BSParam.cs 53 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/
  3. * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
  4. *
  5. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  6. * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  7. * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  8. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  9. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD
  10. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
  11. * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  12. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
  13. * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
  14. * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  15. *
  26. */
  27. using System;
  28. using System.Collections.Generic;
  29. using System.Reflection;
  30. using System.Text;
  31. using OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModules.SharedBase;
  32. using OpenMetaverse;
  33. using Nini.Config;
  34. namespace OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModule.BulletS
  35. {
  36. public static class BSParam
  37. {
  38. private static string LogHeader = "[BULLETSIM PARAMETERS]";
  39. // Tuning notes:
  40. // From: http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=6575
  41. // Contact points can be added even if the distance is positive. The constraint solver can deal with
  42. // contacts with positive distances as well as negative (penetration). Contact points are discarded
  43. // if the distance exceeds a certain threshold.
  44. // Bullet has a contact processing threshold and a contact breaking threshold.
  45. // If the distance is larger than the contact breaking threshold, it will be removed after one frame.
  46. // If the distance is larger than the contact processing threshold, the constraint solver will ignore it.
  47. // This is separate/independent from the collision margin. The collision margin increases the object a bit
  48. // to improve collision detection performance and accuracy.
  49. // ===================
  50. // From:
  51. /// <summary>
  52. /// Set whether physics is active or not.
  53. /// </summary>
  54. /// <remarks>
  55. /// Can be enabled and disabled to start and stop physics.
  56. /// </remarks>
  57. public static bool Active { get; private set; }
  58. public static bool UseSeparatePhysicsThread { get; private set; }
  59. public static float PhysicsTimeStep { get; private set; }
  60. // Level of Detail values kept as float because that's what the Meshmerizer wants
  61. public static float MeshLOD { get; private set; }
  62. public static float MeshCircularLOD { get; private set; }
  63. public static float MeshMegaPrimLOD { get; private set; }
  64. public static float MeshMegaPrimThreshold { get; private set; }
  65. public static float SculptLOD { get; private set; }
  66. public static int CrossingFailuresBeforeOutOfBounds { get; private set; }
  67. public static float UpdateVelocityChangeThreshold { get; private set; }
  68. public static float MinimumObjectMass { get; private set; }
  69. public static float MaximumObjectMass { get; private set; }
  70. public static float MaxLinearVelocity { get; private set; }
  71. public static float MaxLinearVelocitySquared { get; private set; }
  72. public static float MaxAngularVelocity { get; private set; }
  73. public static float MaxAngularVelocitySquared { get; private set; }
  74. public static float MaxAddForceMagnitude { get; private set; }
  75. public static float MaxAddForceMagnitudeSquared { get; private set; }
  76. public static float DensityScaleFactor { get; private set; }
  77. public static float LinearDamping { get; private set; }
  78. public static float AngularDamping { get; private set; }
  79. public static float DeactivationTime { get; private set; }
  80. public static float LinearSleepingThreshold { get; private set; }
  81. public static float AngularSleepingThreshold { get; private set; }
  82. public static float CcdMotionThreshold { get; private set; }
  83. public static float CcdSweptSphereRadius { get; private set; }
  84. public static float ContactProcessingThreshold { get; private set; }
  85. public static bool ShouldMeshSculptedPrim { get; private set; } // cause scuplted prims to get meshed
  86. public static bool ShouldForceSimplePrimMeshing { get; private set; } // if a cube or sphere, let Bullet do internal shapes
  87. public static bool ShouldUseHullsForPhysicalObjects { get; private set; } // 'true' if should create hulls for physical objects
  88. public static bool ShouldRemoveZeroWidthTriangles { get; private set; }
  89. public static bool ShouldUseBulletHACD { get; set; }
  90. public static bool ShouldUseSingleConvexHullForPrims { get; set; }
  91. public static bool ShouldUseGImpactShapeForPrims { get; set; }
  92. public static bool ShouldUseAssetHulls { get; set; }
  93. public static float TerrainImplementation { get; set; }
  94. public static int TerrainMeshMagnification { get; private set; }
  95. public static float TerrainGroundPlane { get; private set; }
  96. public static float TerrainFriction { get; private set; }
  97. public static float TerrainHitFraction { get; private set; }
  98. public static float TerrainRestitution { get; private set; }
  99. public static float TerrainContactProcessingThreshold { get; private set; }
  100. public static float TerrainCollisionMargin { get; private set; }
  101. public static float DefaultFriction { get; private set; }
  102. public static float DefaultDensity { get; private set; }
  103. public static float DefaultRestitution { get; private set; }
  104. public static float CollisionMargin { get; private set; }
  105. public static float Gravity { get; private set; }
  106. // Physics Engine operation
  107. public static float MaxPersistantManifoldPoolSize { get; private set; }
  108. public static float MaxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize { get; private set; }
  109. public static bool ShouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation { get; private set; }
  110. public static bool ShouldForceUpdateAllAabbs { get; private set; }
  111. public static bool ShouldRandomizeSolverOrder { get; private set; }
  112. public static bool ShouldSplitSimulationIslands { get; private set; }
  113. public static bool ShouldEnableFrictionCaching { get; private set; }
  114. public static float NumberOfSolverIterations { get; private set; }
  115. public static bool UseSingleSidedMeshes { get; private set; }
  116. public static float GlobalContactBreakingThreshold { get; private set; }
  117. public static float PhysicsUnmanLoggingFrames { get; private set; }
  118. // Avatar parameters
  119. public static bool AvatarToAvatarCollisionsByDefault { get; private set; }
  120. public static float AvatarFriction { get; private set; }
  121. public static float AvatarStandingFriction { get; private set; }
  122. public static float AvatarAlwaysRunFactor { get; private set; }
  123. public static float AvatarDensity { get; private set; }
  124. public static float AvatarRestitution { get; private set; }
  125. public static int AvatarShape { get; private set; }
