/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenMetaverse.StructuredData; namespace OpenSim.Framework { // legacy lightshare public class RegionLightShareData { public Vector3 waterColor = new Vector3(4.0f, 38.0f, 64.0f); public float waterFogDensityExponent = 4.0f; public float underwaterFogModifier = 0.25f; public Vector3 reflectionWaveletScale = new Vector3(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f); public float fresnelScale = 0.40f; public float fresnelOffset = 0.50f; public float refractScaleAbove = 0.03f; public float refractScaleBelow = 0.20f; public float blurMultiplier = 0.040f; public Vector2 bigWaveDirection = new Vector2(1.05f, -0.42f); public Vector2 littleWaveDirection = new Vector2(1.11f, -1.16f); public UUID normalMapTexture = new UUID("822ded49-9a6c-f61c-cb89-6df54f42cdf4"); public Vector4 horizon = new Vector4(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.32f, 0.32f); public float hazeHorizon = 0.19f; public Vector4 blueDensity = new Vector4(0.12f, 0.22f, 0.38f, 0.38f); public float hazeDensity = 0.70f; public float densityMultiplier = 0.18f; public float distanceMultiplier = 0.8f; public UInt16 maxAltitude = 1605; public Vector4 sunMoonColor = new Vector4(0.24f, 0.26f, 0.30f, 0.30f); public float sunMoonPosition = 0.317f; public Vector4 ambient = new Vector4(0.35f, 0.35f, 0.35f, 0.35f); public float eastAngle = 0.0f; public float sunGlowFocus = 0.10f; public float sunGlowSize = 1.75f; public float sceneGamma = 1.0f; public float starBrightness = 0.0f; public Vector4 cloudColor = new Vector4(0.41f, 0.41f, 0.41f, 0.41f); public Vector3 cloudXYDensity = new Vector3(1.00f, 0.53f, 1.00f); public float cloudCoverage = 0.27f; public float cloudScale = 0.42f; public Vector3 cloudDetailXYDensity = new Vector3(1.00f, 0.53f, 0.12f); public float cloudScrollX = 0.20f; public bool cloudScrollXLock = false; public float cloudScrollY = 0.01f; public bool cloudScrollYLock = false; public bool drawClassicClouds = true; } public class ViewerEnvironment { DayCycle Cycle = new DayCycle(); public int DayLength = 14400; public int DayOffset = 57600; public int Flags = 0; public float[] Altitudes = new float[3] {1000f, 2000f, 3000f }; //DayHash; public bool IsLegacy = false; public string DayCycleName; public int version = 0; public void FromWLOSD(OSD osd) { OSDArray array = osd as OSDArray; if(osd != null) { Cycle = new DayCycle(); Cycle.FromWLOSD(array); } InvalidateCaches(); } public OSD ToWLOSD(UUID message, UUID region) { OSDArray array = new OSDArray(4) { null, null, null, null }; array[0] = new OSDMap { {"messageID", message }, { "regionID", region } }; Cycle.ToWLOSD(ref array); return array; } private static Quaternion AzAlToRot(float az, float al) { if (Utils.ApproxEqual(al, 0, 1e-3f) || Utils.ApproxEqual(Math.Abs(al), Utils.TWO_PI, 1e-3f)) { az *= 0.5f; return new Quaternion(0, 0, (float)Math.Sin(az), (float)Math.Cos(az)); } if (Utils.ApproxEqual(az, 0, 1e-3f) || Utils.ApproxEqual(Math.Abs(az), Utils.TWO_PI, 1e-3f)) { al *= 0.5f; return new Quaternion(0, -(float)Math.Sin(al), 0, (float)Math.Cos(al)); } az *= 0.5f; float sz = (float)Math.Sin(az); float cz = (float)Math.Cos(az); al *= 0.5f; float sl = (float)Math.Sin(al); float cl = (float)Math.Cos(al); Quaternion rot = new Quaternion(sl * sz, -sl * cz, cl * sz, cl * cz); rot.Normalize(); return rot; } public static void convertFromAngles(SkyData sky, float