OpenSim.ini.example 19 KB

  1. [Startup]
  2. gridmode = false
  3. ; Determines where the region XML files are stored.
  4. ; regionload_regionsdir="C:\somewhere\xmlfiles\"
  5. ; ##
  6. ; ## STORAGE
  7. ; ##
  8. ; *** Prim Storage - only leave one storage_plugin uncommented ***
  9. ; --- Null stores nothing - effectively disabling persistence:
  10. storage_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll"
  11. ; --- To use sqlite as region storage:
  12. ;storage_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
  13. storage_connection_string="URI=file:OpenSim.db,version=3";
  14. ; --- To use MySQL storage, supply your own connectionstring (this is only an example):
  15. ; note that the supplied account needs create privilegies if you want it to auto-create needed tables.
  16. ; storage_plugin="OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
  17. ; storage_connection_string="Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;";
  18. ; turn on experimental storage of prim inventories in the region database
  19. ; Prim inventory storage is now turned on by default
  20. ; However, this option remains in case it needs to be disabled
  21. ; More details of the current state of this can be found at
  22. ;
  23. ;
  24. ;
  25. storage_prim_inventories = true
  26. ; Select whether you want to use local or grid asset storage.
  27. ;
  28. ; If you're running in standalone, you definitely want local, since there is no grid (hence this is redundant, and should
  29. ; really be eliminated). The database itself is defined in asset_plugin below
  30. ;
  31. ; If you're running a region server connecting to a grid, you probably want grid mode, since this will use the
  32. ; grid asset server. If you select local in grid mode, then you will use a database as specified in asset_plugin to store assets
  33. ; locally. This will mean you won't be able to take items using your assets to other people's regions.
  34. asset_database = "local"
  35. ;asset_database = "grid"
  36. ; Should avatars in neighbor sims see objects in this sim?
  37. see_into_this_sim_from_neighbor = True
  38. ; ##
  39. ; ## PHYSICS
  40. ; ##
  41. ; Select a mesher here. ZeroMesher is save and fast.
  42. ; ZeroMesher also means that the physics engine models the physics of prims
  43. ; sticking to the basic shapes the engine does support. Usually this is only a box.
  44. ; Meshmerizer gives a better handling of complex prims by using triangle meshes.
  45. ; Note, that only ODE physics currently deals with meshed prims in a satisfactoring way
  46. ;
  47. meshing = ZeroMesher
  48. ;meshing = Meshmerizer
  49. ; Choose one of the physics engines below
  50. physics = basicphysics
  51. ;physics = POS
  52. ;physics = OpenDynamicsEngine
  53. ;physics = modified_BulletX
  54. startup_console_commands_file = "startup_commands.txt"
  55. shutdown_console_commands_file = "shutdown_commands.txt"
  56. ;permissionmodules = "DefaultPermissionsModule"
  57. serverside_object_permissions = false
  58. ; if you would like to allow prims to be physical and move by physics with the physical checkbox in the client set this to true.
  59. physical_prim = true
  60. ; To run a script every few minutes, set the script filename here
  61. ; timer_Script = "filename"
  62. ; ##
  63. ; ## ScriptEngine
  64. ; ##
  65. ; These are region modules loaded into each region to provide script support
  66. ; Scripts may be everything from LSL or C# scripts put in prims to whole game systems that controls the whole grid.
  67. ; You can load multiple modules by separating them with a coma.