  126. public static float AvatarCapsuleWidth { get; private set; }
  127. public static float AvatarCapsuleDepth { get; private set; }
  128. public static float AvatarCapsuleHeight { get; private set; }
  129. public static bool AvatarUseBefore09SizeComputation { get; private set; }
  130. public static float AvatarHeightLowFudge { get; private set; }
  131. public static float AvatarHeightMidFudge { get; private set; }
  132. public static float AvatarHeightHighFudge { get; private set; }
  133. public static float AvatarFlyingGroundMargin { get; private set; }
  134. public static float AvatarFlyingGroundUpForce { get; private set; }
  135. public static float AvatarTerminalVelocity { get; private set; }
  136. public static float AvatarContactProcessingThreshold { get; private set; }
  137. public static float AvatarAddForcePushFactor { get; private set; }
  138. public static float AvatarStopZeroThreshold { get; private set; }
  139. public static float AvatarStopZeroThresholdSquared { get; private set; }
  140. public static int AvatarJumpFrames { get; private set; }
  141. public static float AvatarBelowGroundUpCorrectionMeters { get; private set; }
  142. public static float AvatarStepHeight { get; private set; }
  143. public static float AvatarStepAngle { get; private set; }
  144. public static float AvatarStepGroundFudge { get; private set; }
  145. public static float AvatarStepApproachFactor { get; private set; }
  146. public static float AvatarStepForceFactor { get; private set; }
  147. public static float AvatarStepUpCorrectionFactor { get; private set; }
  148. public static int AvatarStepSmoothingSteps { get; private set; }
  149. // Vehicle parameters
  150. public static float VehicleMaxLinearVelocity { get; private set; }
  151. public static float VehicleMaxLinearVelocitySquared { get; private set; }
  152. public static float VehicleMinLinearVelocity { get; private set; }
  153. public static float VehicleMinLinearVelocitySquared { get; private set; }
  154. public static float VehicleMaxAngularVelocity { get; private set; }
  155. public static float VehicleMaxAngularVelocitySq { get; private set; }
  156. public static float VehicleAngularDamping { get; private set; }
  157. public static float VehicleFriction { get; private set; }
  158. public static float VehicleRestitution { get; private set; }
  159. public static Vector3 VehicleLinearFactor { get; private set; }
  160. public static Vector3 VehicleAngularFactor { get; private set; }
  161. public static Vector3 VehicleInertiaFactor { get; private set; }
  162. public static float VehicleGroundGravityFudge { get; private set; }
  163. public static float VehicleAngularBankingTimescaleFudge { get; private set; }
  164. public static bool VehicleEnableLinearDeflection { get; private set; }
  165. public static bool VehicleLinearDeflectionNotCollidingNoZ { get; private set; }
  166. public static bool VehicleEnableAngularVerticalAttraction { get; private set; }
  167. public static int VehicleAngularVerticalAttractionAlgorithm { get; private set; }
  168. public static bool VehicleEnableAngularDeflection { get; private set; }
  169. public static bool VehicleEnableAngularBanking { get; private set; }
  170. // Convex Hulls
  171. // Parameters for convex hull routine that ships with Bullet
  172. public static int CSHullMaxDepthSplit { get; private set; }
  173. public static int CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes { get; private set; }
  174. public static float CSHullConcavityThresholdPercent { get; private set; }
  175. public static float CSHullVolumeConservationThresholdPercent { get; private set; }
  176. public static int CSHullMaxVertices { get; private set; }
  177. public static float CSHullMaxSkinWidth { get; private set; }
  178. public static float BHullMaxVerticesPerHull { get; private set; } // 100
  179. public static float BHullMinClusters { get; private set; } // 2
  180. public static float BHullCompacityWeight { get; private set; } // 0.1
  181. public static float BHullVolumeWeight { get; private set; } // 0.0
  182. public static float BHullConcavity { get; private set; } // 100
  183. public static bool BHullAddExtraDistPoints { get; private set; } // false
  184. public static bool BHullAddNeighboursDistPoints { get; private set; } // false
  185. public static bool BHullAddFacesPoints { get; private set; } // false
  186. public static bool BHullShouldAdjustCollisionMargin { get; private set; } // false
  187. public static float WhichHACD { get; private set; } // zero if Bullet HACD, non-zero says VHACD
  188. // Parameters for VHACD 2.0: http://code.google.com/p/v-hacd
  189. // To enable, set both ShouldUseBulletHACD=true and WhichHACD=1
  190. // http://kmamou.blogspot.ca/2014/12/v-hacd-20-parameters-description.html
  191. public static float VHACDresolution { get; private set; } // 100,000 max number of voxels generated during voxelization stage
  192. public static float VHACDdepth { get; private set; } // 20 max number of clipping stages
  193. public static float VHACDconcavity { get; private set; } // 0.0025 maximum concavity
  194. public static float VHACDplaneDownsampling { get; private set; } // 4 granularity of search for best clipping plane
  195. public static float VHACDconvexHullDownsampling { get; private set; } // 4 precision of hull gen process
  196. public static float VHACDalpha { get; private set; } // 0.05 bias toward clipping along symmetry planes
  197. public static float VHACDbeta { get; private set; } // 0.05 bias toward clipping along revolution axis
  198. public static float VHACDgamma { get; private set; } // 0.00125 max concavity when merging
  199. public static float VHACDpca { get; private set; } // 0 on/off normalizing mesh before decomp
  200. public static float VHACDmode { get; private set; } // 0 0:voxel based, 1: tetrahedron based
  201. public static float VHACDmaxNumVerticesPerCH { get; private set; } // 64 max triangles per convex hull
  202. public static float VHACDminVolumePerCH { get; private set; } // 0.0001 sampling of generated convex hulls
  203. // Linkset implementation parameters
  204. public static float LinksetImplementation { get; private set; }
  205. public static bool LinksetOffsetCenterOfMass { get; private set; }
  206. public static bool LinkConstraintUseFrameOffset { get; private set; }
  207. public static bool LinkConstraintEnableTransMotor { get; private set; }
  208. public static float LinkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel { get; private set; }
  209. public static float LinkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce { get; private set; }
  210. public static float LinkConstraintERP { get; private set; }
  211. public static float LinkConstraintCFM { get; private set; }
  212. public static float LinkConstraintSolverIterations { get; private set; }
  213. public static float PID_D { get; private set; } // derivative
  214. public static float PID_P { get; private set; } // proportional
  215. public static float DebugNumber { get; private set; } // A console setable number used for debugging
  216. // Various constants that come from that other virtual world that shall not be named.
