", userDestCube.Load().(string), "(NullUUID means no destination manually set)")
if userDestCube.Load().(string) != NullUUID {
destCube = Cubes[userDestCube.Load().(string)]
Log.Info("User has supplied us with a destination cube for", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "named:", *destCube.Name.Ptr())
} else {
destCube = nearestCube
Log.Info("Automatically selecting nearest cube for", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "to go:", *destCube.Name.Ptr())
// This is just a test without the GA (20170725)
// Commented out in 20170730 — forgot completely about this!!
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", "GA will attempt to move agent '" + *Agent.Name.Ptr() + "' to cube '" + *destCube.Name.Ptr() + "' at position " + *destCube.Position.Ptr(), "")
_, err = callURL(*masterController.PermURL.Ptr(), "npc=" + *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr() + "&command=osNpcMoveToTarget&vector=<" + *destCube.Position.Ptr() + ">&integer=1")
time_start := time.Now()
// Genetic algorithm for movement
// generate 50 strings (= individuals in the population) with 28 random points (= 1 chromosome) at curpos ± 10m
population := make([]popType, POPULATION_SIZE) // create a population; unlike PHP, Go has to have a few clues about what is being created (20170726)
// Log.Debug("population len", len(population))
// initialise the slices of chromosomes; Go needs this to know how much memory to allocate (unlike PHP)
for k := range population {
population[k].chromosomes = make([]chromosomeType, CHROMOSOMES)
// Log.Debug("Chromosome", k, "population len", len(population[k].chromosomes))
// We calculate now the distance from each point to the destination
// Because this is computationally intensive, we will not repeat it every time during each generation
// Works well unless the destination moves! Then our calculations might be wrong
// But we will catch up on the _next_ iteration (hopefully, unless it moves too fast)
// We also use the best and second best path from a previous run of the GA
// get from the database the last two 'best paths' (if it makes sense)
start_pop := 0 // if we have no best paths, we will generate everything from scratch
// Maybe it makes sense to keep around the last best paths if we're still moving towards the same
// cube; so check for this first, and discard the last best paths if the destination changed
// NOTE(gwyneth): Unlike the PHP version, the Go version deals simultaneously with an automated choice of path as well as manual
// setting of destination, through user input; so the code here is slightly different. We *already* have the
// destination cube in destCube (20170726).
// We already have the cubePosition with the correct data (array of 3 float64 values for x,y,z).
// NOTE(gwyneth): I have a doubt here, when the algorithm runs again, should the agent keep the CurrentTarget in mind? (20170726)
// The PHP code seems to assume that, but it wasn't ready yet for automated runs...
// calculate the center point between current position and target
// needs to be global for path sorting function (Ruhe's algorithm)
// NOTE(gwyneth): in PHP we had a global $centerPoint; Go uses capital letters to designate globality (20170726).
// NOTE(gwyneth): Ruhe's algorithm is not used any more, so we can safely forget this declaration (20170805).
CenterPoint := struct {
x, y, z float64
x: 0.5 * (cubePosition[0] + curPos[0]),
y: 0.5 * (cubePosition[1] + curPos[1]),
z: 0.5 * (cubePosition[2] + curPos[2]),
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("Center point for this iteration is <%f, %f, %f> ", CenterPoint.x, CenterPoint.y, CenterPoint.z), "")
// Now generate from scratch the remaining population
for i := start_pop; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ {
population[i].Fitness = 0.0
for y := 0; y < CHROMOSOMES; y++ {
// Ismail & Sheta recommend to use the distance between points as part of the fitness
// edge cases: first point, which is the distance to the current position of the agent
// and last point, which is the distance between the last point and the target
// that's why the first and last point have been inserted differently in the population
// Log.Debug("i", i, "y", y)
if y == 0 { // first point is (approx.) current position
population[i].chromosomes[y].x = math.Trunc(curPos[0])
population[i].chromosomes[y].y = math.Trunc(curPos[1])
population[i].chromosomes[y].z = math.Trunc(curPos[2])
} else if y == (CHROMOSOMES - 1) { // last point is (approx.) position of target
population[i].chromosomes[y].x = math.Trunc(cubePosition[0])
population[i].chromosomes[y].y = math.Trunc(cubePosition[1])
population[i].chromosomes[y].z = math.Trunc(cubePosition[2])
