/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using log4net; using Nini.Config; namespace OpenSim.Framework { public enum OSHTTPURIFlags : byte { None = 0, ValidHost = 1, Resolved = 1 << 1, Empty = 1 << 2, ValidResolved = ValidHost | Resolved } // full http or https schema, server host, port and possible server path any query is ignored. public struct OSHTTPURI:IComparable, IEquatable { public OSHTTPURIFlags Flags; public int Port; public IPAddress IP; public readonly string Host; public readonly string URL; public readonly string Path; public readonly string URI; public OSHTTPURI(string uri, bool withDNSResolve = false) { Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty; Port = -1; IP = null; Host = string.Empty; URI = string.Empty; URL = string.Empty; Path = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) return; Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.None; try { Uri m_checkuri = new Uri(uri); if(m_checkuri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttp && m_checkuri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeHttps) return; Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost; Host = m_checkuri.DnsSafeHost.ToLowerInvariant(); Port = m_checkuri.Port; Path = m_checkuri.AbsolutePath; URL = m_checkuri.Scheme + "://" + Host + ":" + Port; URI = m_checkuri.AbsoluteUri; if (withDNSResolve) { IPAddress ip = Util.GetHostFromDNS(Host); if (ip != null) { IP = ip; Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidResolved; } } } catch { Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.None; IP = null; URI = string.Empty; } } public bool ResolveDNS() { IPAddress ip = Util.GetHostFromDNS(Host); if (ip == null) { Flags &= ~OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved; return false; } Flags |= OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved; return true; } public bool IsValidHost { get { return (Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) != 0; } } public bool ValidAndResolved(out string error) { if ((Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) == 0) { error = "failed to parse uri"; return false; } if ((Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved) == 0) { error = "failed DNS resolve of uri host"; return false; } error = string.Empty; return true; } public bool IsResolvedHost { get {return (Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved) != 0; } } public string URIwEndSlash { get { return Flags == OSHTTPURIFlags.None ? "" : URI + "/";} } public int CompareTo(OSHTTPURI other) { if (Port == other.Port && ((Flags & other.Flags) & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) != 0) { if (Path.Equals(other.Path)) return Host.CompareTo(other.Host); } return -1; } public bool Equals(OSHTTPURI other) { if (Port == other.Port && ((Flags & other.Flags) & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) != 0) { if (Path.Equals(other.Path)) return Host.Equals(other.Host); } return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return URI.GetHashCode(); } } //host and port. Can not have server internal path or query. http scheme is assumed if not present public struct OSHHTPHost : IComparable, IEquatable { public OSHTTPURIFlags Flags; public int Port; public IPAddress IP; public readonly string Host; public readonly string URI; public OSHHTPHost(string url, bool withDNSResolve = false) { Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty; Port = 80; IP = null; Host = string.Empty; URI = string.Empty; bool secureHTTP = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) return; Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.None; url = url.ToLowerInvariant(); try { int urllen = url.Length; if (url[urllen - 1] == '/') --urllen; int start; if (url.StartsWith("http")) { if (url[4] == 's') { start = 8; secureHTTP = true; } else start = 7; } else start = 0; string host; UriHostNameType type; int indx = url.IndexOf(':', start, urllen - start); if (indx > 0) { host = url.Substring(start, indx - start); type = Uri.CheckHostName(host); if (type == UriHostNameType.Unknown || type == UriHostNameType.Basic) return; ++indx; string sport = url.Substring(indx, urllen - indx); int tmp; if (!int.TryParse(sport, out tmp) || tmp < 0 || tmp > 65535) return; Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost; Host = host; Port = tmp; URI = (secureHTTP ? "https://" : "http://") + Host + ":" + Port.ToString(); } else { host = url.Substring(start, urllen - start); type = Uri.CheckHostName(host); if (type == UriHostNameType.Unknown || type == UriHostNameType.Basic) return; Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost; Host = host; if (secureHTTP) { Port = 443; URI = "https://" + Host + ":443"; } else { Port = 80; URI = "http://" + Host + ":80"; } } if (withDNSResolve) { IPAddress ip = Util.GetHostFromDNS(host); if (ip != null) { Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidResolved; IP = ip; } } } catch { Flags = OSHTTPURIFlags.None; IP = null; URI = string.Empty; } } public bool ResolveDNS() { IPAddress ip = Util.GetHostFromDNS(Host); if (ip == null) { Flags &= ~OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved; return false; } Flags |= OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved; return true; } public bool IsValidHost { get { return (Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) != 0; } } public bool IsResolvedHost { get { return (Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved) != 0; } } public bool ValidAndResolved(out string error) { if ((Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) == 0) { error = "failed to parse uri"; return false; } if ((Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Resolved) == 0) { error = "failed DNS resolve of uri host"; return false; } error = string.Empty; return true; } public string URIwEndSlash { get { return (Flags == OSHTTPURIFlags.None) ? "" : URI + "/"; } } public string HostAndPort { get { return (Flags == OSHTTPURIFlags.None) ? "" : Host + ":" + Port.ToString(); } } public int CompareTo(OSHHTPHost other) { if (Port == other.Port && ((Flags & other.Flags) & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) != 0) { return Host.CompareTo(other.Host); } return -1; } public bool Equals(OSHHTPHost other) { if (Port == other.Port && ((Flags & other.Flags) & OSHTTPURIFlags.ValidHost) != 0) { return Host.Equals(other.Host); } return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return Host.GetHashCode() + Port; } } public class GridInfo { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private bool m_hasHGconfig; private OSHHTPHost m_gateKeeperURL; private HashSet m_gateKeeperAlias; private OSHHTPHost m_homeURL; private HashSet m_homeURLAlias; private string m_gridUrl = string.Empty; private string[] m_gridUrlAlias = null; private string m_GridName = string.Empty; private string m_GridNick = string.Empty; private string m_SearchURL = string.Empty; private string m_DestinationGuideURL = string.Empty; private string m_economyURL = string.Empty; public GridInfo (IConfigSource config, string defaultURI = "") { string[] sections = new string[] {"Const", "Startup", "Hypergrid"}; string gatekeeper = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "GatekeeperURI", sections, string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gatekeeper)) { IConfig serverConfig = config.Configs["GatekeeperService"]; if (serverConfig != null) gatekeeper = serverConfig.GetString("ExternalName", string.Empty); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gatekeeper)) { IConfig gridConfig = config.Configs["GridService"]; if (gridConfig != null) gatekeeper = gridConfig.GetString("Gatekeeper", string.Empty); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gatekeeper)) { m_hasHGconfig = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultURI)) m_gateKeeperURL = new OSHHTPHost(defaultURI, true); } else { m_gateKeeperURL = new OSHHTPHost(gatekeeper, true); m_hasHGconfig = true; } if (!m_gateKeeperURL.IsResolvedHost) { m_log.Error(m_gateKeeperURL.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve GatekeeperURI" : "GatekeeperURI is a invalid host"); throw new Exception("GatekeeperURI configuration error"); } m_gridUrl = m_gateKeeperURL.URI; string gatekeeperURIAlias = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "GatekeeperURIAlias", sections, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gatekeeperURIAlias)) { string[] alias = gatekeeperURIAlias.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < alias.Length; ++i) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(alias[i].Trim(), false); if (tmp.IsValidHost) { if (m_gateKeeperAlias == null) m_gateKeeperAlias = new HashSet(); m_gateKeeperAlias.Add(tmp); } } } if (m_gateKeeperAlias != null && m_gateKeeperAlias.Count > 0) { m_gridUrlAlias = new string[m_gateKeeperAlias.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (OSHHTPHost a in m_gateKeeperAlias) m_gridUrlAlias[i++] = a.URI; } string home = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "HomeURI", sections, string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(home)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gatekeeper)) m_homeURL = m_gateKeeperURL; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultURI)) m_homeURL = new OSHHTPHost(defaultURI, true); } else m_homeURL = new OSHHTPHost(home, true); if (!m_homeURL.IsResolvedHost) { m_log.Error(m_homeURL.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve HomeURI" : "HomeURI is a invalid host"); throw new Exception("HomeURI configuration error"); } string homeAlias = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "HomeURIAlias", sections, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(homeAlias)) { string[] alias = homeAlias.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < alias.Length; ++i) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(alias[i].Trim(), false); if (tmp.IsValidHost) { if (m_homeURLAlias == null) m_homeURLAlias = new HashSet(); m_homeURLAlias.Add(tmp); } } } string[] namessections = new string[] { "Const", "GridInfo", "SimulatorFeatures" }; m_GridName = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "GridName", namessections, string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_GridName)) m_GridName = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "gridname", namessections, string.Empty); m_GridNick = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "GridNick", namessections, string.Empty); if (m_GridName == string.Empty) m_GridName = "Another bad configured grid"; OSHTTPURI tmpuri; m_SearchURL = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config,"SearchServerURI", namessections, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SearchURL)) { tmpuri = new OSHTTPURI(m_SearchURL.Trim(), true); if (!tmpuri.IsResolvedHost) { m_log.Error(tmpuri.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve SearchServerURI" : "SearchServerURI is a invalid host"); throw new Exception("SearchServerURI configuration error"); } m_SearchURL = tmpuri.URI; } m_DestinationGuideURL = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "DestinationGuideURI",namessections, string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_DestinationGuideURL)) // Make this consistent with the variable in the LoginService config m_DestinationGuideURL = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "DestinationGuide", namessections, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_DestinationGuideURL)) { tmpuri = new OSHTTPURI(m_DestinationGuideURL.Trim(), true); if (!tmpuri.IsResolvedHost) { m_log.Error(tmpuri.