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more use of simpler xml encoder on inventory fetch, plus other cosmetics

UbitUmarov 5 years ago

+ 141 - 404

@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
         public string FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest(string request, string path, string param, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
             //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest in {0}, {1}", (m_Scene == null) ? "none" : m_Scene.Name, request);
             Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
             ArrayList foldersrequested = (ArrayList)hash["folders"];
+            hash.Clear();
             List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> folders = new List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents>();
             for (int i = 0; i < foldersrequested.Count; i++)
                 Hashtable inventoryhash = (Hashtable)foldersrequested[i];
                 LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents llsdRequest = new LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents();
@@ -98,37 +98,90 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
+            foldersrequested.Clear();
             if(folders.Count == 0)
                 return "<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array /></map></llsd>";
             List<UUID> bad_folders = new List<UUID>();
-            List<InventoryCollectionWithDescendents> invcollSet = Fetch(folders, bad_folders);
+            int total_folders = 0;
+            int total_items = 0;
+            List<InventoryCollection> invcollSet = Fetch(folders, bad_folders, ref total_folders, ref total_items);
             //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: Got {0} folders from a request of {1}", invcollSet.Count, folders.Count);
-            if (invcollSet == null)
-            {
-                m_log.DebugFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Multiple folder fetch failed. Trying old protocol.");
-#pragma warning disable 0612
-                return FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest(foldersrequested, httpRequest, httpResponse);
-#pragma warning restore 0612
-            }
+            int invcollSetCount = invcollSet.Count;
-            StringBuilder lastresponse = new StringBuilder(1024);
+            int mem = 8192 + ((256 * invcollSetCount +
+                                384 * total_folders +
+                                1024 * total_items +
+                                128 * bad_folders.Count) & 0x7ffff000);
+            StringBuilder lastresponse = new StringBuilder(mem);
-            if(invcollSet.Count > 0)
+            if(invcollSetCount > 0)
-                foreach (InventoryCollectionWithDescendents icoll in invcollSet)
+                int i = 0;
+                InventoryCollection thiscoll;
+                for(i = 0; i < invcollSetCount; i++)
-                    LLSDInventoryFolderContents thiscontents = contentsToLLSD(icoll.Collection, icoll.Descendents);
-                    lastresponse.Append(LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReplyNoHeader(thiscontents));
+                    thiscoll = invcollSet[i];
+                    invcollSet[i] = null;
+                    LLSDxmlEncode.AddMap(lastresponse);
+                        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("agent_id", thiscoll.OwnerID, lastresponse);
+                        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("descendents", thiscoll.Descendents, lastresponse);
+                        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("folder_id", thiscoll.FolderID, lastresponse);
+                        if(thiscoll.Folders == null || thiscoll.Folders.Count == 0)
+                            LLSDxmlEncode.AddEmptyArray("categories", lastresponse);
+                        else
+                        {
+                            LLSDxmlEncode.AddArray("categories", lastresponse);
+                            foreach (InventoryFolderBase invFolder in thiscoll.Folders)
+                            {
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddMap(lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("folder_id", invFolder.ID, lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("parent_id", invFolder.ParentID, lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("name", invFolder.Name, lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("type", invFolder.Type, lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("preferred_type", (int)-1, lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("version", invFolder.Version, lastresponse);
+                                LLSDxmlEncode.AddEndMap(lastresponse);
+                            }  
+                            LLSDxmlEncode.AddEndArray(lastresponse);
+                        }
+                        if(thiscoll.Items == null || thiscoll.Items.Count == 0)
+                            LLSDxmlEncode.AddEmptyArray("items", lastresponse);
+                        else
+                        {
+                            LLSDxmlEncode.AddArray("items", lastresponse);
+                            foreach (InventoryItemBase invItem in thiscoll.Items)
+                            {
+                                invItem.ToLLSDxml(lastresponse);
+                            }
+                            LLSDxmlEncode.AddEndArray(lastresponse);
+                        }
+                        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("owner_id", thiscoll.OwnerID, lastresponse);
