StandaloneCommon.ini.example 17 KB

  1. ; This is the main configuration file for an instance of OpenSim running in standalone mode
  2. [DatabaseService]
  3. ;
  4. ; ### Choose the DB
  5. ;
  6. ; SQLite
  7. Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";
  8. ; MySql
  9. ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use mysql storage
  10. ; Change the connection string to your db details
  11. ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
  12. ;ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
  13. ; Uncomment this line if you are using MySQL and want to use a different database for estates.
  14. ; The usual application for this is to allow estates to be spread out across multiple simulators by share the same database.
  15. ; Most people won't need to do this so only uncomment if you know what you're doing.
  16. ;EstateConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
  17. ; MSSQL
  18. ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use MSSQL storage
  19. ; Change the connection string to your db details
  20. ; The value for server property is shown in your SQL Server Management Studio login dialog.
  21. ; (This sample is the default of express edition)
  22. ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MSSQL.dll"
  23. ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"
  24. ; PGSQL
  25. ; Uncomment these lines if you want to use PGSQL storage
  26. ; Change the connection string to your db details
  27. ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.PGSQL.dll"
  28. ;ConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"
  29. [Hypergrid]
  30. ; Uncomment the variables in this section only if you are in
  31. ; Hypergrid configuration. Otherwise, ignore.
  32. ;# {HomeURI} {Hypergrid} {The Home URL of this world} {}
  33. ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
  34. ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server that
  35. ;; runs the UserAgentsService.
  36. ;; For example http://myworld.com:9000 or http://myworld.com:8002
  37. ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
  38. ; HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  39. ;# {GatekeeperURI} {Hypergrid} {The URL of the gatekeeper of this world} {}
  40. ;; If this is a standalone world, this is the address of this instance.
  41. ;; If this is a grided simulator, this is the address of the external robust server
  42. ;; that runs the Gatekeeper service.
  43. ;; For example http://myworld.com:9000 or http://myworld.com:8002
  44. ;; This is a default that can be overwritten in some sections.
  45. ; GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  46. [Modules]
  47. ;; Choose one cache module and the corresponding config file, if it exists.
  48. ;; Copy the config .example file into your own .ini file and alter that
  49. ;; We recommend the use of the FlotsamAssetCache since this is most actively maintained.
  50. AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache"
  51. Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"
  52. ;AssetCaching = "CenomeMemoryAssetCache"
  53. ;Include-CenomeCache = "config-include/CenomeCache.ini"
  54. ;AssetCaching = "GlynnTuckerAssetCache"
  55. ;; Authorization is not on by default, as it depends on external php
  56. ;AuthorizationServices = "LocalAuthorizationServicesConnector"
  57. [AssetService]
  58. DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
  59. AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"
  60. [GridService]
  61. ;; For in-memory region storage (default)
  62. StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData"
  63. ;;--- For MySql region storage (alternative)
  64. ;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll:MySqlRegionData"
  65. ;; Directory for map tile images of remote regions
  66. ; MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"
  67. ;; Next, we can specify properties of regions, including default and fallback regions
  68. ;; The syntax is: Region_<RegionName> = "<flags>"
  69. ;; where <flags> can be DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion, NoDirectLogin, Persistent, LockedOut
  70. ;;
  71. ;; DefaultRegion If a local login cannot be placed in the required region (e.g. home region does not exist, avatar is not allowed entry, etc.)
  72. ;; then this region becomes the destination. Only the first online default region will be used. If no DefaultHGRegion
  73. ;; is specified then this will also be used as the region for hypergrid connections that require it (commonly because they have not specified
  74. ;; an explicit region.
  75. ;;
  76. ;; DefaultHGRegion If an avatar connecting via the hypergrid does not specify a region, then they are placed here. Only the first online
  77. ;; region will be used.
  78. ;;
  79. ;; FallbackRegion If the DefaultRegion is not available for a local login, then any FallbackRegions are tried instead. These are tried in the
  80. ;; order specified. This only applies to local logins at this time, not Hypergrid connections.
