using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Amib.Threading.Internal { #region WorkItemsGroup class /// /// Summary description for WorkItemsGroup. /// public class WorkItemsGroup : WorkItemsGroupBase { #region Private members private readonly object _lock = new object(); /// /// A reference to the SmartThreadPool instance that created this /// WorkItemsGroup. /// private readonly SmartThreadPool _stp; /// /// The OnIdle event /// private event WorkItemsGroupIdleHandler _onIdle; /// /// A flag to indicate if the Work Items Group is now suspended. /// private bool _isSuspended; /// /// Defines how many work items of this WorkItemsGroup can run at once. /// private int _concurrency; /// /// Priority queue to hold work items before they are passed /// to the SmartThreadPool. /// private readonly Queue _workItemsQueue; /// /// Indicate how many work items are waiting in the SmartThreadPool /// queue. /// This value is used to apply the concurrency. /// private int _workItemsInStpQueue; /// /// Indicate how many work items are currently running in the SmartThreadPool. /// This value is used with the Cancel, to calculate if we can send new /// work items to the STP. /// private int _workItemsExecutingInStp = 0; /// /// WorkItemsGroup start information /// private readonly WIGStartInfo _workItemsGroupStartInfo; /// /// Signaled when all of the WorkItemsGroup's work item completed. /// private readonly ManualResetEvent _isIdleWaitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(true); /// /// A common object for all the work items that this work items group /// generate so we can mark them to cancel in O(1) /// private CanceledWorkItemsGroup _canceledWorkItemsGroup = new CanceledWorkItemsGroup(); #endregion #region Construction public WorkItemsGroup( SmartThreadPool stp, int concurrency, WIGStartInfo wigStartInfo) { if (concurrency <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "concurrency", concurrency, "concurrency must be greater than zero"); } _stp = stp; _concurrency = concurrency; _workItemsGroupStartInfo = new WIGStartInfo(wigStartInfo).AsReadOnly(); _workItemsQueue = new Queue(); Name = "WorkItemsGroup"; // The _workItemsInStpQueue gets the number of currently executing work items, // because once a work item is executing, it cannot be cancelled. _workItemsInStpQueue = _workItemsExecutingInStp; _isSuspended = _workItemsGroupStartInfo.StartSuspended; } #endregion #region WorkItemsGroupBase Overrides public override int Concurrency { get { return _concurrency; } set { Debug.Assert(value > 0); int diff = value - _concurrency; _concurrency = value; if (diff > 0) { EnqueueToSTPNextNWorkItem(diff); } } } public override int WaitingCallbacks { get { return _workItemsQueue.Count; } } public override object[] GetStates() { lock (_lock) { object[] states = new object[_workItemsQueue.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (WorkItem workItem in _workItemsQueue) { states[i] = workItem.GetWorkItemResult().State; ++i; } return states; } } /// /// WorkItemsGroup start information /// public override WIGStartInfo WIGStartInfo { get { return _workItemsGroupStartInfo; } } /// /// Start the Work Items Group if it was started suspended /// public override void Start() { // If the Work Items Group already started then quit if (!_isSuspended) { return; } _isSuspended = false; EnqueueToSTPNextNWorkItem(Math.Min(_workItemsQueue.Count, _concurrency)); } public override void Cancel(bool abortExecution) { lock (_lock) { _canceledWorkItemsGroup.IsCanceled = true; _workItemsQueue.Clear(); _workItemsInStpQueue = 0; _canceledWorkItemsGroup = new CanceledWorkItemsGroup(); } if (abortExecution) { _stp.CancelAbortWorkItemsGroup(this); } } /// /// Wait for the thread pool to be idle /// public override bool WaitForIdle(int millisecondsTimeout) { SmartThreadPool.ValidateWorkItemsGroupWaitForIdle(this); return STPEventWaitHandle.WaitOne(_isIdleWaitHandle, millisecondsTimeout, false); } public override event WorkItemsGroupIdleHandler OnIdle { add { _onIdle += value; } remove { _onIdle -= value; } } #endregion #region Private methods private void RegisterToWorkItemCompletion(IWorkItemResult wir) { IInternalWorkItemResult iwir = (IInternalWorkItemResult)wir; iwir.OnWorkItemStarted += OnWorkItemStartedCallback; iwir.OnWorkItemCompleted += OnWorkItemCompletedCallback; } public void OnSTPIsStarting() { if (_isSuspended) { return; } EnqueueToSTPNextNWorkItem(_concurrency); } public void EnqueueToSTPNextNWorkItem(int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { EnqueueToSTPNextWorkItem(null, false); } } private object FireOnIdle(object state) { FireOnIdleImpl(_onIdle); return null; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private void FireOnIdleImpl(WorkItemsGroupIdleHandler onIdle) { if(null == onIdle) { return; } Delegate[] delegates = onIdle.GetInvocationList(); foreach(WorkItemsGroupIdleHandler eh in delegates) { try { eh(this); } catch { } // Suppress exceptions } } private void OnWorkItemStartedCallback(WorkItem workItem) { lock(_lock) { ++_workItemsExecutingInStp; } } private void OnWorkItemCompletedCallback(WorkItem workItem) { EnqueueToSTPNextWorkItem(null, true); } internal override void Enqueue(WorkItem workItem) { EnqueueToSTPNextWorkItem(workItem); } private void EnqueueToSTPNextWorkItem(WorkItem workItem) { EnqueueToSTPNextWorkItem(workItem, false); } private void EnqueueToSTPNextWorkItem(WorkItem workItem, bool decrementWorkItemsInStpQueue) { lock(_lock) { // Got here from OnWorkItemCompletedCallback() if (decrementWorkItemsInStpQueue) { --_workItemsInStpQueue; if(_workItemsInStpQueue < 0) { _workItemsInStpQueue = 0; } --_workItemsExecutingInStp; if(_workItemsExecutingInStp < 0) { _workItemsExecutingInStp = 0; } } // If the work item is not null then enqueue it if (null != workItem) { workItem.CanceledWorkItemsGroup = _canceledWorkItemsGroup; RegisterToWorkItemCompletion(workItem.GetWorkItemResult()); _workItemsQueue.Enqueue(workItem); //_stp.IncrementWorkItemsCount(); if ((1 == _workItemsQueue.Count) && (0 == _workItemsInStpQueue)) { _stp.RegisterWorkItemsGroup(this); IsIdle = false; _isIdleWaitHandle.Reset(); } } // If the work items queue of the group is empty than quit if (0 == _workItemsQueue.Count) { if (0 == _workItemsInStpQueue) { _stp.UnregisterWorkItemsGroup(this); IsIdle = true; _isIdleWaitHandle.Set(); if (decrementWorkItemsInStpQueue && _onIdle != null && _onIdle.GetInvocationList().Length > 0) { _stp.QueueWorkItem(new WorkItemCallback(FireOnIdle)); } } return; } if (!_isSuspended) { if (_workItemsInStpQueue < _concurrency) { WorkItem nextWorkItem = _workItemsQueue.Dequeue() as WorkItem; try { _stp.Enqueue(nextWorkItem); } catch (ObjectDisposedException e) { e.GetHashCode(); // The STP has been shutdown } ++_workItemsInStpQueue; } } } } #endregion } #endregion }