+                        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("version", thiscoll.Version, lastresponse);
+                    LLSDxmlEncode.AddEndMap(lastresponse);
+                    invcollSet[i] = null;
+                thiscoll = null;
+            {
                 lastresponse.Append("<map><key>folders</key><array /></map>");
+            }
             //m_log.DebugFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Bad folders {0}", string.Join(", ", bad_folders));
             if(bad_folders.Count > 0)
@@ -144,298 +197,47 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
-            return lastresponse.ToString();;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Construct an LLSD reply packet to a CAPS inventory request
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="invFetch"></param>
-        /// <returns></returns>
-        private LLSDInventoryDescendents FetchInventoryReply(LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents invFetch)
-        {
-            LLSDInventoryDescendents reply = new LLSDInventoryDescendents();
-            LLSDInventoryFolderContents contents = new LLSDInventoryFolderContents();
-            contents.agent_id = invFetch.owner_id;
-            contents.owner_id = invFetch.owner_id;
-            contents.folder_id = invFetch.folder_id;
-            reply.folders.Array.Add(contents);
-            InventoryCollection inv = new InventoryCollection();
-            inv.Folders = new List<InventoryFolderBase>();
-            inv.Items = new List<InventoryItemBase>();
-            int version = 0;
-            int descendents = 0;
-#pragma warning disable 0612
-            inv = Fetch(
-                    invFetch.owner_id, invFetch.folder_id, invFetch.owner_id,
-                    invFetch.fetch_folders, invFetch.fetch_items, invFetch.sort_order, out version, out descendents);
-#pragma warning restore 0612
-            if (inv != null && inv.Folders != null)
-            {
-                foreach (InventoryFolderBase invFolder in inv.Folders)
-                {
-                    contents.categories.Array.Add(ConvertInventoryFolder(invFolder));
-                }
-                descendents += inv.Folders.Count;
-            }
-            if (inv != null && inv.Items != null)
-            {
-                foreach (InventoryItemBase invItem in inv.Items)
-                {
-                    contents.items.Array.Add(ConvertInventoryItem(invItem));
-                }
-            }
-            contents.descendents = descendents;
-            contents.version = version;
-            //m_log.DebugFormat(
-            //    "[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Replying to request for folder {0} (fetch items {1}, fetch folders {2}) with {3} items and {4} folders for agent {5}",
-            //    invFetch.folder_id,
-            //    invFetch.fetch_items,
-            //    invFetch.fetch_folders,
-            //    contents.items.Array.Count,
-            //    contents.categories.Array.Count,
-            //    invFetch.owner_id);
-            return reply;
-        }
-        private LLSDInventoryFolderContents contentsToLLSD(InventoryCollection inv, int descendents)
-        {
-            LLSDInventoryFolderContents contents = new LLSDInventoryFolderContents();
-            contents.agent_id = inv.OwnerID;
-            contents.owner_id = inv.OwnerID;
-            contents.folder_id = inv.FolderID;
-            if (inv.Folders != null)
-            {
-                foreach (InventoryFolderBase invFolder in inv.Folders)
-                {
-                    contents.categories.Array.Add(ConvertInventoryFolder(invFolder));
-                }
-            }
-            if (inv.Items != null)
-            {
-                foreach (InventoryItemBase invItem in inv.Items)
-                {
-                    contents.items.Array.Add(ConvertInventoryItem(invItem));
-                }
-            }
-            contents.descendents = descendents;
-            contents.version = inv.Version;
-            return contents;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Old style. Soon to be deprecated.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="request"></param>
-        /// <param name="httpRequest"></param>
-        /// <param name="httpResponse"></param>
-        /// <returns></returns>
-        [Obsolete]
-        private string FetchInventoryDescendentsRequest(ArrayList foldersrequested, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
-        {
-            //m_log.DebugFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Received request for {0} folders", foldersrequested.Count);
-            StringBuilder tmpresponse = new StringBuilder(1024);
-            StringBuilder tmpbadfolders = new StringBuilder(1024);
-            for (int i = 0; i < foldersrequested.Count; i++)
-            {
-                string inventoryitemstr = "";
-                Hashtable inventoryhash = (Hashtable)foldersrequested[i];
-                LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents llsdRequest = new LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents();
-                try
-                {
-                    LLSDHelpers.DeserialiseOSDMap(inventoryhash, llsdRequest);
-                }
-                catch (Exception e)
-                {
-                    m_log.Debug("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: caught exception doing OSD deserialize" + e);
-                }
-                LLSDInventoryDescendents reply = FetchInventoryReply(llsdRequest);
-                if (null == reply)
-                {
-                    tmpbadfolders.Append("<map><key>folder_id</key><uuid>");