  217. public const float MinGravityZ = -1f;
  218. public const float MaxGravityZ = 28f;
  219. public const float MinFriction = 0f;
  220. public const float MaxFriction = 255f;
  221. public const float MinDensity = 0.01f;
  222. public const float MaxDensity = 22587f;
  223. public const float MinRestitution = 0f;
  224. public const float MaxRestitution = 1f;
  225. // =====================================================================================
  226. // =====================================================================================
  227. // Base parameter definition that gets and sets parameter values via a string
  228. public abstract class ParameterDefnBase
  229. {
  230. public string name; // string name of the parameter
  231. public string desc; // a short description of what the parameter means
  232. public ParameterDefnBase(string pName, string pDesc)
  233. {
  234. name = pName;
  235. desc = pDesc;
  236. }
  237. // Set the parameter value to the default
  238. public abstract void AssignDefault(BSScene s);
  239. // Get the value as a string
  240. public abstract string GetValue(BSScene s);
  241. // Set the value to this string value
  242. public abstract void SetValue(BSScene s, string valAsString);
  243. // set the value on a particular object (usually sets in physics engine)
  244. public abstract void SetOnObject(BSScene s, BSPhysObject obj);
  245. public abstract bool HasSetOnObject { get; }
  246. }
  247. // Specific parameter definition for a parameter of a specific type.
  248. public delegate T PGetValue<T>(BSScene s);
  249. public delegate void PSetValue<T>(BSScene s, T val);
  250. public delegate void PSetOnObject<T>(BSScene scene, BSPhysObject obj);
  251. public sealed class ParameterDefn<T> : ParameterDefnBase
  252. {
  253. private T defaultValue;
  254. private PSetValue<T> setter;
  255. private PGetValue<T> getter;
  256. private PSetOnObject<T> objectSet;
  257. public ParameterDefn(string pName, string pDesc, T pDefault, PGetValue<T> pGetter, PSetValue<T> pSetter)
  258. : base(pName, pDesc)
  259. {
  260. defaultValue = pDefault;
  261. setter = pSetter;
  262. getter = pGetter;
  263. objectSet = null;
  264. }
  265. public ParameterDefn(string pName, string pDesc, T pDefault, PGetValue<T> pGetter, PSetValue<T> pSetter, PSetOnObject<T> pObjSetter)
  266. : base(pName, pDesc)
  267. {
  268. defaultValue = pDefault;
  269. setter = pSetter;
  270. getter = pGetter;
  271. objectSet = pObjSetter;
  272. }
  273. // Simple parameter variable where property name is the same as the INI file name
  274. // and the value is only a simple get and set.
  275. public ParameterDefn(string pName, string pDesc, T pDefault)
  276. : base(pName, pDesc)
  277. {
  278. defaultValue = pDefault;
  279. setter = (s, v) => { SetValueByName(s, name, v); };
  280. getter = (s) => { return GetValueByName(s, name); };
  281. objectSet = null;
  282. }
  283. // Use reflection to find the property named 'pName' in BSParam and assign 'val' to same.
  284. private void SetValueByName(BSScene s, string pName, T val)
  285. {
  286. PropertyInfo prop = typeof(BSParam).GetProperty(pName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
  287. if (prop == null)
  288. {
  289. // This should only be output when someone adds a new INI parameter and misspells the name.
  290. s.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} SetValueByName: did not find '{1}'. Verify specified property name is the same as the given INI parameters name.", LogHeader, pName);
  291. }
  292. else
  293. {
  294. prop.SetValue(null, val, null);
  295. }
  296. }
  297. // Use reflection to find the property named 'pName' in BSParam and return the value in same.
  298. private T GetValueByName(BSScene s, string pName)
  299. {
  300. PropertyInfo prop = typeof(BSParam).GetProperty(pName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
  301. if (prop == null)
  302. {
  303. // This should only be output when someone adds a new INI parameter and misspells the name.
  304. s.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} GetValueByName: did not find '{1}'. Verify specified property name is the same as the given INI parameter name.", LogHeader, pName);
  305. }
  306. return (T)prop.GetValue(null, null);
  307. }
  308. public override void AssignDefault(BSScene s)
  309. {
  310. setter(s, defaultValue);
  311. }
  312. public override string GetValue(BSScene s)
  313. {
  314. return getter(s).ToString();
  315. }
  316. public override void SetValue(BSScene s, string valAsString)
  317. {
  318. // Get the generic type of the setter
  319. Type genericType = setter.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
  320. // Find the 'Parse' method on that type
  321. System.Reflection.MethodInfo parser = null;
  322. try
  323. {
  324. parser = genericType.GetMethod("Parse", new Type[] { typeof(String) } );
  325. }
  326. catch (Exception e)
  327. {
  328. s.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Exception getting parser for type '{1}': {2}", LogHeader, genericType, e);
  329. parser = null;
  330. }
  331. if (parser != null)
  332. {
  333. // Parse the input string
  334. try
  335. {
  336. T setValue = (T)parser.Invoke(genericType, new Object[] { valAsString });
  337. // Store the parsed value
  338. setter(s, setValue);
  339. // s.Logger.DebugFormat("{0} Parameter {1} = {2}", LogHeader, name, setValue);
  340. }
  341. catch
  342. {
  343. s.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Failed parsing parameter value '{1}' as type '{2}'", LogHeader, valAsString, genericType);
  344. }
  345. }
  346. else
  347. {
  348. s.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Could not find parameter parser for type '{1}'", LogHeader, genericType);
  349. }
  350. }
  351. public override bool HasSetOnObject
  352. {
  353. get { return objectSet != null; }
  354. }
  355. public override void SetOnObject(BSScene s, BSPhysObject obj)
  356. {
  357. if (objectSet != null)
  358. objectSet(s, obj);
  359. }
  360. }
  361. // List of all of the externally visible parameters.
  362. // For each parameter, this table maps a text name to getter and setters.
  363. // To add a new externally referencable/settable parameter, add the paramter storage
  364. // location somewhere in the program and make an entry in this table with the
  365. // getters and setters.
  366. // It is easiest to find an existing definition and copy it.
  367. //
  368. // A ParameterDefn<T>() takes the following parameters:
  369. // -- the text name of the parameter. This is used for console input and ini file.
  370. // -- a short text description of the parameter. This shows up in the console listing.
  371. // -- a default value
  372. // -- a delegate for getting the value
  373. // -- a delegate for setting the value
  374. // -- an optional delegate to update the value in the world. Most often used to
  375. // push the new value to an in-world object.
  376. //
  377. // The single letter parameters for the delegates are:
  378. // s = BSScene
  379. // o = BSPhysObject
  380. // v = value (appropriate type)
  381. private static ParameterDefnBase[] ParameterDefinitions =
  382. {
  383. new ParameterDefn<bool>("Active", "If 'true', false then physics is not active",
  384. false ),
  385. new ParameterDefn<bool>("UseSeparatePhysicsThread", "If 'true', the physics engine runs independent from the simulator heartbeat",
  386. false ),
  387. new ParameterDefn<float>("PhysicsTimeStep", "If separate thread, seconds to simulate each interval",
  388. 0.089f ),
  389. new ParameterDefn<bool>("MeshSculptedPrim", "Whether to create meshes for sculpties",
  390. true,
  391. (s) => { return ShouldMeshSculptedPrim; },
  392. (s,v) => { ShouldMeshSculptedPrim = v; } ),
  393. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ForceSimplePrimMeshing", "If true, only use primitive meshes for objects",
  394. false,
  395. (s) => { return ShouldForceSimplePrimMeshing; },
  396. (s,v) => { ShouldForceSimplePrimMeshing = v; } ),
  397. new ParameterDefn<bool>("UseHullsForPhysicalObjects", "If true, create hulls for physical objects",
  398. true,
  399. (s) => { return ShouldUseHullsForPhysicalObjects; },
  400. (s,v) => { ShouldUseHullsForPhysicalObjects = v; } ),
  401. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldRemoveZeroWidthTriangles", "If true, remove degenerate triangles from meshes",
  402. true ),
  403. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldUseBulletHACD", "If true, use the Bullet version of HACD",
  404. false ),
  405. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldUseSingleConvexHullForPrims", "If true, use a single convex hull shape for physical prims",
  406. true ),
  407. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldUseGImpactShapeForPrims", "If true, use a GImpact shape for prims with cuts and twists",
  408. false ),
  409. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldUseAssetHulls", "If true, use hull if specified in the mesh asset info",
  410. true ),
  411. new ParameterDefn<int>("CrossingFailuresBeforeOutOfBounds", "How forgiving we are about getting into adjactent regions",
  412. 5 ),
  413. new ParameterDefn<float>("UpdateVelocityChangeThreshold", "Change in updated velocity required before reporting change to simulator",
  414. 0.1f ),
  415. new ParameterDefn<float>("MeshLevelOfDetail", "Level of detail to render meshes (32, 16, 8 or 4. 32=most detailed)",
  416. 32f,
  417. (s) => { return MeshLOD; },
  418. (s,v) => { MeshLOD = v; } ),
  419. new ParameterDefn<float>("MeshLevelOfDetailCircular", "Level of detail for prims with circular cuts or shapes",
  420. 32f,
  421. (s) => { return MeshCircularLOD; },
  422. (s,v) => { MeshCircularLOD = v; } ),
  423. new ParameterDefn<float>("MeshLevelOfDetailMegaPrimThreshold", "Size (in meters) of a mesh before using MeshMegaPrimLOD",
  424. 10f,
  425. (s) => { return MeshMegaPrimThreshold; },
  426. (s,v) => { MeshMegaPrimThreshold = v; } ),
  427. new ParameterDefn<float>("MeshLevelOfDetailMegaPrim", "Level of detail to render meshes larger than threshold meters",
  428. 32f,
  429. (s) => { return MeshMegaPrimLOD; },
  430. (s,v) => { MeshMegaPrimLOD = v; } ),
  431. new ParameterDefn<float>("SculptLevelOfDetail", "Level of detail to render sculpties (32, 16, 8 or 4. 32=most detailed)",
  432. 32f,
  433. (s) => { return SculptLOD; },
  434. (s,v) => { SculptLOD = v; } ),
  435. new ParameterDefn<int>("MaxSubStep", "In simulation step, maximum number of substeps",
  436. 10,
  437. (s) => { return s.m_maxSubSteps; },
  438. (s,v) => { s.m_maxSubSteps = (int)v; } ),
  439. new ParameterDefn<float>("FixedTimeStep", "In simulation step, seconds of one substep (1/60)",
  440. 1f / 60f,
  441. (s) => { return s.m_fixedTimeStep; },
  442. (s,v) => { s.m_fixedTimeStep = v; } ),
  443. new ParameterDefn<float>("NominalFrameRate", "The base frame rate we claim",
  444. 55f,
  445. (s) => { return s.NominalFrameRate; },
  446. (s,v) => { s.NominalFrameRate = (int)v; } ),
  447. new ParameterDefn<int>("MaxCollisionsPerFrame", "Max collisions returned at end of each frame",
  448. 2048,
  449. (s) => { return s.m_maxCollisionsPerFrame; },
  450. (s,v) => { s.m_maxCollisionsPerFrame = (int)v; } ),
  451. new ParameterDefn<int>("MaxUpdatesPerFrame", "Max updates returned at end of each frame",
  452. 8000,
  453. (s) => { return s.m_maxUpdatesPerFrame; },
  454. (s,v) => { s.m_maxUpdatesPerFrame = (int)v; } ),
  455. new ParameterDefn<float>("MinObjectMass", "Minimum object mass (0.0001)",
  456. 0.0001f,
  457. (s) => { return MinimumObjectMass; },
  458. (s,v) => { MinimumObjectMass = v; } ),
  459. new ParameterDefn<float>("MaxObjectMass", "Maximum object mass (10000.01)",
  460. 10000.01f,
  461. (s) => { return MaximumObjectMass; },
  462. (s,v) => { MaximumObjectMass = v; } ),
  463. new ParameterDefn<float>("MaxLinearVelocity", "Maximum velocity magnitude that can be assigned to an object",
  464. 1000.0f,
  465. (s) => { return MaxLinearVelocity; },
  466. (s,v) => { MaxLinearVelocity = v; MaxLinearVelocitySquared = v * v; } ),
  467. new ParameterDefn<float>("MaxAngularVelocity", "Maximum rotational velocity magnitude that can be assigned to an object",
  468. 1000.0f,
  469. (s) => { return MaxAngularVelocity; },
  470. (s,v) => { MaxAngularVelocity = v; MaxAngularVelocitySquared = v * v; } ),
  471. // LL documentation says thie number should be 20f for llApplyImpulse and 200f for llRezObject
  472. new ParameterDefn<float>("MaxAddForceMagnitude", "Maximum force that can be applied by llApplyImpulse (SL says 20f)",
  473. 20000.0f,
  474. (s) => { return MaxAddForceMagnitude; },
  475. (s,v) => { MaxAddForceMagnitude = v; MaxAddForceMagnitudeSquared = v * v; } ),
  476. // Density is passed around as 100kg/m3. This scales that to 1kg/m3.