} else { // others are scattered around the current position
population[i].chromosomes[y].x = math.Trunc(curPos[0] + (rand.Float64() * 2)*RADIUS - RADIUS)
if population[i].chromosomes[y].x < 0.0 {
population[i].chromosomes[y].x = 0.0
} else if population[i].chromosomes[y].x > 255.0 {
population[i].chromosomes[y].x = 255.0
population[i].chromosomes[y].y = math.Trunc(curPos[1] + (rand.Float64() * 2)*RADIUS - RADIUS)
if population[i].chromosomes[y].y < 0.0 {
population[i].chromosomes[y].y = 0.0
} else if population[i].chromosomes[y].y > 255.0 {
population[i].chromosomes[y].y = 255.0
population[i].chromosomes[y].z = math.Trunc((cubePosition[2] + curPos[2])/2) // will work for flat terrain but not more
// To implement Shi & Cui (2010) or Qu et al. (2013) we add these distances to obstacles together
// If there are no obstacles in our radius, then we keep it clear
population[i].chromosomes[y].obstacle = RADIUS // anything beyond that we don't care
var point ObjectType
for _, point = range Obstacles {
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(*point.Position.Ptr(), "%f, %f, %f", &obstaclePosition[0], &obstaclePosition[1], &obstaclePosition[2])
distance = calcDistance([]float64 {population[i].chromosomes[y].x,
population[i].chromosomes[y].z },
// Shi & Cui and Qu et al. apparently just uses the distance to the nearest obstacle
if distance < population[i].chromosomes[y].obstacle {
population[i].chromosomes[y].obstacle = 1/distance
// we use the inverse here, because if we have many distant obstacles it's
// better than a single one that is close by
// TODO(gwyneth): obstacles flagged as ray-casting are far more precise, so they ought to be
// more weighted.
// TODO(gwyneth): obstacles could also have bounding box calculations: bigger objects should
// be more weighted. However, HUGE objects might have holes in it. We ought to
// include the bounding box only for ray-casting, or else navigation would be impossible!
// Note that probably OpenSim raycasts only via bounding boxes (need confirmation)
// so maybe this is never a good approach. Lots of tests to be done here!
// NOTE(gwyneth): The latest version of llRayCast, v3 on BulletSim, does NOT use bounding boxes. Confirmed 20170730.
if RADIUS - population[i].chromosomes[y].obstacle < 0.00001 { // we use a delta to deal with rounding errors with floats
population[i].chromosomes[y].obstacle = 0.0
// calculate, for this point, its distance to the destination, currently $destCube
// (exploded to array $cubePosition)
// might not need this
population[i].chromosomes[y].distance = calcDistance([]float64 { population[i].chromosomes[y].x,
// abandoned: initialize smoothness for Shi & Cui
// adopted (20140523): smoothness using angles, like Qu et al.
population[i].chromosomes[y].smoothness = 0.0
population[i].chromosomes[y].angle = 0.0 // maybe initialize it here
} // endfor y
// now sort this path. According to Qu et al. (2013) this gets us a smoother path
// hope it's true, because it's computationally intensive
// (20140523) we're using Ruhe's algorithm for sorting according to angle, hope it works
// (20140524) Abandoned Ruhe, using a simple comparison like Qu et al.
//echo "Before sorting, point i is: "; var_dump(population[i]); echo " \n";
$popsort = substr(population[i], 1, -1);
$first_individual = population[i][0];
$last_individual = population[i][CHROMOSOMES - 1];
usort($popsort, 'point_cmp');
population[i] = array_merge((array)$first_individual, $popsort, (array)$last_individual);
pop := population[i].chromosomes
sort.Slice(pop, func(a, b int) bool {
// NOTE(gwyneth): these is still the old PHP comments, kept here for historical reasons
// global $centerPoint;
/* Attempt #1: Ruhe's algorithm
$theta_a = atan2($a.y - $centerPoint.y, $a.x - $centerPoint.x);
$angle_a = fmod(M_PI - M_PI_4 + $theta_a, 2 * M_PI);
$theta_b = atan2($b.y - $centerPoint.y, $b.x - $centerPoint.x);
$angle_b = fmod(M_PI - M_PI_4 + $theta_a, 2 * M_PI);
if ($angle_a == $angle_b)
return 0;
return ($angle_a < $angle_b) ? -1 : 1;
// Attempt #2: just angles
if ($a.angle == $b.angle)
return 0;
return (abs($a.angle) < abs($b.angle)) ? -1 : 1;
// Attempt #3: Just compare x,y! This is a terrible solution but better than nothing
// using algorithm from Anonymous on http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.usort.php
if ($a.x == $b.x)
if ($a.y == $b.y)
return 0;
elseif ($a.y > $b.y)
return 1;
elseif ($a.y < $b.y)
return -1;
elseif ($a.x > $b.x)
return 1;
elseif ($a.x < $b.x)
return -1;
// Attempt #4: order by shortest distance to the target?
return pop[a].distance < pop[b].distance
} // endfor i
// testing printing the current population (with json we get strange results!)