-                    tmpbadfolders.Append(llsdRequest.folder_id.ToString());
-                    tmpbadfolders.Append("</uuid><key>error</key><string>Unknown</string></map>");
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    inventoryitemstr = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(reply);
-                    inventoryitemstr = inventoryitemstr.Replace("<llsd><map><key>folders</key><array>", "");
-                    inventoryitemstr = inventoryitemstr.Replace("</array></map></llsd>", "");
-                }
-                tmpresponse.Append(inventoryitemstr);
-            }
-            StringBuilder lastresponse = new StringBuilder(1024);
-            lastresponse.Append("<llsd>");
-            if(tmpresponse.Length > 0)
-            {
-                lastresponse.Append("<map><key>folders</key><array>");
-                lastresponse.Append(tmpresponse.ToString());
-                lastresponse.Append("</array></map>");
-            }
-            else
-                lastresponse.Append("<map><key>folders</key><array /></map>");
-            if(tmpbadfolders.Length > 0)
-            {
-                lastresponse.Append("<map><key>bad_folders</key><array>");
-                lastresponse.Append(tmpbadfolders.ToString());
-                lastresponse.Append("</array></map>");
-            }
-            lastresponse.Append("</llsd>");
             return lastresponse.ToString();
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Handle the caps inventory descendents fetch.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="agentID"></param>
-        /// <param name="folderID"></param>
-        /// <param name="ownerID"></param>
-        /// <param name="fetchFolders"></param>
-        /// <param name="fetchItems"></param>
-        /// <param name="sortOrder"></param>
-        /// <param name="version"></param>
-        /// <returns>An empty InventoryCollection if the inventory look up failed</returns>
-        [Obsolete]
-        private InventoryCollection Fetch(
-            UUID agentID, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID,
-            bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder, out int version, out int descendents)
-        {
-            //m_log.DebugFormat(
-            //    "[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Fetching folders ({0}), items ({1}) from {2} for agent {3}",
-            //    fetchFolders, fetchItems, folderID, agentID);
-            // FIXME MAYBE: We're not handling sortOrder!
-            version = 0;
-            descendents = 0;
-            InventoryFolderImpl fold;
-            if (m_LibraryService != null && m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder != null && agentID == m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder.Owner)
-            {
-                if ((fold = m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder.FindFolder(folderID)) != null)
-                {
-                    InventoryCollection ret = new InventoryCollection();
-                    ret.Folders = new List<InventoryFolderBase>();
-                    ret.Items = fold.RequestListOfItems();
-                    descendents = ret.Folders.Count + ret.Items.Count;
-                    return ret;
-                }
-            }
-            InventoryCollection contents = new InventoryCollection();
-            if (folderID != UUID.Zero)
-            {
-                InventoryCollection fetchedContents = m_InventoryService.GetFolderContent(agentID, folderID);
-                if (fetchedContents == null)
-                {
-                    m_log.WarnFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Could not get contents of folder {0} for user {1}", folderID, agentID);
-                    return contents;
-                }
-                contents = fetchedContents;
-                InventoryFolderBase containingFolder = m_InventoryService.GetFolder(agentID, folderID);
-                if (containingFolder != null)
-                {
-                    //m_log.DebugFormat(
-                    //    "[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Retrieved folder {0} {1} for agent id {2}",
-                    //    containingFolder.Name, containingFolder.ID, agentID);
-                    version = containingFolder.Version;
-                    if (fetchItems && containingFolder.Type != (short)FolderType.Trash)
-                    {
-                        List<InventoryItemBase> itemsToReturn = contents.Items;
-                        List<InventoryItemBase> originalItems = new List<InventoryItemBase>(itemsToReturn);
-                        // descendents must only include the links, not the linked items we add
-                        descendents = originalItems.Count;
-                        // Add target items for links in this folder before the links themselves.
-                        foreach (InventoryItemBase item in originalItems)
-                        {
-                            if (item.AssetType == (int)AssetType.Link)
-                            {
-                                InventoryItemBase linkedItem = m_InventoryService.GetItem(agentID, item.AssetID);
-                                // Take care of genuinely broken links where the target doesn't exist
-                                // HACK: Also, don't follow up links that just point to other links.  In theory this is legitimate,
-                                // but no viewer has been observed to set these up and this is the lazy way of avoiding cycles
-                                // rather than having to keep track of every folder requested in the recursion.
