{{ define "lsl-bot-controller" }}
This is the master bot controller script, which allows controlling all agents, including creating new ones.
Copy the below code to a script called bot controller.lsl
and put it inside a cube.
// Handles registration with the external database
// Send inventory and deal with external commands
// This combines the old listen channel with the new HTTP-based command, since we need to be able to clone avatars
// to notecards (which was only present on the old code)
string registrationURL = "http://{{.Host}}{{.ServerPort}}{{.URLPathPrefix}}/register-position/";
string externalURL; // this is what we'll get from SL to get incoming connections
string webServerURLupdateInventory = "http://{{.Host}}{{.ServerPort}}{{.URLPathPrefix}}/update-inventory/";
key registrationRequest; // used to track down the request for registration
key updateRequest; // used to track down the request for registration
key serverKey; // for inventory updates
key httpRequestKey;
list npcNames;
integer howManyNPCs = 0;
string deleteAvatarURL = "http://{{.Host}}{{.ServerPort}}{{.URLPathPrefix}}/register-position/";
key deleteRequest;
key npc; // used on chat commands
integer LSLSignaturePIN = {{.LSLSignaturePIN}};
integer listenChannel = 10;
llSetText("Registering bot controller...", <1.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0);
llOwnerSay("Registering bot controller...");
// release URLs before requesting a new one
externalURL = "";
//llOwnerSay("On state_entry");
llSetText("Listening on " + listenChannel, <0, 255, 0>, 1);
llOwnerSay("Say /" + (string)listenChannel + " help for commands");
llSetTimerEvent(3600.0); // this will hopefully force an update every hour
on_rez(integer what)
//llOwnerSay("On on_rez");
touch_start(integer total_number)
// llOwnerSay("On touch_start");
// just re-register
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() || llDetectedGroup(0))
if (llDetectedTouchFace(0) != 0)
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
if (msg != "")
list commands = llParseString2List(msg, [ " " ], []);
string msg0 = llList2String(commands, 0);
string msg1 = llList2String(commands, 1);
string msg2 = llList2String(commands, 2);
string msg3 = llList2String(commands, 3);
if (msg0 == "create")
if (msg1 != "")
string notecardName = msg1;
string FirstName = msg2;
string LastName = msg3;
if (FirstName == "") FirstName = "Jane";
if (LastName == "") LastName = "Doe";
npc = osNpcCreate(FirstName, LastName, llGetPos() + <5, 5, 0>, notecardName, OS_NPC_SENSE_AS_AGENT);
npcNames += [npc];
osNpcSetProfileImage(npc, "botimage"); // this texture MUST be inside the content for this to work!
osNpcSetProfileAbout(npc, "Hello! I'm just a friendly bot passing by! Please ignore me!");
llOwnerSay("Created npc " + (string) npc + " from notecard " + notecardName);
llOwnerSay("Usage: create ");
else if (msg0 =="createm")
// msg1 says number of NPCs to be created
string notecardName = msg2;
if (notecardName == "") notecardName = "appearance";
// osOwnerSaveAppearance(notecardName);
vector pos = llGetPos();
integer i;
npcNames = []; // reset list
key newNPC;
float angle;
rotation npcCurrRot;
rotation npcNewRot;
for (i = 0; i < (integer)msg1; i++)
// add some randomness
float xRand = llFrand(30) - 30;
float yRand = llFrand(30) - 30;
newNPC = osNpcCreate("John-" + (string)i, "Doe", pos + <xRand, yRand, 0>, notecardName);
npcNames += [newNPC];
npcCurrRot = osNpcGetRot(newNPC);
angle = llAtan2( llVecMag(pos % (pos + <xRand, yRand, 0>)), pos * (pos + <xRand, yRand, 0>) );
npcNewRot = npcCurrRot * llEuler2Rot(<0.0, 0.0, angle>);
osNpcSetRot(newNPC, npcNewRot);
llOwnerSay("NPC <" + newNPC + "> created, old rot: "
+ (string)npcCurrRot + ", new rot: " + (string)npcNewRot);
else if (msg0 == "remove" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToKill = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToKill == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Remove: NPC key '" + (string)npc + "' not found");
} else {
osNpcSay(npc, "You will pay for this with your liiiiiivvveeessss!!!.....");
// inform server to delete this bot from
// database
string myTimestamp = llGetTimestamp();
deleteRequest = llHTTPRequest(deleteAvatarURL, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
+ "&npc=" + (string)npc
+ "×tamp=" + myTimestamp
+ "&signature=" + llMD5String((string)llGetKey() + myTimestamp, LSLSignaturePIN));
else if (msg0 == "forceremove")
llInstantMessage(id, "Trying to remove " +
msg1 + "(" + llKey2Name((key)msg1) + ")");
string myTimestamp = llGetTimestamp();
deleteRequest = llHTTPRequest(deleteAvatarURL, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
+ "&npc=" + msg1
+ "×tamp=" + myTimestamp
+ "&signature=" + llMD5String((string)llGetKey() + myTimestamp, LSLSignaturePIN));
else if (msg0 == "removeall")
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(npcNames); i++)
osNpcRemove(llList2Key(npcNames, i));
string myTimestamp = llGetTimestamp();
deleteRequest = llHTTPRequest(deleteAvatarURL, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
+ "&npc=" + llList2String(npcNames, i)
+ "×tamp=" + myTimestamp
+ "&signature=" + llMD5String((string)llGetKey() + myTimestamp, LSLSignaturePIN));
llOwnerSay("All NPCs removed");
else if (msg0 == "say" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToSay = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToSay == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Say: NPC key " + (string)npc + "not found");
} else {
osNpcSay(llList2Key(npcNames, npcToSay), "I am your worst Nightmare!!!!");
else if (msg0 == "move")
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (msg1 != "" && msg2 != "" && npc != NULL_KEY && npcToMove != -1)
key npcMoving = llList2Key(npcNames, npcToMove);
vector delta = <(integer)msg1, (integer)msg2, 0>;
if (msg3 != "")
delta.z = (integer)msg3;
osNpcMoveTo(npcMoving, osNpcGetPos(npc) + delta);
llOwnerSay("Usage: move []");
else if (msg0 == "moveto")
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (msg1 != "" && msg2 != "" && npc != NULL_KEY && npcToMove != -1)
vector pos = <(integer)msg1, (integer)msg2, 0>;
if (msg3 != "")
pos.z = (integer)msg3;
osNpcMoveTo(npc, pos);
llOwnerSay("Usage: move []");
else if (msg0 == "movetarget" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1)
llOwnerSay("MoveTarget: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, llGetPos() + <9,9,5>, OS_NPC_FLY|OS_NPC_LAND_AT_TARGET);
else if (msg0 == "movetargetnoland" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("MoveTargetNoLand: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, llGetPos() + <9,9,5>, OS_NPC_FLY);
else if (msg0 == "movetargetwalk" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("MoveTargetWalk: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osNpcMoveToTarget(npc, llGetPos() + <9,9,0>, OS_NPC_NO_FLY);
else if (msg0 == "rot" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Rot: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
vector xyz_angles = <0,0,90>; // This is to define a 1 degree change
vector angles_in_radians = xyz_angles * DEG_TO_RAD; // Change to Radians
rotation rot_xyzq = llEuler2Rot(angles_in_radians); // Change to a Rotation
rotation rot = osNpcGetRot(npc);
osNpcSetRot(npc, rot * rot_xyzq);
else if (msg0 == "rotabs" && msg1 != "")
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Rotabs: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
vector xyz_angles = <0, 0, (integer)msg1>;
vector angles_in_radians = xyz_angles * DEG_TO_RAD; // Change to Radians
rotation rot_xyzq = llEuler2Rot(angles_in_radians); // Change to a Rotation
osNpcSetRot(npc, rot_xyzq);
else if (msg0 == "animate" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Animate: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osAvatarPlayAnimation(npc, "stabbed+die_2");