// showPopulation(population, "Current population")
// We're not finished yet! We need to calculate angles between all points (duh!) to establish smoothness
// Let's do it from scratch:
for i := 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ {
population[i].chromosomes[0].angle = 0.0 // curPos has (obviously) angle 0
for j := 1; j < CHROMOSOMES; j++ {
population[i].chromosomes[j].angle =
math.Atan2(population[i].chromosomes[j].y - population[i].chromosomes[j-1].y,
population[i].chromosomes[j].x - population[i].chromosomes[j-1].x)
// sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("Pop %v, Chromosome %v - Angle is %v ", i, j, population[i].chromosomes[j].angle), "")
// Initial population done; now loop over generations
for generation := 0; generation < GENERATIONS; generation++ {
// Calculate fitness
// Log.Debug("Generating fitness for generation ", generation, " (out of ", GENERATIONS, ") for agent", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "...")
// When calculating a new population, each element will have its chromosomes reordered
// So we have no choice but to calculate fitness for all population elements _again_
for i := 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++ {
fitnessW1 := 0.0
fitnessW2 := 0.0
fitnessW3 := 0.0
// note that first point is current location; we start from the second point onwards
for y := 1; y < CHROMOSOMES; y++ {
// Sub-function of Path Length (using Shi & Cui)
distLastPoint := calcDistance([]float64 {
[]float64 {
// Eduardo: suggests using square distance, means path will have more
// distributed points. (20140704 - 2004)
fitnessW1 += distLastPoint * distLastPoint
// Sub-function of Path Security (using Shi & Cui) — obstacle proximity
fitnessW2 += population[i].chromosomes[y].obstacle
// Sub-function of Smoothness (using Shi & Cui)
// This measures how zig-zaggy the path is, namely, if points are pointing back etc.
// We want a smooth path towards the goal
// Possibly here is where the weight will be added
// Attempt #5: Qu et al. suggest the angle between line segments
// used http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20395547/sorting-an-array-of-x-and-y-vertice-points-ios-objective-c
/* Shi & Cui; abandoned
population[i][$y]["smoothness"] =
(population[i][$y-1].y - population[i][$y].y) /
(population[i][$y-1].x - population[i][$y].x)
(population[i][$y].y - population[i][$y-1].y) /
(population[i][$y].x - population[i][$y-1].x)
// even though Shi & Cui was abandoned, we calculate smoothness nevertheless, only to make sure these calculations work!
// (20170806)
population[i].chromosomes[y].smoothness = ( population[i].chromosomes[y-1].y - population[i].chromosomes[y].y /
population[i].chromosomes[y-1].x - population[i].chromosomes[y].x ) -
( population[i].chromosomes[y].y - population[i].chromosomes[y-1].y /
population[i].chromosomes[y].x - population[i].chromosomes[y-1].x )
fitnessW3 += population[i].chromosomes[y].angle // clever, huh? check if abs makes sense
// I don't think abs of an angle is a good idea (20170806)
// and we'll also use the overall distance to the attractor
//population[i]["fitness"] += population[i][$y]["distance"];
} // end for y
population[i].Fitness = W1 * fitnessW1 + W2 * fitnessW2 + W3 * fitnessW3
} // end for i
// note that the most critical point is the first: it's the one the 'bot will try to walk to. But we need
// to calculate the rest of the path, too, which is "the best path so far which the bot plans to travel"
// even if at every iteration, it will get calculated over and over again
Log.Debug("CPU time used after fitness calculations for generation ", generation, ": ", time.Since(time_start))
showPopulation(population, fmt.Sprintf("Generation %v] - Before ordering:", generation))
// Now we do genetics!
