1.1 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # This script will build from the .exe, .dll's, and
  3. # other necessary files.
  4. #
  5. # This should be run from the bin directory.
  6. APP_NAME="LaunchSLClient"
  7. SOURCE_PATH="../OpenSim/Tools/${APP_NAME}"
  8. ASSEMBLIES="mscorlib.dll \
  9. System.Windows.Forms.dll \
  10. System.Drawing.dll \
  11. System.Configuration.dll \
  12. System.Xml.dll \
  13. System.Security.dll \
  14. Mono.Security.dll \
  15. System.Data.dll \
  16. Mono.Data.Tds.dll \
  17. System.Transactions.dll \
  18. System.EnterpriseServices.dll \
  19. Mono.Mozilla.dll \
  20. Mono.Posix.dll \
  21. Accessibility.dll"
  22. if [ ! -e ${APP_NAME}.exe ]; then
  23. echo "Error: Could not find ${APP_NAME}.exe." >& 2
  24. echo "Have you built it, and are you currently in the bin directory?" >& 2
  25. exit 1
  26. fi
  27. mkbundle2 -z -o ${APP_NAME} ${APP_NAME}.exe ${ASSEMBLIES} || exit 1
  28. if [ -d ${APP_NAME}.app ]; then rm -rf ${APP_NAME}.app; fi
  29. cp -r ${SOURCE_PATH}/${APP_NAME}.app.skel ${APP_NAME}.app
  30. # mkbundle doesn't seem to recognize the -L option, so we can't include Nini.dll in the bundling
  31. cp Nini.dll ${APP_NAME}.app/Contents/Resources
  32. cp ${APP_NAME} ${APP_NAME}.ini ${APP_NAME}.app/Contents/Resources