/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using OSHttpServer; using tinyHTTPListener = OSHttpServer.OSHttpListener; using log4net; using Nwc.XmlRpc; using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring; using OpenMetaverse.StructuredData; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer { public class BaseHttpServer : IHttpServer { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private HttpServerLogWriter httpserverlog = new HttpServerLogWriter(); private static Encoding UTF8NoBOM = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false); public static PollServiceRequestManager m_pollServiceManager; private static object m_generalLock = new object(); private string HTTP404; /// /// This is a pending websocket request before it got an sucessful upgrade response. /// The consumer must call handler.HandshakeAndUpgrade() to signal to the handler to /// start the connection and optionally provide an origin authentication method. /// /// /// public delegate void WebSocketRequestDelegate(string servicepath, WebSocketHttpServerHandler handler); /// /// Gets or sets the debug level. /// /// /// See MainServer.DebugLevel. /// public int DebugLevel { get; set; } /// /// Request number for diagnostic purposes. /// /// /// This is an internal number. In some debug situations an external number may also be supplied in the /// opensim-request-id header but we are not currently logging this. /// public int RequestNumber { get; private set; } /// /// Statistic for holding number of requests processed. /// private Stat m_requestsProcessedStat; private volatile int NotSocketErrors = 0; public volatile bool HTTPDRunning = false; protected tinyHTTPListener m_httpListener; protected Dictionary m_rpcHandlers = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary jsonRpcHandlers = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary m_rpcHandlersKeepAlive = new Dictionary(); protected DefaultLLSDMethod m_defaultLlsdHandler = null; // <-- Moving away from the monolithic.. and going to /registered/ protected Dictionary m_llsdHandlers = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary m_HTTPHandlers = new Dictionary(); //protected Dictionary m_agentHandlers = new Dictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_pollHandlers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_pollHandlersVarPath = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_WebSocketHandlers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_streamHandlers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_simpleStreamHandlers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_simpleStreamVarPath = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_indexPHPmethods = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected ConcurrentDictionary m_globalMethods = new ConcurrentDictionary(); protected IRequestHandler m_RootDefaultGET = null; // default method for root path. does override rpc xml and json, and old llsd login protected uint m_port; protected bool m_ssl; private X509Certificate2 m_cert; protected string m_SSLCommonName = ""; protected List m_certNames = new List(); protected List m_certIPs = new List(); protected string m_certCN= ""; protected RemoteCertificateValidationCallback m_certificateValidationCallback = null; protected IPAddress m_listenIPAddress = IPAddress.Any; public string Protocol { get { return m_ssl ? "https://" : "http://"; } } public uint SSLPort { get { return m_port; } } public string SSLCommonName { get { return m_SSLCommonName; } } public uint Port { get { return m_port; } } public bool UseSSL { get { return m_ssl; } } public IPAddress ListenIPAddress { get { return m_listenIPAddress; } set { m_listenIPAddress = value; } } public BaseHttpServer(uint port) { m_port = port; SetHTTP404(); } public BaseHttpServer(uint port, bool ssl, string CN, string CPath, string CPass) { m_port = port; if (ssl) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CPath)) throw new Exception("invalid main http server cert path"); if (Uri.CheckHostName(CN) == UriHostNameType.Unknown) throw new Exception("invalid main http server CN (ExternalHostName)"); m_certNames.Clear(); m_certIPs.Clear(); m_certCN = ""; m_ssl = true; load_cert(CPath, CPass); if (!CheckSSLCertHost(CN)) throw new Exception("invalid main http server CN (ExternalHostName)"); m_SSLCommonName = CN; if (m_cert.Issuer == m_cert.Subject) m_log.Warn("Self signed certificate. Clients need to allow this (some viewers debug option NoVerifySSLcert must be set to true"); } else m_ssl = false; SetHTTP404(); } public BaseHttpServer(uint port, bool ssl, string CPath, string CPass) { m_port = port; if (ssl) { load_cert(CPath, CPass); if (m_cert.Issuer == m_cert.Subject) m_log.Warn("Self signed certificate. Http clients need to allow this"); m_ssl = true; } else m_ssl = false; SetHTTP404(); } public RemoteCertificateValidationCallback CertificateValidationCallback { set { m_certificateValidationCallback = value; } } private void load_cert(string CPath, string CPass) { try { m_cert = new X509Certificate2(CPath, CPass); X509Extension ext = m_cert.Extensions[""]; if(ext != null) { AsnEncodedData asndata = new AsnEncodedData(ext.Oid, ext.RawData); string datastr = asndata.Format(true); string[] lines = datastr.Split(new char[] {'\n','\r'}); foreach(string s in lines) { if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) continue; string[] parts = s.Split(new char[] {'='}); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[0])) continue; string entryName = parts[0].Replace(" ",""); if(entryName == "DNSName") m_certNames.Add(parts[1]); else if(entryName == "IPAddress") m_certIPs.Add(parts[1]); else if(entryName == "Unknown(135)") // stupid mono { try { if(parts[1].Length == 8) { long tmp = long.Parse(parts[1], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); tmp = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(tmp); tmp = (long)((ulong) tmp >> 32); IPAddress ia = new IPAddress(tmp); m_certIPs.Add(ia.ToString()); } } catch {} } } } m_certCN = m_cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.SimpleName, false); } catch { throw new Exception("SSL cert load error"); } } static bool MatchDNS(string hostname, string dns) { int indx = dns.IndexOf('*'); if (indx == -1) return (String.Compare(hostname, dns, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0); int dnslen = dns.Length; dnslen--; if (indx == dnslen) return true; // just * ? if (indx > dnslen - 2) return false; // 2 short ? if (dns[indx + 1] != '.') return false; int indx2 = dns.IndexOf('*', indx + 1); if (indx2 != -1) return false; // there can only be one; string end = dns.Substring(indx + 1); int hostlen = hostname.Length; int endlen = end.Length; int length = hostlen - endlen; if (length <= 0) return false; if (String.Compare(hostname, length, end, 0, endlen, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) return false; if (indx == 0) { indx2 = hostname.IndexOf('.'); return ((indx2 == -1) || (indx2 >= length)); } string start = dns.Substring(0, indx); return (String.Compare(hostname, 0, start, 0, start.Length, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0); } public bool CheckSSLCertHost(string hostname) { UriHostNameType htype = Uri.CheckHostName(hostname); if(htype == UriHostNameType.Unknown || htype == UriHostNameType.Basic) return false; if(htype == UriHostNameType.Dns) { foreach(string name in m_certNames) { if(MatchDNS(hostname, name)) return