sun_angle, float east_angle) { float az = -east_angle; float al = sun_angle; sky.sun_rotation = AzAlToRot(az, al); sky.moon_rotation = AzAlToRot(az, al + (float)Math.PI); } public static Vector3 Xrot(Quaternion rot) { rot.Normalize(); // just in case return new Vector3(2 * (rot.X * rot.X + rot.W * rot.W) - 1, 2 * (rot.X * rot.Y + rot.Z * rot.W), 2 * (rot.X * rot.Z - rot.Y * rot.W)); } public static void convertToAngles(SkyData sky, out float sun_angle, out float east_angle, out Vector4 lightnorm) { Vector3 v = Xrot(sky.sun_rotation); v.Normalize(); if(v.Z >= 0) lightnorm = new Vector4(v.Y, v.Z, v.X, 1); else if (v.Z > -0.12) { float m = v.Y * v.Y + v.Z * v.Z; m = 1/(float)Math.Sqrt(m); lightnorm = new Vector4(v.Y * m, 0, v.X * m, 1); } else lightnorm = new Vector4(-v.Y, -v.Z, -v.X, 1); sun_angle = (float)Math.Asin(v.Z); east_angle = -(float)Math.Atan2(v.Y, v.X); if (Math.Abs(east_angle) < 1e-6) east_angle = 0; else if (east_angle < 0) east_angle = Utils.TWO_PI + east_angle; // this is just a case on one example daycyles, as wrong as any /* if (Utils.ApproxEqual(east_angle, Utils.PI, 1e-4f)) { east_angle = 0; sun_angle = Utils.PI - sun_angle; } */ if (Math.Abs(sun_angle) < 1e-6) sun_angle = 0; else if (sun_angle < 0) sun_angle = Utils.TWO_PI + sun_angle; } public void FromLightShare(RegionLightShareData ls) { WaterData water = new WaterData(); water.waterFogColor = ls.waterColor / 256f; water.waterFogDensity = (float)Math.Pow(2.0f, ls.waterFogDensityExponent); //water.waterFogDensity = ls.waterFogDensityExponent; water.underWaterFogMod = ls.underwaterFogModifier; water.normScale = ls.reflectionWaveletScale; water.fresnelScale = ls.fresnelScale; water.fresnelOffset = ls.fresnelOffset; water.scaleAbove = ls.refractScaleAbove; water.scaleBelow = ls.refractScaleBelow; water.blurMultiplier = ls.blurMultiplier; water.wave1Dir = ls.littleWaveDirection; water.wave2Dir = ls.bigWaveDirection; water.normalMap = ls.normalMapTexture; water.Name = "LightshareWater"; SkyData sky = new SkyData(); convertFromAngles(sky, 2.0f * (float)Math.PI * ls.sunMoonPosition, 2.0f * (float)Math.PI * ls.eastAngle); sky.sunlight_color = ls.sunMoonColor * 3.0f; sky.ambient = new Vector3(ls.ambient.X * 3.0f, ls.ambient.Y * 3.0f, ls.ambient.Z * 3.0f); sky.blue_horizon = new Vector3(ls.horizon.X * 2.0f, ls.horizon.Y * 2.0f, ls.horizon.Z * 2.0f); sky.blue_density = new Vector3(ls.blueDensity.X * 2.0f, ls.blueDensity.Y * 2.0f, ls.blueDensity.Z * 2.0f);; sky.haze_horizon = ls.hazeHorizon; sky.haze_density = ls.hazeDensity; sky.cloud_shadow = ls.cloudCoverage; sky.density_multiplier = ls.densityMultiplier / 1000.0f; sky.distance_multiplier = ls.distanceMultiplier; sky.max_y = ls.maxAltitude; sky.cloud_color = new Vector3(ls.cloudColor.X, ls.cloudColor.Y, ls.cloudColor.Z); sky.cloud_pos_density1 = ls.cloudXYDensity; sky.cloud_pos_density2 = ls.cloudDetailXYDensity; sky.cloud_scale = ls.cloudScale; sky.gamma=ls.sceneGamma; sky.glow = new Vector3((2f - ls.sunGlowSize) * 20f, 0f, -ls.sunGlowFocus * 5f); sky.cloud_scroll_rate = new Vector2(ls.cloudScrollX, ls.cloudScrollY); if (ls.cloudScrollXLock) sky.cloud_scroll_rate.X = 0; if (ls.cloudScrollYLock) sky.cloud_scroll_rate.Y = 0; sky.star_brightness = ls.starBrightness * 250f; sky.Name = "LightshareSky"; Cycle = new DayCycle(); Cycle.Name = "Lightshare"; Cycle.waterframes.Add(water.Name, water); DayCycle.TrackEntry track = new