  81. ;;
  82. ;; NoDirectLogin A hypergrid user cannot directly connect to this region. This does not apply to local logins.
  83. ;;
  84. ;; Persistent When the simulator is shutdown, the region is signalled as offline but left registered on the grid.
  85. ;;
  86. ;; For example:
  87. Region_Welcome_Area = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"
  88. ;; Allow supporting viewers to export content
  89. ;; Set to false to prevent export
  90. ExportSupported = true
  91. ; === HG ONLY ===
  92. ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  93. ; GatekeeperURI="${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  94. [LibraryModule]
  95. ; Set this if you want to change the name of the OpenSim Library
  96. ;LibraryName = "My World's Library"
  97. [LoginService]
  98. WelcomeMessage = "Welcome, Avatar!"
  99. ;; If you have Gatekeeper set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  100. ; GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  101. SRV_HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  102. SRV_InventoryServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  103. SRV_AssetServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  104. SRV_ProfileServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  105. SRV_FriendsServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  106. SRV_IMServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  107. ;; For Viewer 2
  108. MapTileURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/"
  109. ; Url to search service
  110. ; SearchURL = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}";
  111. ; For V3 destination guide
  112. ; DestinationGuide = "${Const|BaseURL}/guide"
  113. ; The minimum user level required for a user to be able to login. 0 by default
  114. ; If you disable a particular user's account then you can set their login level below this number.
  115. ; You can also change this level from the console though these changes will not be persisted.
  116. ; MinLoginLevel = 0
  117. ;; Ask co-operative viewers to use a different currency name
  118. ;Currency = ""
  119. ;; Set minimum fee to publish classified
  120. ; ClassifiedFee = 0
  121. ; Basic Login Service Dos Protection Tweaks
  122. ; ;
  123. ; ; Some Grids/Users use a transparent proxy that makes use of the X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header, If you do, set this to true
  124. ; ; If you set this to true and you don't have a transparent proxy, it may allow attackers to put random things in the X-Forwarded-For header to
  125. ; ; get around this basic DOS protection.
  126. ; DOSAllowXForwardedForHeader = false
  127. ; ;
  128. ; ; The protector adds up requests during this rolling period of time, default 10 seconds
  129. ; DOSRequestTimeFrameMS = 10000
  130. ; ;
  131. ; ; The amount of requests in the above timeframe from the same endpoint that triggers protection
  132. ; DOSMaxRequestsInTimeFrame = 5
  133. ; ;
  134. ; ; The amount of time that a specific endpoint is blocked. Default 2 minutes.
  135. ; DOSForgiveClientAfterMS = 120000
  136. ; ;
  137. ; ; To turn off basic dos protection, set the DOSMaxRequestsInTimeFrame to 0.
  138. [FreeswitchService]
  139. ;; If FreeSWITCH is not being used then you don't need to set any of these parameters
  140. ;;
  141. ;; The IP address of your FreeSWITCH server. The common case is for this to be the same as the server running the OpenSim standalone
  142. ;; This has to be set for the FreeSWITCH service to work
  143. ;; This address must be reachable by viewers.
  144. ;ServerAddress =
  145. ;; The following configuration parameters are optional
  146. ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress
  147. ; Realm =
  148. ;; By default, this is the same as the ServerAddress on port 5060
  149. ; SIPProxy =
  150. ;; Default is 5000ms
  151. ; DefaultTimeout = 5000
  152. ;; The dial plan context. Default is "default"
  153. ; Context = default
  154. ;; Currently unused
  155. ; UserName = freeswitch
  156. ;; Currently unused
  157. ; Password = password
  158. ;; The following parameters are for STUN = Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs
  159. ;; See http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/NAT_Traversal
  160. ;; stun.freeswitch.org is not guaranteed to be running so use it in
  161. ;; production at your own risk
  162. ; EchoServer =
  163. ; EchoPort = 50505
  164. ; AttemptSTUN = false
  165. [GridInfoService]
  166. ; These settings are used to return information on a get_grid_info call.
