# -*- cmake -*- if (CURL_CMAKE_INCLUDED) return() endif (CURL_CMAKE_INCLUDED) set (CURL_CMAKE_INCLUDED TRUE) include(00-BuildOptions) include(Prebuilt) # Curl depends on OpenSSL... include(OpenSSL) if (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) # The new lib curl versions depend on nghttp2... include(NGHTTP2) # When the OpenSSL version present on the system does not match the ones we # support (v1.0 or v1.1), OPENSSL_FOUND is set to OFF by OpenSSL.cmake, and # our custom OpenSSL is then used, which mandates using our custom curl as # well ! if (USESYSTEMLIBS AND OPENSSL_FOUND) set(CURL_FIND_QUIETLY ON) set(CURL_FIND_REQUIRED ON) include(FindCURL) endif (USESYSTEMLIBS AND OPENSSL_FOUND) endif (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) if (NOT CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS OR NOT CURL_LIBRARIES) if (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) use_prebuilt_binary(curl) else (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) use_prebuilt_binary(curl_old) endif (USE_NEW_LIBCURL) if (WINDOWS) add_definitions(-DCURL_STATICLIB=1) set(CURL_LIBRARIES libcurl) else (WINDOWS) set(CURL_LIBRARIES curl) endif (WINDOWS) set(CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include) endif (NOT CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS OR NOT CURL_LIBRARIES) include_directories(SYSTEM ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIRS})