# -*- cmake -*- if (APR_CMAKE_INCLUDED) return() endif (APR_CMAKE_INCLUDED) set (APR_CMAKE_INCLUDED TRUE) include(Linking) include(Prebuilt) # Disable system libs support for now, since our APR library is patched, # which is not the case on a standard system. #if (USESYSTEMLIBS) # set(APR_FIND_QUIETLY ON) # set(APR_FIND_REQUIRED OFF) # include(FindAPR) #endif (USESYSTEMLIBS) if (NOT APR_FOUND) use_prebuilt_binary(apr_suite) if (WINDOWS) add_definitions(-DAPR_DECLARE_STATIC) set(APR_LIBRARIES ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/apr-1.lib) elseif (DARWIN) set(APR_LIBRARIES ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libapr-1.a) elseif (LINUX) # NOTE: under Linux, we cannot use a static libapr-1 library, # because the pthread implementation of the library build system # would possibly (in fact likely, since we use old Ubuntu 18.4) be # different than the one of the viewer build system and ld would # throw missing pthread_* symbols... HB set(APR_LIBRARIES apr-1 uuid rt) endif () set(APR_INCLUDE_DIR ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include/apr-1) endif (NOT APR_FOUND) include_directories(SYSTEM ${APR_INCLUDE_DIR})