  477. // Reduce by power of 100 because Bullet doesn't seem to handle objects with large mass very well
  478. new ParameterDefn<float>("DensityScaleFactor", "Conversion for simulator/viewer density (100kg/m3) to physical density (1kg/m3)",
  479. 0.01f ),
  480. new ParameterDefn<float>("PID_D", "Derivitive factor for motion smoothing",
  481. 2200f ),
  482. new ParameterDefn<float>("PID_P", "Parameteric factor for motion smoothing",
  483. 900f ),
  484. new ParameterDefn<float>("DefaultFriction", "Friction factor used on new objects",
  485. 0.2f,
  486. (s) => { return DefaultFriction; },
  487. (s,v) => { DefaultFriction = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].defaultFriction = v; } ),
  488. // For historical reasons, the viewer and simulator multiply the density by 100
  489. new ParameterDefn<float>("DefaultDensity", "Density for new objects" ,
  490. 1000.0006836f, // Aluminum g/cm3 * 100
  491. (s) => { return DefaultDensity; },
  492. (s,v) => { DefaultDensity = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].defaultDensity = v; } ),
  493. new ParameterDefn<float>("DefaultRestitution", "Bouncyness of an object" ,
  494. 0f,
  495. (s) => { return DefaultRestitution; },
  496. (s,v) => { DefaultRestitution = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].defaultRestitution = v; } ),
  497. new ParameterDefn<float>("CollisionMargin", "Margin around objects before collisions are calculated (must be zero!)",
  498. 0.04f,
  499. (s) => { return CollisionMargin; },
  500. (s,v) => { CollisionMargin = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].collisionMargin = v; } ),
  501. new ParameterDefn<float>("Gravity", "Vertical force of gravity (negative means down)",
  502. -9.80665f,
  503. (s) => { return Gravity; },
  504. (s,v) => { Gravity = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].gravity = v; },
  505. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetGravity(o.PhysBody, new Vector3(0f,0f,Gravity)); } ),
  506. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinearDamping", "Factor to damp linear movement per second (0.0 - 1.0)",
  507. 0f,
  508. (s) => { return LinearDamping; },
  509. (s,v) => { LinearDamping = v; },
  510. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetDamping(o.PhysBody, LinearDamping, AngularDamping); } ),
  511. new ParameterDefn<float>("AngularDamping", "Factor to damp angular movement per second (0.0 - 1.0)",
  512. 0f,
  513. (s) => { return AngularDamping; },
  514. (s,v) => { AngularDamping = v; },
  515. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetDamping(o.PhysBody, LinearDamping, AngularDamping); } ),
  516. new ParameterDefn<float>("DeactivationTime", "Seconds before considering an object potentially static",
  517. 0.2f,
  518. (s) => { return DeactivationTime; },
  519. (s,v) => { DeactivationTime = v; },
  520. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetDeactivationTime(o.PhysBody, DeactivationTime); } ),
  521. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinearSleepingThreshold", "Seconds to measure linear movement before considering static",
  522. 0.8f,
  523. (s) => { return LinearSleepingThreshold; },
  524. (s,v) => { LinearSleepingThreshold = v;},
  525. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetSleepingThresholds(o.PhysBody, LinearSleepingThreshold, AngularSleepingThreshold); } ),
  526. new ParameterDefn<float>("AngularSleepingThreshold", "Seconds to measure angular movement before considering static",
  527. 1.0f,
  528. (s) => { return AngularSleepingThreshold; },
  529. (s,v) => { AngularSleepingThreshold = v;},
  530. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetSleepingThresholds(o.PhysBody, LinearSleepingThreshold, AngularSleepingThreshold); } ),
  531. new ParameterDefn<float>("CcdMotionThreshold", "Continuious collision detection threshold (0 means no CCD)" ,
  532. 0.0f, // set to zero to disable
  533. (s) => { return CcdMotionThreshold; },
  534. (s,v) => { CcdMotionThreshold = v;},
  535. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetCcdMotionThreshold(o.PhysBody, CcdMotionThreshold); } ),
  536. new ParameterDefn<float>("CcdSweptSphereRadius", "Continuious collision detection test radius" ,
  537. 0.2f,
  538. (s) => { return CcdSweptSphereRadius; },
  539. (s,v) => { CcdSweptSphereRadius = v;},
  540. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetCcdSweptSphereRadius(o.PhysBody, CcdSweptSphereRadius); } ),
  541. new ParameterDefn<float>("ContactProcessingThreshold", "Distance above which contacts can be discarded (0 means no discard)" ,
  542. 0.0f,
  543. (s) => { return ContactProcessingThreshold; },
  544. (s,v) => { ContactProcessingThreshold = v;},
  545. (s,o) => { s.PE.SetContactProcessingThreshold(o.PhysBody, ContactProcessingThreshold); } ),
  546. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainImplementation", "Type of shape to use for terrain (0=heightmap, 1=mesh)",
  547. (float)BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation.Heightmap ),
  548. new ParameterDefn<int>("TerrainMeshMagnification", "Number of times the 256x256 heightmap is multiplied to create the terrain mesh" ,
  549. 2 ),
  550. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainGroundPlane", "Altitude of ground plane used to keep things from falling to infinity" ,
  551. -500.0f ),
  552. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainFriction", "Factor to reduce movement against terrain surface" ,
  553. 0.3f ),
  554. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainHitFraction", "Distance to measure hit collisions" ,
  555. 0.8f ),
  556. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainRestitution", "Bouncyness" ,
  557. 0f ),
  558. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainContactProcessingThreshold", "Distance from terrain to stop processing collisions" ,
  559. 0.0f ),
  560. new ParameterDefn<float>("TerrainCollisionMargin", "Margin where collision checking starts" ,
  561. 0.04f ),
  562. new ParameterDefn<bool>("AvatarToAvatarCollisionsByDefault", "Should avatars collide with other avatars by default?",
  563. true),
  564. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarFriction", "Factor to reduce movement against an avatar. Changed on avatar recreation.",
  565. 0.2f ),
  566. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStandingFriction", "Avatar friction when standing. Changed on avatar recreation.",
  567. 0.95f ),
  568. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarAlwaysRunFactor", "Speed multiplier if avatar is set to always run",
  569. 1.3f ),
  570. // For historical reasons, density is reported * 100
  571. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarDensity", "Density of an avatar. Changed on avatar recreation. Scaled times 100.",
  572. 350f) , // 3.5 * 100
