/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; using log4net; using Nini.Config; using Mono.Addins; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes; using OpenSim.Server.Base; using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces; namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Asset { [Extension(Path = "/OpenSim/RegionModules", NodeName = "RegionModule", Id = "FlotsamAssetCache")] public class FlotsamAssetCache : ISharedRegionModule, IAssetCache, IAssetService { private struct WriteAssetInfo { public string filename; public AssetBase asset; public bool replace; } private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger( MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private bool m_Enabled; private bool m_timerRunning; private bool m_cleanupRunning; private const string m_ModuleName = "FlotsamAssetCache"; private string m_CacheDirectory = "assetcache"; private string m_assetLoader; private string m_assetLoaderArgs; private readonly char[] m_InvalidChars; private int m_LogLevel = 0; private ulong m_HitRateDisplay = 100; // How often to display hit statistics, given in requests private ulong m_Requests; private ulong m_RequestsForInprogress; private ulong m_DiskHits; private ulong m_MemoryHits; private ulong m_weakRefHits; private static HashSet m_CurrentlyWriting = new HashSet(); private static BlockingCollection m_assetFileWriteQueue = null; private static CancellationTokenSource m_cancelSource; private static HashSet m_defaultAssets = new HashSet(); private bool m_FileCacheEnabled = true; private ExpiringCacheOS m_MemoryCache; private bool m_MemoryCacheEnabled = false; private ExpiringKey m_negativeCache; private bool m_negativeCacheEnabled = true; // Expiration is expressed in hours. private double m_MemoryExpiration = 0.016; private const double m_DefaultFileExpiration = 48; // Negative cache is in seconds private int m_negativeExpiration = 120; private TimeSpan m_FileExpiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(m_DefaultFileExpiration); private TimeSpan m_FileExpirationCleanupTimer = TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0); private static int m_CacheDirectoryTiers = 1; private static int m_CacheDirectoryTierLen = 3; private static int m_CacheWarnAt = 30000; private System.Timers.Timer m_CacheCleanTimer; private IAssetService m_AssetService; private List m_Scenes = new List(); private readonly object timerLock = new object(); private Dictionary weakAssetReferences = new Dictionary(); private readonly object weakAssetReferencesLock = new object(); private bool m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit = false; public FlotsamAssetCache() { List invalidChars = new List(); invalidChars.AddRange(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()); invalidChars.AddRange(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()); m_InvalidChars = invalidChars.ToArray(); } public Type ReplaceableInterface { get { return null; } } public string Name { get { return m_ModuleName; } } public void Initialise(IConfigSource source) { IConfig moduleConfig = source.Configs["Modules"]; if (moduleConfig != null) { string name = moduleConfig.GetString("AssetCaching", String.Empty); if (name == Name) { m_negativeCache = new ExpiringKey(2000); m_Enabled = true; m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: {0} enabled", this.Name); IConfig assetConfig = source.Configs["AssetCache"]; if (assetConfig == null) { m_log.Debug( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: AssetCache section missing from config (not copied config-include/FlotsamCache.ini.example? Using defaults."); } else { m_FileCacheEnabled = assetConfig.GetBoolean("FileCacheEnabled", m_FileCacheEnabled); m_CacheDirectory = assetConfig.GetString("CacheDirectory", m_CacheDirectory); m_CacheDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(m_CacheDirectory); m_MemoryCacheEnabled = assetConfig.GetBoolean("MemoryCacheEnabled", m_MemoryCacheEnabled); m_MemoryExpiration = assetConfig.GetDouble("MemoryCacheTimeout", m_MemoryExpiration); m_MemoryExpiration *= 3600.0; // config in hours to seconds m_negativeCacheEnabled = assetConfig.GetBoolean("NegativeCacheEnabled", m_negativeCacheEnabled); m_negativeExpiration = assetConfig.GetInt("NegativeCacheTimeout", m_negativeExpiration); m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit = assetConfig.GetBoolean("UpdateFileTimeOnCacheHit", m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit); m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit &= m_FileCacheEnabled; m_LogLevel = assetConfig.GetInt("LogLevel", m_LogLevel); m_HitRateDisplay = (ulong)assetConfig.GetLong("HitRateDisplay", (long)m_HitRateDisplay); m_FileExpiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(assetConfig.GetDouble("FileCacheTimeout", m_DefaultFileExpiration)); m_FileExpirationCleanupTimer = TimeSpan.FromHours( assetConfig.GetDouble("FileCleanupTimer", m_FileExpirationCleanupTimer.TotalHours)); m_CacheDirectoryTiers = assetConfig.GetInt("CacheDirectoryTiers", m_CacheDirectoryTiers); m_CacheDirectoryTierLen = assetConfig.GetInt("CacheDirectoryTierLength", m_CacheDirectoryTierLen); m_CacheWarnAt = assetConfig.GetInt("CacheWarnAt", m_CacheWarnAt); } if(m_MemoryCacheEnabled) m_MemoryCache = new ExpiringCacheOS((int)m_MemoryExpiration * 500); m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Cache Directory {0}", m_CacheDirectory); if (m_CacheDirectoryTiers < 1) m_CacheDirectoryTiers = 1; else if (m_CacheDirectoryTiers > 3) m_CacheDirectoryTiers = 3; if (m_CacheDirectoryTierLen < 1) m_CacheDirectoryTierLen = 1; else if (m_CacheDirectoryTierLen > 4) m_CacheDirectoryTierLen = 4; m_negativeExpiration *= 1000; assetConfig = source.Configs["AssetService"]; if(assetConfig != null) { m_assetLoader = assetConfig.GetString("DefaultAssetLoader", String.Empty); m_assetLoaderArgs = assetConfig.GetString("AssetLoaderArgs", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_assetLoaderArgs)) m_assetLoader = string.Empty; } MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("Assets", true, "fcache status", "fcache status", "Display cache status", HandleConsoleCommand); MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("Assets", true, "fcache clear", "fcache clear [file] [memory]", "Remove all assets in the cache. If file or memory is specified then only this cache is cleared.", HandleConsoleCommand); MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("Assets", true, "fcache assets", "fcache assets", "Attempt a deep scan and cache of all assets in all scenes", HandleConsoleCommand); MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("Assets", true, "fcache expire", "fcache expire ", "Purge cached assets older than the specified date/time", HandleConsoleCommand); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_assetLoader)) { MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("Assets", true, "fcache cachedefaultassets", "fcache cachedefaultassets", "loads local default assets to cache. This may override grid ones. use with care", HandleConsoleCommand); MainConsole.Instance.Commands.AddCommand("Assets", true, "fcache deletedefaultassets", "fcache deletedefaultassets", "deletes default local assets from cache so they can be refreshed from grid. use with care", HandleConsoleCommand); } } } } public void PostInitialise() { } public void Close() { if(m_Scenes.Count <= 0) { if (m_assetFileWriteQueue != null) { m_assetFileWriteQueue.Dispose(); m_assetFileWriteQueue = null; } if(m_cancelSource != null) { m_cancelSource.Dispose(); m_cancelSource = null; } } } public void AddRegion(Scene scene) { if (m_Enabled) { scene.RegisterModuleInterface(this); m_Scenes.Add(scene); } } public void RemoveRegion(Scene scene) { if (m_Enabled) { scene.UnregisterModuleInterface(this); m_Scenes.Remove(scene); lock(timerLock) { if(m_Scenes.Count <= 0) { m_cleanupRunning = false; if (m_timerRunning) { m_timerRunning = false; m_CacheCleanTimer.Stop(); m_CacheCleanTimer.Close(); } if (m_FileCacheEnabled && m_assetFileWriteQueue != null) m_cancelSource.Cancel(); } } } } public void RegionLoaded(Scene scene) { if (m_Enabled) { if(m_AssetService == null) m_AssetService = scene.RequestModuleInterface(); lock(timerLock) { if(!m_timerRunning) { if (m_FileCacheEnabled && (m_FileExpiration > TimeSpan.Zero) && (m_FileExpirationCleanupTimer > TimeSpan.Zero)) { m_CacheCleanTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(m_FileExpirationCleanupTimer.TotalMilliseconds) { AutoReset = false }; m_CacheCleanTimer.Elapsed += CleanupExpiredFiles; m_CacheCleanTimer.Start(); m_timerRunning = true; } } if (m_FileCacheEnabled && m_assetFileWriteQueue == null) { m_assetFileWriteQueue = new BlockingCollection(); m_cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); WorkManager.RunInThreadPool(ProcessWrites, null, "FloatsamCacheWriter", false); } if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_assetLoader) && scene.RegionInfo.RegionID == m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.RegionID) { IAssetLoader assetLoader = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin(m_assetLoader, new object[] { }); if (assetLoader != null) { HashSet ids = new HashSet(); assetLoader.ForEachDefaultXmlAsset( m_assetLoaderArgs, delegate (AssetBase a) { Cache(a, true); ids.Add(a.ID); }); m_defaultAssets = ids; } } } } } private void ProcessWrites(object o) { try { while(true) { if(m_assetFileWriteQueue.TryTake(out WriteAssetInfo wai,-1, m_cancelSource.Token)) { WriteFileCache(wai.filename,wai.asset,wai.replace); wai.asset = null; Thread.Sleep(20); } } } catch{ } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IAssetCache // private void UpdateWeakReference(string key, AssetBase asset) { lock(weakAssetReferencesLock) { if(weakAssetReferences.TryGetValue(key , out WeakReference aref)) aref.Target = asset; else weakAssetReferences[key] = new WeakReference(asset); } } private void UpdateMemoryCache(string key, AssetBase asset) { m_MemoryCache.AddOrUpdate(key, asset, m_MemoryExpiration); } private void UpdateFileCache(string key, AssetBase asset, bool replace = false) { if(m_assetFileWriteQueue == null) return; string filename = GetFileName(key); try { // If the file is already cached, don't cache it, just touch it so access time is updated if (!replace && File.Exists(filename)) { UpdateFileLastAccessTime(filename); return; } // Once we start writing, make sure we flag that we're writing // that object to the cache so that we don't try to write the // same file multiple times. lock (m_CurrentlyWriting) { if (m_CurrentlyWriting.Contains(filename)) return; else m_CurrentlyWriting.Add(filename); } WriteAssetInfo wai = new WriteAssetInfo() { filename = filename, asset = asset, replace = replace }; if (m_assetFileWriteQueue != null) m_assetFileWriteQueue.Add(wai); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.ErrorFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Failed to update cache for asset {0}. Exception {1} {2}", asset.ID, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } } public void Cache(AssetBase asset, bool replace = false) { // TODO: Spawn this off to some seperate thread to do the actual writing if (asset != null) { //m_log.DebugFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Caching asset with id {0}", asset.ID); UpdateWeakReference(asset.ID, asset); if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) UpdateMemoryCache(asset.ID, asset); if (m_FileCacheEnabled) UpdateFileCache(asset.ID, asset, replace); } } public void CacheNegative(string id) { if (m_negativeCacheEnabled) { m_negativeCache.Add(id, m_negativeExpiration); } } /// /// Updates the cached file with the current time. /// /// Filename. /// true, if the update was successful, false otherwise. private bool UpdateFileLastAccessTime(string filename) { try { File.SetLastAccessTime(filename, DateTime.Now); return true; } catch (FileNotFoundException) { return false; } catch { return true; // ignore other errors } } private AssetBase GetFromWeakReference(string id) { AssetBase asset = null; lock(weakAssetReferencesLock) { if (weakAssetReferences.TryGetValue(id, out WeakReference aref)) { asset = aref.Target as AssetBase; if(asset == null) weakAssetReferences.Remove(id); else m_weakRefHits++; } } return asset; } /// /// Try to get an asset from the in-memory cache. /// /// /// private AssetBase GetFromMemoryCache(string id) { if (m_MemoryCache.TryGetValue(id, out AssetBase asset)) { m_MemoryHits++; return asset; } return null; } private bool CheckFromMemoryCache(string id) { return m_MemoryCache.Contains(id); } /// /// Try to get an asset from the file cache. /// /// /// An asset retrieved from the file cache. null if there was a problem retrieving an asset. private AssetBase GetFromFileCache(string id) { string filename = GetFileName(id); // Track how often we have the problem that an asset is requested while // it is still being downloaded by a previous request. if (m_CurrentlyWriting.Contains(filename)) { m_RequestsForInprogress++; return null; } AssetBase asset = null; try { using (FileStream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { if (stream.Length == 0) // Empty file will trigger exception below return null; BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); asset = (AssetBase)bformatter.Deserialize(stream); m_DiskHits++; } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { } catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Failed to get file {0} for asset {1}. Exception {2} {3}", filename, id, e.Message, e.StackTrace); // If there was a problem deserializing the asset, the asset may // either be corrupted OR was serialized under an old format // {different version of AssetBase} -- we should attempt to // delete it and re-cache File.Delete(filename); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Failed to get file {0} for asset {1}. Exception {2} {3}", filename, id, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } return asset; } private bool CheckFromFileCache(string id) { try { return File.Exists(GetFileName(id)); } catch { } return false; } // For IAssetService public AssetBase Get(string id) { Get(id, out AssetBase asset); return asset; } public AssetBase Get(string id, string ForeignAssetService, bool dummy) { return