// To pick the 'best' population elements, we need to sort this by fitness, so that the best
// elements are at the top
// order by fitness
sort.Slice(population, func(a, b int) bool {
return population[a].Fitness < population[b].Fitness
// TODO(gwyneth): to comment out later (20170727)
showPopulation(population, fmt.Sprintf("Population for agent '%s' [generation %v] after calculating fitness and ordering by fitness follows:", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), generation))
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("CPU time used after sorting generation %v for agent '%s': %v \n", generation, *Agent.Name.Ptr(), time.Since(time_start)), "")
// Selection step. We're using fitness rank
newPopulation := make([]popType, POPULATION_SIZE) // create a new population; see comments above
for k := range newPopulation {
newPopulation[k].chromosomes = make([]chromosomeType, CHROMOSOMES)
// To introduce elitism, we will move the first 2 elements to the new population:
newPopulation[0] = population[0]
newPopulation[1] = population[1]
// we could also delete the remaining two
// for the remaining population:
for i := 2; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i += 2 {
// establish if we do crossover
if rand.Float64() * 100 < CROSSOVER_RATE {
// find a crossover point; according to André Neubauer, we might need two crossover points
crossover_point := int(math.Trunc(rand.Float64() * CHROMOSOMES))
child0 := make([]chromosomeType, CHROMOSOMES)
child1 := make([]chromosomeType, CHROMOSOMES)
// Log.Debug("Generation ", generation, " - Crossover for ", i, " and ", (i + 1), " happening at crossover point: ", crossover_point)
// now copy the chromosomes from the first parent, up to the crossover point, to child0
// and the remaining chromosomes go to the second child
// simultaneously, do the reverse for the second parent
// there are probably better/faster string manipulation techniques but this is easy to debug
for chromosome := 0; chromosome < CHROMOSOMES; chromosome++ {
if chromosome <= crossover_point {
child0[chromosome] = population[i].chromosomes[chromosome]
child1[chromosome] = population[i+1].chromosomes[chromosome]
} else {
child0[chromosome] = population[i+1].chromosomes[chromosome]
child1[chromosome] = population[i].chromosomes[chromosome]
Log.Debug("Pop ", i, ", chromosome: ", chromosome, " Original chromosome: ", population[i].chromosomes[chromosome],
"Child 0 chromosome: ", child0[chromosome])
} // endif chromosomes
// test for mutation; note that this is permille and not percent
if rand.Float64() * 1000 < MUTATION_RATE {
Abandoned mutation implementation, which was a classical formulation
for value-based GA (as opposed to bit-based)
// pick two chromosomes for first child, two for second child
// see http://obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/crossover-mutation.php
first_chromosome = mt_rand(0, CHROMOSOMES-1);
second_chromosome = mt_rand(0, CHROMOSOMES-1);
// exchange them, by using a temporary holder (this is mostly because
// the exchange might be for the same chromosome!
$temp_first_chromosome = child0[first_chromosome];
$temp_second_chromosome = child0[second_chromosome];
child0[first_chromosome] = $temp_second_chromosome;
child0[second_chromosome] = $temp_first_chromosome;
// echo "Generation " . $generation . " - Mutation happening for child " . i . " — exchanging chromosomes " . first_chromosome . " and " . second_chromosome . "\n";
// same for second child
first_chromosome = mt_rand(0, CHROMOSOMES-1);
second_chromosome = mt_rand(0, CHROMOSOMES-1);
// exchange them, by using a temporary holder (this is mostly because
// the exchange might be for the same chromosome!
$temp_first_chromosome = child1[first_chromosome];
$temp_second_chromosome = child1[second_chromosome];
child1[first_chromosome] = $temp_second_chromosome;
child1[second_chromosome] = $temp_first_chromosome;
// echo "Generation " . $generation . " - Mutation happening for child " . (i + 1) . " — exchanging chromosomes " . first_chromosome . " and " . second_chromosome . "\n";
(20140523) Instead, as Qu et al. do, just pick a point and add some
random distance to it
first_chromosome := int(math.Trunc(rand.Float64() * (CHROMOSOMES-1)))
second_chromosome := int(math.Trunc(rand.Float64() * (CHROMOSOMES-1)))
child0[first_chromosome].x += (rand.Float64() * 2)*RADIUS/2 - RADIUS/2
if child0[first_chromosome].x < 0 {
child0[first_chromosome].x = 0
} else if child0[first_chromosome].x > 255 {
child0[first_chromosome].x = 255
child0[first_chromosome].y += (rand.Float64() * 2)*RADIUS/2 - RADIUS/2
if child0[first_chromosome].y < 0 {
child0[first_chromosome].y = 0
} else if child0[first_chromosome].y > 255 {
child0[first_chromosome].y = 255
child1[second_chromosome].x += (rand.Float64() * 2)*RADIUS/2 - RADIUS/2
if child1[second_chromosome].x < 0 {
child1[second_chromosome].x = 0
} else if child1[second_chromosome].x > 255 {
child1[second_chromosome].x = 255
child1[second_chromosome].y += (rand.Float64() * 2)*RADIUS/2 - RADIUS/2
if child1[second_chromosome].y < 0 {
child1[second_chromosome].y = 0
} else if child1[second_chromosome].y > 255 {
child1[second_chromosome].y = 255
} // endif mutation
Log.Debug("Generation ", generation, " - New children for population ", i, ": ", child0, "\nand ",
(i + 1), ": ", child1)
/* we need to sort the points on the two childs AGAIN. Duh. And recalculate the angles.
Duh, duh, duh */
child0sort = substr(child0, 1, -1);
child1sort = substr(child1, 1, -1);
$first_individual_child0 = child0[0];
$first_individual_child1 = child1[0];
$last_individual_child0 = child0[CHROMOSOMES - 1];
$last_individual_child1 = child1[CHROMOSOMES - 1];
usort(child0sort, 'point_cmp');
usort(child1sort, 'point_cmp');
child0 = array_merge((array)$first_individual_child0, child0sort,
child1 = array_merge((array)$first_individual_child1, child1sort,
sort.Slice(child0, func(a, b int) bool {
return child0[a].distance < child0[b].distance
sort.Slice(child1, func(a, b int) bool {
return child1[a].distance < child1[b].distance
child0[0].angle = 0.0;
child0[1].angle = 0.0;
for j := 1; j < CHROMOSOMES; j++ {
child0[j].angle = math.Atan2(child0[j].y - child0[j-1].y,
child0[j].x - child0[j-1].x)
child1[j].angle = math.Atan2(child1[j].y - child1[j-1].y,
child1[j].x - child1[j-1].x)
// add the two children to the new population; fitness will be calculated on next iteration
newPopulation[i].chromosomes = child0
newPopulation[i+1].chromosomes = child1
// endif crossover
} else {
// no crossover, just move them directly
newPopulation[i].chromosomes = population[i].chromosomes
newPopulation[i+1].chromosomes = population[i+1].chromosomes
// echo "No crossover for " . i . " and " . (i + 1) . " - moving parents to new population \n";
// Log.Debug("Pop ", i, "finished")
Log.Debug("Generation ", generation, " finished")
population = newPopulation; // prepare population
// Log.Debug("CPU time used after crossover and mutation up to generation ", generation, ": ", time.Since(time_start))
} // for generation
//showPopulation(population, fmt.Sprintf("Final result (%v generation(s)):", GENERATIONS))
// at the end, the first point (after the current position) for the last population should give us the nearest point to move to
// ideally, the remaining points should also have converged
// obviously, as the avatar moves and finds about new obstacles etc. the population will change
// move to target; integer=1 means "walking" (never "flying")
// Solution by Eduardo 20140704 — if we're close to the destination, within its radius, then we should
// move to the last point — which is our current destination!
// Calculate where we are before we move
distanceToTarget := calcDistance(curPos, cubePosition)
var target int // declared here for scope issues (PHP has the ternary operator for dealing with that, Go hasn't)
if distanceToTarget < RADIUS {
} else {
target = CHROMOSOMES -1
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("Solution: move agent %s first to (%v, %v, %v) [and follow with %v points]. Distance is %.4f m", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), population[0].chromosomes[1].x, population[0].chromosomes[1].y, population[0].chromosomes[1].z, target - 1, distanceToTarget), "")
// BUG(gwyneth): Major bug here! Possibly corrected with new approach. (20170805)
// Basically, we generate the path for the next CHROMOSOME points. But we just need to move the avatar to the NEXT point
// (i.e. chromosomes[1], because we will recalculate the whole path from then on. On the other hand, we need to print out
// what the best path was so far, etc. and this will enter the calculations for the next batch of generations and so forth.
// Nevertheless, the command to move the avatar is just for the NEXT point. (20170805) This should eliminate the 'quirks' of
// the avatar moving in zig-zag and sometimes even backwards... and hopefully it will avoid them to move towards 0,0,Z...
// Possibly Go is much faster at calculating new paths than the avatar is in moving to the next one.
// because Go is so fast at calculating generations, we need to push the commands to give on a separate goroutine
// which acts as a worker to consume points and wait on them until the avatar has finished walking to the point.