true; } if(MatchDNS(hostname, m_certCN)) return true; } else { foreach(string ip in m_certIPs) { if (String.Compare(hostname, ip, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) return true; } } return false; } /// /// Add a stream handler to the http server. If the handler already exists, then nothing happens. /// /// public void AddStreamHandler(IRequestHandler handler) { string httpMethod = handler.HttpMethod; string path = handler.Path; if(path == "/") { if(httpMethod == "GET") m_RootDefaultGET = handler; return; } string handlerKey = GetHandlerKey(httpMethod, path); // m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Adding handler key {0}", handlerKey); m_streamHandlers.TryAdd(handlerKey, handler); } public void AddGenericStreamHandler(IRequestHandler handler) { if(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(handler.Path)) return; // m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Adding handler key {0}", handlerKey); m_streamHandlers.TryAdd(handler.Path, handler); } public void AddSimpleStreamHandler(ISimpleStreamHandler handler, bool varPath = false) { if (varPath) m_simpleStreamVarPath.TryAdd(handler.Path, handler); else m_simpleStreamHandlers.TryAdd(handler.Path, handler); } public void AddWebSocketHandler(string servicepath, WebSocketRequestDelegate handler) { m_WebSocketHandlers.TryAdd(servicepath, handler); } public void RemoveWebSocketHandler(string servicepath) { m_WebSocketHandlers.TryRemove(servicepath, out WebSocketRequestDelegate dummy); } public List GetStreamHandlerKeys() { return new List(m_streamHandlers.Keys); } public List GetSimpleStreamHandlerKeys() { List ssh = new List(m_simpleStreamHandlers.Keys); ssh.AddRange(new List(m_simpleStreamVarPath.Keys)); return ssh; } public List GetIndexPHPHandlerKeys() { return new List(m_indexPHPmethods.Keys); } public List GetGLobalMethodsKeys() { return new List(m_globalMethods.Keys); } private static string GetHandlerKey(string httpMethod, string path) { return httpMethod + ":" + path; } public bool AddXmlRPCHandler(string method, XmlRpcMethod handler) { return AddXmlRPCHandler(method, handler, true); } public bool AddXmlRPCHandler(string method, XmlRpcMethod handler, bool keepAlive) { lock (m_rpcHandlers) { m_rpcHandlers[method] = handler; m_rpcHandlersKeepAlive[method] = keepAlive; // default } return true; } public XmlRpcMethod GetXmlRPCHandler(string method) { lock (m_rpcHandlers) { if (m_rpcHandlers.ContainsKey(method)) { return m_rpcHandlers[method]; } else { return null; } } } public bool TryGetXmlRPCHandler(string method, out XmlRpcMethod handler) { lock (m_rpcHandlers) { if(m_rpcHandlers.TryGetValue(method, out handler)) return true; } return false; } public List GetXmlRpcHandlerKeys() { lock (m_rpcHandlers) return new List(m_rpcHandlers.Keys); } // JsonRPC public bool AddJsonRPCHandler(string method, JsonRPCMethod handler) { lock(jsonRpcHandlers) { jsonRpcHandlers.Add(method, handler); } return true; } public JsonRPCMethod GetJsonRPCHandler(string method) { lock (jsonRpcHandlers) { if (jsonRpcHandlers.ContainsKey(method)) { return jsonRpcHandlers[method]; } else { return null; } } } public List GetJsonRpcHandlerKeys() { lock (jsonRpcHandlers) return new List(jsonRpcHandlers.Keys); } public bool AddHTTPHandler(string methodName, GenericHTTPMethod handler) { //m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Registering {0}", methodName); lock (m_HTTPHandlers) { if (!m_HTTPHandlers.ContainsKey(methodName)) { m_HTTPHandlers.Add(methodName, handler); return true; } } //must already have a handler for that path so return false return false; } public List GetHTTPHandlerKeys() { lock (m_HTTPHandlers) return new List(m_HTTPHandlers.Keys); } public bool AddPollServiceHTTPHandler(string url, PollServiceEventArgs args) { return m_pollHandlers.TryAdd(url, args); } public bool AddPollServiceHTTPHandler(PollServiceEventArgs args) { return m_pollHandlers.TryAdd(args.Url, args); } public bool AddPollServiceHTTPHandlerVarPath(PollServiceEventArgs args) { return m_pollHandlersVarPath.TryAdd(args.Url, args); } public List GetPollServiceHandlerKeys() { List s = new List(m_pollHandlers.Keys); s.AddRange(m_pollHandlersVarPath.Keys); return s; } public bool AddLLSDHandler(string path, LLSDMethod handler) { lock (m_llsdHandlers) { if (!m_llsdHandlers.ContainsKey(path)) { m_llsdHandlers.Add(path, handler); return true; } } return false; } public List GetLLSDHandlerKeys() { lock (m_llsdHandlers) return new List(m_llsdHandlers.Keys); } public bool SetDefaultLLSDHandler(DefaultLLSDMethod handler) { m_defaultLlsdHandler = handler; return true; } public void AddIndexPHPMethodHandler(string key, SimpleStreamMethod sh) { m_indexPHPmethods.TryAdd(key, sh); } public void RemoveIndexPHPMethodHandler(string key) { m_indexPHPmethods.TryRemove(key, out SimpleStreamMethod sh); } public SimpleStreamMethod TryGetIndexPHPMethodHandler(string key) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) && m_indexPHPmethods.TryGetValue(key, out SimpleStreamMethod sh)) return sh; return null; } public void AddGloblaMethodHandler(string key, SimpleStreamMethod sh) { m_globalMethods.TryAdd(key, sh); } public void RemoveGlobalPMethodHandler(string key) { m_globalMethods.TryRemove(key, out SimpleStreamMethod sh); } public bool TryGetGlobalMethodHandler(string key, out SimpleStreamMethod sh) { if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { sh = null; return false; } return m_globalMethods.TryGetValue(key, out sh); } public void OnRequest(object source, RequestEventArgs args) { RequestNumber++; try { IHttpRequest request = args.Request; OSHttpRequest osRequest = new OSHttpRequest(request); if(m_WebSocketHandlers.TryGetValue(osRequest.RawUrl, out WebSocketRequestDelegate dWebSocketRequestDelegate)) { dWebSocketRequestDelegate?.Invoke(osRequest.Url.AbsolutePath, new WebSocketHttpServerHandler(osRequest, 8192)); return; } if (TryGetPollServiceHTTPHandler(Util.TrimEndSlash(request.UriPath), out PollServiceEventArgs psEvArgs)) { psEvArgs.RequestsReceived++; PollServiceHttpRequest psreq = new PollServiceHttpRequest(psEvArgs, request); if(psEvArgs.Request == null) m_pollServiceManager.Enqueue(psreq); else { OSHttpResponse resp = psEvArgs.Request.Invoke(psreq.RequestID, osRequest); if(resp == null) m_pollServiceManager.Enqueue(psreq); else resp.Send(); } psreq = null; } else { HandleRequest(osRequest, new OSHttpResponse(osRequest)); } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(string.Format("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: OnRequest() failed: {0} ", e.Message), e); } } /// /// This methods is the start of incoming HTTP request handling. /// /// /// public virtual void HandleRequest(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response) { string requestMethod = request.HttpMethod; string uriString = request.RawUrl; int requestStartTick = Environment.TickCount; // Will be adjusted later on. int requestEndTick = requestStartTick; IRequestHandler requestHandler = null; try { // OpenSim.Framework.WebUtil.OSHeaderRequestID // if (request.Headers["opensim-request-id"] != null) // reqnum = String.Format("{0}:{1}",request.RemoteIPEndPoint,request.Headers["opensim-request-id"]); //m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: <{0}> handle request for {1}",reqnum,request.RawUrl); Culture.SetCurrentCulture(); if (request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS") { //need to check this