  68. ;
  69. ; Example:
  70. ;script_engine = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.dll,OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.RemoteServer.dll
  71. ;
  72. ; This is the current and most stable ScriptEngine:
  73. script_engine = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.dll
  74. ;Experimental remote ScriptServer plugin (does not currently work):
  75. ;script_engine = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.RemoteServer.dll
  76. [StandAlone]
  77. accounts_authenticate = true
  78. welcome_message = "Welcome to OpenSim"
  79. ; Asset database provider
  80. asset_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
  81. ; asset_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ; for mysql
  82. ; asset_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate
  83. ; the Asset DB source. This only works for sqlite and nhibernate for now
  84. ; Asset Source SQLite Exampe
  85. ; asset_source = "URI=file:Asset.db,version=3"
  86. ; Asset Source NHibernate Example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING)
  87. ; asset_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:Asset.db,version=3"
  88. ; Inventory database provider
  89. inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
  90. ; inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
  91. ; inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate
  92. ; Inventory Source NHibernate Example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING)
  93. ; inventory_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:Inventory.db,version=3"
  94. ; User Data Database provider
  95. userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
  96. ; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
  97. ; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate
  98. ; User Source NHibernate Example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING)
  99. ; user_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:User.db,version=3"
  100. default_location_x = 1000
  101. default_location_y = 1000
  102. dump_assets_to_file = false
  103. [Network]
  104. http_listener_port = 9000
  105. remoting_listener_port = 8895
  106. ; Uncomment below to enable llRemoteData/remote channels
  107. ; remoteDataPort = 20800
  108. grid_server_url = ""
  109. grid_send_key = "null"
  110. grid_recv_key = "null"
  111. user_server_url = ""
  112. user_send_key = "null"
  113. user_recv_key = "null"
  114. asset_server_url = ""
  115. inventory_server_url = ""
  116. [Chat]
  117. whisper_distance = 10
  118. say_distance = 30
  119. shout_distance = 100
  120. [ODEPhysicsSettings]
  121. ;# World Settings
  122. ;Gravity. Feel like falling up? change world_gravityz to 9.8 instead of -9.8. m/s
  123. world_gravityx = 0
  124. world_gravityy = 0
  125. world_gravityz = -9.8
  126. ; World Step size. (warning these are dangerous. Changing these will probably cause your scene to explode dramatically)
  127. ; reference: fps = (0.09375/ODE_STEPSIZE) * 1000;
  128. world_stepsize = 0.020
  129. world_internal_steps_without_collisions = 10
  130. ;World Space settings. Affects memory consumption vs Collider CPU time for avatar and physical prim
  131. world_hashspace_size_low = -4
  132. world_hashSpace_size_high = 128
  133. ;Dynamic space settings Affects memory consumption vs Collider CPU time for static prim
  134. meters_in_small_space = 29.9
  135. small_hashspace_size_low = -4
  136. small_hashspace_size_high = 66
  137. ; # Contact properties. (the stuff that happens when things come in contact with each other)
  138. ; surface layer around geometries other geometries can sink into before generating a contact
  139. world_contact_surface_layer = 0.001
  140. ; Non Moving Terrain Contact (avatar isn't moving)
  141. nm_terraincontact_friction = 255.0
  142. nm_terraincontact_bounce = 0.1
  143. nm_terraincontact_erp = 0.1025
  144. ; Moving Terrain Contact (avatar is moving)
  145. m_terraincontact_friction = 75.0
  146. m_terraincontact_bounce = 0.05
  147. m_terrainContact_erp = 0.05025
  148. ; Moving Avatar to object Contact
  149. m_avatarobjectcontact_friction = 75.0
  150. m_avatarobjectcontact_bounce = 0.1
  151. ; Object to Object Contact and Non-Moving Avatar to object
  152. objectcontact_friction = 250.0
  153. objectcontact_bounce = 0.2
  154. ; # Avatar Control
  155. ; PID Controller Settings. These affect the math that causes the avatar to reach the
  156. av_pid_derivative_linux = 3200.0
  157. av_pid_proportional_linux = 1400.0
  158. av_pid_derivative_win = 2200.0
  159. av_pid_proportional_win = 900.0;
  160. ;girth of the avatar. Adds radius to the height also
  161. av_capsule_radius = 0.37
  162. ; Max force permissible to use to keep the avatar standing up straight
  163. av_capsule_standup_tensor_win = 550000
  164. av_capsule_standup_tensor_linux = 2000000
  165. ; used to calculate mass of avatar.
  166. ; float AVvolume = (float) (Math.PI*Math.Pow(CAPSULE_RADIUS, 2)*CAPSULE_LENGTH);
  167. ; av_density * AVvolume;
  168. av_density = 80
  169. ; use this value to cut 52% of the height the sim gives us
  170. av_height_fudge_factor = 0.52
  171. ; Movement. Smaller is faster.
  172. ; speed of movement with Always Run off
  173. av_movement_divisor_walk = 1.3
  174. ; speed of movement with Always Run on
  175. av_movement_divisor_run = 0.8
  176. ; # Object options
  177. ; used in the mass calculation.
  178. geometry_default_density = 10.000006836
  179. ; amount of ODE steps where object is non moving for ODE to automatically put it to sleep
  180. body_frames_auto_disable = 20
  181. ; used to control llMove2Target
  182. body_pid_derivative = 35
  183. body_pid_gain = 25
  184. ; amount of time a geom/body will try to cross a region border before it gets disabled
  185. geom_crossing_faiures_before_outofbounds = 5
  186. ; start throttling the object updates if object comes in contact with 3 or more other objects
  187. geom_contactpoints_start_throttling = 3
  188. ; send 1 update for every x updates below when throttled
  189. geom_updates_before_throttled_update = 15
  190. ; Used for llSetStatus. How rigid the object rotation is held on the axis specified
  191. body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_linux = 2
  192. body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_win = 5
  193. ; # Sculpted Prim settings
  194. ; Do we want to mesh sculpted prim to collide like they look?
  195. mesh_sculpted_prim = true
  196. ; number^2 non-physical level of detail of the sculpt texture. 32x32 - 1024 verticies
  197. mesh_lod = 32
  198. ; number^2 physical level of detail of the sculpt texture. 16x16 - 256 verticies
  199. mesh_physical_lod = 16
  200. [RemoteAdmin]
  201. enabled = false
  202. access_password = unknown
  203. [RestPlugins]
  204. enabled = false
  205. password = unknown
  206. prefix = /admin
  207. [RestRegionPlugin]
  208. enabled = false
  209. ; Uncomment the following for IRC bridge
  210. ; experimental, so if it breaks... keep both parts... yada yada
  211. ; also, not good error detection when it fails
  212. ;[IRC]
  213. ;server =
  214. ;nick = OpenSimBotNameProbablyMakeThisShorter
  215. ;channel = #the_irc_channel_you_want_to_connect_to
  216. ;port = 6667
  217. ;fallback_region = name of "default" region
  218. ;MSGformat fields : 0=botnick, 1=user, 2=region, 3=message
  219. ; must start with "PRIVMSG {0} : " or irc server will get upset
  220. ;for <bot>:<user in region> :<message>
  221. ;msgformat = "PRIVMSG {0} :<{1} in {2}>: {3}"
  222. ;for <bot>:<message> - <user of region> :
  223. msgformat = "PRIVMSG {0} : {3} - {1} of {2}"
  224. ;for <bot>:<message> - from <user> :
  225. ;msgformat = "PRIVMSG {0} : {3} - from {1}"
  226. [Voice]
  227. ; PLEASE NOTE that we don't have voice support in OpenSim quite yet - these configuration options are stubs
  228. enabled = false
  229. ; This is not supported by the SLViewer right now and
  230. ; hardcoded within the SL Viewer. Maybe it will be
  231. ; changed in future. :-)
  232. account_management_server =
  233. ; Global SIP Server for conference calls
  234. sip_domain =
  235. [AsteriskVoice]
  236. ; PLEASE NOTE that we don't have voice support in OpenSim quite yet - these configuration options are stubs
  237. enabled = false
  238. ; SIP account server domain
  239. sip_domain =
  240. ; SIP conf server domain
  241. conf_domain =
  242. ; URL of the asterisk opensim frontend
  243. asterisk_frontend =
  244. ; password for the asterisk frontend XmlRpc calls
  245. asterisk_password = bah-humbug
  246. ; timeout for XmlRpc calls to asterisk front end (in ms)
  247. asterisk_timeout = 3000
  248. ; salt for asterisk nonces
  249. asterisk_salt = paluempalum
  250. ; Uncomment the following to control the progression of daytime
  251. ; in the Sim. The defaults are what is shown below
  252. ;[Sun]
  253. ; number of wall clock hours for an opensim day. 24.0 would mean realtime
  254. ;day_length = 0.5
  255. ; send a Sun update ever frame_rate # of frames. A lower number will
  256. ; make for smoother sun transition at the cost of network
  257. ;frame_rate = 100
  258. [ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine]
  259. ;
  260. ; These settings are specific to DotNetEngine script engine
  261. ; Other script engines based on OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common.dll will have almost identical settings, but in another section of this config file.
  262. ;
  263. ; When a script receives an event the event is queued.
  264. ; Any free thread will start executing this event. One script can only have one event executed simultaneously.
  265. ; If you have only one thread, and one script has a loop or does a lot of work, then no other scripts can run at the same time.
