// r_c_shortest_paths.hpp header file // Copyright Michael Drexl 2005, 2006. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_R_C_SHORTEST_PATHS_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_R_C_SHORTEST_PATHS_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { // r_c_shortest_paths_label struct template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > struct r_c_shortest_paths_label : public boost::enable_shared_from_this< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > > { r_c_shortest_paths_label(const unsigned long n, const Resource_Container& rc = Resource_Container(), const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > > pl = boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >(), const typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor& ed = graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor(), const typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor& vd = graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor()) : num(n) , cumulated_resource_consumption(rc) , p_pred_label(pl) , pred_edge(ed) , resident_vertex(vd) , b_is_dominated(false) , b_is_processed(false) { } r_c_shortest_paths_label& operator=(const r_c_shortest_paths_label& other) { if (this == &other) return *this; this->~r_c_shortest_paths_label(); new (this) r_c_shortest_paths_label(other); return *this; } const unsigned long num; Resource_Container cumulated_resource_consumption; const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > > p_pred_label; const typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor pred_edge; const typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor resident_vertex; bool b_is_dominated; bool b_is_processed; }; // r_c_shortest_paths_label template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > inline bool operator==( const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l1, const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l2) { return l1.cumulated_resource_consumption == l2.cumulated_resource_consumption; } template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > inline bool operator!=( const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l1, const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l2) { return !(l1 == l2); } template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > inline bool operator<( const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l1, const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l2) { return l1.cumulated_resource_consumption < l2.cumulated_resource_consumption; } template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > inline bool operator>( const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l1, const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l2) { return l2.cumulated_resource_consumption < l1.cumulated_resource_consumption; } template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > inline bool operator<=( const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l1, const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l2) { return l1 < l2 || l1 == l2; } template < class Graph, class Resource_Container > inline bool operator>=( const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l1, const r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container >& l2) { return l2 < l1 || l1 == l2; } template < typename Graph, typename Resource_Container > inline bool operator<( const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& t, const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& u) { return *t < *u; } template < typename Graph, typename Resource_Container > inline bool operator<=( const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& t, const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& u) { return *t <= *u; } template < typename Graph, typename Resource_Container > inline bool operator>( const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& t, const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& u) { return *t > *u; } template < typename Graph, typename Resource_Container > inline bool operator>=( const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& t, const boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >& u) { return *t >= *u; } namespace detail { // r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch function (body/implementation) template < class Graph, class VertexIndexMap, class EdgeIndexMap, class Resource_Container, class Resource_Extension_Function, class Dominance_Function, class Label_Allocator, class Visitor > void r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch(const Graph& g, const VertexIndexMap& vertex_index_map, const