null; } public bool Get(string id, out AssetBase asset) { asset = null; m_Requests++; if (m_negativeCache.ContainsKey(id)) return false; asset = GetFromWeakReference(id); if (asset != null) { if(m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit) { string filename = GetFileName(id); UpdateFileLastAccessTime(filename); } if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) UpdateMemoryCache(id, asset); return true; } if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) { asset = GetFromMemoryCache(id); if(asset != null) { UpdateWeakReference(id,asset); if (m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit) { string filename = GetFileName(id); UpdateFileLastAccessTime(filename); } return true; } } if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { asset = GetFromFileCache(id); if(asset != null) { UpdateWeakReference(id,asset); if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) UpdateMemoryCache(id, asset); } } return true; } public bool Check(string id) { if(GetFromWeakReference(id) != null) return true; if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled && CheckFromMemoryCache(id)) return true; if (m_FileCacheEnabled && CheckFromFileCache(id)) return true; return false; } // does not check negative cache public AssetBase GetCached(string id) { AssetBase asset = null; m_Requests++; asset = GetFromWeakReference(id); if (asset != null) { if (m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit) { string filename = GetFileName(id); UpdateFileLastAccessTime(filename); } if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) UpdateMemoryCache(id, asset); return asset; } if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) { asset = GetFromMemoryCache(id); if (asset != null) { UpdateWeakReference(id, asset); if (m_updateFileTimeOnCacheHit) { string filename = GetFileName(id); UpdateFileLastAccessTime(filename); } return asset; } } if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { asset = GetFromFileCache(id); if (asset != null) { UpdateWeakReference(id, asset); if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) UpdateMemoryCache(id, asset); } } return asset; } public void Expire(string id) { if (m_LogLevel >= 2) m_log.DebugFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Expiring Asset {0}", id); try { lock (weakAssetReferencesLock) weakAssetReferences.Remove(id); if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) m_MemoryCache.Remove(id); if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { string filename = GetFileName(id); File.Delete(filename); } } catch (Exception e) { if (m_LogLevel >= 2) m_log.WarnFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Failed to expire cached file {0}. Exception {1} {2}", id, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } } public void Clear() { if (m_LogLevel >= 2) m_log.Debug("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Clearing caches."); if (m_FileCacheEnabled && Directory.Exists(m_CacheDirectory)) { foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(m_CacheDirectory)) { try { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } catch { } } } if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) { m_MemoryCache.Dispose(); m_MemoryCache = new ExpiringCacheOS((int)m_MemoryExpiration * 500); } if (m_negativeCacheEnabled) { m_negativeCache.Dispose(); m_negativeCache = new ExpiringKey(2000); } lock (weakAssetReferencesLock) weakAssetReferences = new Dictionary(); } private async void CleanupExpiredFiles(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { lock (timerLock) { if (!m_timerRunning || m_cleanupRunning || !Directory.Exists(m_CacheDirectory)) return; m_cleanupRunning = true; } // Purge all files last accessed prior to this point await DoCleanExpiredFiles(DateTime.Now - m_FileExpiration).ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task DoCleanExpiredFiles(DateTime purgeLine) { long heap = 0; //if (m_LogLevel >= 2) { m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Start background expiring files older than {0}.", purgeLine); heap = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); } // An asset cache may contain local non-temporary assets that are not in the asset service. Therefore, // before cleaning up expired files we must scan the objects in the scene to make sure that we retain // such local assets if they have not been recently accessed. Dictionary gids = await gatherSceneAssets().ConfigureAwait(false); int cooldown = 0; m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] start asset files expire"); foreach (string subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(m_CacheDirectory)) { if(!m_cleanupRunning) break; cooldown = await CleanExpiredFiles(subdir, gids, purgeLine, cooldown); if (++cooldown >= 10) { await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); cooldown = 0; } } gids = null; lock (timerLock) { if (m_timerRunning) m_CacheCleanTimer.Start(); m_cleanupRunning = false; } //if (m_LogLevel >= 2) { heap = GC.GetTotalMemory(false) - heap; double fheap = Math.Round((double)(heap / (1024 * 1024)), 3); m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Finished expiring files, heap delta: {0}MB.", fheap); } } /// /// Recurses through specified directory checking for asset files last /// accessed prior to the specified purge line and deletes them. Also /// removes empty tier directories. /// /// /// private async Task CleanExpiredFiles(string dir, Dictionary gids, DateTime purgeLine, int cooldown) { try { if (!m_cleanupRunning) return cooldown; int dirSize = 0; // Recurse into lower tiers foreach (string subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(dir)) { if (!m_cleanupRunning) return cooldown; ++dirSize; cooldown = await CleanExpiredFiles(subdir, gids, purgeLine, cooldown); if (++cooldown > 10) { await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); cooldown = 0; } } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir)) { if (!m_cleanupRunning) return cooldown; ++dirSize; string id = Path.GetFileName(file); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) continue; //?? if (m_defaultAssets.Contains(id) ||(UUID.TryParse(id, out UUID uid) && gids.ContainsKey(uid))) { ++cooldown; continue; } if (File.GetLastAccessTime(file) < purgeLine) { try { File.Delete(file); lock (weakAssetReferencesLock) weakAssetReferences.Remove(id); } catch { } cooldown += 5; --dirSize; } if (++cooldown >= 20) { await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); cooldown = 0; } } // Check if a tier directory is empty, if so, delete it if (m_cleanupRunning && dirSize == 0) { try { Directory.Delete(dir); } catch { } cooldown += 5; if (cooldown >= 20) { await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); cooldown = 0; } } else if (dirSize >= m_CacheWarnAt) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Cache folder exceeded CacheWarnAt limit {0} {1}. Suggest increasing tiers, tier length, or reducing cache expiration", dir, dirSize); } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { // If we get here, another node on the same box has // already removed the directory. Continue with next. } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Could not complete clean of expired files in {0}, exception {1}", dir, e.Message); } return cooldown; } /// /// Determines the filename for an AssetID stored in the file cache /// /// /// private string GetFileName(string id) { StringBuilder sb = osStringBuilderCache.Acquire(); int indx = id.IndexOfAny(m_InvalidChars); if (indx >= 0) { sb.Append(id); int sublen = id.Length - indx; for(int i = 0; i < m_InvalidChars.Length; ++i) { sb.Replace(m_InvalidChars[i], '_', indx, sublen); } id = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); } if(m_CacheDirectoryTiers == 1) { sb.Append(id.Substring(0, m_CacheDirectoryTierLen)); sb.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); } else { for (int p = 0; p < m_CacheDirectoryTiers * m_CacheDirectoryTierLen; p += m_CacheDirectoryTierLen) { sb.Append(id.Substring(p, m_CacheDirectoryTierLen)); sb.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); } } sb.Append(id); return Path.Combine(m_CacheDirectory, osStringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(sb)); } /// /// Writes a file to the file cache, creating any nessesary /// tier directories along the way /// /// /// private static void WriteFileCache(string filename, AssetBase asset, bool replace) { // Make sure the target cache directory exists string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); // Write file first to a temp name, so that it doesn't look // like it's already cached while it's still writing. string tempname = Path.Combine(directory, Path.GetRandomFileName()); try { try { if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } using(Stream stream = File.Open(tempname, FileMode.Create)) { BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); bformatter.Serialize(stream, asset); stream.Flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Failed to write asset {0} to temporary location {1} (final {2}) on cache in {3}. Exception {4} {5}.", asset.ID, tempname, filename, directory, e.Message, e.StackTrace); return; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } try { if(replace) File.Delete(filename); File.Move(tempname, filename); } catch { try { File.Delete(tempname); } catch{ } // If we see an IOException here it's likely that some other competing thread has written the // cache file first, so ignore. Other IOException errors (e.g. filesystem full) should be // signally by the earlier temporary file writing code. } } finally { // Even if the write fails with an exception, we need to make sure // that we release the lock on that file, otherwise it'll never get // cached lock (m_CurrentlyWriting) { m_CurrentlyWriting.Remove(filename); } } } /// /// Scan through the file cache, and return number of assets currently cached. /// /// /// private int GetFileCacheCount(string dir) { try { int count = 0; int cooldown = 0; foreach (string subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(dir)) { count += GetFileCacheCount(subdir); ++cooldown; if(cooldown > 50) { Thread.Sleep(100); cooldown = 0; } } return count + Directory.GetFiles(dir).Length; } catch { return 0; } } /// /// This notes the last time the Region had a deep asset scan performed on it. /// /// private void StampRegionStatusFile(UUID regionID) { string RegionCacheStatusFile = Path.Combine(m_CacheDirectory, "RegionStatus_" + regionID.ToString() + ".fac"); try { if (File.Exists(RegionCacheStatusFile)) { File.SetLastWriteTime(RegionCacheStatusFile, DateTime.Now); } else { File.WriteAllText( RegionCacheStatusFile, "Please do not delete this file unless you are manually clearing your Flotsam Asset Cache."); } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Could not stamp region status file for region {0}. Exception {1}", regionID, e. Message); } } /// /// Iterates through all Scenes, doing a deep scan through assets /// to update the access time of all assets present in the scene or referenced by assets /// in the scene. /// /// /// If true, then assets scanned which are not found in cache are added to the cache. /// /// Number of distinct asset references found in the scene. private async Task TouchAllSceneAssets(bool tryGetUncached) { m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] start touch files of assets in use"); Dictionary gatheredids = await gatherSceneAssets(); int cooldown = 0; foreach(UUID id in gatheredids.Keys) { if (!m_cleanupRunning) break; string idstr = id.ToString(); if (!UpdateFileLastAccessTime(GetFileName(idstr)) && tryGetUncached) { cooldown += 5; m_AssetService.Get(idstr); } if (++cooldown > 50) { Thread.Sleep(50); cooldown = 0; } } return gatheredids.Count; } private async Task> gatherSceneAssets() { m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] gather assets in use"); Dictionary gatheredids = new Dictionary(); UuidGatherer gatherer = new UuidGatherer(m_AssetService, gatheredids); int cooldown = 0; foreach (Scene s in m_Scenes) { gatherer.AddGathered(s.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TerrainTexture1, (sbyte)AssetType.Texture); gatherer.AddGathered(s.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TerrainTexture2, (sbyte)AssetType.Texture); gatherer.AddGathered(s.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TerrainTexture3, (sbyte)AssetType.Texture); gatherer.AddGathered(s.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TerrainTexture4, (sbyte)AssetType.Texture); gatherer.AddGathered(s.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.TerrainImageID, (sbyte)AssetType.Texture); if (s.RegionEnvironment != null) s.RegionEnvironment.GatherAssets(gatheredids); if (s.LandChannel != null) { List landObjects = s.LandChannel.AllParcels(); foreach (ILandObject lo in landObjects) { if (lo.LandData != null && lo.LandData.Environment != null) lo.LandData.Environment.GatherAssets(gatheredids); } } EntityBase[] entities = s.Entities.GetEntities(); for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; ++i) { if (!m_cleanupRunning) break; EntityBase entity = entities[i]; if (entity is SceneObjectGroup) { SceneObjectGroup e = entity as SceneObjectGroup; if (e.IsDeleted) continue; gatherer.AddForInspection(e); while (gatherer.GatherNext()) { if (++cooldown > 50) { await Task.Delay(60).ConfigureAwait(false); cooldown = 0; } } if (++cooldown > 25) { await Task.Delay(60).ConfigureAwait(false); cooldown = 0; } } } entities = null; if (!m_cleanupRunning) break; StampRegionStatusFile(s.RegionInfo.RegionID); } gatherer.GatherAll(); gatherer.FailedUUIDs.Clear(); gatherer.UncertainAssetsUUIDs.Clear(); gatherer = null; m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] found {0} possible assets in use (including {1} default assets)", gatheredids.Count + m_defaultAssets.Count, m_defaultAssets.Count); return gatheredids; } /// /// Deletes all cache contents /// private void ClearFileCache() { if(!Directory.Exists(m_CacheDirectory)) return; foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(m_CacheDirectory)) { try { Directory.Delete(dir, true); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Couldn't clear asset cache directory {0} from {1}. Exception {2} {3}", dir, m_CacheDirectory, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(m_CacheDirectory)) { try { File.Delete(file); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.WarnFormat( "[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: Couldn't clear asset cache file {0} from {1}. Exception {1} {2}", file, m_CacheDirectory, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } } } private List GenerateCacheHitReport() { List outputLines = new List(); double invReq = 100.0 / m_Requests; double weakHitRate = m_weakRefHits * invReq; int weakEntriesAlive = 0; lock(weakAssetReferencesLock) { foreach(WeakReference aref in weakAssetReferences.Values) { if (aref.IsAlive) ++weakEntriesAlive; } } int weakEntries = weakAssetReferences.Count; double fileHitRate = m_DiskHits * invReq; double TotalHitRate = weakHitRate + fileHitRate; outputLines.Add( string.Format("Total requests: {0}", m_Requests)); outputLines.Add( string.Format("unCollected Hit Rate: {0}% ({1} entries {2} alive)", weakHitRate.ToString("0.00"),weakEntries, weakEntriesAlive)); outputLines.Add( string.Format("File Hit Rate: {0}%", fileHitRate.ToString("0.00"))); if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) { double HitRate = m_MemoryHits * invReq; outputLines.Add( string.Format("Memory Hit Rate: {0}%", HitRate.ToString("0.00"))); TotalHitRate += HitRate; } outputLines.Add( string.Format("Total Hit Rate: {0}%", TotalHitRate.ToString("0.00"))); outputLines.Add( string.Format( "Requests overlap during file writing: {0}", m_RequestsForInprogress)); return outputLines; } #region Console Commands private void HandleConsoleCommand(string module, string[] cmdparams) { ICommandConsole con = MainConsole.Instance; if (cmdparams.Length >= 2) { string cmd = cmdparams[1]; switch (cmd) { case "status": { WorkManager.RunInThreadPool(delegate { if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] Memory Cache: {0} assets", m_MemoryCache.Count); else con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] Memory cache disabled"); if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { bool doingscan; lock (timerLock) { doingscan = m_cleanupRunning; } if(doingscan) { con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] a deep scan is in progress, skipping file cache assets count"); } else { con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] counting file cache assets"); int fileCount = GetFileCacheCount(m_CacheDirectory); con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] File Cache: {0} assets", fileCount); } } else { con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] File cache disabled"); } GenerateCacheHitReport().ForEach(l => con.Output(l)); if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] Deep scans have previously been performed on the following regions:"); foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles(m_CacheDirectory, "*.fac")) { int start = s.IndexOf('_'); int end = s.IndexOf('.'); if(start > 0 && end > 0) { string RegionID = s.Substring(start + 1, end - start); DateTime RegionDeepScanTMStamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(s); con.Output("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] Region: {0}, {1}", RegionID, RegionDeepScanTMStamp.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")); } } } }, null, "CacheStatus", false); break; } case "clear": if (cmdparams.Length < 2) { con.Output("Usage is fcache clear [file] [memory]"); break; } bool clearMemory = false, clearFile = false; if (cmdparams.Length == 2) { clearMemory = true; clearFile = true; } foreach (string s in cmdparams) { if (s.ToLower() == "memory") clearMemory = true; else if (s.ToLower() == "file") clearFile = true; } if (clearMemory) { if (m_MemoryCacheEnabled) { m_MemoryCache.Clear(); con.Output("Memory cache cleared."); } else { con.Output("Memory cache not enabled."); } } if (clearFile) { if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { ClearFileCache(); con.Output("File cache cleared."); } else { con.Output("File cache not enabled."); } } break; case "assets": lock (timerLock) { if (m_cleanupRunning) { con.Output("Flotsam assets check already running"); return; } m_cleanupRunning = true; } con.Output("Flotsam Ensuring assets are cached for all scenes."); WorkManager.RunInThreadPool(async delegate { bool wasRunning= false; lock(timerLock) { if(m_timerRunning) { m_CacheCleanTimer.Stop(); m_timerRunning = false; wasRunning = true; } } if (wasRunning) await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); int assetReferenceTotal = await TouchAllSceneAssets(true).ConfigureAwait(false); lock(timerLock) { if(wasRunning) { m_CacheCleanTimer.Start(); m_timerRunning = true; } m_cleanupRunning = false; } con.Output("Completed check with {0} assets.", assetReferenceTotal); }, null, "TouchAllSceneAssets", false); break; case "expire": lock (timerLock) { if (m_cleanupRunning) { con.Output("Flotsam assets check already running"); return; } m_cleanupRunning = true; } if (cmdparams.Length < 3) { con.Output("Invalid parameters for Expire, please specify a valid date & time"); break; } string s_expirationDate = ""; DateTime expirationDate; if (cmdparams.Length > 3) { s_expirationDate = string.Join(" ", cmdparams, 2, cmdparams.Length - 2); } else { s_expirationDate = cmdparams[2]; } if (!DateTime.TryParse(s_expirationDate, out expirationDate)) { con.Output("{0} is not a valid date & time", cmd); break; } if (expirationDate >= DateTime.Now) { con.Output("{0} date & time must be in past", cmd); break; } if (m_FileCacheEnabled) { WorkManager.RunInThreadPool(async delegate { bool wasRunning = false; lock (timerLock) { if (m_timerRunning) { m_CacheCleanTimer.Stop(); m_timerRunning = false; wasRunning = true; } } if(wasRunning) await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); await DoCleanExpiredFiles(expirationDate).ConfigureAwait(false); lock (timerLock) { if (wasRunning) { m_CacheCleanTimer.Start(); m_timerRunning = true; } m_cleanupRunning = false; } }, null, "TouchAllSceneAssets", false); } else con.Output("File cache not active, not clearing."); break; case "cachedefaultassets": HandleLoadDefaultAssets(); break; case "deletedefaultassets": HandleDeleteDefaultAssets(); break; default: con.Output("Unknown command {0}", cmd); break; } } else if (cmdparams.Length == 1) { con.Output("fcache assets - Attempt a deep cache of all assets in all scenes"); con.Output("fcache expire - Purge assets older than the specified date & time"); con.Output("fcache clear [file] [memory] - Remove cached assets"); con.Output("fcache status - Display cache status"); con.Output("fcache cachedefaultassets - loads default assets to cache replacing existent ones, this may override grid assets. Use with care"); con.Output("fcache deletedefaultassets - deletes default local assets from cache so they can be refreshed from grid"); } } #endregion #region IAssetService Members public AssetMetadata GetMetadata(string id) { Get(id, out AssetBase asset); if (asset == null) return null; return asset.Metadata; } public byte[] GetData(string id) { Get(id, out AssetBase asset); if (asset == null) return null; return asset.Data; } public bool Get(string id, object sender, AssetRetrieved handler) { if (!Get(id, out AssetBase asset)) return false; handler(id, sender, asset); return true; } public bool[] AssetsExist(string[] ids) { bool[] exist = new bool[ids.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) { exist[i] = Check(ids[i]); } return exist; } public string Store(AssetBase asset) { if (asset.FullID == UUID.Zero) { asset.FullID = UUID.Random(); } Cache(asset); return asset.ID; } public bool UpdateContent(string id, byte[] data) { if (!Get(id, out AssetBase asset)) return false; asset.Data = data; Cache(asset, true); return true; } public bool Delete(string id) { Expire(id); return true; } private void HandleLoadDefaultAssets() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_assetLoader)) { m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] default assets loader not defined"); return; } IAssetLoader assetLoader = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin(m_assetLoader, new object[] { }); if (assetLoader == null) { m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] default assets loader not found"); return; } m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] start loading local default assets"); int count = 0; HashSet ids = new HashSet(); assetLoader.ForEachDefaultXmlAsset( m_assetLoaderArgs, delegate (AssetBase a) { Cache(a, true); ids.Add(a.ID); ++count; }); m_defaultAssets = ids; m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] loaded {0} local default assets", count); } private void HandleDeleteDefaultAssets() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_assetLoader)) { m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] default assets loader not defined"); return; } IAssetLoader assetLoader = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin(m_assetLoader, new object[] { }); if (assetLoader == null) { m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] default assets loader not found"); return; } m_log.Info("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] started deleting local default assets"); int count = 0; assetLoader.ForEachDefaultXmlAsset( m_assetLoaderArgs, delegate (AssetBase a) { Expire(a.ID); ++count; }); m_defaultAssets = new HashSet(); m_log.InfoFormat("[FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE] deleted {0} local default assets", count); } #endregion } }