  266. ; Same if you have 10 threads, then only 10 scripts can be run simultaneously.
  267. ; But because most scripts exit after their task, the threads are free to go on to the next script.
  268. ; Refresh ScriptEngine config options (these settings) every xx seconds
  269. ; 0 = Do not refresh
  270. ; Set it to number of seconds between refresh, for example 30.
  271. ; Will allow you to change ScriptEngine settings while server is running just by using "CONFIG SET" on console
  272. ; For example to increase or decrease number of threads: CONFIG SET NumberOfScriptThreads 10
  273. ; NOTE! Disabled for now. Feature does not work.
  274. RefreshConfig=0
  275. ; Number of threads to use for script event execution
  276. ; Threads are shared across all regions
  277. NumberOfScriptThreads=2
  278. ; Script event execution thread priority inside application.
  279. ; Valid values: Lowest, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, Highest
  280. ScriptThreadPriority=BelowNormal
  281. ; How long MAX should a script event be allowed to run (per event execution)?
  282. ; Do not set this too low (like 50ms) as there are some time wasted in simply executing a function
  283. ; There is also a small speed penalty for every kill that is made
  284. MaxEventExecutionTimeMs=5000
  285. ; Should we enable the max script event execution thread to look for scripts that exceed their timeslice?
  286. EnforceMaxEventExecutionTime=true
  287. ; Should we stop the script completely when time exceeds?
  288. ; This is useful if you have a high <MaxEventExecutionTimeMs> and want to deactivate scripts that go wrong
  289. ; Note that for example physics engine can slow down the system and make scripts spend more time
  290. DeactivateScriptOnTimeout=false
  291. ; If no scripts have executed in this pass how long should we sleep before checking again
  292. ; Impact:
  293. ; Too low and you will waste lots of CPU
  294. ; Too high and people touching object or similar will have to wait up to this amount of time before script responding
  295. SleepTimeIfNoScriptExecutionMs=50
  296. ; AppDomains are used for two things:
  297. ; * Security: Scripts inside AppDomains are limited in permissions.
  298. ; * Script unloading: When a script is deactivated it can not be unloaded. Only whole AppDomains can be unloaded.
  299. ; AppDomains are therefore only unloaded once ALL active scripts inside it has been deactivated (removed from prims).
  300. ; Each AppDomain has some memory overhead. But leaving dead scripts in memory also has memory overhead.
  301. ScriptsPerAppDomain=1
  302. ; MaintenanceLoop
  303. ; How often to run maintenance loop
  304. ; Maintenance loop is doing: script compile/load, script unload, reload config, adjust running config and enforce max execution time
  305. MaintenanceLoopms=50
  306. ; How many maintenanceloops between each of these.
  307. ; (if 2 then function will be executed every MaintenanceLoopms*2 ms)
  308. ; Script loading/unloading
  309. ; How long load/unload thread should sleep if there is nothing to do
  310. ; Higher value makes it respond slower when scripts are added/removed from prims
  311. ; But once active it will process all in queue before sleeping again
  312. MaintenanceLoopTicks_ScriptLoadUnload=1
  313. ; Other tasks
  314. ; check if we need to reload config, adjust running config and enforce max execution time
  315. MaintenanceLoopTicks_Other=10
  316. ; Maximum number of items in load/unload queue before we start rejecting loads
  317. ; Note that we will only be rejecting load. Unloads will still be able to queue.
  318. LoadUnloadMaxQueueSize=100
  319. ; Maximum number of (LSL) events that can be queued before new events are ignored.
  320. EventExecutionMaxQueueSize=300
  321. ; Async LL command sleep
  322. ; If no async LL commands are waiting, how long should thread sleep before checking again
  323. ; Async LL commands are LSL-commands that causes an event to be fired back with result
  324. AsyncLLCommandLoopms=50
  325. ; When script is converted from LSL to C#, or just plain compiled, a copy of the script source will be put in the ScriptEngine folder
  326. WriteScriptSourceToDebugFile=true
  327. ; Specify default script compiler
  328. ; If you do not specify //cs, //vb, //js or //lsl tag as the first characters of your script then the default compiler will be chosen
  329. ; Valid languages are: lsl, cs, js and vb
  330. DefaultCompileLanguage=lsl
  331. ; Specify what compilers are allowed to be used
  332. ; Note vb only works on Windows for now (Mono lacks VB compile support)
  333. ; Valid languages are: lsl, cs, js and vb
  334. AllowedCompilers=lsl,cs,js,vb
  335. ; Compile scripts with debugging
  336. ; Probably a thousand times slower, but gives you a line number when something goes wrong.