  573. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarRestitution", "Bouncyness. Changed on avatar recreation.",
  574. 0f ),
  575. new ParameterDefn<int>("AvatarShape", "Code for avatar physical shape: 0:capsule, 1:cube, 2:ovoid, 2:mesh",
  576. BSShapeCollection.AvatarShapeCube ) ,
  577. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarCapsuleWidth", "The distance between the sides of the avatar capsule",
  578. 0.6f ) ,
  579. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarCapsuleDepth", "The distance between the front and back of the avatar capsule",
  580. 0.45f ),
  581. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarCapsuleHeight", "Default height of space around avatar",
  582. 1.5f ),
  583. new ParameterDefn<bool>("AvatarUseBefore09SizeComputation", "Use the old fudge method of computing avatar capsule size",
  584. true ),
  585. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarHeightLowFudge", "A fudge factor to make small avatars stand on the ground",
  586. 0f ),
  587. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarHeightMidFudge", "A fudge distance to adjust average sized avatars to be standing on ground",
  588. 0f ),
  589. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarHeightHighFudge", "A fudge factor to make tall avatars stand on the ground",
  590. 0f ),
  591. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarFlyingGroundMargin", "Meters avatar is kept above the ground when flying",
  592. 5f ),
  593. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarFlyingGroundUpForce", "Upward force applied to the avatar to keep it at flying ground margin",
  594. 2.0f ),
  595. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarTerminalVelocity", "Terminal Velocity of falling avatar",
  596. -54.0f ),
  597. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarContactProcessingThreshold", "Distance from capsule to check for collisions",
  598. 0.1f ),
  599. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarAddForcePushFactor", "BSCharacter.AddForce is multiplied by this and mass to be like other physics engines",
  600. 0.315f ),
  601. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStopZeroThreshold", "Movement velocity below which avatar is assumed to be stopped",
  602. 0.45f,
  603. (s) => { return (float)AvatarStopZeroThreshold; },
  604. (s,v) => { AvatarStopZeroThreshold = v; AvatarStopZeroThresholdSquared = v * v; } ),
  605. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarBelowGroundUpCorrectionMeters", "Meters to move avatar up if it seems to be below ground",
  606. 1.0f ),
  607. new ParameterDefn<int>("AvatarJumpFrames", "Number of frames to allow jump forces. Changes jump height.",
  608. 4 ),
  609. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStepHeight", "Height of a step obstacle to consider step correction",
  610. 0.999f ) ,
  611. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStepAngle", "The angle (in radians) for a vertical surface to be considered a step",
  612. 0.3f ) ,
  613. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStepGroundFudge", "Fudge factor subtracted from avatar base when comparing collision height",
  614. 0.1f ) ,
  615. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStepApproachFactor", "Factor to control angle of approach to step (0=straight on)",
  616. 2f ),
  617. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStepForceFactor", "Controls the amount of force up applied to step up onto a step",
  618. 0f ),
  619. new ParameterDefn<float>("AvatarStepUpCorrectionFactor", "Multiplied by height of step collision to create up movement at step",
  620. 0.8f ),
  621. new ParameterDefn<int>("AvatarStepSmoothingSteps", "Number of frames after a step collision that we continue walking up stairs",
  622. 1 ),
  623. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleMaxLinearVelocity", "Maximum velocity magnitude that can be assigned to a vehicle",
  624. 1000.0f,
  625. (s) => { return (float)VehicleMaxLinearVelocity; },
  626. (s,v) => { VehicleMaxLinearVelocity = v; VehicleMaxLinearVelocitySquared = v * v; } ),
  627. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleMinLinearVelocity", "Maximum velocity magnitude that can be assigned to a vehicle",
  628. 0.001f,
  629. (s) => { return (float)VehicleMinLinearVelocity; },
  630. (s,v) => { VehicleMinLinearVelocity = v; VehicleMinLinearVelocitySquared = v * v; } ),
  631. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleMaxAngularVelocity", "Maximum rotational velocity magnitude that can be assigned to a vehicle",
  632. 12.0f,
  633. (s) => { return (float)VehicleMaxAngularVelocity; },
  634. (s,v) => { VehicleMaxAngularVelocity = v; VehicleMaxAngularVelocitySq = v * v; } ),
  635. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleAngularDamping", "Factor to damp vehicle angular movement per second (0.0 - 1.0)",
  636. 0.0f ),
  637. new ParameterDefn<Vector3>("VehicleLinearFactor", "Fraction of physical linear changes applied to vehicle (<0,0,0> to <1,1,1>)",
  638. new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f) ),
  639. new ParameterDefn<Vector3>("VehicleAngularFactor", "Fraction of physical angular changes applied to vehicle (<0,0,0> to <1,1,1>)",
  640. new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f) ),
  641. new ParameterDefn<Vector3>("VehicleInertiaFactor", "Fraction of physical inertia applied (<0,0,0> to <1,1,1>)",
  642. new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f) ),
  643. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleFriction", "Friction of vehicle on the ground (0.0 - 1.0)",
  644. 0.0f ),
  645. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleRestitution", "Bouncyness factor for vehicles (0.0 - 1.0)",
  646. 0.0f ),
  647. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleGroundGravityFudge", "Factor to multiply gravity if a ground vehicle is probably on the ground (0.0 - 1.0)",
  648. 0.2f ),
  649. new ParameterDefn<float>("VehicleAngularBankingTimescaleFudge", "Factor to multiple angular banking timescale. Tune to increase realism.",
  650. 60.0f ),
  651. new ParameterDefn<bool>("VehicleEnableLinearDeflection", "Turn on/off vehicle linear deflection effect",
  652. true ),
  653. new ParameterDefn<bool>("VehicleLinearDeflectionNotCollidingNoZ", "Turn on/off linear deflection Z effect on non-colliding vehicles",
  654. true ),
  655. new ParameterDefn<bool>("VehicleEnableAngularVerticalAttraction", "Turn on/off vehicle angular vertical attraction effect",
  656. true ),
  657. new ParameterDefn<int>("VehicleAngularVerticalAttractionAlgorithm", "Select vertical attraction algo. You need to look at the source.",
  658. 0 ),
  659. new ParameterDefn<bool>("VehicleEnableAngularDeflection", "Turn on/off vehicle angular deflection effect",
  660. true ),