osAvatarStopAnimation(npc, "stabbed+die_2");
else if (msg0 == "getrot" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Get rotation: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
llSay(0, "Rotation is: " + (string)osNpcGetRot(npc));
else if (msg0 == "save" && msg1 != "" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Save: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osNpcSaveAppearance(npc, msg1);
llOwnerSay("Saved appearance " + msg1 + " to " + npc);
else if (msg0 == "load" && msg1 != "" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Load appearance: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osNpcLoadAppearance(npc, msg1);
llOwnerSay("Loaded appearance " + msg1 + " to " + npc);
else if (msg0 == "clone")
if (msg1 != "")
llOwnerSay("Cloned your appearance to " + msg1);
llOwnerSay("Usage: clone ");
else if (msg0 == "stop" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Stop: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
else if (msg0 == "sit" && msg1 != "" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Sit: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
osNpcSit(npc, msg1, OS_NPC_SIT_NOW);
else if (msg0 == "stand" && npc != NULL_KEY)
integer npcToMove = llListFindList(npcNames, npc);
if (npcToMove == -1) {
llOwnerSay("Stand: NPC key " + (string)npc + " not found");
} else {
else if (msg0 == "swarm")
// is list empty?
if (npcNames == []) llOwnerSay("Swarm: no NPCs");
// go through the list
integer i;
vector currPos = llGetPos();
vector npcCurrPos;
vector npcFuturePos;
key currNPC;
for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(npcNames); i++)
currNPC = llList2Key(npcNames, i);
npcCurrPos = osNpcGetPos(currNPC);
// calculate intermediate point (quarter the distance)
npcFuturePos = ((currPos - npcCurrPos) / 4.0) + npcCurrPos;
osNpcMoveToTarget(currNPC, npcFuturePos, OS_NPC_NO_FLY);
osNpcSay(currNPC, "Moving from " + (string)currPos + " to "
+ (string)npcFuturePos);
llOwnerSay("One moving interaction finished");
else if (msg0 == "help")
llOwnerSay("Commands are:");
llOwnerSay("create - Create NPC from a stored notecard");
llOwnerSay("createm - Create N NPCs from a notecard");
llOwnerSay("remove - Remove current NPC");
llOwnerSay("forceremove - Remove NPC with key ");
llOwnerSay("removeall - Remove all NPCs");
llOwnerSay("clone - Clone own appearance to a notecard");
llOwnerSay("load - Load appearance on notecard to current npc");
llOwnerSay("save - Save appearance of current NPC to notecard");
llOwnerSay("moveto - move to absolute position");
llOwnerSay("sit ");
llOwnerSay("I don't understand [" + msg + "]");
http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
if (request_id == registrationRequest || request_id == updateRequest)
if (status == 200)
// new registration? switch to inventory reading
if (request_id == registrationRequest)
state read_inventory;
// if it is just an update, no need to do anything else for now
llSetText("!!! BROKEN !!!", <1.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0);
llOwnerSay("Error " +(string)status + ": " + body);
llSetTimerEvent(3600.0); // try registering again in an hour
http_request(key id, string method, string body)
//llOwnerSay("Entering http_request for registration...");
if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
externalURL = body;
string myTimestamp = llGetTimestamp();
string formRequest = "permURL=" + llEscapeURL(externalURL)
+ "&objecttype=" + llEscapeURL("Bot Controller")
+ "×tamp=" + myTimestamp
+ "&signature=" + llMD5String((string)llGetKey() + myTimestamp, LSLSignaturePIN);
// llOwnerSay("Registration URL is " + registrationURL + " Form request is: " + formRequest);
registrationRequest = llHTTPRequest(registrationURL, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
llSetTimerEvent(3600.0); // if the registration fails, try later
else if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
llSetText("!!! BROKEN !!!", <1.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0);
llOwnerSay("Something went wrong, no url. " + body);
else if (method == "POST" || method == "GET")
// incoming request for bot to do things
//llSay(0, "[Request from server:] " + body);
list params = llParseStringKeepNulls(llUnescapeURL(body), ["&", "="], []);
string response; // what we return
// first parameter will always be be npc=
key NPC = llList2String(params, 1);
//if (osIsNpc(NPC))
// llSay(0, "Sanity check: This is an NPC with key " + (string)NPC);
// llSay(0, "Sanity check failed: Key " + (string)NPC + " is NOT an NPC");
// llOwnerSay("List parsed: " + (string) params);
// commands begin on the second parameter
string commandTag = llList2String(params, 2);
string command = llList2String(params, 3);
if (commandTag == "command" && (osIsNpc(NPC) || command == "osNpcCreate" || command == "ping"))
if (command == "osNpcGetRot")
response = (string)osNpcGetRot(NPC);
else if (command == "osNpcSetRot")
osNpcSetRot(NPC, llList2Rot(params, 5));
response = "Rotation set.";
else if (command == "osNpcGetPos")
response = (string)osNpcGetPos(NPC);
else if (command == "osNpcGetOwner")
response = (string)osNpcGetOwner(NPC);
else if (command == "osNpcMoveToTarget")
osNpcMoveToTarget(NPC, llList2Vector(params, 5), llList2Integer(params, 7));
response = "Moving to target " + llList2String(params, 5);
else if (command == "osNpcStopMoveToTarget")
response = "Stopping.";
else if (command == "osNpcSit")
osNpcSit(NPC, llList2Key(params, 5), llList2Integer(params, 7));
response = "Sitting on " +
llKey2Name(llList2Key(params, 5))
+ " (" + llList2Key(params, 5) + ").";
else if (command == "osNpcStand")
response = "Standing up.";
else if (command == "osNpcSay")
osNpcSay(NPC, llList2Integer(params, 5), llUnescapeURL(llList2String(params, 7)));
response = "Saying \"" +
llUnescapeURL(llList2String(params, 7)) + "\".";
else if (command == "osNpcShout")
osNpcShout(NPC, llList2Integer(params, 5), llUnescapeURL(llList2String(params, 7)));
response = "Shouting \"" +
llUnescapeURL(llList2String(params, 7)) + "\".";
else if (command == "osNpcWhisper")
osNpcWhisper(NPC, llList2Integer(params, 5), llUnescapeURL(llList2String(params, 7)));
response = "Whispering \"" +
llUnescapeURL(llList2String(params, 7)) + "\".";
else if (command == "osNpcPlayAnimation")
osNpcPlayAnimation(NPC, llList2String(params, 5));
response = "Playing animation \"" +
llList2String(params, 5) + "\".";
else if (command == "osNpcStopAnimation")
osNpcStopAnimation(NPC, llList2String(params, 5));
response = "Stopping animation \"" +
llList2String(params, 5) + "\".";
else if (command == "osNpcLoadAppearance")
osNpcLoadAppearance(NPC, llList2String(params, 5));
response = "Loading appearance \"" +
llList2String(params, 5) + "\".";
else if (command == "osNpcTouch")
osNpcTouch(NPC, llList2Key(params, 5), llList2Integer(params, 7));
response = "Touching " + llKey2Name(llList2Key(params, 5))
+ " (" + llList2Key(params, 5) + ").";
else if (command == "osNpcCreate")
string FirstName = "My";
string LastName = "Bot";
string fullName = llList2String(params, 5);
integer index = llSubStringIndex(fullName, " ");
if (~index)
FirstName = llDeleteSubString(fullName, index, -1);
else FirstName = fullName;
if (~index)
LastName = llDeleteSubString(fullName, 0, index);
else LastName = "Bot";
// add some randomness
float xRand = llFrand(30) - 30;
float yRand = llFrand(30) - 30;
vector pos = llGetPos();
key newNPC = osNpcCreate(FirstName, LastName, pos + <xRand, yRand, 0>, llList2String(params, 7), OS_NPC_SENSE_AS_AGENT);
rotation npcCurrRot = osNpcGetRot(newNPC);
float angle = llAtan2( llVecMag(pos % (pos + <xRand, yRand, 0>)), pos * (pos + <xRand, yRand, 0>) );
rotation npcNewRot = npcCurrRot * llEuler2Rot(<0.0, 0.0, angle>);
osNpcSetRot(newNPC, npcNewRot);
osNpcSetProfileImage(newNPC, "botimage"); // this texture MUST be inside the content for this to work!
osNpcSetProfileAbout(newNPC, "Hello! I'm just a friendly bot passing by! Please ignore me!");
response = "New NPC: " + (string)newNPC;
else if (command == "osNpcRemove")
response = "Removing " + llKey2Name(NPC);
// send command to web app to remove from database
string myTimestamp = llGetTimestamp();
deleteRequest = llHTTPRequest(deleteAvatarURL, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
+ "&npc=" + NPC
+ "×tamp=" + myTimestamp
+ "&signature=" + llMD5String((string)llGetKey() + myTimestamp, LSLSignaturePIN));
else if (command == "ping")
response = "pong";
response = "";
llHTTPResponse(id, 405, "Unknown engine command " + command + ".");
else if (!osIsNpc(NPC)) {
llSay(0, "Call made for invalid NPC UUID");
llHTTPResponse(id, 400, "Not an NPC");
if (response)
//llSay(0, "Sending back response for " +
// command + " '" +
// response + "'...");
llHTTPResponse(id, 200, response);
else {
llSay(0, "ERROR: No response or no command found!");
llHTTPResponse(id, 404, "ERROR: No response or no command found!");
llHTTPResponse(id, 405, "Method unsupported");
changed(integer c)
// Region changed, get a new PermURL
// Deal with inventory changes
state read_inventory;
llSetText("Trying to register bot controller...", <1.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0);
llOwnerSay("Trying to register bot controller...");
state read_inventory
llSetText("Sending to webserver - 0%", <0.3, 0.7, 0.2>, 1.0);
// now prepare this line for sending to web server
string httpBody;
string itemName;
string myTimeStamp;
integer i;
integer length = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL);
serverKey = llGetKey();
llSetTimerEvent(360.0); // timeout if the web server is too slow in responding
// Now add the new items.
// This needs two passes: on the first one, we'll skip textures
// The second pass will add them later
llSetText("Checking inventory...", <1.0,1.0,0.0>, 1.0);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
itemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, i);
if (llGetInventoryType(itemName) != INVENTORY_SCRIPT && llGetInventoryType(itemName) != INVENTORY_TEXTURE) // skip script, skip textures
myTimeStamp = llGetTimestamp();
httpBody = "name=" + llEscapeURL(itemName) +
"×tamp=" + myTimeStamp +
"&permissions=" + (string) llGetInventoryPermMask(itemName, MASK_NEXT) +
"&itemType=" + (string) llGetInventoryType(itemName) +
"&signature=" + llMD5String((string)serverKey + myTimeStamp, LSLSignaturePIN);
httpRequestKey = llHTTPRequest(webServerURLupdateInventory,
//llOwnerSay("Object " + (string) i + ": " + httpBody);
if (httpRequestKey == NULL_KEY)
llOwnerSay("Error contacting webserver on item #" + (string)i);
llSetText("Sending to webserver - " + (string) ((integer)((float)i/(float)length*100)) + "%", <0.3, 0.7, 0.2>, 1.0);
state default;
http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
llSetText("", <0.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0);
if (request_id == httpRequestKey)
if (status != 200)
llOwnerSay("HTTP Error " + (string)status + ": " + body);
//llOwnerSay("Web-server reply: " + body);
if (body == "closed")
state default;
// HTTP server does not work, go to default state for now
llOwnerSay("Web server did not reply after 6 minutes - not updated - try again later");
//llOwnerSay("state_exit inventory");
{{ end }}