  337. CompileWithDebugInformation=true
  338. ; Remove old scripts on next startup
  339. CleanUpOldScriptsOnStartup=true
  340. [LL-Functions]
  341. ; Set the following to true to allow administrator owned scripts to execute console commands
  342. AllowosConsoleCommand=false
  343. ; Maximum number of llListen events we allow per script
  344. ; Set this to 0 to have no limit imposed.
  345. max_listens_per_script = 64
  346. [DataSnapshot]
  347. ; The following set of configs pertains to search.
  348. ; Set index_sims to true to enable search engines to index your searchable data
  349. ; If false, no data will be exposed, DataSnapshot module will be off, and you can ignore the rest of these search-related configs
  350. index_sims = false
  351. ; If search is on, change this to your grid name; will be ignored for standalones
  352. gridname = "OSGrid"
  353. ; Period between data snapshots, in seconds. 20 minutes, for starters, so that you see the initial changes fast.
  354. ; Later, you may want to increase this to 3600 (1 hour) or more
  355. default_snapshot_period = 1200
  356. ; This will be created in bin, if it doesn't exist already. It will hold the data snapshots.
  357. snapshot_cache_directory = "DataSnapshot"
  358. ; This semicolon-separated string serves to notify specific data services
  359. ; about the existence of this sim.
  360. data_services=""
  361. [Economy]
  362. ; These economy values get used in the BetaGridLikeMoneyModule. - This module is for demonstration only -
  363. ; In grid mode, use this currency XMLRPC server. Leave blank for normal functionality
  364. CurrencyServer = ""
  365. ; ""
  366. ; In grid mode, this is the land XMLRPC server. Leave blank for normal functionality
  367. LandServer = ""
  368. ;""
  369. ; 45000 is the highest value that the sim could possibly report because of protocol constraints
  370. ObjectCapacity = 45000
  371. ; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc
  372. PriceUpload = 0
  373. ; Money Unit fee to create groups
  374. PriceGroupCreate = 0
  375. ; This is the account Money goes to for fees. Remember, economy requires that money circulates somewhere... even if it's an upload fee
  376. EconomyBaseAccount = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  377. ; This is the type of user that will pay fees.
  378. ; Set this to 2 for users, estate managers and Estate Owners
  379. ; Set this to 1 for Users and Estate Managers
  380. ; Set this to 0 for Users only.
  381. ; -1 disables
  382. UserLevelPaysFees = -1
  383. ; Amount to give to user as a stipend
  384. UserStipend = 1000
  385. ; When a user gets low on money units and logs off, then logs back on, issue a new stipend if they have less money units then this
  386. ; amount. Be aware that the account money isn't stored anywhere so users will get a stipend if you restart the simulator
  387. IssueStipendWhenClientIsBelowAmount = 10
  388. ; If this is true, the simulator will remember account balances until the simulator is shutdown or restarted.
  389. KeepMoneyAcrossLogins = true
  390. ; We don't really know what the rest of these values do. These get sent to the client
  391. ; These taken from Agni at a Public Telehub. Change at your own risk.
  392. ObjectCount = 0
  393. PriceEnergyUnit = 100
  394. PriceObjectClaim = 10
  395. PricePublicObjectDecay = 4
  396. PricePublicObjectDelete = 4
  397. PriceParcelClaim = 1
  398. PriceParcelClaimFactor = 1
  399. PriceRentLight = 5
  400. TeleportMinPrice = 2
  401. TeleportPriceExponent = 2
  402. EnergyEfficiency = 1
  403. PriceObjectRent = 1
  404. PriceObjectScaleFactor = 10
  405. PriceParcelRent = 1
  406. [SVN]
  407. Enabled = false
  408. Directory = SVNmodule\repo
  409. URL = "svn://"
  410. Username = "user"
  411. Password = "password"
  412. ImportOnStartup = false
  413. Autosave = false
  414. AutoSavePeriod = 15 ; Number of minutes between autosave backups