  661. new ParameterDefn<bool>("VehicleEnableAngularBanking", "Turn on/off vehicle angular banking effect",
  662. true ),
  663. new ParameterDefn<float>("MaxPersistantManifoldPoolSize", "Number of manifolds pooled (0 means default of 4096)",
  664. 0f,
  665. (s) => { return MaxPersistantManifoldPoolSize; },
  666. (s,v) => { MaxPersistantManifoldPoolSize = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].maxPersistantManifoldPoolSize = v; } ),
  667. new ParameterDefn<float>("MaxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize", "Number of collisions pooled (0 means default of 4096)",
  668. 0f,
  669. (s) => { return MaxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize; },
  670. (s,v) => { MaxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].maxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize = v; } ),
  671. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation", "Enable to allow large changes in object count",
  672. false,
  673. (s) => { return ShouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation; },
  674. (s,v) => { ShouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation = v;
  675. s.UnmanagedParams[0].shouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation = NumericBool(v); } ),
  676. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldForceUpdateAllAabbs", "Enable to recomputer AABBs every simulator step",
  677. false,
  678. (s) => { return ShouldForceUpdateAllAabbs; },
  679. (s,v) => { ShouldForceUpdateAllAabbs = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].shouldForceUpdateAllAabbs = NumericBool(v); } ),
  680. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldRandomizeSolverOrder", "Enable for slightly better stacking interaction",
  681. true,
  682. (s) => { return ShouldRandomizeSolverOrder; },
  683. (s,v) => { ShouldRandomizeSolverOrder = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].shouldRandomizeSolverOrder = NumericBool(v); } ),
  684. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldSplitSimulationIslands", "Enable splitting active object scanning islands",
  685. true,
  686. (s) => { return ShouldSplitSimulationIslands; },
  687. (s,v) => { ShouldSplitSimulationIslands = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].shouldSplitSimulationIslands = NumericBool(v); } ),
  688. new ParameterDefn<bool>("ShouldEnableFrictionCaching", "Enable friction computation caching",
  689. true,
  690. (s) => { return ShouldEnableFrictionCaching; },
  691. (s,v) => { ShouldEnableFrictionCaching = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].shouldEnableFrictionCaching = NumericBool(v); } ),
  692. new ParameterDefn<float>("NumberOfSolverIterations", "Number of internal iterations (0 means default)",
  693. 0f, // zero says use Bullet default
  694. (s) => { return NumberOfSolverIterations; },
  695. (s,v) => { NumberOfSolverIterations = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].numberOfSolverIterations = v; } ),
  696. new ParameterDefn<bool>("UseSingleSidedMeshes", "Whether to compute collisions based on single sided meshes.",
  697. true,
  698. (s) => { return UseSingleSidedMeshes; },
  699. (s,v) => { UseSingleSidedMeshes = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].useSingleSidedMeshes = NumericBool(v); } ),
  700. new ParameterDefn<float>("GlobalContactBreakingThreshold", "Amount of shape radius before breaking a collision contact (0 says Bullet default (0.2))",
  701. 0f,
  702. (s) => { return GlobalContactBreakingThreshold; },
  703. (s,v) => { GlobalContactBreakingThreshold = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].globalContactBreakingThreshold = v; } ),
  704. new ParameterDefn<float>("PhysicsUnmanLoggingFrames", "If non-zero, frames between output of detailed unmanaged physics statistics",
  705. 0f,
  706. (s) => { return PhysicsUnmanLoggingFrames; },
  707. (s,v) => { PhysicsUnmanLoggingFrames = v; s.UnmanagedParams[0].physicsLoggingFrames = v; } ),
  708. new ParameterDefn<int>("CSHullMaxDepthSplit", "CS impl: max depth to split for hull. 1-10 but > 7 is iffy",
  709. 7 ),
  710. new ParameterDefn<int>("CSHullMaxDepthSplitForSimpleShapes", "CS impl: max depth setting for simple prim shapes",
  711. 2 ),
  712. new ParameterDefn<float>("CSHullConcavityThresholdPercent", "CS impl: concavity threshold percent (0-20)",
  713. 5f ),
  714. new ParameterDefn<float>("CSHullVolumeConservationThresholdPercent", "percent volume conservation to collapse hulls (0-30)",
  715. 5f ),
  716. new ParameterDefn<int>("CSHullMaxVertices", "CS impl: maximum number of vertices in output hulls. Keep < 50.",
  717. 32 ),
  718. new ParameterDefn<float>("CSHullMaxSkinWidth", "CS impl: skin width to apply to output hulls.",
  719. 0f ),
  720. new ParameterDefn<float>("BHullMaxVerticesPerHull", "Bullet impl: max number of vertices per created hull",
  721. 200f ),
  722. new ParameterDefn<float>("BHullMinClusters", "Bullet impl: minimum number of hulls to create per mesh",
  723. 10f ),
  724. new ParameterDefn<float>("BHullCompacityWeight", "Bullet impl: weight factor for how compact to make hulls",
  725. 20f ),
  726. new ParameterDefn<float>("BHullVolumeWeight", "Bullet impl: weight factor for volume in created hull",
  727. 0.1f ),
  728. new ParameterDefn<float>("BHullConcavity", "Bullet impl: weight factor for how convex a created hull can be",
  729. 10f ),
  730. new ParameterDefn<bool>("BHullAddExtraDistPoints", "Bullet impl: whether to add extra vertices for long distance vectors",
  731. true ),
  732. new ParameterDefn<bool>("BHullAddNeighboursDistPoints", "Bullet impl: whether to add extra vertices between neighbor hulls",
  733. true ),
  734. new ParameterDefn<bool>("BHullAddFacesPoints", "Bullet impl: whether to add extra vertices to break up hull faces",
  735. true ),
  736. new ParameterDefn<bool>("BHullShouldAdjustCollisionMargin", "Bullet impl: whether to shrink resulting hulls to account for collision margin",
  737. false ),
  738. new ParameterDefn<float>("WhichHACD", "zero if Bullet HACD, non-zero says VHACD",
  739. 0f ),
  740. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDresolution", "max number of voxels generated during voxelization stage",
  741. 100000f ),
  742. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDdepth", "max number of clipping stages",
  743. 20f ),
  744. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDconcavity", "maximum concavity",
  745. 0.0025f ),
  746. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDplaneDownsampling", "granularity of search for best clipping plane",
  747. 4f ),
  748. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDconvexHullDownsampling", "precision of hull gen process",
  749. 4f ),
  750. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDalpha", "bias toward clipping along symmetry planes",
  751. 0.05f ),