response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS"); response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type"); response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; if (request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Dispose(); requestEndTick = Environment.TickCount; response.Send(); return; } string path = request.UriPath; if (path == "/") { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; // default if (m_RootDefaultGET != null && request.HttpMethod == "GET") { if(m_RootDefaultGET is IStreamedRequestHandler) { IStreamedRequestHandler isrh = m_RootDefaultGET as IStreamedRequestHandler; response.RawBuffer = isrh.Handle(path, request.InputStream, request, response); response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; } if (request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Dispose(); requestEndTick = Environment.TickCount; response.Send(); return; } switch (request.ContentType) { case "application/json-rpc": { if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToContentTypeHandler(request); HandleJsonRpcRequests(request, response); break; } case "application/llsd+xml": { HandleLLSDLogin(request, response); break; } default: // not sure about xmlrpc content type coerence at this point { // let legacy datasnapshot work if(request.QueryString.Count > 0 && request.QueryAsDictionary.TryGetValue("method", out string method)) { if(TryGetGlobalMethodHandler(method, out SimpleStreamMethod sm)) { sm?.Invoke(request, response); break; } } if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToXmlRpcHandler(request); HandleXmlRpcRequests(request, response); break; } } if (request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Dispose(); requestEndTick = Environment.TickCount; response.Send(); return; } path = Util.TrimEndSlash(path); if (TryGetSimpleStreamHandler(path, out ISimpleStreamHandler hdr)) { hdr.Handle(request, response); if (request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Dispose(); requestEndTick = Environment.TickCount; response.Send(); return; } string handlerKey = GetHandlerKey(request.HttpMethod, path); byte[] buffer = null; if (TryGetStreamHandler(handlerKey, out requestHandler)) { if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToStreamHandler(request, requestHandler); response.ContentType = requestHandler.ContentType; // Lets do this defaulting before in case handler has varying content type. if (requestHandler is IStreamedRequestHandler) { IStreamedRequestHandler streamedRequestHandler = requestHandler as IStreamedRequestHandler; buffer = streamedRequestHandler.Handle(path, request.InputStream, request, response); } else if (requestHandler is IGenericHTTPHandler) { //m_log.Debug("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Found Caps based HTTP Handler"); IGenericHTTPHandler HTTPRequestHandler = requestHandler as IGenericHTTPHandler; string requestBody; Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, encoding)) requestBody = reader.ReadToEnd(); Hashtable keysvals = new Hashtable(); Hashtable headervals = new Hashtable(); //string host = String.Empty; string[] querystringkeys = request.QueryString.AllKeys; string[] rHeaders = request.Headers.AllKeys; foreach (string queryname in querystringkeys) { keysvals.Add(queryname, request.QueryString[queryname]); } foreach (string headername in rHeaders) { //m_log.Warn("[HEADER]: " + headername + "=" + request.Headers[headername]); headervals[headername] = request.Headers[headername]; } keysvals.Add("requestbody", requestBody); keysvals.Add("headers",headervals); //if (keysvals.Contains("method")) //{ //m_log.Warn("[HTTP]: Contains Method"); //string method = (string)keysvals["method"]; //m_log.Warn("[HTTP]: " + requestBody); //} buffer = DoHTTPGruntWork(HTTPRequestHandler.Handle(path, keysvals), response); } else { IStreamHandler streamHandler = (IStreamHandler)requestHandler; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { streamHandler.Handle(path, request.InputStream, memoryStream, request, response); buffer = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } else { switch (request.ContentType) { case null: case "text/html": if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToContentTypeHandler(request); buffer = HandleHTTPRequest(request, response); break; case "application/llsd+xml": case "application/xml+llsd": case "application/llsd+json": if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToContentTypeHandler(request); buffer = HandleLLSDRequests(request, response); break; case "text/xml": case "application/xml": case "application/json": default: if (DoWeHaveALLSDHandler(request.RawUrl)) { if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToContentTypeHandler(request); buffer = HandleLLSDRequests(request, response); } else if (DoWeHaveAHTTPHandler(request.RawUrl)) { if (DebugLevel >= 3) LogIncomingToContentTypeHandler(request); buffer = HandleHTTPRequest(request, response); } break; } } if(request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Dispose(); if (buffer != null) { if (WebUtil.DebugLevel >= 5) { string output = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); if (WebUtil.DebugLevel >= 6) { // Always truncate binary blobs. We don't have a ContentType, so detect them using the request name. if ((requestHandler != null && requestHandler.Name == "GetMesh")) { if (output.Length > WebUtil.MaxRequestDiagLength) output = output.Substring(0, WebUtil.MaxRequestDiagLength) + "..."; } } WebUtil.LogResponseDetail(RequestNumber, output); } if (!response.SendChunked && response.ContentLength64 <= 0) response.ContentLength64 = buffer.LongLength; //response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); response.RawBufferStart = 0; response.RawBufferLen = buffer.Length; response.RawBuffer = buffer; } // Do not include the time taken to actually send the response to the caller in the measurement // time. This is to avoid logging when it's the client that is slow to process rather than the // server requestEndTick = Environment.TickCount; buffer = null; response.Send(); } catch (SocketException e) { // At least on linux, it appears that if the client makes a request without requiring the response, // an unconnected socket exception is thrown when we close the response output stream. There's no // obvious way to tell if the client didn't require the response, so instead we'll catch and ignore // the exception instead. // // An alternative may be to turn off all response write exceptions on the HttpListener, but let's go // with the minimum first m_log.Warn(String.Format("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleRequest threw {0}.\nNOTE: this may be spurious on Linux ", e.Message), e); } catch (IOException e) { m_log.Error("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleRequest() threw exception ", e); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleRequest() threw exception ", e); try { response.StatusCode =(int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; response.Send(); } catch {} } finally { if(request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Close(); int tickdiff = requestEndTick - requestStartTick; if (tickdiff > 3000) { m_log.InfoFormat( "[LOGHTTP] Slow handling of {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} from {5} took {6}ms", RequestNumber, requestMethod, uriString, requestHandler != null ? requestHandler.Name : "", requestHandler != null ? requestHandler.Description : "", request.RemoteIPEndPoint, tickdiff); } else if (DebugLevel >= 4) { m_log.DebugFormat( "[LOGHTTP] HTTP IN {0} :{1} took {2}ms", RequestNumber, Port, tickdiff); } } } private void LogIncomingToStreamHandler(OSHttpRequest request, IRequestHandler requestHandler) { m_log.DebugFormat( "[LOGHTTP] HTTP IN {0} :{1} stream handler {2} {3} {4} {5} from {6}", RequestNumber, Port, request.HttpMethod, request.Url.PathAndQuery, requestHandler.Name, requestHandler.Description, request.RemoteIPEndPoint); if (DebugLevel >= 5) LogIncomingInDetail(request); } private void LogIncomingToContentTypeHandler(OSHttpRequest request) { m_log.DebugFormat( "[LOGHTTP] HTTP IN {0} :{1} {2} content type handler {3} {4} from {5}", RequestNumber, Port, string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ContentType) ? "not set" : request.ContentType, request.HttpMethod, request.Url.PathAndQuery, request.RemoteIPEndPoint); if (DebugLevel >= 5) LogIncomingInDetail(request); } private void LogIncomingToXmlRpcHandler(OSHttpRequest request) { m_log.DebugFormat( "[LOGHTTP] HTTP IN {0} :{1} assumed generic XMLRPC request {2} {3} from {4}", RequestNumber, Port, request.HttpMethod, request.Url.PathAndQuery, request.RemoteIPEndPoint); if (DebugLevel >= 5) LogIncomingInDetail(request); } private void LogIncomingInDetail(OSHttpRequest request) { if (request.ContentType == "application/octet-stream") return; // never log these; they're just binary data Stream inputStream = Util.Copy(request.InputStream); Stream innerStream = null; try { if ((request.Headers["Content-Encoding"] == "gzip") || (request.Headers["X-Content-Encoding"] == "gzip")) { innerStream = inputStream; inputStream = new GZipStream(innerStream, System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress); } using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { string output; if (DebugLevel == 5) { char[] chars = new char[WebUtil.MaxRequestDiagLength + 1]; // +1 so we know to add "..." only if needed int len = reader.Read(chars, 0, WebUtil.MaxRequestDiagLength + 1); output = new string(chars, 0, Math.Min(len, WebUtil.MaxRequestDiagLength)); if (len > WebUtil.MaxRequestDiagLength) output += "..."; } else { output = reader.ReadToEnd(); } m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGHTTP] {0}", Util.BinaryToASCII(output)); } } finally { if (innerStream != null) innerStream.Dispose(); inputStream.Dispose(); } } private bool TryGetStreamHandler(string handlerKey, out IRequestHandler streamHandler) { if(m_streamHandlers.TryGetValue(handlerKey, out streamHandler)) return true; string bestMatch = null; bool hasbest=false; lock (m_streamHandlers) { foreach (string pattern in m_streamHandlers.Keys) { if (handlerKey.StartsWith(pattern)) { if (!hasbest || pattern.Length > bestMatch.Length) { bestMatch = pattern; hasbest = true; } } } } if (hasbest) { streamHandler = m_streamHandlers[bestMatch]; return true; } streamHandler = null; return false; } private bool TryGetPollServiceHTTPHandler(string handlerKey, out PollServiceEventArgs oServiceEventArgs) { if(m_pollHandlers.TryGetValue(handlerKey, out oServiceEventArgs)) return true; if(m_pollHandlersVarPath.Count > 0 && handlerKey.Length >= 45) { // tuned for lsl requests, the only ones that should reach this, so be strict (/lslhttp/uuid.ToString()) int indx = handlerKey.IndexOf('/', 44); if (indx < 44) //lsl requests { if(m_pollHandlersVarPath.TryGetValue(handlerKey, out oServiceEventArgs)) return true; } else if(m_pollHandlersVarPath.TryGetValue(handlerKey.Substring(0, indx), out oServiceEventArgs)) return true; } oServiceEventArgs = null; return false; } private bool TryGetHTTPHandler(string handlerKey, out GenericHTTPMethod HTTPHandler) { // m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP HANDLER]: Looking for HTTP handler for {0}", handlerKey); if(m_HTTPHandlers.TryGetValue(handlerKey, out HTTPHandler)) return true; string bestMatch = null; bool hasmatch = false; lock (m_HTTPHandlers) { foreach (string pattern in m_HTTPHandlers.Keys) { if (handlerKey.StartsWith(pattern)) { if (!hasmatch || pattern.Length > bestMatch.Length) { bestMatch = pattern; hasmatch = true; } } } } if (hasmatch) { HTTPHandler = m_HTTPHandlers[bestMatch]; return true; } HTTPHandler = null; return false; } private bool TryGetSimpleStreamHandler(string uripath, out ISimpleStreamHandler handler) { if(m_simpleStreamHandlers.TryGetValue(uripath, out handler)) return true; // look only for keyword before second slash ( /keyword/someparameter/... ) handler = null; if(uripath.Length < 3) return false; int indx = uripath.IndexOf('/', 2); if(indx < 0 || indx == uripath.Length - 1) return false; return m_simpleStreamVarPath.TryGetValue(uripath.Substring(0,indx), out handler); } /// /// Try all the registered xmlrpc handlers when an xmlrpc request is received. /// Sends back an XMLRPC unknown request response if no handler is registered for the requested method. /// /// /// public void HandleXmlRpcRequests(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response) { Stream requestStream = request.InputStream; Stream innerStream = null; try { if ((request.Headers["Content-Encoding"] == "gzip") || (request.Headers["X-Content-Encoding"] == "gzip")) { innerStream = requestStream; requestStream = new GZipStream(innerStream, CompressionMode.Decompress); } } catch { if (requestStream.CanRead) requestStream.Dispose(); if (innerStream != null && innerStream.CanRead) innerStream.Dispose(); response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; response.KeepAlive = false; return; } XmlRpcRequest xmlRprcRequest = null; try { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(requestStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { var xmlDes = new XmlRpcRequestDeserializer(); xmlRprcRequest = (XmlRpcRequest)xmlDes.Deserialize(reader); } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Fail to decode XMLRPC request {0}: {1}", request.RemoteIPEndPoint, e.Message); } finally { if (requestStream.CanRead) requestStream.Dispose(); if (innerStream != null && innerStream.CanRead) innerStream.Dispose(); } if (xmlRprcRequest == null) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; response.KeepAlive = false; return; } string methodName = xmlRprcRequest.MethodName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodName)) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; response.KeepAlive = false; return; } XmlRpcMethod method; bool methodWasFound; bool keepAlive = false; lock (m_rpcHandlers) { methodWasFound = m_rpcHandlers.TryGetValue(methodName, out method); if (methodWasFound) keepAlive = m_rpcHandlersKeepAlive[methodName]; } XmlRpcResponse xmlRpcResponse; if (methodWasFound) { xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(request.RemoteIPEndPoint); // Param[1] xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(request.Url); // Param[2] string xff = "X-Forwarded-For"; string xfflower = xff.ToLower(); foreach (string s in request.Headers.AllKeys) { if (s != null && s.Equals(xfflower)) { xff = xfflower; break; } } xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(request.Headers.Get(xff)); // Param[3] // reserve this for // ... by Fumi.Iseki for DTLNSLMoneyServer // BUT make its presence possible to detect/parse string rcn = request.IHttpClientContext.SSLCommonName; if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rcn)) { rcn = "SSLCN:" + rcn; xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(rcn); // Param[4] or Param[5] } try { xmlRpcResponse = method(xmlRprcRequest, request.RemoteIPEndPoint); } catch(Exception e) { string errorMessage = String.Format( "Requested method [{0}] from {1} threw exception: {2} {3}", methodName, request.RemoteIPEndPoint.Address, e.Message, e.StackTrace); m_log.ErrorFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: {0}", errorMessage); // if the registered XmlRpc method threw an exception, we pass a fault-code along xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); // Code probably set in accordance with http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php xmlRpcResponse.SetFault(-32603, errorMessage); } response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); } else { xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); // Code set in accordance with http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php xmlRpcResponse.SetFault( XmlRpcErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR_METHOD, String.Format("Requested method [{0}] not found", methodName)); } using (MemoryStream outs = new MemoryStream(64 * 1024)) { using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(outs, UTF8NoBOM)) { writer.Formatting = Formatting.None; var xmlrpcSer = new XmlRpcResponseSerializer(); xmlrpcSer.Serialize(writer, xmlRpcResponse); writer.Flush(); response.RawBuffer = outs.GetBuffer(); response.RawBufferLen = (int)outs.Length; } } response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; response.KeepAlive = keepAlive; response.ContentType = "text/xml"; } public void HandleXmlRpcRequests(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response, Dictionary rpcHandlers) { Stream requestStream = request.InputStream; Stream innerStream = null; try { if ((request.Headers["Content-Encoding"] == "gzip") || (request.Headers["X-Content-Encoding"] == "gzip")) { innerStream = requestStream; requestStream = new GZipStream(innerStream, CompressionMode.Decompress); } } catch { if (requestStream.CanRead) requestStream.Dispose(); if (innerStream != null && innerStream.CanRead) innerStream.Dispose(); response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; response.KeepAlive = false; return; } XmlRpcRequest xmlRprcRequest = null; try { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(requestStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { var xmlDes = new XmlRpcRequestDeserializer(); xmlRprcRequest = (XmlRpcRequest)xmlDes.Deserialize(reader); } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Fail to decode XMLRPC request {0}: {1}", request.RemoteIPEndPoint, e.Message); } finally { if (requestStream.CanRead) requestStream.Dispose(); if (innerStream != null && innerStream.CanRead) innerStream.Dispose(); } if (xmlRprcRequest == null) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; response.KeepAlive = false; return; } string methodName = xmlRprcRequest.MethodName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodName)) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; response.KeepAlive = false; return; } XmlRpcMethod method; bool methodWasFound; methodWasFound = rpcHandlers.TryGetValue(methodName, out method); XmlRpcResponse xmlRpcResponse; if (methodWasFound) { xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(request.RemoteIPEndPoint); // Param[1] xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(request.Url); // Param[2] string xff = "X-Forwarded-For"; string xfflower = xff.ToLower(); foreach (string s in request.Headers.AllKeys) { if (s != null && s.Equals(xfflower)) { xff = xfflower; break; } } xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(request.Headers.Get(xff)); // Param[3] // reserve this for // ... by Fumi.Iseki for DTLNSLMoneyServer // BUT make its presence possible to detect/parse string rcn = request.IHttpClientContext.SSLCommonName; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rcn)) { rcn = "SSLCN:" + rcn; xmlRprcRequest.Params.Add(rcn); // Param[4] or Param[5] } try { xmlRpcResponse = method(xmlRprcRequest, request.RemoteIPEndPoint); } catch (Exception e) { string errorMessage = string.Format( "Requested method [{0}] from {1} threw exception: {2} {3}", methodName, request.RemoteIPEndPoint.Address, e.Message, e.StackTrace); m_log.ErrorFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: {0}", errorMessage); // if the registered XmlRpc method threw an exception, we pass a fault-code along xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); // Code probably set in accordance with http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php xmlRpcResponse.SetFault(-32603, errorMessage); } response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); } else { xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); // Code set in accordance with http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/specs/rfc.fault_codes.php xmlRpcResponse.SetFault( XmlRpcErrorCodes.SERVER_ERROR_METHOD, String.Format("Requested method [{0}] not found", methodName)); } using (MemoryStream outs = new MemoryStream(64 * 1024)) { using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(outs, UTF8NoBOM)) { writer.Formatting = Formatting.None; var xmlrpcSer = new XmlRpcResponseSerializer(); xmlrpcSer.Serialize(writer, xmlRpcResponse); writer.Flush(); response.RawBuffer = outs.GetBuffer(); response.RawBufferLen = (int)outs.Length; } } response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; response.KeepAlive = false; response.ContentType = "text/xml"; } // JsonRpc (v2.0 only) // Batch requests not yet supported private void HandleJsonRpcRequests(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response) { JsonRpcResponse jsonRpcResponse = new JsonRpcResponse(); OSDMap jsonRpcRequest = null; try { jsonRpcRequest = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(request.InputStream); } catch (LitJson.JsonException e) { jsonRpcResponse.Error.Code = ErrorCode.InternalError; jsonRpcResponse.Error.Message = e.Message; } if (request.InputStream != null && request.InputStream.CanRead) request.InputStream.Dispose(); if (jsonRpcRequest != null) { // If we have no id, then it's a "notification" if (jsonRpcRequest.TryGetValue("id", out OSD val)) jsonRpcResponse.Id = val.AsString(); if (jsonRpcRequest.TryGetValue("jsonrpc", out OSD ver) && ver.AsString() == "2.0") { jsonRpcResponse.JsonRpc = "2.0"; string methodname = jsonRpcRequest["method"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodname) && jsonRpcHandlers.TryGetValue(methodname, out JsonRPCMethod method)) { try { if(!method(jsonRpcRequest, ref jsonRpcResponse)) { // The handler sent back an unspecified error if(jsonRpcResponse.Error.Code == 0) { jsonRpcResponse.Error.Code = ErrorCode.InternalError; } } } catch (Exception e) { string ErrorMessage = string.Format("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Json-Rpc Handler Error method {0} - {1}", methodname, e.Message); m_log.Error(ErrorMessage); jsonRpcResponse.Error.Code = ErrorCode.InternalError; jsonRpcResponse.Error.Message = ErrorMessage; } } else // Error no handler defined for requested method { jsonRpcResponse.Error.Code = ErrorCode.InvalidRequest; jsonRpcResponse.Error.Message = string.Format ("No handler defined for {0}", methodname); } } else // not json-rpc 2.0 { jsonRpcResponse.Error.Code = ErrorCode.InvalidRequest; jsonRpcResponse.Error.Message = "Must be valid json-rpc 2.0 see: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification"; } } string responseData = jsonRpcResponse.Serialize(); response.RawBuffer = Util.UTF8NBGetbytes(responseData); response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; } private void HandleLLSDLogin(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response) { if (m_defaultLlsdHandler == null) return; response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; try { OSD llsdRequest = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request.InputStream); if (llsdRequest == null || !(llsdRequest is OSDMap)) return; OSD llsdResponse = m_defaultLlsdHandler(llsdRequest, request.RemoteIPEndPoint); if (llsdResponse != null) { response.ContentType = "application/llsd+xml"; response.RawBuffer = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(llsdResponse); response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; return; } } catch {} response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; } private byte[] HandleLLSDRequests(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response) { //m_log.Warn("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: We've figured out it's a LLSD Request"); if (!TryGetLLSDHandler(request.RawUrl, out LLSDMethod llsdhandler)) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; return null; } //m_log.DebugFormat("[OGP]: {0}:{1}", request.RawUrl, requestBody); OSD llsdRequest = null; try { llsdRequest = OSDParser.Deserialize(request.InputStream); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Warn("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Error - " + ex.Message); } if (llsdRequest == null) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return null; } OSD llsdResponse = null; try { llsdResponse = llsdhandler(request.RawUrl, llsdRequest, request.RemoteIPEndPoint.ToString()); } catch { llsdResponse = null; } if (llsdResponse == null) { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return null; } byte[] buffer = new byte[0]; if (llsdResponse.ToString() == "shutdown404!") { response.ContentType = "text/plain"; response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; } else { // Select an appropriate response format buffer = BuildLLSDResponse(request, response, llsdResponse); } response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; return buffer; } private byte[] BuildLLSDResponse(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response, OSD llsdResponse) { if (request.AcceptTypes != null && request.AcceptTypes.Length > 0) { foreach (string strAccept in request.AcceptTypes) { switch (strAccept) { case "application/llsd+xml": case "application/xml": case "text/xml": response.ContentType = strAccept; return OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(llsdResponse); case "application/llsd+json": case "application/json": response.ContentType = strAccept; return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(llsdResponse)); } } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ContentType)) { switch (request.ContentType) { case "application/llsd+xml": case "application/xml": case "text/xml": response.ContentType = request.ContentType; return OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(llsdResponse); case "application/llsd+json": case "application/json": response.ContentType = request.ContentType; return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(llsdResponse)); } } // response.ContentType = "application/llsd+json"; // return Util.UTF8.GetBytes(OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(llsdResponse)); response.ContentType = "application/llsd+xml"; return OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(llsdResponse); } /// /// Checks if we have an Exact path in the LLSD handlers for the path provided /// /// URI of the request /// true if we have one, false if not private bool DoWeHaveALLSDHandler(string path) { string[] pathbase = path.Split('/'); string searchquery = "/"; if (pathbase.Length < 1) return false; for (int i = 1; i < pathbase.Length; i++) { searchquery += pathbase[i]; if (pathbase.Length - 1 != i) searchquery += "/"; } string bestMatch = null; lock (m_llsdHandlers) { foreach (string pattern in m_llsdHandlers.Keys) { if (searchquery.StartsWith(pattern) && searchquery.Length >= pattern.Length) bestMatch = pattern; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /// /// Checks if we have an Exact path in the HTTP handlers for the path provided /// /// URI of the request /// true if we have one, false if not private bool DoWeHaveAHTTPHandler(string path) { string[] pathbase = path.Split('/'); string searchquery = "/"; if (pathbase.Length < 1) return false; for (int i = 1; i < pathbase.Length; i++) { searchquery += pathbase[i]; if (pathbase.Length - 1 != i) searchquery += "/"; } string bestMatch = null; //m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP HANDLER]: Checking if we have an HTTP handler for {0}", searchquery); lock (m_HTTPHandlers) { foreach (string pattern in m_HTTPHandlers.Keys) { if (searchquery.StartsWith(pattern) && searchquery.Length >= pattern.Length) { bestMatch = pattern; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } private bool TryGetLLSDHandler(string path, out LLSDMethod llsdHandler) { llsdHandler = null; // Pull out the first part of the path // splitting the path by '/' means we'll get the following return.. // {0}/{1}/{2} // where {0} isn't something we really control 100% string[] pathbase = path.Split('/'); string searchquery = "/"; if (pathbase.Length < 1) return false; for (int i=1; i bestMatch.Length) { // You have to specifically register for '/' and to get it, you must specificaly request it // if (pattern == "/" && searchquery == "/" || pattern != "/") bestMatch = pattern; } } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch)) { llsdHandler = null; return false; } else { llsdHandler = m_llsdHandlers[bestMatch]; return true; } } } // legacy should go public byte[] HandleHTTPRequest(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response) { // m_log.DebugFormat( // "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleHTTPRequest for request to {0}, method {1}", // request.RawUrl, request.HttpMethod); if (!TryGetHTTPHandlerPathBased(request.RawUrl, out GenericHTTPMethod requestprocessor)) { return SendHTML404(response); } // m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleContentVerbs for request to {0}", request.RawUrl); // This is a test. There's a workable alternative.. as this way sucks. // We'd like to put this into a text file parhaps that's easily editable. // // For this test to work, I used the following secondlife.exe parameters // "C:\Program Files\SecondLifeWindLight\SecondLifeWindLight.exe" -settings settings_windlight.xml -channel "Second Life WindLight" -set SystemLanguage en-us -loginpage -loginuri -user // // Even after all that, there's still an error, but it's a start. // // I depend on show_login_form being in the secondlife.exe parameters to figure out // to display the form, or process it. // a better way would be nifty. byte[] buffer; string requestBody; using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, Encoding.UTF8)) requestBody = reader.ReadToEnd(); Hashtable keysvals = new Hashtable(); Hashtable headervals = new Hashtable(); Hashtable requestVars = new Hashtable(); string host = String.Empty; string[] querystringkeys = request.QueryString.AllKeys; string[] rHeaders = request.Headers.AllKeys; keysvals.Add("body", requestBody); keysvals.Add("uri", request.RawUrl); keysvals.Add("content-type", request.ContentType); keysvals.Add("http-method", request.HttpMethod); foreach (string queryname in querystringkeys) { // m_log.DebugFormat( // "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Got query paremeter {0}={1}", queryname, request.QueryString[queryname]); keysvals.Add(queryname, request.QueryString[queryname]); requestVars.Add(queryname, keysvals[queryname]); } foreach (string headername in rHeaders) { // m_log.Debug("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: " + headername + "=" + request.Headers[headername]); headervals[headername] = request.Headers[headername]; } keysvals.Add("headers", headervals); keysvals.Add("querystringkeys", querystringkeys); keysvals.Add("requestvars", requestVars); // keysvals.Add("form", request.Form); Hashtable responsedata2 = requestprocessor(keysvals); buffer = DoHTTPGruntWork(responsedata2, response); return buffer; } private bool TryGetHTTPHandlerPathBased(string path, out GenericHTTPMethod httpHandler) { httpHandler = null; // Pull out the first part of the path // splitting the path by '/' means we'll get the following return.. // {0}/{1}/{2} // where {0} isn't something we really control 100% string[] pathbase = path.Split('/'); string searchquery = "/"; if (pathbase.Length < 1) return false; for (int i = 1; i < pathbase.Length; i++) { searchquery += pathbase[i]; if (pathbase.Length - 1 != i) searchquery += "/"; } // while the matching algorithm below doesn't require it, we're expecting a query in the form // // [] = optional // /resource/UUID/action[/action] // // now try to get the closest match to the reigstered path // at least for OGP, registered path would probably only consist of the /resource/ string bestMatch = null; // m_log.DebugFormat( // "[BASE HTTP HANDLER]: TryGetHTTPHandlerPathBased() looking for HTTP handler to match {0}", searchquery); lock (m_HTTPHandlers) { foreach (string pattern in m_HTTPHandlers.Keys) { if (searchquery.ToLower().StartsWith(pattern.ToLower())) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch) || searchquery.Length > bestMatch.Length) { // You have to specifically register for '/' and to get it, you must specifically request it if (pattern == "/" && searchquery == "/" || pattern != "/") bestMatch = pattern; } } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch)) { httpHandler = null; return false; } else { if (bestMatch == "/" && searchquery != "/") return false; httpHandler = m_HTTPHandlers[bestMatch]; return true; } } } internal byte[] DoHTTPGruntWork(Hashtable responsedata, OSHttpResponse response) { int responsecode; string responseString = String.Empty; byte[] responseData = null; string contentType; if (responsedata == null) { responsecode = 500; responseString = "No response could be obtained"; contentType = "text/plain"; responsedata = new Hashtable(); } else { try { //m_log.Info("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Doing HTTP Grunt work with response"); responsecode = (int)responsedata["int_response_code"]; if (responsedata["bin_response_data"] != null) responseData = (byte[])responsedata["bin_response_data"]; else responseString = (string)responsedata["str_response_string"]; contentType = (string)responsedata["content_type"]; if (responseString == null) responseString = String.Empty; } catch { responsecode = 500; responseString = "No response could be obtained"; contentType = "text/plain"; responsedata = new Hashtable(); } } if (responsedata.ContainsKey("error_status_text")) { response.StatusDescription = (string)responsedata["error_status_text"]; } if (responsedata.ContainsKey("http_protocol_version")) { response.ProtocolVersion = (string)responsedata["http_protocol_version"]; } if (responsedata.ContainsKey("keepalive")) { bool keepalive = (bool)responsedata["keepalive"]; response.KeepAlive = keepalive; } // Cross-Origin Resource Sharing with simple requests if (responsedata.ContainsKey("access_control_allow_origin")) response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", (string)responsedata["access_control_allow_origin"]); //Even though only one other part of the entire code uses HTTPHandlers, we shouldn't expect this //and should check for NullReferenceExceptions if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType)) { contentType = "text/html"; } // The client ignores anything but 200 here for web login, so ensure that this is 200 for that response.StatusCode = responsecode; if (responsecode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Moved) { response.AddHeader("Location:", (string)responsedata["str_redirect_location"]); response.StatusCode = responsecode; } response.AddHeader("Content-Type", contentType); if (responsedata.ContainsKey("headers")) { Hashtable headerdata = (Hashtable)responsedata["headers"]; foreach (string header in headerdata.Keys) response.AddHeader(header, headerdata[header].ToString()); } byte[] buffer; if (responseData != null) { buffer = responseData; } else { if (!(contentType.Contains("image") || contentType.Contains("x-shockwave-flash") || contentType.Contains("application/x-oar") || contentType.Contains("application/vnd.ll.mesh"))) { // Text buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString); } else { // Binary! buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(responseString); } response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } return buffer; } public byte[] SendHTML404(OSHttpResponse response) { response.StatusCode = 404; response.ContentType = "text/html"; string responseString = GetHTTP404(); byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString); response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length; response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; return buffer; } public void Start() { Start(true, true); } /// /// Start the http server /// /// /// If true then poll responses are performed asynchronsly. /// Option exists to allow regression tests to perform processing synchronously. /// public void Start(bool performPollResponsesAsync, bool runPool) { m_log.InfoFormat( "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Starting {0} server on port {1}", UseSSL ? "HTTPS" : "HTTP", Port); try { //m_httpListener = new HttpListener(); NotSocketErrors = 0; if (!m_ssl) { m_httpListener = tinyHTTPListener.Create(m_listenIPAddress, (int)m_port); m_httpListener.ExceptionThrown += httpServerException; if (DebugLevel > 0) { m_httpListener.LogWriter = httpserverlog; httpserverlog.DebugLevel = 1; } // Uncomment this line in addition to those in HttpServerLogWriter // if you want more detailed trace information from the HttpServer //m_httpListener2.DisconnectHandler = httpServerDisconnectMonitor; } else { m_httpListener = tinyHTTPListener.Create(IPAddress.Any, (int)m_port, m_cert); if(m_certificateValidationCallback != null) m_httpListener.CertificateValidationCallback = m_certificateValidationCallback; m_httpListener.ExceptionThrown += httpServerException; if (DebugLevel > 0) { m_httpListener.LogWriter = httpserverlog; httpserverlog.DebugLevel = 1; } } m_httpListener.RequestReceived += OnRequest; m_httpListener.Start(64); lock(m_generalLock) { if (runPool) { if(m_pollServiceManager == null) m_pollServiceManager = new PollServiceRequestManager(performPollResponsesAsync, 2, 25000); m_pollServiceManager.Start(); } } HTTPDRunning = true; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Error - " + e.Message); m_log.Error("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Tip: Do you have permission to listen on port " + m_port + "?"); // We want this exception to halt the entire server since in current configurations we aren't too // useful without inbound HTTP. throw e; } m_requestsProcessedStat = new Stat( "HTTPRequestsServed", "Number of inbound HTTP requests processed", "", "requests", "httpserver", Port.ToString(), StatType.Pull, MeasuresOfInterest.AverageChangeOverTime, stat => stat.Value = RequestNumber, StatVerbosity.Debug); StatsManager.RegisterStat(m_requestsProcessedStat); } public void httpServerDisconnectMonitor(IHttpClientContext source, SocketError err) { switch (err) { case SocketError.NotSocket: NotSocketErrors++; break; } } public void httpServerException(object source, Exception exception) { if (source.ToString() == "HttpServer.HttpListener" && exception.ToString().StartsWith("Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsException")) return; m_log.ErrorFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: {0} had an exception {1}", source.ToString(), exception.ToString()); } public void Stop(bool stopPool = false) { HTTPDRunning = false; StatsManager.DeregisterStat(m_requestsProcessedStat); try { lock(m_generalLock) { if (stopPool && m_pollServiceManager != null) m_pollServiceManager.Stop(); } m_httpListener.ExceptionThrown -= httpServerException; //m_httpListener2.DisconnectHandler = null; m_httpListener.LogWriter = null; m_httpListener.RequestReceived -= OnRequest; m_httpListener.Stop(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { m_log.Warn("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Null Reference when stopping HttpServer."); } } public void RemoveStreamHandler(string httpMethod, string path) { if (m_streamHandlers.TryRemove(path, out IRequestHandler dummy)) return; string handlerKey = GetHandlerKey(httpMethod, path); //m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Removing handler key {0}", handlerKey); m_streamHandlers.TryRemove(handlerKey, out dummy); } public void RemoveStreamHandler(string path) { m_streamHandlers.TryRemove(path, out IRequestHandler dummy); } public void RemoveSimpleStreamHandler(string path) { if(m_simpleStreamHandlers.TryRemove(path, out ISimpleStreamHandler dummy)) return; m_simpleStreamVarPath.TryRemove(path, out ISimpleStreamHandler dummy2); } public void RemoveHTTPHandler(string httpMethod, string path) { if (path == null) return; // Caps module isn't loaded, tries to remove handler where path = null lock (m_HTTPHandlers) { if (httpMethod != null && httpMethod.Length == 0) { m_HTTPHandlers.Remove(path); return; } m_HTTPHandlers.Remove(GetHandlerKey(httpMethod, path)); } } public void RemovePollServiceHTTPHandler(string httpMethod, string path) { if(!m_pollHandlers.TryRemove(path, out PollServiceEventArgs dummy)) m_pollHandlersVarPath.TryRemove(path, out PollServiceEventArgs dummy2); } public void RemovePollServiceHTTPHandler(string path) { if(!m_pollHandlers.TryRemove(path, out PollServiceEventArgs dummy)) m_pollHandlersVarPath.TryRemove(path, out PollServiceEventArgs dummy2); } //public bool RemoveAgentHandler(string agent, IHttpAgentHandler handler) //{ // lock (m_agentHandlers) // { // IHttpAgentHandler foundHandler; // if (m_agentHandlers.TryGetValue(agent, out foundHandler) && foundHandler == handler) // { // m_agentHandlers.Remove(agent); // return true; // } // } // // return false; //} public void RemoveXmlRPCHandler(string method) { lock (m_rpcHandlers) m_rpcHandlers.Remove(method); } public void RemoveJsonRPCHandler(string method) { lock(jsonRpcHandlers) jsonRpcHandlers.Remove(method); } public bool RemoveLLSDHandler(string path, LLSDMethod handler) { lock (m_llsdHandlers) { LLSDMethod foundHandler; if (m_llsdHandlers.TryGetValue(path, out foundHandler) && foundHandler == handler) { m_llsdHandlers.Remove(path); return true; } } return false; } // Fallback HTTP responses in case the HTTP error response files don't exist private static string getDefaultHTTP404() { return "404 Page not found


The page you requested has been obsconded with by knomes. Find hippos quick!

"; } public void SetHTTP404() { string file = Path.Combine(".", "http_404.html"); try { if (File.Exists(file)) { using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(file)) HTTP404 = sr.ReadToEnd(); if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HTTP404)) HTTP404 = getDefaultHTTP404(); return; } } catch { } HTTP404 = getDefaultHTTP404(); } public string GetHTTP404() { return HTTP404; } } public class HttpServerContextObj { public IHttpClientContext context = null; public IHttpRequest req = null; public OSHttpRequest oreq = null; public OSHttpResponse oresp = null; public HttpServerContextObj(IHttpClientContext contxt, IHttpRequest reqs) { context = contxt; req = reqs; } public HttpServerContextObj(OSHttpRequest osreq, OSHttpResponse osresp) { oreq = osreq; oresp = osresp; } } /// /// Relays HttpServer log messages to our own logging mechanism. /// /// To use this you must uncomment the switch section /// /// You may also be able to get additional trace information from HttpServer if you uncomment the UseTraceLogs /// property in StartHttp() for the HttpListener /// public class HttpServerLogWriter : ILogWriter { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public int DebugLevel {get; set;} = (int)LogPrio.Error; public void Write(object source, LogPrio priority, string message) { if((int)priority < DebugLevel) return; switch (priority) { case LogPrio.Trace: m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message); break; case LogPrio.Debug: m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message); break; case LogPrio.Error: m_log.ErrorFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message); break; case LogPrio.Info: m_log.InfoFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message); break; case LogPrio.Warning: m_log.WarnFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message); break; case LogPrio.Fatal: m_log.ErrorFormat("[{0}]: FATAL! - {1}", source, message); break; default: break; } return; } } public class IndexPHPHandler : SimpleStreamHandler { BaseHttpServer m_server; public IndexPHPHandler(BaseHttpServer server) : base("/index.php") { m_server = server; } protected override void ProcessRequest(IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse) { httpResponse.KeepAlive = false; if (m_server == null || !m_server.HTTPDRunning) { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; return; } if (httpRequest.QueryString.Count == 0) { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Redirect; httpResponse.AddHeader("Location", "http://opensimulator.org"); return; } if (httpRequest.QueryFlags.Contains("about")) { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Redirect; httpResponse.AddHeader("Location", "http://opensimulator.org/wiki/"); return; } if (!httpRequest.QueryAsDictionary.TryGetValue("method", out string methods) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methods)) { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; ; return; } string[] splited = methods.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string method = splited[0]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method)) { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; return; } SimpleStreamMethod sh = m_server.TryGetIndexPHPMethodHandler(method); if (sh == null) { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; return; } try { sh?.Invoke(httpRequest, httpResponse); } catch { httpResponse.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; } } } }