1.- Build dependencies: You need a Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition C++ build environment, Python and CMake. When installing Visual Studio, only install the desktop application C++ development tools (VC++ 2022, ATL Visual C++, VC++ 2022 latest v143 tools, Visual C++ tools for CMake, JIT debugger), with the latest Windows 10 SDK (the one selected by default in the installer); you do not need to install any other SDK, even for running the viewer under Windows 7, 8 or 11 since the build target API version (Win 7) is specified in the viewer cmake files via the appropriate defines. Do not install any bundled Python either. If you wish to build with clang, also select the clang tools. Get Python from Python's site (https://www.python.org/). Run the installer as administrator (right click, "Run as administrator"); this way, you will be able to install Python in C:\Programs, for example (instead of in your roaming profile). You may use the custom installation option to remove the unnecessary components that would otherwise clutter your hard disk/SSD for nothing: just keep Python itself and the Python launcher (1). Do make sure to ask the installer to update your PATH environment variable. For CMake, you may use the latest release (the Cool VL Viewer build system is regularly updated to work with the latest cmake version); v3.16+ recommended for a faster compilation. Get it from from CMake's site: https://cmake.org/files/LatestRelease/ (you may use the 64 bits version). Do ask to the installer to update your PATH environment variable so that cmake can be found. You may have to restart your session after installation so that the new PATH is taken into account. To verify that everything is installed properly, you may open a command prompt console and type the following commands: python --version cmake --version 2.- Building instructions: Untar (2) the Cool VL Viewer sources and place the resulting "linden" folder inside the Visual Studio "source" directory. You may want to open the linden/indra/cmake/00-BuildOptions.cmake file to review the various build options; they are set to their default used for the official builds, but you may want to add or remove features. Then you can choose between two methods: a.- Automated, batch-file based building: Point a file explorer into the linden/ directory of the sources tree and double-click on "windows-build.bat", so to launch the build. The script will pause at the end of the configuring step: simply press a key to continue with the building itself. b.- GUI build: Proceed like above, but at the pause occurring after the configuration step, press CTRL C to interrupt the script, and confirm its termination at the next prompt. After the command console has closed, point the explorer inside the linden/build-vs* directory that just got created and double-click on the "CoolVLViewer.sln" file so to load it into Visual Studio. Then simply press CTRL SHIFT B to launch the viewer building process. Note: since all the development and debugging process of the Cool VL Viewer is done under Linux, only the "Release" build target is supported and available under Windows. You may nonetheless decently debug the viewer under Windows by simply copying the CoolVLViewer.pdb file produced during the building process into the viewer-win64-release directory and launch/debug the viewer from there. 3.- Packaging and distribution: Once the build has completed successfully, you get a ready to launch viewer in: linden/viewer-win64-release/ If you wish to distribute your build, you will need to use InstallJammer v1.3 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/installjammer/files/InstallJammer/snapshots/installjammer-1.3-snapshot.zip/download) with the provided script in linden/scripts/installers/windows64/ (in the latter script, using WordPad or an editor able to deal with UNIX files, change the occurrences of "C:/Users/root/source/cvxxxx/" with the path of whatever folder you copied the source files into). Simply load the CoolVLViewer-x86_64-1.32.x.mpi file into InstallJammer, select "Build Installers" in the tree on the left, then check "Build for final release" on the bottom and press the "Build Install" button. The distributable package will be created in linden/scripts/installers/windows/output/ Notes: (1) You may also install "pip" if you want to use Python for other purposes than just building the Cool VL Viewer (which does not need it), including LL's viewer or other TPVs (which do need pip to install LL's build system). (2) 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) may be used to extract the viewer sources from the tar archive.