-                                if (linkedItem != null && linkedItem.AssetType != (int)AssetType.Link)
-                                    itemsToReturn.Insert(0, linkedItem);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // Lost items don't really need a version
-                version = 1;
-            }
-            return contents;
-        }
-        private void AddLibraryFolders(List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> libFolders, List<InventoryCollectionWithDescendents> result)
+        private void AddLibraryFolders(List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> libFolders, List<InventoryCollection> result, ref int total_folders, ref int total_items)
             InventoryFolderImpl fold;
+            if (m_LibraryService == null || m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder == null)
+                return;
             foreach (LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents f in libFolders)
                 if ((fold = m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder.FindFolder(f.folder_id)) != null)
-                    InventoryCollectionWithDescendents ret = new InventoryCollectionWithDescendents();
-                    ret.Collection = new InventoryCollection();
+                    InventoryCollection Collection = new InventoryCollection();
 //                        ret.Collection.Folders = new List<InventoryFolderBase>();
-                    ret.Collection.Folders = fold.RequestListOfFolders();
-                    ret.Collection.Items = fold.RequestListOfItems();
-                    ret.Collection.OwnerID = m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder.Owner;
-                    ret.Collection.FolderID = f.folder_id;
-                    ret.Collection.Version = fold.Version;
+                    Collection.Folders = fold.RequestListOfFolders();
+                    Collection.Items = fold.RequestListOfItems();
+                    Collection.OwnerID = m_LibraryService.LibraryRootFolder.Owner;
+                    Collection.FolderID = f.folder_id;
+                    Collection.Version = fold.Version;
-                    ret.Descendents = ret.Collection.Items.Count + ret.Collection.Folders.Count;
-                    result.Add(ret);
+                    Collection.Descendents = Collection.Items.Count + Collection.Folders.Count;
+                    total_folders += Collection.Folders.Count;
+                    total_items += Collection.Items.Count;
+                    result.Add(Collection);
                     //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: Added libfolder {0} ({1}) {2}", ret.Collection.FolderID, ret.Collection.OwnerID);
-        private List<InventoryCollectionWithDescendents> Fetch(List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> fetchFolders, List<UUID> bad_folders)
+        private List<InventoryCollection> Fetch(List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> fetchFolders, List<UUID> bad_folders, ref int total_folders, ref int total_items)
             //    "[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Fetching {0} folders for owner {1}", fetchFolders.Count, fetchFolders[0].owner_id);
             // FIXME MAYBE: We're not handling sortOrder!
-            List<InventoryCollectionWithDescendents> result = new List<InventoryCollectionWithDescendents>();
-            List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> libFolders = new List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents>();
-            List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> otherFolders = new List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents>();
+            List<InventoryCollection> result = new List<InventoryCollection>(32);
+            List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> libFolders = new List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents>(32);
+            List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents> otherFolders = new List<LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents>(32);
             HashSet<UUID> libIDs = new HashSet<UUID>();
             HashSet<UUID> otherIDs = new HashSet<UUID>();
@@ -455,13 +257,12 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
                     doneZeroID = true;
-                    InventoryCollectionWithDescendents zeroColl = new InventoryCollectionWithDescendents();
-                    zeroColl.Collection = new InventoryCollection();
-                    zeroColl.Collection.OwnerID = f.owner_id;
-                    zeroColl.Collection.Version = 0;
-                    zeroColl.Collection.FolderID = f.folder_id;
-                    zeroColl.Descendents = 0;
-                    result.Add(zeroColl);
+                    InventoryCollection Collection = new InventoryCollection();
+                    Collection.OwnerID = f.owner_id;
+                    Collection.Version = 0;
+                    Collection.FolderID = f.folder_id;
+                    Collection.Descendents = 0;
+                    result.Add(Collection);
                 if(dolib && f.owner_id == libOwner)
@@ -474,10 +275,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
+            fetchFolders.Clear();
             if(otherFolders.Count > 0)
                 int i = 0;
@@ -501,25 +305,33 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
                     foreach (InventoryCollection contents in fetchedContents)
                         // Find the original request
-                        LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents freq = otherFolders[i++];
