# -*- cmake -*- if (OPENSSL_CMAKE_INCLUDED) return() endif (OPENSSL_CMAKE_INCLUDED) set (OPENSSL_CMAKE_INCLUDED TRUE) if (NOT CURL_CMAKE_INCLUDED) message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenSSL.cmake must not be included manually: use include(CURL) instead !") endif (NOT CURL_CMAKE_INCLUDED) set(OpenSSL_FIND_QUIETLY ON) set(OpenSSL_FIND_REQUIRED OFF) # Disable system libraries for OpenSSL, because we want to use our own patched # curl versions (with HTTP/1.1 support), at least until HTTP/2 is enabled in SL # servers... OPENSSL_FOUND will be OFF as a result of disabling the three # following lines, and consequently our pre-built curl (and nghttp2, if needed) # will be loaded by CURL.cmake (and NGHTTP2.cmake). #if (USESYSTEMLIBS AND USE_NEW_LIBCURL) # include(FindOpenSSL) #endif (USESYSTEMLIBS AND USE_NEW_LIBCURL) if (NOT OPENSSL_FOUND OR OPENSSL_VERSION VERSION_LESS "1.0" OR NOT (OPENSSL_VERSION VERSION_LESS "1.2")) set(OPENSSL_FOUND OFF) if (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) use_prebuilt_binary(openssl) else (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) use_prebuilt_binary(openssl_old) endif (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) if (WINDOWS) if (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) set(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES libssl libcrypto) else (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) set(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES ssleay32 libeay32) endif (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) else (WINDOWS) set(OPENSSL_LIBRARIES ssl) endif (WINDOWS) set(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include) endif () if (LINUX) set(CRYPTO_LIBRARIES crypto dl) elseif (DARWIN) set(CRYPTO_LIBRARIES crypto) endif (LINUX) include_directories(SYSTEM ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIRS})