RegionConfig.ini.example 1.1 KB

  1. ; * This file must be renamed to RegionConfig.ini and moved to the Regions/
  2. ; * subdirectory to work!
  3. ; *
  4. ; * You can put multiple regions into one file or make one file per region
  5. ; * The section name is the region name
  6. ; *
  7. [Default Region]
  8. ; *
  9. ; * You MUST change this! It will NOT be done for you!
  10. ; *
  11. RegionUUID = "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
  12. Location = "1000,1000"
  13. InternalAddress = ""
  14. InternalPort = 9000
  15. AllowAlternatePorts = False
  16. ExternalHostName = "SYSTEMIP"
  17. ; *
  18. ; * Master avatar stuff. Set either a UUID (from OSGrid or your server)
  19. ; * OR a first and last name. Password is only needed for sandbox mode
  20. ; * The default assigns no master avatar
  21. ; *
  22. MasterAvatarUUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  23. ; MasterAvatarFirstName = ""
  24. ; MasterAvatarLastName = ""
  25. ; MasterAvatarSandboxPassword = ""
  26. ; *
  27. ; * Prim data
  28. ; * This allows limiting the sizes of prims and the region prim count
  29. ; *
  30. ; NonphysicalPrimMax = 256
  31. ; PhysicalPrimMax = 10
  32. ; ClampPrimSize = False
  33. ; MaxPrims = 15000
  34. ; *
  35. ; * Multi-Tenancy. Only set if needed
  36. ; *
  37. ; ScopeID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"