// Boost.Geometry // Copyright (c) 2023 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Vissarion Fysikopoulos, on behalf of Oracle // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_SRS_PROJECTIONS_DPAR_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_SRS_PROJECTIONS_DPAR_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace srs { namespace detail { template struct find_type_index_impl : std::integral_constant {}; template < typename T, int I, typename Type, typename ...Types > struct find_type_index_impl : std::conditional_t < std::is_same::value, std::integral_constant, typename find_type_index_impl::type > {}; template struct find_type_index {}; template struct find_type_index, T> : find_type_index_impl {}; template < typename Range, typename ToValue, bool IsRange = range::detail::is_range::value > struct is_convertible_range : std::is_convertible < typename boost::range_value::type, ToValue > {}; template < typename Range, typename ToValue > struct is_convertible_range : std::false_type {}; } // namespace detail namespace dpar { enum value_datum { datum_wgs84 = 0, datum_ggrs87, datum_nad83, datum_nad27, datum_potsdam, datum_carthage, datum_hermannskogel, datum_ire65, datum_nzgd49, datum_osgb36, }; enum value_ellps { ellps_merit = 0, ellps_sgs85, ellps_grs80, ellps_iau76, ellps_airy, ellps_apl4_9, ellps_nwl9d, ellps_mod_airy, ellps_andrae, ellps_aust_sa, ellps_grs67, ellps_bessel, ellps_bess_nam, ellps_clrk66, ellps_clrk80, ellps_clrk80ign, ellps_cpm, ellps_delmbr, ellps_engelis, ellps_evrst30, ellps_evrst48, ellps_evrst56, ellps_evrst69, ellps_evrstss, ellps_fschr60, ellps_fschr60m, ellps_fschr68, ellps_helmert, ellps_hough, ellps_intl, ellps_krass, ellps_kaula, ellps_lerch, ellps_mprts, ellps_new_intl, ellps_plessis, ellps_seasia, ellps_walbeck, ellps_wgs60, ellps_wgs66, ellps_wgs72, ellps_wgs84, ellps_sphere }; enum value_mode { mode_plane = 0, mode_di, mode_dd, mode_hex }; enum value_orient { orient_isea = 0, orient_pole, }; enum value_pm { pm_greenwich = 0, pm_lisbon, pm_paris, pm_bogota, pm_madrid, pm_rome, pm_bern, pm_jakarta, pm_ferro, pm_brussels, pm_stockholm, pm_athens, pm_oslo }; enum value_proj { proj_unknown = 0, proj_aea, proj_leac, proj_aeqd, proj_airy, proj_aitoff, proj_wintri, proj_august, proj_apian, proj_ortel, proj_bacon, proj_bipc, proj_boggs, proj_bonne, proj_cass, proj_cc, proj_cea, proj_chamb, proj_col_urban, proj_collg, proj_crast, proj_denoy, proj_eck1, proj_eck2, proj_eck3, proj_putp1, proj_wag6, proj_kav7, proj_eck4, proj_eck5, proj_eqc, proj_eqdc, proj_etmerc, proj_utm, proj_fahey, proj_fouc_s, proj_gall, proj_geocent, proj_geos, proj_gins8, proj_gn_sinu, proj_sinu, proj_eck6, proj_mbtfps, proj_gnom, proj_goode, proj_gstmerc, proj_hammer, proj_hatano, proj_healpix, proj_rhealpix, proj_igh, proj_imw_p, proj_isea, proj_krovak, proj_labrd, proj_laea, proj_lagrng, proj_larr, proj_lask, proj_lonlat, proj_latlon, proj_latlong, proj_longlat, proj_lcc, proj_lcca, proj_loxim, proj_lsat, proj_mbt_fps, proj_mbtfpp, proj_mbtfpq, proj_merc, proj_mill, proj_mil_os, proj_lee_os, proj_gs48, proj_alsk, proj_gs50, proj_moll, proj_wag4, proj_wag5, proj_natearth, proj_nell, proj_nell_h, proj_nicol, proj_nsper, proj_tpers, proj_nzmg, proj_ob_tran, proj_ocea, proj_oea, proj_omerc, proj_ortho, proj_poly, proj_putp2, proj_putp3, proj_putp3p, proj_putp4p, proj_weren, proj_putp5, proj_putp5p, proj_putp6, proj_putp6p, proj_qsc, proj_robin, proj_rouss, proj_rpoly, proj_euler, proj_murd1, proj_murd2, proj_murd3, proj_pconic, proj_tissot, proj_vitk1, proj_somerc, proj_stere, proj_ups, proj_sterea, proj_kav5, proj_qua_aut, proj_fouc, proj_mbt_s, proj_tcc, proj_tcea, proj_tmerc, proj_tpeqd, proj_urm5, proj_urmfps, proj_wag1, proj_vandg, proj_vandg2, proj_vandg3, proj_vandg4, proj_wag2, proj_wag3, proj_wag7, proj_webmerc, proj_wink1, proj_wink2 }; enum value_sweep { sweep_x = 0, sweep_y }; enum value_units { units_km = 