  167. ; Client launcher scripts and third-party clients make use of this to
  168. ; autoconfigure the client and to provide a nice user experience. If you
  169. ; want to facilitate that, you should configure the settings here according
  170. ; to your grid or standalone setup.
  171. ;
  172. ; See http://opensimulator.org/wiki/GridInfo
  173. ; login uri: for grid this is the login server URI
  174. login = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/
  175. ; long grid name: the long name of your grid
  176. gridname = "the lost continent of hippo"
  177. ; short grid name: the short name of your grid
  178. gridnick = "hippogrid"
  179. ; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
  180. ; this as splash page. May also be served from an external web server, e.g. for
  181. ; information on a standalone
  182. ;welcome = ${Const|BaseURL}/welcome
  183. ; helper uri: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
  184. ; this for all economy related things
  185. ;economy = ${Const|BaseURL}/economy
  186. ; web page of grid: optional: page providing further information about your grid
  187. ;about = ${Const|BaseURL}/about
  188. ; account creation: optional: page providing further information about obtaining
  189. ; a user account on your grid
  190. ;register = ${Const|BaseURL}/register
  191. ; help: optional: page providing further assistance for users of your grid
  192. ;help = ${Const|BaseURL}/help
  193. ; password help: optional: page providing password assistance for users of your grid
  194. ;password = ${Const|BaseURL}/password
  195. ; HG address of the gatekeeper, if you have one
  196. ; this is the entry point for all the regions of the world
  197. ; gatekeeper = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/
  198. ; HG user domain, if you have one
  199. ; this is the entry point for all user-related HG services
  200. ; uas = ${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}/
  201. [MapImageService]
  202. ; Set this if you want to change the default
  203. ; TilesStoragePath = "maptiles"
  204. [AuthorizationService]
  205. ; If you have regions with access restrictions
  206. ; specify them here using the convention
  207. ; Region_<Region_Name> = <flags>
  208. ; Valid flags are:
  209. ; DisallowForeigners -- HG visitors not allowed
  210. ; DisallowResidents -- only Admins and Managers allowed
  211. ; Example:
  212. ; Region_Test_1 = "DisallowForeigners"
  213. ;;
  214. ;; HG configurations
  215. ;;
  216. [GatekeeperService]
  217. ;; If you have GatekeeperURI set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  218. ; ExternalName = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  219. ; Does this grid allow incoming links to any region in it?
  220. ; If false, HG TPs happen only to the Default regions specified in [GridService] section
  221. AllowTeleportsToAnyRegion = true
  222. ;; Regular expressions for controlling which client versions are accepted/denied.
  223. ;; An empty string means nothing is checked.
  224. ;;
  225. ;; Example 1: allow only these 3 types of clients (any version of them)
  226. ;; AllowedClients = "Imprudence|Hippo|Second Life"
  227. ;;
  228. ;; Example 2: allow all clients except these
  229. ;; DeniedClients = "Twisted|Crawler|Cryolife|FuckLife|StreetLife|GreenLife|AntiLife|KORE-Phaze|Synlyfe|Purple Second Life|SecondLi |Emerald"
  230. ;;
  231. ;; Note that these are regular expressions, so every character counts.
  232. ;; Also note that this is very weak security and should not be trusted as a reliable means
  233. ;; for keeping bad clients out; modified clients can fake their identifiers.
  234. ;;
  235. ;;
  236. ;AllowedClients = ""
  237. ;DeniedClients = ""
  238. ;; Are foreign visitors allowed?
  239. ;ForeignAgentsAllowed = true
  240. ;;
  241. ;; If ForeignAgentsAllowed is true, make exceptions using AllowExcept.
  242. ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
  243. ; AllowExcept = "http://griefer.com:8002, http://enemy.com:8002"
  244. ;;
  245. ;; If ForeignAgentsAllowed is false, make exceptions using DisallowExcept
  246. ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
  247. ; DisallowExcept = "http://myfriendgrid.com:8002, http://myboss.com:8002"
  248. [UserAgentService]
  249. ;; User level required to be contacted from other grids
  250. ;LevelOutsideContacts = 0
  251. ;; Restrictions on destinations of local users.