// We begin with a channel with the capacity of allowing CHROMOSOMES points, maybe this needs to be adjusted in the future
// Possibly we just need to move to the NEXT point, so the channel capacity would be just one! (20170805)
movementJobChannel <- movementJob {
agentUUID: *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr(),
masterControllerPermURL: *masterController.PermURL.Ptr(),
agentPermURL: *Agent.PermURL.Ptr(),
destPoint: population[0].chromosomes[1],
for p := 1; p < target; p++ { // (skip first point — current location)
// This is added for the CSV export, but I don't know if it makes more sense here or in the movementWorker goroutine
export_rows = append(export_rows, fmt.Sprintf("%f,%f,%f;", population[0].chromosomes[p].x, population[0].chromosomes[p].y, population[0].chromosomes[p].z))
// Save two best solutions for next iteration; attempts to avoid to recalculate always from scratch
// We do it after moving because the avatar needs a few seconds to reach destination
// Reopen database, we need to write out the new Agent data
db, err = sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
// now update our database with the best paths and the target
stmt, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE Agents SET BestPath=?, SecondBestPath=?, CurrentTarget=? WHERE UUID=?")
if err != nil {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", fmt.Sprintf("%v: Updating database with best path, second best path, and current target for agent %s - prepare failed: %s",
funcName(), *Agent.Name.Ptr(), err), "")
marshalled0, err := json.Marshal(population[0])
marshalled1, err := json.Marshal(population[1])
_, err = stmt.Exec(marshalled0,
strings.Trim(*destCube.Position.Ptr(), " \t"),
if err != nil {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", fmt.Sprintf("%v: Updating database with best path, second best path, and current target for agent %s failed: %s",
funcName(), *Agent.Name.Ptr(), err), "")
// See if we're close to the target; absolute precision might be impossible
// first, read position again, just to see what we get
curposResult, err := callURL(*masterController.PermURL.Ptr(), "npc=" + *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr() + "&command=osNpcGetPos")
if err == nil {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("Grid reports that agent %s is at position: %v",
*Agent.Name.Ptr(), curposResult), "")
} else {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", "We cannot get report from the grid for the position of agent " + *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "")
echo "This is how Destination Cube looks like: \n";
echo " \n";
currentPosition := make([]float64, 3) // see comment above for doing the same to curPos (20170728)
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(strings.Trim(curposResult, " ()<>"), "%f,%f,%f", ¤tPosition[0], ¤tPosition[1], ¤tPosition[2])
echo "Distance comparison: Current Position: \n";
echo "Target Cube \n";
echo " \n";
distance = calcDistance(cubePosition, currentPosition) // this is how much is missing to reach destination
if distance < 1.1 { // we might never get closer than this due to rounding errors
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("Within rounding errors of %s, distance is merely %.4f m; let's sit %s down", *destCube.Name.Ptr(), distance, *Agent.Name.Ptr()), "")
// if we're close enough, sit on it
sitResult, err := callURL(*masterController.PermURL.Ptr(), "npc=" + *Agent.OwnerKey.Ptr() + "&command=osNpcSit&key=" + *destCube.UUID.Ptr() + "&integer=" + OS_NPC_SIT_NOW)
if (err == nil) {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", "Result from " + *Agent.Name.Ptr() + " sitting: " + sitResult, "")
} else {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", "Grid error when trying to sit " + *Agent.Name.Ptr(), "")
} else if distance < 2.5 {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "warning", fmt.Sprintf("%s is very close to %s, distance is now %.4f m", *Agent.Name.Ptr(), *destCube.Name.Ptr(), distance), "")
} else {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "warning", fmt.Sprintf("%s is still %.4f m away from %s (%v, %v, %v)",
cubePosition[2]), "")
// Now place a button to save/export to CSV or XML
// TODO(gwyneth): this was on the original code but no button was there; need to see where it is (20170728)
// If the user had set agent + cube, clean them up for now
// They never get cleaned! That's the whole point! Unless of course the user WANTS them cleaned (20170729)
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "info", fmt.Sprintf("CPU time used: %v", time.Since(time_start)), "")
// output something to console so that we know this is being run in parallel
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
// if we're set to run only once then stop, change atomic values accordingly
if OneStep.Load().(bool) {
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "startEngine")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "enable", "", "oneStep")
sendMessageToBrowser("htmlControl", "disable", "", "stopEngine")
} else {
// stop everything!!!
// in theory this is used to deal with reconfigurations etc.