  752. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDbeta", "bias toward clipping along revolution axis",
  753. 0.05f ),
  754. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDgamma", "max concavity when merging",
  755. 0.00125f ),
  756. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDpca", "on/off normalizing mesh before decomp",
  757. 0f ),
  758. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDmode", "0:voxel based, 1: tetrahedron based",
  759. 0f ),
  760. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDmaxNumVerticesPerCH", "max triangles per convex hull",
  761. 64f ),
  762. new ParameterDefn<float>("VHACDminVolumePerCH", "sampling of generated convex hulls",
  763. 0.0001f ),
  764. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinksetImplementation", "Type of linkset implementation (0=Constraint, 1=Compound, 2=Manual)",
  765. (float)BSLinkset.LinksetImplementation.Compound ),
  766. new ParameterDefn<bool>("LinksetOffsetCenterOfMass", "If 'true', compute linkset center-of-mass and offset linkset position to account for same",
  767. true ),
  768. new ParameterDefn<bool>("LinkConstraintUseFrameOffset", "For linksets built with constraints, enable frame offsetFor linksets built with constraints, enable frame offset.",
  769. false ),
  770. new ParameterDefn<bool>("LinkConstraintEnableTransMotor", "Whether to enable translational motor on linkset constraints",
  771. true ),
  772. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel", "Maximum velocity to be applied by translational motor in linkset constraints",
  773. 5.0f ),
  774. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce", "Maximum force to be applied by translational motor in linkset constraints",
  775. 0.1f ),
  776. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinkConstraintCFM", "Amount constraint can be violated. 0=no violation, 1=infinite. Default=0.1",
  777. 0.1f ),
  778. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinkConstraintERP", "Amount constraint is corrected each tick. 0=none, 1=all. Default = 0.2",
  779. 0.1f ),
  780. new ParameterDefn<float>("LinkConstraintSolverIterations", "Number of solver iterations when computing constraint. (0 = Bullet default)",
  781. 40 ),
  782. new ParameterDefn<float>("DebugNumber", "A console setable number sometimes used for debugging",
  783. 1.0f ),
  784. new ParameterDefn<int>("PhysicsMetricFrames", "Frames between outputting detailed phys metrics. (0 is off)",
  785. 0,
  786. (s) => { return s.PhysicsMetricDumpFrames; },
  787. (s,v) => { s.PhysicsMetricDumpFrames = v; } ),
  788. new ParameterDefn<float>("ResetBroadphasePool", "Setting this is any value resets the broadphase collision pool",
  789. 0f,
  790. (s) => { return 0f; },
  791. (s,v) => { BSParam.ResetBroadphasePoolTainted(s, v, false /* inTaintTime */); } ),
  792. new ParameterDefn<float>("ResetConstraintSolver", "Setting this is any value resets the constraint solver",
  793. 0f,
  794. (s) => { return 0f; },
  795. (s,v) => { BSParam.ResetConstraintSolverTainted(s, v); } ),
  796. };
  797. // Convert a boolean to our numeric true and false values
  798. public static float NumericBool(bool b)
  799. {
  800. return (b ? ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue : ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse);
  801. }
  802. // Convert numeric true and false values to a boolean
  803. public static bool BoolNumeric(float b)
  804. {
  805. return (b == ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue ? true : false);
  806. }
  807. // Search through the parameter definitions and return the matching
  808. // ParameterDefn structure.
  809. // Case does not matter as names are compared after converting to lower case.
  810. // Returns 'false' if the parameter is not found.
  811. internal static bool TryGetParameter(string paramName, out ParameterDefnBase defn)
  812. {
  813. bool ret = false;
  814. ParameterDefnBase foundDefn = null;
  815. string pName = paramName.ToLower();
  816. foreach (ParameterDefnBase parm in ParameterDefinitions)
  817. {
  818. if (pName == parm.name.ToLower())
  819. {
  820. foundDefn = parm;
  821. ret = true;
  822. break;
  823. }
  824. }
  825. defn = foundDefn;
  826. return ret;
  827. }
  828. // Pass through the settable parameters and set the default values
  829. internal static void SetParameterDefaultValues(BSScene physicsScene)
  830. {
  831. foreach (ParameterDefnBase parm in ParameterDefinitions)
  832. {
  833. parm.AssignDefault(physicsScene);
  834. }
  835. }
  836. // Get user set values out of the ini file.
  837. internal static void SetParameterConfigurationValues(BSScene physicsScene, IConfig cfg)
  838. {
  839. foreach (ParameterDefnBase parm in ParameterDefinitions)
  840. {
  841. parm.SetValue(physicsScene, cfg.GetString(parm.name, parm.GetValue(physicsScene)));
  842. }
  843. }
  844. internal static PhysParameterEntry[] SettableParameters = new PhysParameterEntry[1];
  845. // This creates an array in the correct format for returning the list of
  846. // parameters. This is used by the 'list' option of the 'physics' command.
  847. internal static void BuildParameterTable()
  848. {
  849. if (SettableParameters.Length < ParameterDefinitions.Length)
  850. {
  851. List<PhysParameterEntry> entries = new List<PhysParameterEntry>();
  852. for (int ii = 0; ii < ParameterDefinitions.Length; ii++)
  853. {
  854. ParameterDefnBase pd = ParameterDefinitions[ii];
  855. entries.Add(new PhysParameterEntry(pd.name, pd.desc));
  856. }
  857. // make the list alphabetical for ease of finding anything
  858. entries.Sort((ppe1, ppe2) => { return ppe1.name.CompareTo(ppe2.name); });
  859. SettableParameters = entries.ToArray();
  860. }
  861. }
  862. // =====================================================================
  863. // =====================================================================
  864. // There are parameters that, when set, cause things to happen in the physics engine.
  865. // This causes the broadphase collision cache to be cleared.
  866. private static void ResetBroadphasePoolTainted(BSScene pPhysScene, float v, bool inTaintTime)
  867. {
  868. BSScene physScene = pPhysScene;
  869. physScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSParam.ResetBroadphasePoolTainted", delegate()
  870. {
  871. physScene.PE.ResetBroadphasePool(physScene.World);
  872. });
  873. }
  874. // This causes the constraint solver cache to be cleared and reset.
  875. private static void ResetConstraintSolverTainted(BSScene pPhysScene, float v)
  876. {
  877. BSScene physScene = pPhysScene;
  878. physScene.TaintedObject(BSScene.DetailLogZero, "BSParam.ResetConstraintSolver", delegate()
  879. {
  880. physScene.PE.ResetConstraintSolver(physScene.World);
  881. });
  882. }
  883. }
  884. }