0, units_m, units_dm, units_cm, units_mm, units_kmi, units_in, units_ft, units_yd, units_mi, units_fath, units_ch, units_link, units_us_in, units_us_ft, units_us_yd, units_us_ch, units_us_mi, units_ind_yd, units_ind_ft, units_ind_ch }; enum name_f { a = 0, b, e, es, f, h, h_0, k = 7, k_0, m, // also used for M n, //phdg_0, // currently not used //plat_0, // currently not used //plon_0, // currently not used q = 14, r, // originally R rf, to_meter, vto_meter, w, // originally W x_0, y_0 }; enum name_r { alpha = 22, azi, gamma, lat_0, lat_1, lat_2, lat_3, lat_b, lat_ts, // 30 lon_0, lon_1, lon_2, lon_3, lon_wrap, lonc, o_alpha, o_lat_1, o_lat_2, o_lat_c, // 40 o_lat_p, o_lon_1, o_lon_2, o_lon_c, o_lon_p, r_lat_a, // originally R_lat_a r_lat_g, // originally R_lat_g theta, tilt }; enum name_i { aperture = 50, lsat, north_square, path, resolution, south_square, zone }; enum name_be { czech = 57, geoc, guam, no_cut, // 60 no_defs, no_rot, ns, over, r_au, // originally R_A r_a, // originally R_a r_g, // originally R_g r_h, // originally R_h r_v, // originally R_V rescale, // 70 south, variant_c, // BG specific no_off, hyperbolic }; /*enum name_catalog { catalog = 72 // currently not used }; enum name_date { date = 73 // currently not used };*/ enum name_datum { datum = 74 }; enum name_ellps { ellps = 75 // id, sphere or spheroid }; /*enum name_geoidgrids { geoidgrids = 76 // currently not used };*/ enum name_mode { mode = 77 }; enum name_nadgrids { nadgrids = 78 // arbitrary-length list of strings }; enum name_orient { orient = 79 }; enum name_pm { pm = 80 // id or angle }; enum name_proj { o_proj = 81, proj }; enum name_sweep { sweep = 83 }; enum name_towgs84 { towgs84 = 84 // 3 or 7 element list of numbers }; enum name_units { units = 85, vunits }; enum name_axis { axis = 86 // 3 element list of numbers }; template struct parameter { parameter() : m_id(-1), m_value(false) {} parameter(name_f id, T const& v) : m_id(id), m_value(v) {} // TODO various angle units parameter(name_r id, T const& v) : m_id(id), m_value(v) {} parameter(name_i id, int v) : m_id(id), m_value(v) {} parameter(name_be id) : m_id(id), m_value(true) {} parameter(name_be id, bool v) : m_id(id), m_value(v) {} parameter(name_datum id, value_datum v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(value_datum v) : m_id(datum), m_value(int(v)) {} // TODO: store model at this point? parameter(name_ellps id, value_ellps v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} // TODO: store model at this point? parameter(value_ellps v) : m_id(ellps), m_value(int(v)) {} template < typename Sphere, std::enable_if_t < std::is_same::type, srs_sphere_tag>::value, int > = 0 > parameter(name_ellps id, Sphere const& v) : m_id(id) , m_value(T(get_radius<0>(v))) {} template < typename Spheroid, std::enable_if_t < std::is_same::type, srs_spheroid_tag>::value, int > = 0 > parameter(name_ellps id, Spheroid const& v) : m_id(id) , m_value(srs::spheroid(get_radius<0>(v), get_radius<2>(v))) {} parameter(name_mode id, value_mode v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(value_mode v) : m_id(mode), m_value(int(v)) {} template < typename Range, std::enable_if_t < detail::is_convertible_range::value, int > = 0 > parameter(name_nadgrids id, Range const& v) : m_id(id) , m_value(srs::detail::nadgrids(boost::begin(v), boost::end(v))) {} parameter(name_nadgrids id, std::initializer_list v) : m_id(id) , m_value(srs::detail::nadgrids(v)) {} parameter(name_orient id, value_orient v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(value_orient v) : m_id(orient), m_value(int(v)) {} // TODO: store to_meters at this point? parameter(name_pm id, value_pm v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} // TODO: store to_meters at this point? parameter(value_pm v) : m_id(pm), m_value(int(v)) {} // TODO angle units parameter(name_pm id, T const& v) : m_id(id), m_value(v) {} parameter(name_proj id, value_proj v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(value_proj v) : m_id(proj), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(name_sweep id, value_sweep v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(value_sweep