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
} // end for (endless loop here)
// Why should we ever stop? :)
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "success", "this is the engine stopping", "")
// sendMessageToBrowser sends a string to the internal, global channel which is picked up by the websocket handling goroutine.
// In the case of special status messages (info, success, warning, error) we also send the same message to the log.
// If no WebSocket is active (and we check that in two different ways!) the message simply goes to the log instead.
func sendMessageToBrowser(msgType string, msgSubType string, msgText string, msgId string) {
text, err := html2text.FromString(msgText, html2text.Options{PrettyTables: true}) // prettify eventual HTML inside msgText
if webSocketActive.Load() != nil && webSocketActive.Load().(bool) { // no point in sending if nobody is there to receive
var msgToSend WsMessageType
msgToSend.New(msgType, msgSubType, msgText, msgId)
// Go idiomatic programming: 'select' parallels the output of the two cases and picks the one which finishes; in this case, either
// we are able to send a message via the channel, or there is a timeout, and Go picks what happens first
select {
case wsSendMessage <- msgToSend:
// we use this so often as info/warning/error message that we may better send it also to the log
if msgType == "status" && msgSubType != "" {
switch msgSubType {
case "info":
Log.Info("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "notice":
Log.Notice("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "success":
Log.Notice("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "warning":
Log.Warning("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "error":
Log.Error("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "critical":
Log.Critical("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
Log.Debug("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
} else {
Log.Debug("(connected via WebSocket)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
// 'common' messages have the nil string subtype, so we ignore these and don't log them
// we might have a Debug facility in the future which allows for more verbosity!
case <-time.After(time.Second * 10):
// this case exists only if we failed to figure out if the WebSocket is active or not; in most cases, we will
// be able to know that in advance, but here we catch the edge cases.
Log.Warning("WebSocket timeout after 10 seconds; coudn't send message:", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
} else {
// No active WebSocket? Just dump it to the log. Note that this will be the most usual case, since we hardly expect users to be 24/7 in
// front of their browsers...
if msgType == "status" && msgSubType != "" {
switch msgSubType {
case "info":
Log.Info("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "notice":
Log.Notice("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "success":
Log.Notice("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "warning":
Log.Warning("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "error":
Log.Error("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
case "critical":
Log.Critical("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
Log.Debug("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
} else {
Log.Debug("(no WebSocket connection)", msgType, "-", msgSubType, "-", text, "-", msgId)
// callURL encapsulates a call to an URL. It exists as an analogy to the PHP version (20170723).
func callURL(url string, encodedRequest string) (string, error) {
// HTTP request as per http://moazzam-khan.com/blog/golang-make-http-requests/
body := []byte(encodedRequest)
// Log.Debugf("%s: URL: %s Encoded Request: %s\n", funcName(), url, encodedRequest)
rs, err := http.Post(url, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", bytes.NewBuffer(body))
if err != nil { errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("HTTP call to %s failed; error was: '%v'", url, err)
return errMsg, err
defer rs.Body.Close()
rsBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rs.Body)
// Check for errors; if errors found, then send the error message back to the caller
if err != nil {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("error response from in-world object: '%v'", err)
return errMsg, err
} else {
if string(rsBody) == "No response could be obtained" { // weird case, but apparently it can happen!
err = errors.New("No response could be obtained")
Log.Debugf("Reply from in-world object: '%s'; error was %v\n", rsBody, err)
return string(rsBody), err
// showPopulation is adapted from the PHP code to pretty-print a whole population
// new version creates HTML tables
func showPopulation(popul []popType, popCaption string) {
if !ShowPopulation { // this might be the beginning of a debug level configuration type; currently we have the options from the go-logging pkg (20170813).
outputBuffer := "
" + popCaption + "
Pop #
for p, pop := range popul {
outputBuffer += fmt.Sprintf("
", p, pop.Fitness)
for _, chr := range pop.chromosomes {
outputBuffer += fmt.Sprintf("
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", outputBuffer, "")
// movementWorker reads one point from the movementJobChannel and sends a command to the avatar to move to it, and recalculates energy.
// Then it blocks for the necessary amount of estimated time for the avatar to reach that destination until it reads the next
// point. Right now, the channel accepts CHROMOSOME jobs at a time (20170730).
// Finally, it calculates how much energy the avatar has spent for the distance travelled (20170811).