-                        InventoryCollectionWithDescendents coll = new InventoryCollectionWithDescendents();
-                        coll.Collection = contents;
+                        LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents freq = otherFolders[i];
+                        otherFolders[i]=null;
+                        i++;
                         if (BadFolder(freq, contents, bad_folders))
+                        if(!freq.fetch_folders)
+                            contents.Folders.Clear();
+                        if(!freq.fetch_items)
+                            contents.Items.Clear();
+                        contents.Descendents = contents.Items.Count + contents.Folders.Count;
                         // Next: link management
-                        ProcessLinks(freq, coll);
+                        ProcessLinks(freq, contents);
-                        result.Add(coll);
+                        total_folders += contents.Folders.Count;
+                        total_items += contents.Items.Count;
+                        result.Add(contents);
             if(dolib && libFolders.Count > 0)
-                AddLibraryFolders(libFolders, result);           
+                AddLibraryFolders(libFolders, result, ref total_folders, ref total_items);           
             return result;
@@ -552,123 +364,48 @@ namespace OpenSim.Capabilities.Handlers
             return false;
-        private void ProcessLinks(LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents freq, InventoryCollectionWithDescendents coll)
+        private void ProcessLinks(LLSDFetchInventoryDescendents freq, InventoryCollection contents)
-            InventoryCollection contents = coll.Collection;
+            if (contents.Items == null || contents.Items.Count == 0)
+                return;
-            if (freq.fetch_items && contents.Items != null)
+            // viewers are lasy and want a copy of the linked item sent before the link to it
+            // look for item links
+            List<UUID> itemIDs = new List<UUID>();
+            foreach (InventoryItemBase item in contents.Items)
-                // viewers are lasy and want a copy of the linked item sent before the link to it
-                // descendents must only include the links, not the linked items we add
-                coll.Descendents = contents.Items.Count + contents.Folders.Count;
-                // look for item links
-                List<UUID> itemIDs = new List<UUID>();
-                foreach (InventoryItemBase item in contents.Items)
-                {
-                    //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]:   {0} {1}", item.Name, item.AssetType);
-                    if (item.AssetType == (int)AssetType.Link)
-                        itemIDs.Add(item.AssetID);
-                }
+                //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]:   {0} {1}", item.Name, item.AssetType);
+                if (item.AssetType == (int)AssetType.Link)
+                    itemIDs.Add(item.AssetID);
+            }
-                // get the linked if any
-                if (itemIDs.Count > 0)
-                {
-                    InventoryItemBase[] linked = m_InventoryService.GetMultipleItems(freq.owner_id, itemIDs.ToArray());
-                    if (linked == null)
-                    {
-                        // OMG!!! One by one!!! This is fallback code, in case the backend isn't updated
-                        m_log.WarnFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: GetMultipleItems failed. Falling back to fetching inventory items one by one.");
-                        linked = new InventoryItemBase[itemIDs.Count];
-                        int i = 0;
-                        foreach (UUID id in itemIDs)
-                        {
-                            linked[i++] = m_InventoryService.GetItem(freq.owner_id, id);
-                        }
-                    }
+            // get the linked if any
+            if (itemIDs.Count > 0)
+            {
+                InventoryItemBase[] linked = m_InventoryService.GetMultipleItems(freq.owner_id, itemIDs.ToArray());
-                    if (linked != null)
+                if (linked != null)
+                {
+                    List<InventoryItemBase> linkedItems = new List<InventoryItemBase>();
+                    // check for broken
+                    foreach (InventoryItemBase linkedItem in linked)
-                        List<InventoryItemBase> linkedItems = new List<InventoryItemBase>();
-                        // check for broken
-                        foreach (InventoryItemBase linkedItem in linked)
+                        // Take care of genuinely broken links where the target doesn't exist
+                        // HACK: Also, don't follow up links that just point to other links.  In theory this is legitimate,
+                        // but no viewer has been observed to set these up and this is the lazy way of avoiding cycles
+                        // rather than having to keep track of every folder requested in the recursion.
+                        if (linkedItem != null && linkedItem.AssetType != (int)AssetType.Link)
-                            // Take care of genuinely broken links where the target doesn't exist
-                            // HACK: Also, don't follow up links that just point to other links.  In theory this is legitimate,
-                            // but no viewer has been observed to set these up and this is the lazy way of avoiding cycles
-                            // rather than having to keep track of every folder requested in the recursion.