  252. ;; Are local users allowed to visit other grids?
  253. ;; What user level? Use variables of this forrm:
  254. ;; ForeignTripsAllowed_Level_<UserLevel> = true | false
  255. ;; (the default is true)
  256. ;; For example:
  257. ; ForeignTripsAllowed_Level_0 = false
  258. ; ForeignTripsAllowed_Level_200 = true ; true is default, no need to say it
  259. ;;
  260. ;; If ForeignTripsAllowed is false, make exceptions using DisallowExcept
  261. ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
  262. ; DisallowExcept_Level_0 = "http://myothergrid.com:8002, http://boss.com:8002"
  263. ;;
  264. ;; If ForeignTripsAllowed is true, make exceptions using AllowExcept.
  265. ;; Leave blank or commented for no exceptions.
  266. ; AllowExcept_Level_200 = "http://griefer.com:8002, http://enemy.com:8002"
  267. ;; This variable controls what is exposed to profiles of local users
  268. ;; as seen from outside of this grid. Leave it uncommented for exposing
  269. ;; UserTitle, UserFlags and the creation date. Uncomment and change to False
  270. ;; to block this info from being exposed.
  271. ; ShowUserDetailsInHGProfile = True
  272. [HGInventoryService]
  273. ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  274. ; HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  275. [HGAssetService]
  276. ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  277. ; HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  278. ;; The asset types that this grid can export to / import from other grids.
  279. ;; Comma separated.
  280. ;; Valid values are all the asset types in OpenMetaverse.AssetType, namely:
  281. ;; Unknown, Texture, Sound, CallingCard, Landmark, Clothing, Object, Notecard, LSLText,
  282. ;; LSLBytecode, TextureTGA, Bodypart, SoundWAV, ImageTGA, ImageJPEG, Animation, Gesture, Mesh
  283. ;;
  284. ;; Leave blank or commented if you don't want to apply any restrictions.
  285. ;; A more strict, but still reasonable, policy may be to disallow the exchange
  286. ;; of scripts, like so:
  287. ; DisallowExport ="LSLText"
  288. ; DisallowImport ="LSLBytecode"
  289. [HGInventoryAccessModule]
  290. ;; If you have these set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  291. ; HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  292. ; GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  293. ;; If you want to protect your assets from being copied by foreign visitors
  294. ;; uncomment the next line. You may want to do this on sims that have licensed content.
  295. ;; true = allow exports, false = disallow exports. True by default.
  296. ; OutboundPermission = True
  297. ;; Send visual reminder to local users that their inventories are unavailable while they are traveling
  298. ;; and available when they return. True by default.
  299. ;RestrictInventoryAccessAbroad = True
  300. [HGFriendsModule]
  301. ; User level required to be able to send friendship invitations to foreign users
  302. ;LevelHGFriends = 0;
  303. [Messaging]
  304. ; === HG ONLY ===
  305. ;; If you have this set under [Hypergrid], no need to set it here, leave it commented
  306. ; GatekeeperURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
  307. [EntityTransfer]
  308. ;; User level from which local users are allowed to HG teleport. Default 0 (all users)
  309. ;LevelHGTeleport = 0
  310. ;; Are local users restricted from taking their appearance abroad?
  311. ;; Default is no restrictions
  312. ;RestrictAppearanceAbroad = false
  313. ;; If appearance is restricted, which accounts' appearances are allowed to be exported?
  314. ;; Comma-separated list of account names
  315. AccountForAppearance = "Test User, Astronaut Smith"
  316. [UserProfilesService]
  317. ;; To use, set Enabled to true then configure for your site...
  318. Enabled = false
  319. LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserProfilesService.dll:UserProfilesService"
  320. ;; Configure this for separate databse
  321. ; ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
  322. ; Realm = UserProfiles
  323. UserAccountService = OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService
  324. AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"