// TODO(gwyneth): probably happiness is also affected, we have to think about a new formula for that (20170811).
func movementWorker() {
var nextPoint movementJob
curPos := make([]float64, 3) // no need to allocate this over and over again
newPos := make([]float64, 3) // this is the position that the avatar managed to travel to after this iteration
for { // once started, never stops?
nextPoint = <-movementJobChannel // consume one point from the channel
// these must be set, nothing like a bit of error checking for eventual bugs elsewhere
if nextPoint.masterControllerPermURL == "" || nextPoint.agentUUID == "" || nextPoint.agentPermURL == "" {
continue // either the next job comes valid, or we continue to consume points until a valid one comes along
// The code below was commented in the PHP code, but we reuse it here as it was because it makes sense! (20170730)
// How much should we wait? Well, we calculate the distance to the next point! And since avatars move pretty much
// at the same speed all the time, we can make a rough estimate of the time they will take.
// ask the avatar where it is
curPosResult, err := callURL(nextPoint.agentPermURL, "command=osNpcGetPos")
if err != nil {
// we have to assume this will never work, so we skip to the next case
// convert string result to array of floats
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(strings.Trim(curPosResult, " ()<>"), "%f,%f,%f", &curPos[0], &curPos[1], &curPos[2])
walkingDistance := calcDistance(
curPos, []float64 { nextPoint.destPoint.x, nextPoint.destPoint.y, nextPoint.destPoint.z })
timeToTravel := walkingDistance / WALKING_SPEED // we might adjust this to assume the in-world calls took some time as well
// do not wait too long, though!
if timeToTravel > 5.0 {
timeToTravel = 5.0
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: Next point at %.4f metres; waiting %.4f secs for avatar %s to go to next point... ",
funcName(), walkingDistance, timeToTravel, nextPoint.agentUUID), "")
moveResult, err := callURL(nextPoint.agentPermURL,
nextPoint.destPoint.x, nextPoint.destPoint.y, nextPoint.destPoint.z))
if err != nil {
// we lost the ability to send messages; what to do now? Well, we can ignore this, the GA will
// just require a new cycle
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: In-world result call from moving %s to (%v, %v, %v): %s ",
funcName(), nextPoint.agentUUID, nextPoint.destPoint.x, nextPoint.destPoint.y, nextPoint.destPoint.z, moveResult), "")
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(timeToTravel))
// ask the avatar AGAIN where it is, since it MIGHT not have reached the destination we expect it to reach (20170811).
newPosResult, err := callURL(nextPoint.agentPermURL, "command=osNpcGetPos")
// convert string result to array of floats
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(strings.Trim(newPosResult, " ()<>"), "%f,%f,%f", &newPos[0], &newPos[1], &newPos[2])
travelled := calcDistance(newPos, curPos) // see how much we've actually travelled
// calculate how much energy we've lost so far
energyLost := travelled / WALKING_SPEED // some stupid formula, it doesn't matter, it's just to affect the counters
// let the bloody avatar subtract some energy!
energyResult, err := callURL(nextPoint.agentPermURL, "command=getEnergy")
energyAgent, err := strconv.ParseFloat(energyResult, 64)
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: %s had %f energy; lost %f on movement ", funcName(), nextPoint.agentUUID, energyAgent, energyLost), "")
energyAgent -= energyLost
energyResult, err = callURL(nextPoint.agentPermURL, fmt.Sprintf("command=setEnergy&float=%f", energyAgent))
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: %s updated to new energy level %f; in.world reply: %v ", funcName(), nextPoint.agentUUID, energyAgent, energyResult), "")
// update on database as well
db, err := sql.Open(PDO_Prefix, GoBotDSN)
defer db.Close()
stmt, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE Agents SET `Energy`=? WHERE OwnerKey=?")
if (err != nil) {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", fmt.Sprintf("Agent '%s' could not be prepared in database with new energy settings; database reply was: '%v'", nextPoint.agentUUID, err), "")
defer stmt.Close()
execResult, err := stmt.Exec(energyAgent, nextPoint.agentUUID)
if (err != nil) {
sendMessageToBrowser("status", "error", fmt.Sprintf("Agent '%s' could not be updated in database with new energy settings; database reply was: '%v'", nextPoint.agentUUID, err), "")
} else {
id, err := execResult.LastInsertId()
rowsAffected, err2 := execResult.RowsAffected()
Log.Debug("Result from executing the energy update was:", id, err, "Rows affected:", rowsAffected, err2)
Log.Debug("Agent", nextPoint.agentUUID, "updated database with new energy:", energyAgent)