-                            if (linkedItem != null && linkedItem.AssetType != (int)AssetType.Link)
-                            {
-                                linkedItems.Add(linkedItem);
-                                //m_log.DebugFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Added {0} {1} {2}", linkedItem.Name, linkedItem.AssetType, linkedItem.Folder);
-                            }
+                            linkedItems.Add(linkedItem);
+                            //m_log.DebugFormat("[WEB FETCH INV DESC HANDLER]: Added {0} {1} {2}", linkedItem.Name, linkedItem.AssetType, linkedItem.Folder);
-                        // insert them
-                        if(linkedItems.Count > 0)
-                            contents.Items.InsertRange(0,linkedItems);
+                    // insert them
+                    if(linkedItems.Count > 0)
+                        contents.Items.InsertRange(0, linkedItems);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Convert an internal inventory folder object into an LLSD object.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="invFolder"></param>
-        /// <returns></returns>
-        private LLSDInventoryFolder ConvertInventoryFolder(InventoryFolderBase invFolder)
-        {
-            LLSDInventoryFolder llsdFolder = new LLSDInventoryFolder();
-            llsdFolder.folder_id = invFolder.ID;
-            llsdFolder.parent_id = invFolder.ParentID;
-   = invFolder.Name;
-            llsdFolder.type = invFolder.Type;
-            llsdFolder.version = invFolder.Version;
-            llsdFolder.preferred_type = -1;
-            return llsdFolder;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Convert an internal inventory item object into an LLSD object.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="invItem"></param>
-        /// <returns></returns>
-        private LLSDInventoryItem ConvertInventoryItem(InventoryItemBase invItem)
-        {
-            LLSDInventoryItem llsdItem = new LLSDInventoryItem();
-            llsdItem.asset_id = invItem.AssetID;
-            llsdItem.created_at = invItem.CreationDate;
-            llsdItem.desc = invItem.Description;
-            llsdItem.flags = (int)invItem.Flags;
-            llsdItem.item_id = invItem.ID;
-   = invItem.Name;
-            llsdItem.parent_id = invItem.Folder;
-            llsdItem.type = invItem.AssetType;
-            llsdItem.inv_type = invItem.InvType;
-            llsdItem.permissions = new LLSDPermissions();
-            llsdItem.permissions.creator_id = invItem.CreatorIdAsUuid;
-            llsdItem.permissions.base_mask = (int)invItem.CurrentPermissions;
-            llsdItem.permissions.everyone_mask = (int)invItem.EveryOnePermissions;
-            llsdItem.permissions.group_id = invItem.GroupID;
-            llsdItem.permissions.group_mask = (int)invItem.GroupPermissions;
-            llsdItem.permissions.is_owner_group = invItem.GroupOwned;
-            llsdItem.permissions.next_owner_mask = (int)invItem.NextPermissions;
-            llsdItem.permissions.owner_id = invItem.Owner;
-            llsdItem.permissions.owner_mask = (int)invItem.CurrentPermissions;
-            llsdItem.sale_info = new LLSDSaleInfo();
-            llsdItem.sale_info.sale_price = invItem.SalePrice;
-            llsdItem.sale_info.sale_type = invItem.SaleType;
-            return llsdItem;
-        }
-    }
-    class InventoryCollectionWithDescendents
-    {
-        public InventoryCollection Collection;
-        public int Descendents;

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 66

+ 1 - 0

@@ -40,5 +40,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
         public UUID OwnerID;
         public UUID FolderID;
         public int Version;
+        public int Descendents;

+ 9 - 9

@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
                 format = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ";
-            sb.Append(u.ToString(format,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+            sb.Append(u.ToString(format,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
-                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+                sb.Append(e.X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
                 format = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ";
-            sb.Append(u.ToString(format,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));     
+            sb.Append(u.ToString(format,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

+ 65 - 65

@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
         public byte SpecularLightColorB = 255;
         public byte SpecularLightColorA = 255;
         // data size 12 ints so far
-        public UUID   NormalMapID = UUID.Zero;
-	    public UUID   SpecularMapID = UUID.Zero;
+        public UUID NormalMapID = UUID.Zero;
+        public UUID SpecularMapID = UUID.Zero;
         // other data
         public UUID ID;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
         public FaceMaterial(FaceMaterial other)
-            if(other == null)
+            if (other == null)
             DiffuseAlphaMode = other.DiffuseAlphaMode;
@@ -160,32 +160,32 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
         public FaceMaterial(OSDMap mat)
-            if(mat == null)
+            if (mat == null)
             const float scale = 0.0001f;
             NormalMapID = mat["NormMap"].AsUUID();
             NormalOffsetX = scale * (float)mat["NormOffsetX"].AsReal();
-	        NormalOffsetY = scale * (float)mat["NormOffsetY"].AsReal();
-	        NormalRepeatX = scale * (float)mat["NormRepeatX"].AsReal();
-	        NormalRepeatY = scale * (float)mat["NormRepeatY"].AsReal();
-	        NormalRotation = scale * (float)mat["NormRotation"].AsReal();
-	        SpecularMapID = mat["SpecMap"].AsUUID();
-    	    SpecularOffsetX = scale * (float)mat["SpecOffsetX"].AsReal();
-    	    SpecularOffsetY = scale * (float)mat["SpecOffsetY"].AsReal();
-    	    SpecularRepeatX = scale * (float)mat["SpecRepeatX"].AsReal();
-    	    SpecularRepeatY = scale * (float)mat["SpecRepeatY"].AsReal();
-    	    SpecularRotation = scale * (float)mat["SpecRotation"].AsReal();
+            NormalOffsetY = scale * (float)mat["NormOffsetY"].AsReal();
+            NormalRepeatX = scale * (float)mat["NormRepeatX"].AsReal();
+            NormalRepeatY = scale * (float)mat["NormRepeatY"].AsReal();
+            NormalRotation = scale * (float)mat["NormRotation"].AsReal();
+            SpecularMapID = mat["SpecMap"].AsUUID();
+            SpecularOffsetX = scale * (float)mat["SpecOffsetX"].AsReal();
+            SpecularOffsetY = scale * (float)mat["SpecOffsetY"].AsReal();
+            SpecularRepeatX = scale * (float)mat["SpecRepeatX"].AsReal();
+            SpecularRepeatY = scale * (float)mat["SpecRepeatY"].AsReal();
+            SpecularRotation = scale * (float)mat["SpecRotation"].AsReal();
             Color4 SpecularLightColortmp = mat["SpecColor"].AsColor4(); // we can read as color4
             SpecularLightColorR = (byte)(SpecularLightColortmp.R);
             SpecularLightColorG = (byte)(SpecularLightColortmp.G);
             SpecularLightColorB = (byte)(SpecularLightColortmp.B);
-    	    SpecularLightExponent = (Byte)mat["SpecExp"].AsUInteger();
-	        EnvironmentIntensity = (Byte)mat["EnvIntensity"].AsUInteger();
-	        DiffuseAlphaMode = (Byte)mat["DiffuseAlphaMode"].AsUInteger();
-	        AlphaMaskCutoff = (Byte)mat["AlphaMaskCutoff"].AsUInteger();
+            SpecularLightExponent = (Byte)mat["SpecExp"].AsUInteger();
+            EnvironmentIntensity = (Byte)mat["EnvIntensity"].AsUInteger();
+            DiffuseAlphaMode = (Byte)mat["DiffuseAlphaMode"].AsUInteger();
+            AlphaMaskCutoff = (Byte)mat["AlphaMaskCutoff"].AsUInteger();
         public void genID()
@@ -198,29 +198,29 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
         public unsafe override int GetHashCode()
-            if(!validinthash)
+            if (!validinthash)
                     // if you don't like this, don't read...
                     int* ptr;
-                    fixed(byte* ptrbase = &DiffuseAlphaMode)
+                    fixed (byte* ptrbase = &DiffuseAlphaMode)
                         ptr = (int*)ptrbase;
                         inthash = *ptr;
-                        for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
+                        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                             inthash ^= *ptr++;
-                    fixed(Guid* ptrbase = &NormalMapID.Guid)
+                    fixed (Guid* ptrbase = &NormalMapID.Guid)
                         ptr = (int*)ptrbase;
-                        for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                             inthash ^= ptr[i];
-                    fixed(Guid* ptrbase = &SpecularMapID.Guid)
+                    fixed (Guid* ptrbase = &SpecularMapID.Guid)
                         ptr = (int*)ptrbase;
-                        for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                             inthash ^= ptr[i];
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
         public override bool Equals(Object o)
-            if(o == null || !(o is FaceMaterial))
+            if (o == null || !(o is FaceMaterial))
                 return false;
             FaceMaterial other = (FaceMaterial)o;
@@ -264,18 +264,18 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
             float scale = 10000f;
             mat["NormMap"] = NormalMapID;
-            mat["NormOffsetX"] = (int) (scale * NormalOffsetX);
-	        mat["NormOffsetY"] = (int) (scale * NormalOffsetY);
-	        mat["NormRepeatX"] = (int) (scale * NormalRepeatX);
-	        mat["NormRepeatY"] = (int) (scale * NormalRepeatY);
-	        mat["NormRotation"] = (int) (scale * NormalRotation);
-	        mat["SpecMap"] = SpecularMapID;
-    	    mat["SpecOffsetX"] = (int) (scale * SpecularOffsetX);
-    	    mat["SpecOffsetY"] = (int) (scale * SpecularOffsetY);
-    	    mat["SpecRepeatX"] = (int) (scale * SpecularRepeatX);
-    	    mat["SpecRepeatY"] = (int) (scale * SpecularRepeatY);
-    	    mat["SpecRotation"] = (int) (scale * SpecularRotation);
+            mat["NormOffsetX"] = (int)(scale * NormalOffsetX);
+            mat["NormOffsetY"] = (int)(scale * NormalOffsetY);
+            mat["NormRepeatX"] = (int)(scale * NormalRepeatX);
+            mat["NormRepeatY"] = (int)(scale * NormalRepeatY);
+            mat["NormRotation"] = (int)(scale * NormalRotation);
+            mat["SpecMap"] = SpecularMapID;
+            mat["SpecOffsetX"] = (int)(scale * SpecularOffsetX);