v) : m_id(sweep), m_value(int(v)) {} template < typename Range, std::enable_if_t < detail::is_convertible_range::value, int > = 0 > parameter(name_towgs84 id, Range const& v) : m_id(id) , m_value(srs::detail::towgs84(boost::begin(v), boost::end(v))) { std::size_t n = boost::size(v); if (n != 3 && n != 7) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception("Invalid number of towgs84 elements. Should be 3 or 7.") ); } } parameter(name_towgs84 id, std::initializer_list v) : m_id(id) , m_value(srs::detail::towgs84(v)) { std::size_t n = v.size(); if (n != 3 && n != 7) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception("Invalid number of towgs84 elements. Should be 3 or 7.") ); } } parameter(name_axis id, std::initializer_list v) : m_id(id) , m_value(srs::detail::axis(v)) { std::size_t n = v.size(); if (n != 3) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception("Invalid number of axis elements. Should be 3.") ); } } parameter(name_units id, value_units v) : m_id(id), m_value(int(v)) {} parameter(value_units v) : m_id(units), m_value(int(v)) {} private: typedef boost::variant < bool, int, T, srs::spheroid, srs::detail::nadgrids, srs::detail::towgs84 > variant_type; public: bool is_id_equal(name_f const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_r const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_i const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_be const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_datum const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_ellps const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_mode const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_nadgrids const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_orient const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_pm const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_proj const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_sweep const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_towgs84 const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_units const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } bool is_id_equal(name_axis const& id) const { return m_id == int(id); } template V const& get_value() const { return boost::get(m_value); } template bool is_value_set() const { return m_value.which() == srs::detail::find_type_index::value; } private: int m_id; variant_type m_value; }; template class parameters { typedef std::vector > container_type; public: typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type; typedef typename container_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename container_type::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type; BOOST_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION(parameters(), {}) template explicit parameters(Id id) { add(id); } template parameters & add(Id id) { m_params.emplace_back(id); return *this; } template parameters & operator()(Id id) { return add(id); } template parameters(Id id, V && value) { add(id, std::forward(value)); } template parameters & add(Id id, V && value) { m_params.emplace_back(id, std::forward(value)); return *this; } template parameters & operator()(Id id, V && value) { return add(id, std::forward(value)); } template parameters(Id id, std::initializer_list value) { add(id, value); } template parameters & add(Id id, std::initializer_list value) { m_params.emplace_back(id, value); return *this; } template parameters & operator()(Id id, std::initializer_list value) { return add(id, value); } const_iterator begin() const { return m_params.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return m_params.end(); } const_reference operator[](size_type i) const { return m_params[i]; } size_type size() { return m_params.size(); } bool empty() { return m_params.empty(); } private: container_type m_params; }; } // namespace dpar }}} // namespace boost::geometry::srs #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_SRS_PROJECTIONS_DPAR_HPP