EdgeIndexMap& /*edge_index_map*/, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t, // each inner vector corresponds to a pareto-optimal path std::vector< std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > >& pareto_optimal_solutions, std::vector< Resource_Container >& pareto_optimal_resource_containers, bool b_all_pareto_optimal_solutions, // to initialize the first label/resource container // and to carry the type information const Resource_Container& rc, Resource_Extension_Function& ref, Dominance_Function& dominance, // to specify the memory management strategy for the labels Label_Allocator /*la*/, Visitor vis) { pareto_optimal_resource_containers.clear(); pareto_optimal_solutions.clear(); size_t i_label_num = 0; #if defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR) typedef typename Label_Allocator::template rebind< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >::other LAlloc; #else typedef typename std::allocator_traits< Label_Allocator >:: template rebind_alloc< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > > LAlloc; typedef std::allocator_traits< LAlloc > LTraits; #endif LAlloc l_alloc; typedef boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > > Splabel; std::priority_queue< Splabel, std::vector< Splabel >, std::greater< Splabel > > unprocessed_labels; bool b_feasible = true; Splabel splabel_first_label = boost::allocate_shared< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >(l_alloc, i_label_num++, rc, boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >(), typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor(), s); unprocessed_labels.push(splabel_first_label); std::vector< std::list< Splabel > > vec_vertex_labels_data( num_vertices(g)); iterator_property_map< typename std::vector< std::list< Splabel > >::iterator, VertexIndexMap > vec_vertex_labels(vec_vertex_labels_data.begin(), vertex_index_map); vec_vertex_labels[s].push_back(splabel_first_label); typedef std::vector< typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator > vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance_data_type; vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance_data_type vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance_data(num_vertices(g)); iterator_property_map< typename vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance_data_type::iterator, VertexIndexMap > vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance( vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance_data.begin(), vertex_index_map); BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, g, Graph) { put(vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance, v, vec_vertex_labels[v].begin()); } std::vector< size_t > vec_last_valid_index_for_dominance_data( num_vertices(g), 0); iterator_property_map< std::vector< size_t >::iterator, VertexIndexMap > vec_last_valid_index_for_dominance( vec_last_valid_index_for_dominance_data.begin(), vertex_index_map); std::vector< bool > b_vec_vertex_already_checked_for_dominance_data( num_vertices(g), false); iterator_property_map< std::vector< bool >::iterator, VertexIndexMap > b_vec_vertex_already_checked_for_dominance( b_vec_vertex_already_checked_for_dominance_data.begin(), vertex_index_map); while (!unprocessed_labels.empty() && vis.on_enter_loop(unprocessed_labels, g)) { Splabel cur_label = unprocessed_labels.top(); unprocessed_labels.pop(); vis.on_label_popped(*cur_label, g); // an Splabel object in unprocessed_labels and the respective // Splabel object in the respective list of // vec_vertex_labels share their embedded r_c_shortest_paths_label // object to avoid memory leaks, dominated r_c_shortest_paths_label // objects are marked and deleted when popped from // unprocessed_labels, as they can no longer be deleted at the end // of the function; only the Splabel object in unprocessed_labels // still references the r_c_shortest_paths_label object this is also // for efficiency, because the else branch is executed only if there // is a chance that extending the label leads to new undominated // labels, which in turn is possible only if the label to be // extended is undominated if (!cur_label->b_is_dominated) { typename boost::graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor i_cur_resident_vertex = cur_label->resident_vertex; std::list< Splabel >& list_labels_cur_vertex = get(vec_vertex_labels, i_cur_resident_vertex); if (list_labels_cur_vertex.size() >= 2 && vec_last_valid_index_for_dominance[i_cur_resident_vertex] < list_labels_cur_vertex.size()) { typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator outer_iter = list_labels_cur_vertex.begin(); bool