DayCycle.TrackEntry(-1, water.Name); Cycle.waterTrack.Add(track); Cycle.skyframes.Add(sky.Name, sky); track = new DayCycle.TrackEntry(-1, sky.Name); Cycle.skyTrack0.Add(track); InvalidateCaches(); } public RegionLightShareData ToLightShare() { RegionLightShareData ls = new RegionLightShareData(); DayCycle.TrackEntry te; if (Cycle.waterTrack.Count > 0) { te = Cycle.waterTrack[0]; if (Cycle.waterframes.TryGetValue(te.frameName, out WaterData water)) { ls.waterColor = water.waterFogColor * 256f; ls.waterFogDensityExponent = (float)Math.Sqrt(water.waterFogDensity); //ls.waterFogDensityExponent = water.waterFogDensity; ls.underwaterFogModifier = water.underWaterFogMod; ls.reflectionWaveletScale = water.normScale; ls.fresnelScale = water.fresnelScale; ls.fresnelOffset = water.fresnelOffset; ls.refractScaleAbove = water.scaleAbove; ls.refractScaleBelow = water.scaleBelow; ls.blurMultiplier = water.blurMultiplier; ls.littleWaveDirection = water.wave1Dir; ls.bigWaveDirection = water.wave2Dir; ls.normalMapTexture = water.normalMap; } } if (Cycle.skyTrack0.Count > 0) { te = Cycle.skyTrack0[0]; if (Cycle.skyframes.TryGetValue(te.frameName, out SkyData sky)) { Vector4 lightnorm; convertToAngles(sky, out ls.sunMoonPosition, out ls.eastAngle, out lightnorm); ls.sunMoonPosition *= 0.5f / (float)Math.PI; ls.eastAngle *= 0.5f / (float)Math.PI; ls.sunMoonColor = sky.sunlight_color / 3f; ls.ambient = new Vector4(sky.ambient.X / 3.0f, sky.ambient.Y / 3.0f, sky.ambient.Z / 3.0f, 1); ls.horizon = new Vector4(sky.blue_horizon.X / 2.0f, sky.blue_horizon.Y / 2.0f, sky.blue_horizon.Z / 2.0f, 1); ls.blueDensity = new Vector4(sky.blue_density.X / 2.0f, sky.blue_density.Y / 2.0f, sky.blue_density.Z / 2.0f, 1); ls.hazeHorizon = sky.haze_horizon; ls.hazeDensity = sky.haze_density; ls.cloudCoverage = sky.cloud_shadow; ls.densityMultiplier = 1000f * sky.density_multiplier; ls.distanceMultiplier = sky.distance_multiplier; ls.maxAltitude = (ushort)sky.max_y; ls.cloudColor = new Vector4(sky.cloud_color.X, sky.cloud_color.Y, sky.cloud_color.Z, 1); ls.cloudXYDensity = sky.cloud_pos_density1; ls.cloudDetailXYDensity = sky.cloud_pos_density2; ls.cloudScale = sky.cloud_scale; ls.sceneGamma = sky.gamma; ls.sunGlowSize = (2f - sky.glow.X) / 20f; ls.sunGlowFocus = -sky.glow.Z / 5f; ls.cloudScrollX = sky.cloud_scroll_rate.X; ls.cloudScrollY = sky.cloud_scroll_rate.Y; ls.cloudScrollXLock = ls.cloudScrollX == 0f; ls.cloudScrollYLock = ls.cloudScrollY == 0f; ls.starBrightness = sky.star_brightness / 250f; } } return ls; } public void FromOSD(OSD osd) { OSDMap map = osd as OSDMap; if (map == null) return; OSD otmp; if (map.TryGetValue("day_cycle", out otmp) && otmp is OSDMap) { Cycle = new DayCycle(); Cycle.FromOSD(otmp as OSDMap); } if (Cycle == null) Cycle = new DayCycle(); if (map.TryGetValue("day_length", out otmp)) DayLength = otmp; if (map.TryGetValue("day_offset", out otmp)) DayOffset = otmp; if (map.TryGetValue("flags", out otmp)) Flags = otmp; if (map.TryGetValue("env_version", out otmp)) version = otmp; else ++version; if (map.TryGetValue("track_altitudes", out otmp) && otmp is OSDArray) { OSDArray alt = otmp as OSDArray; for(int i = 0; i < alt.Count && i < 3; ++i) Altitudes[i] = alt[i]; SortAltitudes(); } IsLegacy = false; InvalidateCaches(); } public void SortAltitudes() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { float h = Altitudes[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; ++j) { if (h > Altitudes[j]) { Altitudes[i] = Altitudes[j]; Altitudes[j] = h; List tet = Cycle.skyTracks[i]; Cycle.skyTracks[i] = Cycle.skyTracks[j]; Cycle.skyTracks[j] = tet; h = Altitudes[i]; } } } } public bool CycleFromOSD(OSD osd) { OSDMap map = osd as OSDMap; if (map == null) return false; if (!map.TryGetValue("type", out OSD tmp)) return false; string type = tmp.AsString(); if (type != "daycycle") return false; Cycle = new DayCycle(); Cycle.FromOSD(map); InvalidateCaches(); return true; } public bool FromAssetOSD(string name, OSD osd) { OSDMap map = osd as OSDMap; if (map == null) return false; if (!map.TryGetValue("type", out OSD tmp)) return false; string type = tmp.AsString(); bool ok = false; if (type == "water") { if (Cycle == null) Cycle = new DayCycle(); ok = Cycle.replaceWaterFromOSD(name, map); } else { if (type == "daycycle") { Cycle = new DayCycle(); Cycle.FromOSD(map); ok = true; } else if(type == "sky") { if (Cycle == null) Cycle = new DayCycle(); ok = Cycle.replaceSkyFromOSD(name, map); } } if(ok && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) Cycle.Name = name; InvalidateCaches(); return ok; } public OSD ToOSD() { OSDMap env = new OSDMap(); env["day_cycle"] = Cycle.ToOSD(); env["day_length"] = DayLength; env["day_offset"] = DayOffset; env["flags"] = Flags; env["env_version"] = version; OSDArray alt = new OSDArray(); alt.Add(Altitudes[0]); alt.Add(Altitudes[1]); alt.Add(Altitudes[2]); env["track_altitudes"] = alt; return env; } public readonly object m_cachedbytesLock = new object(); public byte[] m_cachedbytes = null; public byte[] m_cachedWLbytes = null; public void InvalidateCaches() { lock (m_cachedbytesLock) { m_cachedbytes = null; m_cachedWLbytes = null; } } public byte[] ToCapBytes(UUID regionID, int parcelID) { //byte[] ret = m_cachedbytes; //if(ret != null) // return ret; lock (m_cachedbytesLock) { byte[] ret = m_cachedbytes; if (ret == null) { OSDMap map = new OSDMap(); OSDMap cenv = (OSDMap)ToOSD(); cenv["parcel_id"] = parcelID; cenv["region_id"] = regionID; map["environment"] = cenv; map["parcel_id"] = parcelID; map["success"] = true; ret = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlToBytes(map); m_cachedbytes = ret; } return ret; } } public byte[] ToCapWLBytes(UUID messageID, UUID regionID) { //byte[] ret = m_cachedWLbytes; //if (ret != null) // return ret; lock (m_cachedbytesLock) { byte[] ret = m_cachedWLbytes; if (ret == null) { OSD d = ToWLOSD(messageID, regionID); ret = OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlToBytes(d); m_cachedWLbytes = ret; } return ret; } } public static ViewerEnvironment FromOSDString(string s) { try { OSD eosd = OSDParser.Deserialize(s); ViewerEnvironment VEnv = new ViewerEnvironment(); VEnv.FromOSD(eosd); return VEnv; } catch { } return null; } public static string ToOSDString(ViewerEnvironment VEnv, bool xml = false) { try { OSD eosd= VEnv.ToOSD(); if(xml) return OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlString(eosd); else return OSDParser.SerializeLLSDNotationFull(eosd); } catch {} return String.Empty; } public ViewerEnvironment Clone() { // im lazy need to proper clone later OSD osd = ToOSD(); ViewerEnvironment VEnv = new ViewerEnvironment(); VEnv.FromOSD(osd); return VEnv; } public static OSD DefaultToOSD(UUID regionID, int parcel) { OSDMap top = new OSDMap(); OSDMap env = new OSDMap(); env["is_default"] = true; if (parcel >= 0) env["parcel_id"] = parcel; env["region_id"] = regionID; OSDArray alt = new OSDArray(); alt.Add(1000f); alt.Add(2000f); alt.Add(3000f); env["track_altitudes"] = alt; top["environment"] = env; if (parcel >= 0) top["parcel_id"] = parcel; top["success"] = true; return top; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public List FindTrack(float altitude) { if (altitude < Altitudes[0]) return Cycle.skyTrack0; int altindx = 1; for (; altindx < Altitudes.Length; ++altindx) { if (Altitudes[altindx] > altitude) break; } List track = null; while (--altindx >= 0) { track = Cycle.skyTracks[altindx]; if (track != null && track.Count > 0) break; } return track; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public bool FindSkies(List track, float dayfrac, out float skyfrac, out SkyData sky1, out SkyData sky2) { sky1 = null; sky2 = null; skyfrac = dayfrac; if (track.Count == 1 || track[0].time < 0) { if (!Cycle.skyframes.TryGetValue(track[0].frameName, out sky1) || sky1 == null) return false; return true; } int i = 0; while (i < track.Count) { if (track[i].time > dayfrac) break; ++i; } float firstFrac; float secondFrac; string first; string second; int ntracks = track.Count; if (i == 0 || i == ntracks) { --ntracks; firstFrac = track[ntracks].time; first = track[ntracks].frameName; secondFrac = track[0].time + 1f; second = track[0].frameName; } else { secondFrac = track[i].time; second = track[i].frameName; --i; firstFrac = track[i].time; first = track[i].frameName; } if (!Cycle.skyframes.TryGetValue(first, out sky1) || sky1 == null) firstFrac = -1; if (!Cycle.skyframes.TryGetValue(second, out sky2) || sky2 == null) secondFrac = -1; if (firstFrac < 0) { if (secondFrac < 0) return false; sky1 = sky2; sky2 = null; return true; } if (secondFrac < 0 || secondFrac == firstFrac) { sky2 = null; return true; } dayfrac -= firstFrac; secondFrac -= firstFrac; dayfrac /= secondFrac; skyfrac = Utils.Clamp(dayfrac, 0, 1f); return true; } public bool getPositions(float altitude, float dayfrac, out Vector3 sundir, out Vector3 moondir, out Quaternion sunrot, out Quaternion moonrot) { sundir = Vector3.Zero; moondir = Vector3.Zero; sunrot = Quaternion.Identity; moonrot = Quaternion.Identity; List track = FindTrack(altitude); if (track == null || track.Count == 0) return false; if (!FindSkies(track, dayfrac, out dayfrac, out SkyData sky1, out SkyData sky2)) return false; if (sky2 == null) { moonrot = sky1.moon_rotation; moondir = Xrot(moonrot); sunrot = sky1.sun_rotation; sundir = Xrot(sunrot); return true; } moonrot = Quaternion.Slerp(sky1.moon_rotation, sky2.moon_rotation, dayfrac); moondir = Xrot(moonrot); sunrot = Quaternion.Slerp(sky1.sun_rotation, sky2.sun_rotation, dayfrac); sundir = Xrot(sunrot); return true; } /* not needed for wl viewers public bool getWLPositions(float altitude, float dayfrac, out Vector3 sundir) { sundir = Vector3.Zero; List track = track = FindTrack(altitude); if (track == null || track.Count == 0) return false; if (!FindSkies(track, dayfrac, out dayfrac, out SkyData sky1, out SkyData sky2)) return false; Quaternion sunrot; if (sky2 == null) { sunrot = sky1.sun_rotation; sundir = Xrot(sunrot); return true; } sunrot = Quaternion.Slerp(sky1.sun_rotation, sky2.sun_rotation, dayfrac); sundir = Xrot(sunrot); return true; } */ public void GatherAssets(Dictionary uuids) { if (Cycle != null) Cycle.GatherAssets(uuids); } } }