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve DestinationGuideURL" : "DestinationGuideURL is a invalid host"); throw new Exception("DestinationGuideURL configuration error"); } m_DestinationGuideURL = tmpuri.URI; } m_economyURL = Util.GetConfigVarFromSections(config, "economy", new string[] { "Economy", "GridInfo" }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_economyURL)) { tmpuri = new OSHTTPURI(m_economyURL.Trim(), true); if (!tmpuri.IsResolvedHost) { m_log.Error(tmpuri.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve economyURL" : "economyURL is a invalid host"); throw new Exception("economyURL configuration error"); } m_economyURL = tmpuri.URI; } } public bool HasHGConfig { get { return m_hasHGconfig; } } public string GateKeeperURL { get { return m_gateKeeperURL.URIwEndSlash; } } public string GateKeeperURLNoEndSlash { get { return m_gateKeeperURL.URI; } } public string HGGateKeeperURL { get { if (m_hasHGconfig) return m_gateKeeperURL.URIwEndSlash; return string.Empty; } } public string HGGateKeeperURLNoEndSlash { get { if (m_hasHGconfig) return m_gateKeeperURL.URI; return string.Empty; } } public string HomeURL { get { return m_homeURL.URIwEndSlash; } } public string HomeURLNoEndSlash { get { return m_homeURL.URI; } } public string HGHomeURL { get { if (m_hasHGconfig) return m_homeURL.URIwEndSlash; return string.Empty; } } public string HGHomeURLNoEndSlash { get { if (m_hasHGconfig) return m_homeURL.URI; return string.Empty; } } // -2 dns failed // -1 if bad url // 0 if not local // 1 if local public int IsLocalGrid(string othergatekeeper) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(othergatekeeper, false); if (!tmp.IsValidHost) return ((tmp.Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty) == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (tmp.Equals(m_gateKeeperURL)) return 1; if (m_gateKeeperAlias != null && m_gateKeeperAlias.Contains(tmp)) return 1; return 0; } public int IsLocalGrid(string othergatekeeper, bool withResolveCheck) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(othergatekeeper, false); if (!tmp.IsValidHost) return ((tmp.Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty) == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (tmp.Equals(m_gateKeeperURL)) return 1; if (m_gateKeeperAlias != null && m_gateKeeperAlias.Contains(tmp)) return 1; if (withResolveCheck) { if (tmp.IsResolvedHost) return 0; return tmp.ResolveDNS() ? 0 : -2; } return 0; } public int IsLocalGrid(OSHHTPHost othergatekeeper) { if (!othergatekeeper.IsValidHost) return ((othergatekeeper.Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty) == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (othergatekeeper.Equals(m_gateKeeperURL)) return 1; if (m_gateKeeperAlias != null && m_gateKeeperAlias.Contains(othergatekeeper)) return 1; return 0; } public int IsLocalHome(string otherhome) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(otherhome, false); if (!tmp.IsValidHost) return ((tmp.Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty) == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (tmp.Equals(m_homeURL)) return 1; if (m_homeURLAlias != null && m_homeURLAlias.Contains(tmp)) return 1; return 0; } public int IsLocalHome(string otherhome, bool withResolveCheck) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(otherhome, false); if (!tmp.IsValidHost) return ((tmp.Flags & OSHTTPURIFlags.Empty) == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (tmp.Equals(m_homeURL)) return 1; if (m_homeURLAlias != null && m_homeURLAlias.Contains(tmp)) return 1; if (withResolveCheck) { return tmp.ResolveDNS() ? 0 : -2; } return 0; } public string[] GridUrlAlias { get { return m_gridUrlAlias; } set { if(value.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; ++i) { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(value[i].Trim(), false); if (tmp.IsValidHost) { if (m_gateKeeperAlias == null) m_gateKeeperAlias = new HashSet(); m_gateKeeperAlias.Add(tmp); } } if (m_gateKeeperAlias != null && m_gateKeeperAlias.Count > 0) { m_gridUrlAlias = new string[m_gateKeeperAlias.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (OSHHTPHost a in m_gateKeeperAlias) m_gridUrlAlias[i++] = a.URI; } } } } public string GridName { get { return m_GridName; } set { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) m_GridName = value; } } public string GridNick { get { return m_GridNick; } set { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) m_GridNick = value; } } public string GridUrl { get { return m_gridUrl; } set { OSHHTPHost tmp = new OSHHTPHost(value, true); if (tmp.IsResolvedHost) m_gridUrl = tmp.URI; else m_log.Error((tmp.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve GridUrl" : "GridUrl is a invalid host ") + value ?? ""); } } public string SearchURL { get { return m_SearchURL; } set { OSHTTPURI tmp = new OSHTTPURI(value, true); if (tmp.IsResolvedHost) m_SearchURL = tmp.URI; else m_log.Error((tmp.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve SearchURL" : "SearchURL is a invalid host ") + value??""); } } public string DestinationGuideURL { get { return m_DestinationGuideURL; } set { OSHTTPURI tmp = new OSHTTPURI(value, true); if (tmp.IsResolvedHost) m_DestinationGuideURL = tmp.URI; else m_log.Error((tmp.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve DestinationGuideURL" : "DestinationGuideURL is a invalid host ") + value ?? ""); } } public string EconomyURL { get { return m_economyURL; } set { OSHTTPURI tmp = new OSHTTPURI(value, true); if (tmp.IsResolvedHost) m_economyURL = tmp.URI; else m_log.Error((tmp.IsValidHost ? "Could not resolve EconomyURL" : "EconomyURL is a invalid host ") + value ?? ""); } } } }