b_outer_iter_at_or_beyond_last_valid_pos_for_dominance = false; while (outer_iter != list_labels_cur_vertex.end()) { Splabel cur_outer_splabel = *outer_iter; typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator inner_iter = outer_iter; if (!b_outer_iter_at_or_beyond_last_valid_pos_for_dominance && outer_iter == get(vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex)) b_outer_iter_at_or_beyond_last_valid_pos_for_dominance = true; if (!get(b_vec_vertex_already_checked_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex) || b_outer_iter_at_or_beyond_last_valid_pos_for_dominance) { ++inner_iter; } else { inner_iter = get(vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex); ++inner_iter; } bool b_outer_iter_erased = false; while (inner_iter != list_labels_cur_vertex.end()) { Splabel cur_inner_splabel = *inner_iter; if (dominance(cur_outer_splabel ->cumulated_resource_consumption, cur_inner_splabel ->cumulated_resource_consumption)) { typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator buf = inner_iter; ++inner_iter; list_labels_cur_vertex.erase(buf); if (cur_inner_splabel->b_is_processed) { cur_inner_splabel.reset(); } else cur_inner_splabel->b_is_dominated = true; continue; } else ++inner_iter; if (dominance(cur_inner_splabel ->cumulated_resource_consumption, cur_outer_splabel ->cumulated_resource_consumption)) { typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator buf = outer_iter; ++outer_iter; list_labels_cur_vertex.erase(buf); b_outer_iter_erased = true; if (cur_outer_splabel->b_is_processed) { cur_outer_splabel.reset(); } else cur_outer_splabel->b_is_dominated = true; break; } } if (!b_outer_iter_erased) ++outer_iter; } if (list_labels_cur_vertex.size() > 1) put(vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex, (--(list_labels_cur_vertex.end()))); else put(vec_last_valid_positions_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex, list_labels_cur_vertex.begin()); put(b_vec_vertex_already_checked_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex, true); put(vec_last_valid_index_for_dominance, i_cur_resident_vertex, list_labels_cur_vertex.size() - 1); } } if (!b_all_pareto_optimal_solutions && cur_label->resident_vertex == t) { // the devil don't sleep if (cur_label->b_is_dominated) { cur_label.reset(); } while (unprocessed_labels.size()) { Splabel l = unprocessed_labels.top(); unprocessed_labels.pop(); // delete only dominated labels, because nondominated labels // are deleted at the end of the function if (l->b_is_dominated) { l.reset(); } } break; } if (!cur_label->b_is_dominated) { cur_label->b_is_processed = true; vis.on_label_not_dominated(*cur_label, g); typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor cur_vertex = cur_label->resident_vertex; typename graph_traits< Graph >::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end; for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(cur_vertex, g); oei != oei_end; ++oei) { b_feasible = true; Splabel new_label = boost::allocate_shared< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > >( l_alloc, i_label_num++, cur_label->cumulated_resource_consumption, cur_label, *oei, target(*oei, g)); b_feasible = ref(g, new_label->cumulated_resource_consumption, new_label->p_pred_label->cumulated_resource_consumption, new_label->pred_edge); if (!b_feasible) { vis.on_label_not_feasible(*new_label, g); new_label.reset(); } else { vis.on_label_feasible(*new_label, g); vec_vertex_labels[new_label->resident_vertex].push_back( new_label); unprocessed_labels.push(new_label); } } } else { vis.on_label_dominated(*cur_label, g); cur_label.reset(); } } std::list< Splabel > dsplabels = get(vec_vertex_labels, t); typename std::list< Splabel >::const_iterator csi = dsplabels.begin(); typename std::list< Splabel >::const_iterator csi_end = dsplabels.end(); // if d could be reached from o if (!dsplabels.empty()) { for (; csi != csi_end; ++csi) { std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > cur_pareto_optimal_path; boost::shared_ptr< r_c_shortest_paths_label< Graph, Resource_Container > > p_cur_label = *csi; pareto_optimal_resource_containers.push_back( p_cur_label->cumulated_resource_consumption); while (p_cur_label->num != 0) { cur_pareto_optimal_path.push_back(p_cur_label->pred_edge); p_cur_label = p_cur_label->p_pred_label; // assertion b_is_valid beyond this point is not correct if // the domination function requires resource levels to be // strictly greater than existing values // // Example // Customers // id min_arrival max_departure // 2 0 974 // 3 0 972 // 4 0 964 // 5 678 801 // // Path A: 2-3-4-5 (times: 0-16-49-84-678) // Path B: 3-2-4-5 (times: 0-18-51-62-678) // The partial path 3-2-4 dominates the other partial path // 2-3-4, though the path 3-2-4-5 does not strictly dominate // the path 2-3-4-5 } pareto_optimal_solutions.push_back(cur_pareto_optimal_path); if (!b_all_pareto_optimal_solutions) break; } } BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(i, g, Graph) { std::list< Splabel >& list_labels_cur_vertex = vec_vertex_labels[i]; typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator si = list_labels_cur_vertex.begin(); const typename std::list< Splabel >::iterator si_end = list_labels_cur_vertex.end(); for (; si != si_end; ++si) { (*si).reset(); } } } // r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch } // detail // default_r_c_shortest_paths_visitor struct struct default_r_c_shortest_paths_visitor { template < class Label, class Graph > void on_label_popped(const Label&, const Graph&) { } template < class Label, class Graph > void on_label_feasible(const Label&, const Graph&) { } template < class Label, class Graph > void on_label_not_feasible(const Label&, const Graph&) { } template < class Label, class Graph > void on_label_dominated(const Label&, const Graph&) { } template < class Label, class Graph > void on_label_not_dominated(const Label&, const Graph&) { } template < class Queue, class Graph > bool on_enter_loop(const Queue& queue, const Graph& graph) { return true; } }; // default_r_c_shortest_paths_visitor // default_r_c_shortest_paths_allocator typedef std::allocator< int > default_r_c_shortest_paths_allocator; // default_r_c_shortest_paths_allocator // r_c_shortest_paths functions (handle/interface) // first overload: // - return all pareto-optimal solutions // - specify Label_Allocator and Visitor arguments template < class Graph, class VertexIndexMap, class EdgeIndexMap, class Resource_Container, class Resource_Extension_Function, class Dominance_Function, class Label_Allocator, class Visitor > void r_c_shortest_paths(const Graph& g, const VertexIndexMap& vertex_index_map, const EdgeIndexMap& edge_index_map, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t, // each inner vector corresponds to a pareto-optimal path std::vector< std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > >& pareto_optimal_solutions, std::vector< Resource_Container >& pareto_optimal_resource_containers, // to initialize the first label/resource container // and to carry the type information const Resource_Container& rc, const Resource_Extension_Function& ref, const Dominance_Function& dominance, // to specify the memory management strategy for the labels Label_Allocator la, Visitor vis) { r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch(g, vertex_index_map, edge_index_map, s, t, pareto_optimal_solutions, pareto_optimal_resource_containers, true, rc, ref, dominance, la, vis); } // second overload: // - return only one pareto-optimal solution // - specify Label_Allocator and Visitor arguments template < class Graph, class VertexIndexMap, class EdgeIndexMap, class Resource_Container, class Resource_Extension_Function, class Dominance_Function, class Label_Allocator, class Visitor > void r_c_shortest_paths(const Graph& g, const VertexIndexMap& vertex_index_map, const EdgeIndexMap& edge_index_map, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t, std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor >& pareto_optimal_solution, Resource_Container& pareto_optimal_resource_container, // to initialize the first label/resource container // and to carry the type information const Resource_Container& rc, const Resource_Extension_Function& ref, const Dominance_Function& dominance, // to specify the memory management strategy for the labels Label_Allocator la, Visitor vis) { // each inner vector corresponds to a pareto-optimal path std::vector< std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > > pareto_optimal_solutions; std::vector< Resource_Container > pareto_optimal_resource_containers; r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch(g, vertex_index_map, edge_index_map, s, t, pareto_optimal_solutions, pareto_optimal_resource_containers, false, rc, ref, dominance, la, vis); if (!pareto_optimal_solutions.empty()) { pareto_optimal_solution = pareto_optimal_solutions[0]; pareto_optimal_resource_container = pareto_optimal_resource_containers[0]; } } // third overload: // - return all pareto-optimal solutions // - use default Label_Allocator and Visitor template < class Graph, class VertexIndexMap, class EdgeIndexMap, class Resource_Container, class Resource_Extension_Function, class Dominance_Function > void r_c_shortest_paths(const Graph& g, const VertexIndexMap& vertex_index_map, const EdgeIndexMap& edge_index_map, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t, // each inner vector corresponds to a pareto-optimal path std::vector< std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > >& pareto_optimal_solutions, std::vector< Resource_Container >& pareto_optimal_resource_containers, // to initialize the first label/resource container // and to carry the type information const Resource_Container& rc, const Resource_Extension_Function& ref, const Dominance_Function& dominance) { r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch(g, vertex_index_map, edge_index_map, s, t, pareto_optimal_solutions, pareto_optimal_resource_containers, true, rc, ref, dominance, default_r_c_shortest_paths_allocator(), default_r_c_shortest_paths_visitor()); } // fourth overload: // - return only one pareto-optimal solution // - use default Label_Allocator and Visitor template < class Graph, class VertexIndexMap, class EdgeIndexMap, class Resource_Container, class Resource_Extension_Function, class Dominance_Function > void r_c_shortest_paths(const Graph& g, const VertexIndexMap& vertex_index_map, const EdgeIndexMap& edge_index_map, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor s, typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor t, std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor >& pareto_optimal_solution, Resource_Container& pareto_optimal_resource_container, // to initialize the first label/resource container // and to carry the type information const Resource_Container& rc, const Resource_Extension_Function& ref, const Dominance_Function& dominance) { // each inner vector corresponds to a pareto-optimal path std::vector< std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > > pareto_optimal_solutions; std::vector< Resource_Container > pareto_optimal_resource_containers; r_c_shortest_paths_dispatch(g, vertex_index_map, edge_index_map, s, t, pareto_optimal_solutions, pareto_optimal_resource_containers, false, rc, ref, dominance, default_r_c_shortest_paths_allocator(), default_r_c_shortest_paths_visitor()); if (!pareto_optimal_solutions.empty()) { pareto_optimal_solution = pareto_optimal_solutions[0]; pareto_optimal_resource_container = pareto_optimal_resource_containers[0]; } } // r_c_shortest_paths // check_r_c_path function template < class Graph, class Resource_Container, class Resource_Extension_Function > void check_r_c_path(const Graph& g, const std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor >& ed_vec_path, const Resource_Container& initial_resource_levels, // if true, computed accumulated final resource levels must // be equal to desired_final_resource_levels // if false, computed accumulated final resource levels must // be less than or equal to desired_final_resource_levels bool b_result_must_be_equal_to_desired_final_resource_levels, const Resource_Container& desired_final_resource_levels, Resource_Container& actual_final_resource_levels, const Resource_Extension_Function& ref, bool& b_is_a_path_at_all, bool& b_feasible, bool& b_correctly_extended, typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor& ed_last_extended_arc) { size_t i_size_ed_vec_path = ed_vec_path.size(); std::vector< typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor > buf_path; if (i_size_ed_vec_path == 0) b_feasible = true; else { if (i_size_ed_vec_path == 1 || target(ed_vec_path[0], g) == source(ed_vec_path[1], g)) buf_path = ed_vec_path; else for (size_t i = i_size_ed_vec_path; i > 0; --i) buf_path.push_back(ed_vec_path[i - 1]); for (size_t i = 0; i < i_size_ed_vec_path - 1; ++i) { if (target(buf_path[i], g) != source(buf_path[i + 1], g)) { b_is_a_path_at_all = false; b_feasible = false; b_correctly_extended = false; return; } } } b_is_a_path_at_all = true; b_feasible = true; b_correctly_extended = false; Resource_Container current_resource_levels = initial_resource_levels; actual_final_resource_levels = current_resource_levels; for (size_t i = 0; i < i_size_ed_vec_path; ++i) { ed_last_extended_arc = buf_path[i]; b_feasible = ref(g, actual_final_resource_levels, current_resource_levels, buf_path[i]); current_resource_levels = actual_final_resource_levels; if (!b_feasible) return; } if (b_result_must_be_equal_to_desired_final_resource_levels) b_correctly_extended = actual_final_resource_levels == desired_final_resource_levels ? true : false; else { if (actual_final_resource_levels < desired_final_resource_levels || actual_final_resource_levels == desired_final_resource_levels) b_correctly_extended = true; } } // check_path } // namespace #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_R_C_SHORTEST_PATHS_HPP