+            mat["SpecOffsetY"] = (int)(scale * SpecularOffsetY);
+            mat["SpecRepeatX"] = (int)(scale * SpecularRepeatX);
+            mat["SpecRepeatY"] = (int)(scale * SpecularRepeatY);
+            mat["SpecRotation"] = (int)(scale * SpecularRotation);
             OSDArray carray = new OSDArray(4);
@@ -283,10 +283,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
             carray.Add(255); // solid color
             mat["SpecColor"] = carray;
-    	    mat["SpecExp"] = SpecularLightExponent;
-	        mat["EnvIntensity"] = EnvironmentIntensity;
-	        mat["DiffuseAlphaMode"] = DiffuseAlphaMode;
-	        mat["AlphaMaskCutoff"] = AlphaMaskCutoff;
+            mat["SpecExp"] = SpecularLightExponent;
+            mat["EnvIntensity"] = EnvironmentIntensity;
+            mat["DiffuseAlphaMode"] = DiffuseAlphaMode;
+            mat["AlphaMaskCutoff"] = AlphaMaskCutoff;
             return mat;
@@ -295,27 +295,27 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
             const float scale = 10000f;
             bool fullLLSD = false;
-            if(sb == null)
+            if (sb == null)
-                sb = LLSDxmlEncode.Start(1024,false);
+                sb = LLSDxmlEncode.Start(1024, false);
                 fullLLSD = true;
             LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormMap", NormalMapID, sb);
-            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormOffsetX", (int) (scale * NormalOffsetX + 0.5f), sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormOffsetY", (int) (scale * NormalOffsetY + 0.5f), sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormRepeatX", (int) (scale * NormalRepeatX + 0.5f), sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormRepeatY", (int) (scale * NormalRepeatY + 0.5f), sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormRotation", (int) (scale * NormalRotation + 0.5f), sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecMap", SpecularMapID, sb);
-    	    LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecOffsetX", (int) (scale * SpecularOffsetX + 0.5f), sb);
-    	    LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecOffsetY", (int) (scale * SpecularOffsetY + 0.5f), sb);
-    	    LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecRepeatX", (int) (scale * SpecularRepeatX + 0.5f), sb);
-    	    LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecRepeatY", (int) (scale * SpecularRepeatY + 0.5f), sb);
-    	    LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecRotation", (int) (scale * SpecularRotation + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormOffsetX", (int)(scale * NormalOffsetX + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormOffsetY", (int)(scale * NormalOffsetY + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormRepeatX", (int)(scale * NormalRepeatX + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormRepeatY", (int)(scale * NormalRepeatY + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("NormRotation", (int)(scale * NormalRotation + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecMap", SpecularMapID, sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecOffsetX", (int)(scale * SpecularOffsetX + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecOffsetY", (int)(scale * SpecularOffsetY + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecRepeatX", (int)(scale * SpecularRepeatX + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecRepeatY", (int)(scale * SpecularRepeatY + 0.5f), sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecRotation", (int)(scale * SpecularRotation + 0.5f), sb);
             LLSDxmlEncode.AddArray("SpecColor", sb);
             LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem(SpecularLightColorR, sb);
@@ -324,14 +324,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
             LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem(255, sb);
-    	    LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecExp", SpecularLightExponent, sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("EnvIntensity", EnvironmentIntensity, sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("DiffuseAlphaMode", DiffuseAlphaMode, sb);
-	        LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("AlphaMaskCutoff", AlphaMaskCutoff, sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("SpecExp", SpecularLightExponent, sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("EnvIntensity", EnvironmentIntensity, sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("DiffuseAlphaMode", DiffuseAlphaMode, sb);
+            LLSDxmlEncode.AddElem("AlphaMaskCutoff", AlphaMaskCutoff, sb);
-            if(fullLLSD)
+            if (fullLLSD)
                 return LLSDxmlEncode.End(sb);

+ 0 - 1

@@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModule.ubODEMeshing
                                 while ((readLen = decompressionStream.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
                                     outMs.Write(readBuffer, 0, readLen);
-                                outMs.Flush();
                                 outMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                 byte[] decompressedBuf = outMs.GetBuffer();

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff