# -*- cmake -*- if (GSTREAMER_CMAKE_INCLUDED) return() endif (GSTREAMER_CMAKE_INCLUDED) set (GSTREAMER_CMAKE_INCLUDED TRUE) include(Prebuilt) if (USESYSTEMLIBS) include(FindPkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(GSTREAMER gstreamer-1.0) pkg_check_modules(GSTREAMER_PLUGINS_BASE gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0) endif (USESYSTEMLIBS) if (NOT GSTREAMER_FOUND OR NOT GSTREAMER_PLUGINS_BASE_FOUND) use_prebuilt_binary(gstreamer) # possible libxml should have its own .cmake file instead use_prebuilt_binary(libxml2) set(GSTREAMER_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include/gstreamer-1.0 ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include/glib-2.0 ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include/libxml2 ) if (LINUX) # We don't need to explicitly link against gstreamer itself, because # LLMediaImplGStreamer probes for the system's copy at runtime. set(GSTREAMER_LIBRARIES gobject-2.0 gmodule-2.0 dl gthread-2.0 rt glib-2.0 ) elseif (DARWIN) # We don't need to explicitly link against gstreamer itself, because # LLMediaImplGStreamer probes for the system's copy at runtime. set(GSTREAMER_LIBRARIES gobject-2.0 gmodule-2.0 dl gthread-2.0 glib-2.0 ) else (LINUX) set(GSTREAMER_LIBRARIES) endif (LINUX) endif (NOT GSTREAMER_FOUND OR NOT GSTREAMER_PLUGINS_BASE_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${GSTREAMER_INCLUDE_DIRS})